A small snippet of what I might try with these Warhammer AArs. Not perfect. Not great. But an experiment.

Teclis observed the great volcano that stretched to his home island. A bridge connected them and yet he had never felt so lonely in his life. While a loremaster of the magic arts, his reputation was renowned and wide-spread. The only problem was that Mazdamundi did not often see eye to eye. Moving back into the crackling of fire that spread warmth in his cabin atop the high castle, he decided to wait and inspect a letter by sitting down on his imported Tilean . The letter was dark, almost made out of paper. From Nekharia. Teclis had known a man named Settra once. They had been the best of friends before he had to leave him to the other world. The realms of Chaos were building their power and the Dwarves and the Empire were being foolish not to unite with them. Teclis would make sure that Malakith and his kin would not take over Ulthan and the nine realms. But the letter contained a code, a code which he once would have been able to read. But now age was taking a curse on him and his memory. The curse of immortality so to say.

But the marks of the Old ones. That settlement had to be taken before the Lizardmen could take it. There were untold tales, perhaps there was a tale suggested to him that had intrigued him. The slann priest had informed him that there was a hidden manual, a manual that could defeat the hordes of chaos. Sending a letter to Franz for an expeditionary force could potentially be beneficial for him. That is, of course, being the most intelligent elven in the world made him quite a force to be reckoned with. The Vampire Counts would have to be eliminated. Teclis had no grand ambitions of ruling the world unlike his brother, Tyrion. But if there was a way to make Malakith come back to the light, and remove Morathi from the picture, then the world would be a better place.

The most disturbing thing he had read was when he scouted the ruins with that slaan priest. It said that for the High Elves to defeat Chaos, Malakith would become King of all Elves. For his father would re-emerge and restore the great period of peace in the Old World once again. Telling this to the other High Elves and his brother would be an impossible feat. But during his time he had visited Ind and Cathay. Their holy saints had given him powers and knowledge that would help him achieve such a feat.

Princess Velona arrived, throwing her armor to the floor. She slammed the door loudly. 'What do you think you're doing Teclis? I've scouted for three weeks and have found the Skaven lying on our door-step. It's been months since your exile. Months since you defeated the Malakith and the Chaos hordes at the battle of the Vortex. And now we've got nothing to do. Nothing!'

Teclis smiled. 'Do not worry my love. You are the most beautiful creation on this planet.'

That didn't simmer her mood down. She softened a little bit. 'You must go and defeat the Skaven. She replied back. 'I may be beautiful, but that doesn't mean you should relax forever. The fuming serpent must be reclaimed for the High Elves. Your grandfather once ruled there!

Teclis arose from his chair. 'Indeed I must act and take it back...but time has taken too long for me. I will rally the troops...but you are...smelling nice, and I don't want to leave before going to bed without you.'

He moved towards her softly and smelled her hair, taking her in her warm embrace. Velona blushed before pushing him back. 'Defeat the Skaven, and you'll get a lot more in bed. You are too seductive.'

Teclis grinned. 'Very well then. I'll go ahead.'

She smiled before kissing him. 'Come back alive.'

Teclis held her tightly. 'I wouldn't want to come back not without you seeing me ever again. You're impossible to live with anyway.