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Thread: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1 [UPDATE - 13/12/2020]

  1. #1
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1 [UPDATE - 13/12/2020]

    Welcome fellow MELF's (Middle-Earth Liberation Forces?) to my very first AAR.

    Welcome to the tale of Aragorn and his quest to become King of both Arnor and Gondor.
    This is a tale set in an alternate universe (Divide and Conquer V2.1) in Middle-Earth. A kinda What if? scenario. (Cause that is the beauty of a total war game)
    For instance Aragorn and Arwen are already married and their son Eldarion is already born.

    The story is constructed around a game that I am currently playing with all its quirks and troubles.

    Underneath you will find links to all the different chapters in the story. The story itself shall be made up of three books. So buckle up for a long AAR.

    Book I: Auth Fervain - Chapters

    Book II: Dagor Edain - Chapters

    I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have making it.
    So grab a hot beverage or some beer and enjoy the tale that is:

    To earn a Kingdom.
    Last edited by Turkafinwë; December 13, 2020 at 07:37 AM. Reason: Added Chapter XXXI

  2. #2
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Book I, Chapter I: A new beginning
    2980 TA: At the Great Council of Rangers near the village of Ost Sûl

    Thank you all for joining me in this council. I have summoned you here to discuss our future. The days have grown dark and I feel a great burden weighing on me. To the north the orcs of Angmar have been multiplying and it is said they are led by a Númenórian sorcerer. This can only mean that Sauron has sent a servant of his to control the orcs of the North, in the hopes that he will crush the last remnants of the Dúnedain kingdom of the North. Us. Across the Gwathló river, the wildmen of Dunland have grown bold and march north towards Tharbad. It is rumored they have already taken the eastern side and are preparing to cross the river. Should they come into Eriador proper it could mean destruction for all, for the Dunlendings are a numerous and warlike folk and we do not have the forces to defend both north and south. Because of this I have made a decision. We shall sent almost all our force to the north and deal with this "Númenórean sorcerer" first. I have already sent Brathor to relieve Halbarad from his post at Sarn Ford and have sent him north instead. Together with Hirvegil, they will secure old Fornost and Annúminas as frontier posts. Should Angmar come south we will get some warning. For now we must hold them until we are ready to strike back.

    Araphor, I command you to strengthen our hold on the Weather Hills. If they should come for Ost Sûl, you should abandon it and defend at Amon Sûl instead. This is a better defendable location as well as Angmar will want this strategic fortress for their invasion of Eriador. Recruit as many abled warriors as you can, for I fear we will need them in not so long a time from now.

    For myself, I will leave immediatly for Bree as I have received a message from Gandalf the Grey to meet him in the Prancing Pony. He hints that he might have an explanation for this sudden rise of Evil in Middle-Earth and I fear the worst. Still we are the Dúnedain of the North, the line of Isildur and Elendil the Tall, and we will endure.

    For now that is all we can do. We will meet again when I have returned from Bree and have learned all I can from the wizard.
    Stay vigilant mellyn nîn, dark times are ahead.

    ~Chieftain Aragorn
    Last edited by Turkafinwë; March 18, 2020 at 05:54 AM. Reason: Change of Layout

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    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Book I, Chapter II: Man from the North
    2981 TA: Deadman's Dike

    My Lord Chieftain,
    I have taken Deadman's Dike, Fornost of old, as you requested. Here we have made camp and started recruitment from the small Dúnedain groups that inhabit this region. The men have started calling me the "Conqueror of Fornost Erain" although, in my opinion, I don't deserve such a grand title. It's hardly an achievement to conquer a broken fortress from some orcs, yet if it keeps the men's morale high I will pay it no heed.
    No sign of Angmarim forces however. Yet I have found some information about this "sorcerer" that's rumored to lead the Angmarim. His name is Agandaûr, which strengthens his claim to be a Black Númenórian. It is also said that a chieftain of Rhudaur has joined forces with this "Agandaûr". This all is speculation still but we will stay vigilant, as always.

    On another note, last I heard Hirvegil was trying to resettle Annúminas but was stopped. Annúminas was not abandoned as we had hoped. A band of deserters, bandits and mercenaries have taken control of our ancient capital. Still I have every confidence that Hirvegil will succeed in his endeavor.

    I hope your meeting with the Grey Wizard went well and soon we might all know the source of this Evil.

    Your faithful servant,
    Halbarad of the North
    Last edited by Turkafinwë; March 18, 2020 at 05:53 AM. Reason: Change of Layout

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    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Book I, Chapter III: Andúril, Flame of the West
    2984 TA: Imladris

    Many things had happened since Aragorn left for Bree in the year 2980. The absence of Gandalf was as distressing as was his mission. Find a creature called Gollum who might have something of importance, in Rhudaur. The hills of Rhudaur are not a kind place and are inhabited by hostile wildmen. To reach the hills of Rhudaur, Aragorn had to traverse the Trollshaws. There he was ambushed by hill-trolls just like his grandfather was a mere 54 years ago. This delayed his quest considerably. This was probably the reason why Gollum was nowhere to be found. Traces were found that he used to be in the area. With this information Aragorn immediatly went back to Bree to report his findings. With that done it was time to reforge Narsil into the mighty sword Andúril.

    "It is time I claim my birthright." said Aragorn. "It is time I claim my place in the world as the King of Arnor and Gondor."
    "Then what would you ask of me?" asked Elrond.
    "Only the Elves have the power and skill to reforge Narsil." stated Aragorn.
    "Then you have decided to no longer lurk in the shadows, and challenge Sauron in the open." said Elrond.
    "Yes, it is time that Sauron feared the Dúnedain once more." said Aragorn with fire in his eyes. "It is time his reign of terror ends." Aragorn whispered.
    After a while Elrond spoke, "Then the sword will be reforged and bring back hope to the Free Peoples once again. This will be the contribution of the Elves in this matter."

    The sword was forged and shone as if imbued with a bright flame.
    "Sauron will know what this sword means to the Free Peoples, and will redouble his effort to crush our defences all the more quickly when he finds out it is reforged." Elrond warned. "Once used in battle there is no going back. The orcs will have remembered this sword and news will spread quickly of it's return."
    "Now go Estel, I have given you all the means to achieve victory. Bring hope to the people and deliver us from the Evil that infests our land."
    After saying these words, Elrond turned around and walked back in his house, secretly proud of his foster-son although he would never say it.

    Burdened with the fate of Middle-Earth on his shoulders, Aragorn set out again to Amon Sûl to convene with his fellow rangers one last time before beginning his long journey from which he might never return.
    Last edited by Turkafinwë; March 18, 2020 at 05:53 AM. Reason: Change of Layout/minor changes: fixing spelling mistakes

  5. #5
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Book I, Chapter IV: Amon Sûl
    2985 TA: At the siege of Amon Sûl

    "It is as Aragorn has forseen, the Agmarim totally ignored the fortress of Fornost and came straight for us. What would we be without the forsightness of our Chieftain." marvelled Araphor while looking down on the orc encampment.
    "Araphor!" one of the rangers cried. "It seems the Orcs are marshalling for an attack."
    "Good, I was beginning to get bored up here." Araphor moaned picking up his sword. "Let's get this over with shall we, the sooner we finish them off, the sooner we'll be back home in front of a warm hearth with an ale in one hand and a woman in the other." he grinned. Some of the men laughed, indeed wishing to be back home where it was warm, instead of being on top of this cold hill.
    "There will be no returning to our village if the Orcs burned it to the ground." someone grumbled.
    Araphor said not to worry. "All the reports I've had say that the Orcs left our town alone and went straight after us. So it's not loot they're after and THAT is what worries me." Araphor went silent for a while then spoke again. "It can only mean that these Orcs are a expeditionary force sent to test our defences. And that means our enemy is ready for a grand invasion of Eriador."
    All laughing ceased and instead the men looked at their commander in silence.
    Araphor broke it with a laugh. "But let's not worry about that just yet. We have some Orc scum in our way." pointing at the charging Orcs.
    Araphor became serious and explained the battleplan. "The Wardens will hold the slope leading to the top of the hill while the archers rain fire upon the Orcish ranks. My retinue and I will deal with the Orc commander." he said. "Once their commander is dead the Wardens and everyone who's arrows are spent will charge down and kill the enemy to the last." Araphor shouted, his voice rising with each word. He spoke with such an anger none of his men were used to. They all knew him for a calm and cheerful man.
    "Any questions?" He asked, appearing his calm self again. 'No? Good. Everyone take your positions, it seems our foe has made the foolish decision to enter the range of our bows. The man who can outshoot me will get a whole casket of ale from me." The men cheered and readied themselves for battle.

    The battle went as Araphor said it would. Once the Orc commander, Dhârg, was dead, the Orcs wavererd and under the pressure of the charging Dúnedain they broke and fled.

    "See how easy the forces of Evil flee before us." Araphor cried while pointing at the fleeing Orcs. He laughed and was content for the battle had not inflicted many casualties among the Dúnedain. Looking around for his friends he saw that Malvegil had died from a stray arrow. He crouched beside his friend and spoke a couple words promising they would see each other once again. Saddened to see his long time friend dead he rose and turned to his remaining men. "Let us bury our dead and return to Ost Sûl." he said "We will march in two collumns with the women and children in the middle. We don't know if there are any Orcs still roaming around looking for a swift kill." He had just seen how much pain one stray arrow could bring and he would take no risk. The march went smooth and without incident.
    His men couldn't wait to celebrate this wondrous victory but all Araphor could think of was how he was going to tell Malvegil's wife of her husband's death.

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    Last edited by Turkafinwë; March 18, 2020 at 05:53 AM. Reason: Change of Layout/minor changes: fixing spelling mistakes

  6. #6
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Book I, Chapter V: A Great Gathering
    2986 TA: The Council of Ost Sûl

    The festivities after the Battle of Amon Sûl had not been over for long when Aragorn arrived at Ost Sûl. Although weary from his journey, he still took time to congratulate the men on their tremendous victory. From there he immediatly dispatched letters to all of his commanders, bidding them to come to Ost Sûl for a great gathering that would later be called the Council of Ost Sûl. From the North came Hirvegil and Halbarad, who had freed Annúminas from the bandits and conquered Fornost respectively. From the south came an old man clad in grey. It was Gandalf and he came with tidings good and bad, as he had always done. Araphor was already present as the guardian of the Weather Hills. With all these great captains present the meeting could officially begin.

    It was Gandalf, rather than Aragorn that opened the meeting.

    "Gentlemen" Gandalf's voice boomed "we are gathered here to discuss the state of Middle-Earth. I have just come from Isengard and must report that Saruman has betrayed us. He has attacked the Kingdom of Rohan and has already taken the Westfold. Also the Dark Lord Sauron has called for an invasion of the north of Rhovanion. Even as we speak legions of Orcs march towards Dale."
    "Yet not all tidings that I bear are of evil. In the far east my cousins, the Blue Wizards, have pursuaded the Variag Khan to join the Free Peoples." Gandalf smiled. "Now Sauron will have to contend with an enemy to his east. This will relieve Gondor to some extent but I fear it will not save them in the long term." Gandalf said gravely.

    "That is where you come in my friend." Gandalf said, looking at Aragorn. "You will travel to the place called the Dwimorberg. You will know what to do there." Everyone gasped at the mention of the Dwimorberg. "I trust you have a company to accompany you? I trust that they know of the dangers ahead?" Gandalf asked.
    "I have" said Aragorn "and they will not be dissuaded."
    "Very well." Gandalf sighed and went silent. To Aragorn he looked much older than a couple of minutes ago.
    It was Halbarad who broke the silence. "When will you leave for this suicide mission." he said with tears in his eyes. "There must be another way." he whispered.
    "There is no other way." Aragorn said sternly. "I have to walk this path to deliver Gondor. If we do not save the Southern Kingdom, it won't matter if we win the North. Sauron is the main threat, Agandaûr just his mere puppet." Everyone looked at their leader and knew his mind was set. Not even death would sent him from this path. And then there was silence.

    After a while Araphor asked, in a calm but strained voice "Then what would you have us do in your absence?" He, like all the other captains, didn't like the prospect of their leader dying in a foreign land for a mission they deemed doomed to fail. Yet they all had enough sense of duty and obedience that they would not go against his wishes.

    "I have orders for each of you." Aragorn said taking four scrolls. He handed one to each of his commanders and one to Gandalf. All the Rangers were surpised by this, for they found it strange that a mere Man gave orders to a Wizard. But Gandalf was not surprised, for he and Aragorn had spoken already and had reached an agreement. Gandalf was to go south into the old lands of Cardolan, and persuade the free states there to join in the fight with the Dúnedain against the Evil nations. He was also charged with the care of Eldarion, Aragorn's young son. Although still very young, only eight years old, he was known as a bright boy with a great sense of duty. He loved to learn new things and grew quickly. Under the guidance of Gandalf he would surely become a man who's deeds will be sung for centuries to come.

    "These scrolls contain your orders in full, but I will explain the general sense of them here and now. This way everyone knows what everyone is doing, because we all will have to work together if we are to overcome the Evil spreading from Angmar." Aragorn looked at each of his commanders. "I trust that you will carry these out in your own good judgement."

    "We'll start with you Araphor. You will stay here at Ost Sûl and start gathering a large force to support both Halbarad and Hirvegil in the north and west. However do not let your own forces dwindle too much, as Angmar will keep sending its troops this way, as we have witnessed recently." Araphor nodded.
    "The Orcs won't get past us." Araphor said with tears in his eyes but fire in his heart. The death of his friend had awakened a fury in him that was unlike anything he had ever felt before. He had hated the Orcs, as much as anyone else, but this was something on an entire new level and it threatened to consume him.

    Turning away from his angry friend he continued. "Halbarad, you will return to Fornost at once and start gathering forces there. Araphor will send you reinforcements from here and the Angle. When the time is right, you will strike north towards Carn Dûm but for the time being you will stay on the defensive. I will trust your judgement regarding the defence of Fornost and the Northern Downs. If you deem it right to leave Fornost then you must do so but know this, The Shire and the Bree-land must be protected at all times. How you will achieve this, you must choose for yourself."

    "Then finally we come to you Hirvegil." Aragorn said. "Your first objective is to take control of the castle of Barketta. This will put Annúminas further away from the frontline and protect the people who have settled there. I will also give you the command of all our western forces to reclaim the lost territories of Arthedain to the west of lake Evendim. This will put you into contact with the Elves of Lindon and the Dwarves of Ered Luin. Try to make treaties with them and ask them for aid against Angmar. When you have achieved this, you will join forces with Halbarad in the campaign to take on Angmar. Hopefully we will be ready when I've returned."

    "Lastly I would ask of all of you to establish a spy network in the regions under Angmar's control. We must know of our enemies' movements before we can hope to strike back."
    All nodded in agreement.

    "Then there is nothing for me to do but to say goodbye. We will see each other again, although it might be a long time from now." Aragorn turned to his son, who had been present for the entire meeting. He looked in his son's grey eyes and saw not a glint of sadness, just determination. Aragorn smiled " Son, I will not see you for many a year and I want you to be strong. I leave you in the care of Gandalf. Learn everything you can from him and you will become even greater a man than I." Eldarion nodded with a stern expression. Aragorn quickly embraced his son, then rose. Everyone stood silent and watched their commander and leader and they feared it would be the last time.

    Aragorn spoke, "You all know what is expected of you. Middle-Earth's fate rests in our hands. So best get to it. That's what I intend to do."
    And with that he walked outside, mounted his horse and rode south, to meet his destiny.
    Last edited by Turkafinwë; March 18, 2020 at 05:51 AM. Reason: Change of Layout/minor changes/fixing spelling mistakes

  7. #7
    Darkan's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Welcome and good job! This will be an interesting story, what with the multiple fronts against Angmar and with Aragorn leaving. I look forward to reading more. Will we travel with Aragon or will we stay behind and witness his captains' battles?
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    Axis Sunsoar's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    I'm glad you've decided to share this campaign with us! You're writing is very engaging and I look forward to seeing how you deal with the challenges the Northern Dunedain campaign poses. From my experience it can be quite difficult! Keep up the great writing and I hope you enjoy your campaign!

  9. #9
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkan View Post
    Welcome and good job! This will be an interesting story, what with the multiple fronts against Angmar and with Aragorn leaving. I look forward to reading more. Will we travel with Aragon or will we stay behind and witness his captains' battles?
    Quote Originally Posted by Axis Sunsoar View Post
    I'm glad you've decided to share this campaign with us! You're writing is very engaging and I look forward to seeing how you deal with the challenges the Northern Dunedain campaign poses. From my experience it can be quite difficult! Keep up the great writing and I hope you enjoy your campaign!
    Darkan and Axis Sunsoar,
    Thanks to both of you for your kind words.
    It has been quite a challenging campaign thus far but that makes it all the more fun to write about.
    And to answer your question Darkan, I suggest you will just have to keep following the story and find out for yourself. (a bit of surprise is essential for a tale, in my opinion )
    Not to worry however for I intend to post regularly and you will find out soon enough.

  10. #10
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Welcome Turkafinwë!

    The days have grown dark and I feel a great burden weighing on me. To the north the orcs of Angmar have been multiplying and it is said they are led by a Númenórian sorcerer. This can only mean that Sauron has sent a servant of his to control the orcs of the North, in the hopes that he will crush the last remnants of the Dúnedain kingdom of the North.
    I really like the way that you set the scene and use the Middle-earth setting. I notice that you include screenshots which we can click on to make them larger. I wonder if you'd like to use the albums feature of TWC to post larger versions as part of your updates? There are basic instructions here, if you'd like to try that. I hope that you'll tell us more of the adventures of Halbarad, Araphor as well as the famous Middle-earth characters mentioned here too.

  11. #11
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    I notice that you include screenshots which we can click on to make them larger. I wonder if you'd like to use the albums feature of TWC to post larger versions as part of your updates? There are basic instructions here, if you'd like to try that.
    First I want to thank you for your support.
    Secondly I want to thank you for introducing me to this album feature. It is really useful and otherwise I might never have found it
    As for the adventures of Halbarad and Araphor I can say nothing.
    But you will, hopefully, know soon enough.

  12. #12
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Book I, Chapter VI: Lessons learned
    2988 TA: Somewhere in Eryn Vorn

    Eldarion had seen many things over the last couple of years in the company of Gandalf the Grey. They had travelled across the lands that were once called Cardolan for a while now. They had been met with some fierce resistance at first but slowly the people were turning towards the Dúnedain leanings. By the end of the year 2988, a mere two years after the departure of his father, the regions of the Lone-lands and Faerdor had joined the Dúnedain against Angmar. This was, as Eldarion justly thought, because of the loose groups of Dúnedain who were still roaming in those regions. Also the populace living in the cities was of mixed descent, namely a mix of Númenórean and Northmen. It was further south and west where troubles arose.

    In the south due to the mass migration of Wildmen from Dunland to the north. These were hostile towards the Dúnedain and least not against Gandalf himself. Even now the Dunlendings had put a military force in the old city of Tharbad. Here words would be to no avail, Eldarion knew, and a solution had to be found quickly. Especially Gandalf's words, as the Dunlendings had allied themselves to Saruman, who was rumored to be in the north of Rhovanion to participate in the so called 'invasion of Dale'. Some said it was to prove his loyalty to Sauron, but Gandalf knew better. "He went there personally because he does not want Sauron to have a strong base in the north." Gandalf said to Eldarion. "Sauron already has Dol Guldur and if Saruman ever hopes to replace Sauron, then he will need all the help he can get." Eldarion was a bit surprised as it seemed Gandalf still had some pity for Saruman, even after his betrayal.

    To the west, several towns had sworn allegiance to a Wildmen stronghold south of the Gwathló. They called it 'Alcfud'. These 'Enedwaithians', as they called themselves, had found a confederation of clans stretching from the forest of Eryn Vorn in the north all the way to Andrast in the south, west of Gondor. They hated the Orcs as much as anyone, however, they did not like the Dúnedain either and were not inclined to help them. They wished to stay neutral in this great conflict and only thought for themselves. "Fools!" Gandalf called them. For they would not see that without the Dúnedain and its allies, their lives would have already been over, their forests burnt and their rivers run dry. Yet fuming with anger at their folly, Gandalf never forced anyone into this alliance, even if it was in their best of interests.

    Eldarion found this very interesting and asked many questions. "Why will they not see that we have their best interests at heart? Why do we not just force them into doing our bidding?" he asked. On which Gandalf replied. "The clans of these regions have always been suspicious of outsiders and have a long history of hate towards the Dúnedain. I trust you know the history of Númenor and the felling of the woods in Enedwaith and Minhiriath?"Eldarion nodded, looking a bit ashamed of himself. "Don't take it personally my boy, it happened many centuries ago and it has nothing to do with who the Dúnedain are now today." Gandalf said with a smile. "Do not let the actions of your forebearers make you feel ashamed, for you have nothing to do with them." Eldarion looked at Gandalf with a furrowed brow and spoke. "But don't we all look back to our forebearers with pride at their achievements. If I have nothing to do with their failures, surely I won't have anything to do with their successes?" "This is also true boy, yet we must not distance ourselves too much from it." Gandalf explained. "For we must learn from our ancestors' mistakes and also from their triumphs. It is true that you are not destined to become something just because you are descended from someone." Gandalf went still for a moment before he continued. "For instance take a look at your father." he said. "Is he not Isildur's Heir? Must he therefore, and in extension you, have the same weakness that Isildur himself possessed? Some people believe that to be true, but I do not. Isildur was a fine man in every aspect, except that he could not resist the power of the Ring." Eldarion frowned at what he perceived as an insult to his ancestor. "Don't get me wrong Isildur never wanted to use the ring to rule the world or use it for any other evil intention. In fact, it were his good intentions that withheld him from destorying the Ring. He saw the potential to remedy the hurts that had been caused by the War of the Last Alliance. You must not forget, he had just lost his brother and father." Gandalf sighed and stared blankly in the distance for a moment, as if lost in thoughts of times long gone.

    With a shake of his head he continued in his booming voice. "To return to your question about forcing people into something for their own good. Saruman has the same philosophy. He would have us, the Wise ones, rule the world. How would you feel when you knew that someone high above you decided for you what you should do? Even if it was for your own good? Would you like that?" "No" Eldarion said reluctantly "but it would only be for a little while, until Sauron is defeated. After that, they can do whatever they please even if it is cower in their forests." "It's not that simply my dear boy," Gandalf added "although it infuriates me that they do not heed my warnings, there is nothing we can do about it." "We could lead them to so much more than their simple fishermen lives." Eldarion blurted in anger. "They are but ants compared to us" "Be that as it may, if they do not want to change then so be it. It is true that the Dúnedain exceed the Wildmen in almost every aspect, but that does not give you the right to decide how they should live their lives." Gandalf said with a rising temper. The tone in his voice implied that the discussion was over.

    "Pack your stuff, we are moving tonight." Gandalf said lighting his pipe. As if nothing had happenend Eldarion's face lighted up."Where are we going this time?" he asked eagerly. "We go east" Gandalf said, looking at his protégé from under his heavy eyebrows "back to your homeland. We must make preparations for the inevitable strife against the Dunlendings."

    With his pipe lit, they both readied themselves for the long journey through the dark, back to the Angle.
    Last edited by Turkafinwë; March 18, 2020 at 06:03 AM. Reason: Change of Layout/minor changes/fixing spelling mistakes

  13. #13
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Good update! I wonder how tough an opponent the Dunlendings will be and whether Eldarion will listen to Gandalf's warning.

    My only concern is that readers might struggle to keep up with several updates in a week. (In my Venice AAR, The Lion and the Eagle, when I posted multiple updates in a week, the number of views seemed to rise more slowly.) Of course, it's up to you - there is nothing wrong with posting several updates a week if you're enjoying the writing! (Posting updates less often also allows more time for editing. You might want to your use paragraphs more, so that each sentence doesn't start on a new line unless it's a line of dialogue - as before, it's up to you.)

  14. #14
    NorseThing's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    I also welcome Turkafinwë!

    I will be subscribing and look forward to more updates. I am a bit of an unruly outcast also learning the ropes of an AAR and the writing that works best for the readers. I did like the multiple post for the differing turns since they were posted more or less together and short enough to be a combined single read. Like Alwyn, I will be interested in how this style works out for you. I also liked the attachment for the battle results coupled with a mostly narrative AAR.

  15. #15
    Darkan's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    And so the prince's leassons start. it's nice to see Eldarion's innocence, or naivity rather, in his conversation with Gandalf. Good update!
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  16. #16
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Good update! I wonder how tough an opponent the Dunlendings will be and whether Eldarion will listen to Gandalf's warning.

    My only concern is that readers might struggle to keep up with several updates in a week. (In my Venice AAR, The Lion and the Eagle, when I posted multiple updates in a week, the number of views seemed to rise more slowly.) Of course, it's up to you - there is nothing wrong with posting several updates a week if you're enjoying the writing! (Posting updates less often also allows more time for editing. You might want to your use paragraphs more, so that each sentence doesn't start on a new line unless it's a line of dialogue - as before, it's up to you.)
    I will take all these things into consideration for my future writing. I appreciate all advice as I'm fairly new at writing and I would like to improve at all times.

    Furthermore I would like to thank everyone who has posted on this thread. It really encourages me to keep writing all this stuff.

  17. #17
    Darkan's Avatar Senator
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    One thing to keep in mind. Even if you only post once per week, that doesn't mean you should stop writing. It's even better to write when you can, that way you have material to post here even if real life doesn't allow you to write as fast. Another great writing exercise would be the Tale of the Week, see a link in my signature. Roughly every two weeks there's a new theme. Keep up the good work regardless!
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    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Book I, Chapter VII: A Hero's Quest
    2991 TA: Dimholt Road

    "I don't like this place."said Aldárion, one of Aragorn's companions.

    "Nobody likes this place, that is why the Rohirrim have delayed us at every move to come to this place." Aragorn said looking especially grim. "But there is nothing for it, we must go inside and awake whatever lies within. I'm not even sure what we will find once inside. Maybe we will find nothing.” He did not believe this, for he felt a great unease coming over him when looking at the entrance. Also the tales of the Rohirrim and Gandalf's confidence that he should come here were enough to convince him that something was awaiting his arrival. The men shivered as a cruel wind blew through the pass.

    "We will leave the horses here. They wouldn't follow us in the tunnel anyway, not even if Sauron himself were after them." Aragorn stated while dismounting.

    "Sir" Turlin asked, his voice quaking "shouldn't someone stay behind, to guard the horses. Or to act as a messenger if anything should go awry." he added quickly knowing his first argument wasn't a very strong one. Aragorn had already decided to leave some guards outside the mountain, indeed to act as messengers should they all die inside. He saw that several of his companions had lost their courage when they saw the entrance into the mountain. It was covered with skulls, and on it was written: 'The way is shut, it was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, the way is shut'. Aragorn decided to leave five men behind who were too anxious to enter the mountain. Fearing that it would spread among the rest he rather left them outside than that they entered with them. Aragorn said to those five: "If we do not in 5 days, ride back to Eriador and warn Gandalf and Elrond of what happened here. You are to follow Gandalf until my son Eldarion comes of age." With that he turned and faced the entrance. Aragorn knew that he, and he alone should go inside, yet his men would never allow such a thing to happen, falsely thinking they could help him against the force that awaited them inside. Thus Aragorn and 35 companions entered the Paths of the Dead.

    It had been four days since Aragorn and his companions had entered the Paths of the Dead. They were all on edge as they couldn't find any rest under this accursed mountain. Turlin suffered greatly under this and was on the verge of a panic attack. The men knew that if Aragorn didn't return soon, they would have a big problem, not only with Turlin, but also with the world. If Aragorn should die the world would be a worser place. Not only would they lose their leader but also the reforged sword of Narsil as well as the ring of Barahir, all powerful artifacts in their own way. Middle-Earth would not fare well without Isildur's Heir. The sun set on the fourth day and the men anxiously awaited the coming of the fifth and final day.

    It was on the third day that Aragorn found something that resembled an ancient city. It was eerily silent and everyone felt like death was approaching. Cold it was, a bitter cold that sapped all the strength out of a man. Aragorn stood straight and seemed to wait for something. Still the silence reigned. Suddenly someone cried that he had seen something. He described it as a green shimmering of a man. Then they appeared from everywhere, surrounding the Dúnedain. Cries echoed in the mountain hall but not from Aragorn for he was transfixed by a 'ghost' sitting on a throne. He wore, what used to be, fancy robes and a crown. He must be their leader, Aragorn thought. Aragorn addressed him.

    “Are you the Men of the Mountains?”Aragorn cried, his voice echoing.
    “Yes we art they. What art thy looking for hither, where no living soul cometh?” the King spoke in a eerie, hissing voice.
    “The redeeming of an oath made long ago! An oath never repayed!” Aragorn said.
    “Why dost thou think that thou art the person who can deliver us. Dost thou have proof of thy lineage?” the King spat at Aragorn.Aragorn drew his sword and spoke
    “This is Andúril, the Flame of the West, forged from the shards of Narsil,the blade of Elendil the Tall. And look here, do I not wear the ring of Barahir, an heirloom of my House in ages past when Númenor was still afloat? Does this satisfy you?”
    “It proves nothing.” the King retorted “Thou art maybe the person thou claimeth to be. There is, however, only one way to find out. If thou can defeat me in battle, then thou art Isildur's Heir and we will follow thou until thy redeemeth us of our oath. If thou cannot defeat me, thou and thy companions shall perish. What say you 'Isildur's Heir'?”
    “How can I defeat you, I a mere mortal against an Undead?” Aragorn yelled.
    “If thou really art Isildur's Heir, thou shalt find a way to defeat me.” the King replied.
    “Then I accept your challenge 'King'.” Aragorn made himself ready. This is what he had come for.
    It was time to throw the dice.

    The King rose from his throne and moved towards a fighting circle that had opened in the middle of what once was a plaza. The Dead and living stood around this circle, the one immobile as if nothing was happening, the other anxiously awaiting the outcome of the battle. When both combatants had entered the circle, the King spoke.

    “Art thou ready?” he asked.

    “Yes.” Aragorn said, his mouth dry.

    Aragorn had not finished his answer before the King attacked. It was hard to keep track of the pale King's movements and a couple of times, by sheer luck and instinct, did Aragorn dodge the King's attacks. There was a moment when Aragorn came close to a mortal hit. The King's sword had just missed Aragorn's neck. It was then that Aragorn saw a flaw in the King's defences. He jabbed his sword through this hole right into the torso of the King. With a flash the King vanished. Everyone was blinded for a moment and when they regained their eyesight the King was sitting again on his throne. From this he rose and knelt before Aragorn.

    “Thou hast beaten me. Thou really art Isildur's Heir. Now we will follow thou and do thy bidding until thou release us from this Undead state.”

    The Dúnedain sighed in relief when they realised they had survived the Paths of the Dead. Aragorn walked over to the King and bidded him to rise.

    “Good, I have a job for you and your men.” Aragorn said with a smile on his face. He had survived and now with an army of undead he would deliver Gondor from it's doom.
    Last edited by Turkafinwë; March 18, 2020 at 06:10 AM. Reason: Change of Layout/minor changes/fixing spelling mistakes

  19. #19
    Darkan's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: To earn a Kingdom: A Northern Dúnedain Narrative - Divide and Conquer V2.1

    Onwards, dead men. Fear not Death, as its sweet embrace delivers you from suffering. Onwards! *tam tam da daaa*
    [DLV 6.2 AAR] - The Danish House of Hen - updated 20/08/18 - on hold
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    NorseThing's Avatar Primicerius
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    I was reading too much of Shakespeare last evening trying to write a sonnet. This was a nice break with the 'art thou's'

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