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Thread: [Custom Mod] Age of Crusades - 1105AD (Roleplay Hotseat)

  1. #301

    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    I will need extention.

    Novgorod up
    Last edited by Potatoto; January 07, 2019 at 12:13 PM.

  2. #302
    REDBOOSTY's Avatar Ducenarius
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    "I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be king. Yet dare I disregard her? We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must ... we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty"

    -Stannis Baratheon

  3. #303
    PeaMan's Avatar Winter Is Coming
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    Hungary up -

  4. #304
    BerryKnight's Avatar Kings Guard Commander
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    Will finish this by the end of the day.

    I apologize for my lateness.

    England up ~

    Battles ~
    Last edited by BerryKnight; January 12, 2019 at 09:53 PM.

  5. #305
    ArBo's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    I got an extension until Thursday, so that I can focus on my upcoming exam first.

  6. #306

  7. #307
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    Overwhelming odds capture formality at Aarhus and a battle in the King's very own homeland.

    Onto the Sicilians,
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

  8. #308
    General Dragon.'s Avatar Champion of Dragons
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    France up!
    Recaptured a fort from rebels.

    "The Dragon is wise, a sage among the ignorant. He knows not all that glitters is gold."

  9. #309

    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    There was little enough for the French king to do in such days, apart from making sure the fields were productive , to raise finances to repair what was left of the state at this time. Further troop cuts were made , perhaps easing any apprehension to the anglo-norman monarch that there was little resistance from the French state . King Roger of Sicily had sent them a message to explain his actions in northern Italy , but the fact remains, the French king had to make a choice of what Christian ally to support at such time , and he choosen the Emperor , but was gladden by the new peace , especially now the holyland was under threat by the turks, now free to advance after the fall of Damascus.

    A Peace accord had been sent to the Scottish , to further trade and relations and he also received news from the King Baldwin of Outremer who wanted to pass on news to the Scottish forces they were welcome in the Holy Land if they wished it, as long as they respected what was perceived to be the king of Jerusalem's lands. Another worrying sign also mentioned by Baldwin was that the English monarch had decided not to enter into the crusade at this time, to perhaps send men later, if it was expedient , instead funding the Scottish expedition. This sent alarm bells ringing in the French monarchy as the two major ,military powers in the west in this time , were England and the Holy Roman Empire , and he had little doubt that the empire would be loath to send troops to help the holyland, whilst the English spent there strength gobbling up the western rebellious ex-empire lands which stood on the border between them .Rather he suspected that if England stayed behind , then the Holy Roman Empire would do likewise , denying the crusade two of the mightiest powers they could bring to bear, and risking the success of the venture.


    When the news came in that the turks had struck out and taken one of the King of Jerusalem's castles , Baldwins first thought was that it was krak de chevaliers , a rather famous castle , which was very difficult to take , which stood out in the far east of the City of Jerusalem itself. But as rumours and news was filtered , the more accurate news was found to be that the Turks had struck out from Damascus , heading westwards to the coast , striking at the City of Sidon{fort} which had a precious Sea Castle to protect the precious shipping lanes . The stroke also had happened at a fortuitous time for the turks, for with the recent breakdown of relations [alliance] with the Silcian normans that garrisoned the area to the north, it effectively separated the two Christian nations isolating them and making them both weak . With the relations broken down , trade ceased between the two nations , and it became harder than ever, to support the ever spiralling food and water coasts that effected the kingdom of Jerusalem .

    Baldwin called his nobles to gather at Jerusalem, as ever to buy ever more time , as riots began to effect the City and its Fortress at Acre, as the population public order couldn't be maintained , with corruption and black-marketing becoming ever more prominent , as tax's began to disappear from the weakened Christian state.

    There was comforting news from the scots promising support and asking permission of there own ports for a landing, a promise that was granted with conditions , but the mood was dark when it was said , that England would not be coming in any meaningful strength, for Baldwin knew the complexity of European politics and knew, if England stayed behind , the Empire was sure to withhold there strength , and the listlessness would effect the lesser kingdoms , as each began to protect each other , rather than acting as a unified force.

    Unified Force.....the word was a anathema to most of the kings and nobles of western Europe who had spent the last five hundred years fighting each other , and exploiting there neighbours where they could. Only perhaps the strength of the Pope could perhaps unify the Christians and it would also take a leader that most Christians in Europe would respect , for both his experience in battle and his military strength he could bring to the field .......


    Sidon Sea Castle

    {What is left of the Sidon Sea Castle}

    The city of Sidon is located on the Mediterranean coast of Lebanon. This ancient Phoenician city has been of great religious, political and commercial value; it is said to be inhabited since 4000 B.C. During the 13th century, the Crusaders built Sidon's Sea Castle as a fortress on a small island connected to the mainland by a narrow 80m long roadway. The island was formerly the site of a temple to Melqart, the Phoenician version of Heracles. The beauty of the Castle can be seen in old illustrations of it; however, after bearing several wars, it has been damaged and renovated several times. It was partially destroyed by the Mamluks when they took over the city from the Crusaders, but they subsequently rebuilt it and added the long causeway. The castle later fell into disuse, but was again restored in the 17th century by Emir Fakhreddine II, only to suffer great damage.

    There is a possibility that the island on which the castle is built was, in fact, the location of the Phoenician King's palace and several other Phoenician monuments which were destroyed by Esarhaddon and then by natural earthquakes. This island has also served as a shelter from inside attacks on the city. Great Sidon, Little Sidon, powerful fortresses, pastures, cisterns and fortifications are all mentioned in the Assyrian king Sennacherib's recordings of his attacks on Sidon and nearby cities

    Today, the castle consists primarily of two towers connected by a wall. In the outer walls, Roman columns were used as horizontal reinforcements, a feature often seen in fortifications built on or near former Roman sites. The rectangular west tower to the left of the entrance is the better preserved of the two. There is a large vaulted room scattered with old carved capitals and rusting cannonballs. A winding staircase leads up to the roof, where there is a small, domed Ottoman-era mosque. From the roof, there is a view across the old city and fishing harbor. The east tower isn't as well preserved and was built in two phases; the lower part dates to the Crusader period, while the upper level was built by the Mamluks. There has also been evidence of the old Phoenician city being buried under the sea in the area surrounding the castle: structures of walls, columns, stairways, remains of buildings, statues and cisterns

    Turn to Holy Roman Empire
    Last edited by paladinbob123; January 21, 2019 at 02:30 PM.
    "War is the continuation of politics by other means." - Carl von Clausewitz

  10. #310
    Captainnorway's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    waiting on admin, in case people start wondering

  11. #311
    Captainnorway's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD


    Peace has been restored and the Empire has started mustering a great force to send to defend Christendom in the Holy lands.

    It has come to The Empires Attention that the British has started claiming their land from the Rebels, though it seems they have come to reason.

    The Empire does also wish for every nations to stop their disputes with each other and join the crusade to stop the Turkish Invaders before the Holy land is lost.

  12. #312
    zender9's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD



    Acre has been conquered. We shall vanquish templars in Jerusalem and capture the holy city before the crusading armies arrive! No Greek Emperor, nor Pope can prevent this.
    Basileus has been slained as well.

  13. #313

    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD


  14. #314
    Captainnorway's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    Hey you! Stop that!

  15. #315
    joker0002710's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    Admin up!
    You may call our Basileus Greek, but for all your slanders, he is, in fact, Roman, an heir to Caesar. We are Romans, despite your claims.

  16. #316
    Mergor's Avatar T H E | G O R
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

  17. #317
    Mergor's Avatar T H E | G O R
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD


    In the Pope's absence his bishop prefereti wishes to calm everyone and when his Holiness returns, all letters sent to him shall be answered.

  18. #318

    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    Genoa up

    Ranald waited in the guest quarters in one of the buildings the English had set up for the Scottish crusading troops. It was close to the road to the port so when they were to depart it would be a seamless transit. They spent the coming months preparing and waiting for Commander Dunkeld and his men to arrive in London as well.

    "OPEN THE GATES!" one of the English watchmen yelled at the sight of the incoming Scottish banners from the distance.

    David rode up with his entourage on horseback, it seems that all the clans of the north have responded to the call to arms, as all levels of nobility showed out.

    London known for a somewhat exciting nightlife, was now filled with a bunch of riled up Scots who after their long march from the homeland, wanted to drink and celebrate before they set sail on what would be a great journey to King Baldwin's lands in Jerusalem. David was the only one who waited, even though the men wanted to drink with their commander, he told them to go drink with Ranald. He needed a clear head while he sent out messages to several nations.

    Firstly he made double sure there would be a port to safely land his crusading army, and secondly he wanted to make sure in his absence our trade partners and friends from western ireland (gallway denmark), were not being slaughtered by christian brothers any longer. It was one thing for the unorthodox ruskies to be attacking, but a fellow christian was dissappointing to say the least especially that they hadn't even pledged support for the crusade as far as David was aware.

    With the backing of England and the Holy Roman Empire and assuming the Pope, The Scots ask the war between Denmark and Poland to be put on hold at the least, or we will request excommunication.

    Now that all business was attended to...... there was ale and whiskey to be guzzled and whores to be put to good the name of the Lord!

    Last edited by ScotlandIsBest; January 31, 2019 at 08:00 AM.

  19. #319

    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    Chaos passed through northern Italy. Soon after making ceasefire with Holly Roman Empire Genoa fall victim of betrayal of godless and greedy king of Sicily. King Roger turn against his ally and sacked Genoa! Panic spread through northern Italy as Genoa forces were already on it's way to Holy land in order to join war against Muslims. Consul of Genoa had to act quickly in order to save other cities of Italy from plundering. He send messenger after his son who was leading Genoa army into Holly land to inform him what has happened. Consul also sent deputation to Holly Roman Emperor asking him for help. Negotiations with Emperor went quickly and agreement has been made. Soon after Emperor's forces were again in Italy. They went after Sicily's army and quickly catch up with them. Battle has began in which honorless king Roger of Sicily has been crashed. Both Sicily and Pope who fully supported Sicily (who obviously prefere to fight against brothers Christians than join crusade which he himself called) send diplomats offering their surrender. Shortly after terms of agreement has been made and war was over. Now Genoa may forget about joining the crusade. As damage has been made and financials crippled Genoa have to put it's money into rebuilding instead of financing such expensive expedition.

    Novgorod up

  20. #320
    REDBOOSTY's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: [RPHS] Age of Crusades - 1105AD

    "I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be king. Yet dare I disregard her? We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must ... we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty"

    -Stannis Baratheon

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