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Thread: My Lusotanan family members don't reproduce

  1. #1

    Default My Lusotanan family members don't reproduce

    Today I started a campaign as the Lusotanan. I have long wanted to play as them.

    However, my family members apparently have a very hard time producing children. In the year 249, with a booming economy, a secure position due to the relative isolation from other factions (I immediately kicked the Carthaginians out of the peninsula), only three babies have been made. And all of them by the same character, an ethnic non-Lusitanian married to a Lusitanian daughter.

    Should this really be so?

  2. #2

    Default Re: My Lusotanan family members don't reproduce

    There is nothing stopping them, the game dictates births based on the number of settlements you control. As soon as you start expanding and the engine thinks you have too few family members, you'll suddenly start getting lots of births and possibly adoptions as well. Often the game goes through phases - you get loads of births and your family expands; then the engine thinks you have too many family members and you stop getting any; then suddenly there is another spurt as you expand. Nothing to worry about - just keep playing and the births will eventually catch up.

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