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Thread: A comprehensive guide on how to keep public order high in RTW (not just the revolt/exterminate tactic)

  1. #1

    Default A comprehensive guide on how to keep public order high in RTW (not just the revolt/exterminate tactic)

    Please let me know if I missed anything or your opinions on the video and my channel!

    The factors contributing to public order in a city are:
    ----Positive factors:
    1. Governor influence
    2. Garrison strength
    3. Public Health
    4. Entertainment
    5. Population boom
    6. Law Bonus
    7. Culture/Religion (if your own)
    8. Tax level (can also be negative)
    ----Negative factors:
    1. Unrest
    2. Squalor
    3. Culture (if foreign)
    4. Distance to capital
    5. Poor governor

    Strategies to improve happiness:
    1. Responsible building strategy and management
    2. Allowing a city to revolt and then retaking/exterminating the population (make sure to destroy military buildings first so that the rebel army is only peasants)
    3. Moving in more military forces or a more capable governor
    4. Lowering taxes and throwing gladiator/horse racing games
    5. Converting foreign buildings to your own cultures
    6. Moving capital closer to city
    Last edited by Frunk; March 29, 2017 at 12:03 AM. Reason: YouTube tags added.

  2. #2

    Default Re: A comprehensive guide on how to keep public order high in RTW (not just the revolt/exterminate tactic)

    I really appreciate you all watching and supporting my channel! I hope you all can see how much I love this game as well!

  3. #3

    Default Re: A comprehensive guide on how to keep public order high in RTW (not just the revolt/exterminate tactic)

  4. #4
    Frunk's Avatar Form Follows Function

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    Jun 2009
    Gold Coast

    Default Re: A comprehensive guide on how to keep public order high in RTW (not just the revolt/exterminate tactic)

    Hi BlueMatona, I added YouTube tags to your first post, so now your video displays properly. Nice work, by the way!

    Thread moved from Rome: Total War General Discussion.
    Last edited by Frunk; March 29, 2017 at 12:10 AM.

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