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Thread: Can't get rid of unhappy people w/ "Hates Greeks"

  1. #1

    Default Can't get rid of unhappy people w/ "Hates Greeks"

    So I accidentally stuck an FM with "Hates Greeks" in a settlement with a polis for a few turns and he has "very unhappy people".

    Taking him out of the settlement didn't seem to get rid of it, so I checked the export_descr_char_traits.txt and lo and behold, I saw this:

    Trigger Mishellen_Governor_No_More ;;; to reset negative effect while ceasing being governor
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

    Condition Trait Philhellene > 0
    and not EndedInSettlement
    and Trait PeopleUnhappy > 0

    Affects PeopleUnhappy -1 Chance 100

    Based on my reading of this, the condition trait should be "HatesGreeks", not Philhellene, right?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Can't get rid of unhappy people w/ "Hates Greeks"

    I'll flag it, it may indeed be an error.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Can't get rid of unhappy people w/ "Hates Greeks"

    It was an error and it was fixed (not by me). Will be in 2.3a.

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