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Thread: [Submod] Strategikos

  1. #1

    Default [Submod] Strategikos

    Strategikos for EBII 2.35A R3.5 : Download

    Strategikos for EBII 2.4a (temporary version): Download
    Before to install this version, delete the following files from your ebii folder:
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    - eopbattles
    - eopdata
    - eopredistributables
    - youneuoy_data
    - m2tweop gui.exe
    - m2tweoplibrary.dll
    - imgui.ini
    - lua5.1.dll
    - openal32.dll
    - libfbxsdk.dll
    - d3d9.dll

    Note: This version takes advantage of the advances of the M2TWEOP created by Youneuoy (thanks to him!). Minor settlements are thus replaced with models of different cultures by means of the tool. The new label system, allowing to re-use labels or give them in particular conditions, is also used in some scripts to kill characters ("Conspiracies", "Vae Victis"), remove ancillaries ("Poliorketika"), teleport characters ("Ferries"), or capture settlements ("Stratagemata").

    Are also available the basic features of the tool: possibility to designate yourself the heir through the family tree (with penalties), tactical view (CTRL+Z (on/off)) (largely better than my previous archaic system), and larger battlefields (1728x1728 instead of 1024x1024)

    For more information or if you want to support the project or make a donation, you can join the discord server or the dedicated forum.

    1 - Copy and paste the ebii folder from Strategikos in .../mods
    2 - Create a shortcut for the M2TWEOP.exe in ...ebii/data, and use it to launch the tool
    3 - If you want to modify the anti-aliasing, do it through the launcher of the tool (upper left corner). By doing this with the menu in game you would have a CTD.
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    4 - If you don't plan to modify the AA next, or the other settings, you can select "the don't show menu at start" option
    5 - Launch the mod by pressing... "start mod"
    6 - No, don't play with the options of the launcher, even if you have been sufficiently curious to click on "display settings"...

    Note 1: if your antivirus doesn't like the tool, you will have to create an exclusion for the folder of the mod, or disable your AV
    Note 2: not compatible with reshade, linux

    I - Expeditionary Forces (optional):

    For more realism, the morale is now influenced by the the strategic situation in wich the armies find themselves. This translates into the creation of three categories: expeditionary forces, defense army and insurgents/proxy force, each reacting differently.

    1 - Expeditionary forces: Is regarded as such any army fighting in enemy territory, at the exception of the rebel troops.

    - Field battle: Only using temporary camps, having then nowhere to retreat and no chance to survive if the baggage is lost, the units of an expeditionnary corps won't flee.
    - River crossing battle: Defending such a strong position, an expeditionnary corps won't retreat, but as attacker, in front of too much resistance, the units will prefer to survive.
    - Ambush: Ambushed, the army cannot retreat, but as attacker the retreat remains an option. The baggage is then considered as a rally point located at a safe distance.
    - Sally out battle: In this situation, the besieger will be regarded as defending his camp, and the units will then fight to the death.

    - In winter, an expeditionary force is regarded as having necessarily a winter camp. As attacker, his units can then beat a retreat. As target of an attack, the army is regarded as deployed before the camp, and the only way out is either the victory or the death.
    - In the same way, an expeditionary force having devastated a region will be considered as having a permanent camp, where the loot is stored and kept under protection while the army is raiding the country. The scenario will then be the same than in winter: retreat possible only as attacker. If the army has moved after having devasted a tile, and not for attacking the enemy this turn, it will be with the baggage, and the camp will be considered as abandonned.
    Note: the devastation during siege is not taken account.

    2 - Defence armies: Fighting in familiar territory, defence armies can retreat in any situation.

    3 - Proxy forces & Insurgents: Only the rebel armies. They have numerous fallback solutions around, and can then beat a retreat everywhere, even in ennemy territory.

    II - Total Defence (optional): During siege battles, defenders will not beat a retreat at any time. This does not include the reinforcements (Player and AI).

    III - Strategos (optional): If the general is routed, the whole army will retreat. If the general is killed, soldiers will flee more or less rapidly, depending on losses and the command attribute of the general (+ some scripts and traits). The higher his level, the more competent will be his officers and disciplined his army, and then the longer they will be able to continue the battle without a leader. (Player only).

    IV - Combat Casualties (optional): A trait simulating the wounded after the battle and affecting the scripts "Strategos", "Surrender" and "Breaking point"(cumulative and degressive).
    Note 1: the trait decreases or is removed with CharacterTurnStart
    Note 2: "Control" is a custom attribute, based on the command points and affecting scripts

    • Small number of wounded: Only a few soldiers bear the marks of the last battle. Slightly slow down the walking speed will allow the small number of wounded to go the distance. (Effects: -1 Control, -5% movement, -1 Command when Attacking, -1 Command when assaulting walls, Recovery: 1 turn)

    • Moderate number of wounded: The recent fights have left marks on this army. The wounds received not only force the troop to slow down the walk but will also affect his offensive effectiveness in case of new confrontation. (Effects: -3 Control, -10% Movement, - 1 Physical and mental toughness, -1 Command when Attacking, -1 Command when Defending, -1 Command when assaulting walls, -1 Command when defending walls, Recovery: 1 turn)

    • Large number of wounded: This army has lately endured a tough battle. Bodies and spirits are severely affected, what will be cruelly felt if a new enemy must be faced. Even the holding a defensive position will be a sore trial for a troop in such a bad way. (Effects: -5 Control, -15% Movement, -2 Physical and mental toughness, -2 Command when Attacking, -2 Command when Defending, -2 Command when assaulting walls, -2 Command when defending walls, Recovery: 2 turns)

    • Very large number of wounded: Devastated by wounds, this army painfully advances, long stretched column. Soldiers are aware that in case of new major confrontation, the least manoeuvre will be suffering, leading them probably no further than the final disaster. (Effects: -7 Control, -20% Movement, -3 Physical and mental toughness, -3 Command when Attacking, -3 Command when Defending, -3 Command when assaulting walls, -3 Command when defending walls, Recovery: 2 turns)

    V - Breaking Point (optional): Beyond a certain percentage of loss, the army of the besieger will interrupt his assault (units will flee one after the other). This threshold is determined by the command points of the general, and the bonuses and maluses generated by "Tactical Advantage" and the traits.
    Note: the advisor will pop up 6% before the trigger threshold, warning of the situation (only for armies without reinforcements)

    VI - Stratagemata (optional): Settlements besieged can be captured by trickery or treason. Tested each turn of siege (as soon as the first); three available settings: 1%, 3% (default) and 5%. If the player is the beneficiary, a message will detail the circumstances of the capture at the first selection of the settlement (14 variants). A generic message of the advisor will accompany a capture by the AI. (Thanks to Lusitanio for his suggestions)
    Note 1: the script is disabled when the player owns only one settlement.
    Note 2: if the siege was scripted, the ai could choose to not enter the city once captured
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    VII - Poliorketika (optional):Factions mastering poliorcetics can breach stone and wooden walls (except palisades) from the strategic map. The percentage of chance is determined by the confrontation of the traits of the besieger and defender.

    • The script is fully automatic and random, requiring no action from the player.
    • There will be no breach during the first turn of the siege (dedicated to the installation of the camp, the filling of the ditches, the assembly of siege engines, etc...).
    • The rebels cannot breach the walls.
    • A message notifying the breach will pop up at the first selection of the besieger concerned (6 variants for stone walls: battering ram, mine, digging tortoise, demolition raven, beotian thrower, fire // 2 variants for wooden walls: beotian flamethrower). As defender a message of the advisor at the start of the battle will have a similar role.
    • The traits of the defenders of nomadic or barbarian culture are not taken into account.
    • The character with the highest level of GoodSiegedefender in the settlement is used, not necessarily the governor.

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    VIII - Deployment of garrisons (Optional): The player will randomly not be able to deploy his troops, this to simulate a surprise attack. The percentage chance is then influenced by the level of GoodSiegeDefender (No trait : 20% / Gate Keeper : 15 % / None Shall Pass! : 10% / Legendary City Defender : 5%).

    IX - Surrender (optional): Armies suffering heavy losses will give up the fight more or less rapidly, depending on the command level of the general and the alteration of the "control" attribute by traits and scripts. The higher this level, the longer the soldiers will fight.
    • The situation is checked every 20 sec.
    • The script supports till 6 armies per side.
    • When there are several armies in a side, each of them needs to reach the same threshold of losses to trigger the surrender.
    • The script can optionally be enabled only for defenders in siege battles.
    • The advisor will pop up 6% before the trigger threshold, warning of the imminence of a surrender (only for armies without reinforcements)

    X - Tactical advantage (optional): Different bonuses and maluses affecting the scripts "Strategos" and "Surrender" depending on the tactical situation during siege battles.

    • Gates opened by a spy: Control -5 for the defender, +2 for the attacker
    • Wall breached (script or battle): Control -5 for the defender, +2 for the attacker
    • Siege engine destroyed: Control -3 for the attacker (cumulative)
    • Fight on the central plaza (cancelled when the plaza is lost): Control +3 for the attacker, -3 for the defender)

    XI - Strategic advantage (optional): Different bonuses and maluses affecting the scripts "Surrender" and "Strategos" depending on the strategic situation.

    • Frontier battle: Control -3 for the attacker
    • River crossing battle: Control +3 for the defender
    • Successful ambush: Control -5 for the targeted army
    • Attacker in a field battle: Control +2 for the attacker, -2 for the defender

    XII - Epidemics (optional): During sieges, armies can be affected by epidemics (chance: 3%). 4 variations: dysentery, cholera, typhus, swamp fever (only in summer for the last one, in any season for the others). Epidemics also affect the scripts "surrender" and "breaking point".

    • Epidemic of Dysentery: "The poor hygiene conditions within this army have led to the onset of dysentery. Feverish and suffering from severe stomach cramps, a significant number of soldiers are unable to fight and will need some rest before being afresh operational". (Effects: -5 Control, -15% Movement, -2 Physical and mental toughness, -2 Command when Attacking, -2 Command when Defending, -2 Command when assaulting walls, -2 Command when defending walls)

    • Epidemic of Cholera: "The contamination of food by human faeces has caused an epidemic of cholera among this army. Dehydrated by their incessant diarrhoea and emesis, and prey to severe muscle cramps, some soldiers have thus finally succumbed to illness after only a few hours. Survivors, for their part, will need some time to regain their place among troops." (Effects: -7 Control, -20% Movement, -3 Physical and mental toughness, -3 Command when Attacking, -3 Command when Defending, -3 Command when assaulting walls, -3 Command when defending walls)

    • Epidemic of Typhus: "Infected with lice, this army is currently facing a typhus epidemic. Soldiers are suffering from strong fever and headaches, while skin rashes are appearing here and there on their bodies. Coughing and vomiting amidst their chills, they will not have a long time to wait to know whether they will survive or not." (Effects: -7 Control, -20% Movement, -3 Physical and mental toughness, -3 Command when Attacking, -3 Command when Defending, -3 Command when assaulting walls, -3 Command when defending walls)

    • Epidemic of Swamp Fever: "With the arrival of strong heats, wetlands have dried up around this settlement, thus leading to the formation of stagnant waters infested with insects, which have finally brought swamp fever among this army. Affected soldiers are exhausted and suffer from fever and headaches so that they will be of no assistance on the battlefield for a while." (Effects: -7 Control, -20% Movement, -3 Physical and mental toughness, -3 Command when Attacking, -3 Command when Defending, -3 Command when assaulting walls, -3 Command when defending walls)

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    XIII - Operational Situation (optional): Various maluses affecting the local settlements depending on the operational situation (Invasion: po -10% // , Settlement besieged: po -15% //Faction leader under siege po -20% // Historical capital besieged: po -30% // Settlement lost: po -20% - degressive).
    Note: Still a wip

    XIV - Conspiracies
    (optional): Conspiracies may emerge and lead to the death of the faction leader.The chance of success of the plot is limited by the level of authority of the character. Three settings available: 0.5, 0.75 or 1% each turn (Player only).
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    XV - Vae Victis (optional): Carthaginian generals, after a shameful defeat, can sometimes be condemned to death or anticipate the sentence by killing themselves (Player only). The higher their command level, the higher their chance of being only disgraced. (Thanks to Lusitanio, Trarco and Arjos for their suggestions)
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    XVI - Navigation restrictions: Coastal routes for mediterranean and germanic ships, and Open sea routes for celtic and arabic ships
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    XVII - Ferries: Agents can cross straits without (war) ships. Once positioned on the regional port, they will be teleported at the beginning of the next turn near the opposite port. Whenever possible, historic routes are used, and the choice of the port should be instinctive. Nevertheless, islands can be more or less convenient to join or quit since each port is linked to only one destination:

    • Korsim - Sardin: place the character on the left of the port
    • Sardin - Korsim: place the character on the shore in front of the Korsimian port
    • Baelares: the character will always be teleported on the tile north of the settlement. To go back to the continent, move him on one of the two other free tiles (so yes, no free tile no way back...).
    • Rhodos - Krete: place the character on the southern tip.
    • Krete - Rhodos: place the character on the upper tile of the eastern tip.
    • The port of Krete leads to Libye.
    • The port of Lakonike is linked with Krete, but to go back to Lakonike, you will need to place the character on the upper tile of the western tip of the island.

    Note: if the agent is in an army, the script won't work

    XVIII - Ethnonyms (optional): They are displayed in two cases:
    • The settlement is owned by the rebels, and is then regarded as a minor faction.
    • The settlement is the homeland of the tribe, is owned by the eponymous faction, and is not local.

    XIX - Army composition: Integration IG of the army compositions provided by Paullus, Arjos and Sarkiss (call with the custom button of the settlement panel (locate)), navigate with keys 1-9 (not the numpad), BACKSPACE for "Previous Page" ,ENTER for "Next Page"and EQUALS for previous menu). Also integrated :"The Organisation and Tactics of the Camillan Army" from the preview of the Romani.
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    XX - Settlement viewer: Click on the construction/recruitment advice button to start. Next, start the battle, and press ESC for leaving.
    Credits: Alpaca for the original ("Oppida") script, and The Tabletop Audio for the sound atmosphere.
    Note: If there is a rebel army adjacent to the settlement, the script won't work.

    XXI - Minor Settlements: -Thanks to the M2TWEOP, generic minor settlements models are replaced with more appropriate models for each region (only one model is used for each culture for reasons of size and visibility).
    Note 1: for the Latium and Campania, western greek models are used, smallest roman models being still too big and unsightly
    Note 2: this resources no more generate money
    Note 3: if you want to disable this feature, remove stratModelsChangeList.yoneuoycfg in ...mods/ebii/youneuoy_Data (you can also edit this file, if you want to replace a model)
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    XXII - Miscellaneous:

    a - Self-targeting (PAGE_UP for attacking units in front & PAGE_DOWN for attacking units regardless of their position)
    Note: the units need to stay selected 1.5 sec to receive the attack order.

    b - Battle music ON/OFF (NUM_9)

    c - General's camera (NUM_7 and double left click on the battlefield to disable it)

    d - Battle script for custom battles: CTRL + F9 (No, this is not a good idea to try to use it in campaign...)

    e - Agents have been renamed in a less typed way: assassins become henchmen, diplomats: emissaries, and spies: men of confidence.

    f - Toggle Regions - Press F9 and the regions will appear as colored areas (just a gadget to better see the frontlines).
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    g - Renamed diplomatic options (Thanks to Lusitanio for his suggestions) and financial overview.
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    1. Devoid of any Scruple
    2. Inclined to Betrayal
    3. Sees only its Interests
    4. Opportunistic
    5. Inconstant
    6. Uncertain Loyalty
    7. Respects its commitments
    8. Conciliatory
    9. Valuable Support
    10. Loyal Ally
    11. Extreme Righteousness

    1. Mutual Hate
    2. Frank Hostility
    3. Exchange of Vexations
    4. Tense Situation
    5. Reciprocal Disdain
    6. Mutual Mistrust
    7. Serene Exchanges
    8. Shared Goodwill
    9. Reciprocal Respect
    10. Mutual Confidence
    11. Absolute Confidence

    1. Insignificant Power
    2. Ignored Power
    3. Despised Power
    4. Minor Power
    5. Assertive Power
    6. Recognised Power
    7. Established Power
    8. Major Power
    9. Intrusive Power
    10. Overbearing Power
    11. Hegemonic Power

    1. Empty Chests
    2. Galloping Inflation
    3. Creeping Inflation
    4. Period of Stagnation
    5. Scarce Resources
    6. Stable Situation
    7. Reasonable Growth
    8. Strong Growth
    9. Prosperity Period
    10. Considerable Funds
    11. Great Opulence

    h - Question marks are no more visible for enemy settlements and character details.

    How to customize the effects of the changement of heir: change the values of the "effects.youneuoypar" file in ...ebii/youneuoy_Data/fixed_params. If you want to remove an effect, simply use "0" as value. Save compatible.
    If you want to change the background and the picture of the message they are in ...eb2/youneuoy_Data/textures. The font color is determined in ...eb2/youneuoy_Data/ui/colors.youneuoyui
    Note: "loyality" affects every characters, heir inclueded

    If you want to save your custom settings for your next campaigns, search "Presettings" in the campaign_script, and change the values like you want (of course it's not save compatible)
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        ;    Optional scripts:
        declare_counter opt_exf        ;    expeditionary forces
        declare_counter opt_com        ;    strategos
        declare_counter opt_srd        ;    surrender    (=1: all battles // =2: siege battles only)
        declare_counter opt_plk        ;    poliorketika
        declare_counter opt_tad        ;    tactical advantage
        declare_counter opt_dpl        ;    deployment
        declare_counter opt_stg        ;    stratagemata    (1 = 1% // 2 = 3% // 3 = 5%)
        declare_counter opt_cam        ;    camera restrictions
        declare_counter opt_cin        ;    cinematic mode
        declare_counter opt_sad        ;    strategic advantage
        declare_counter opt_def        ;    total defence    
        declare_counter opt_bkp        ;    breaking point
        declare_counter opt_etn        ;    ethnonyms
        ; e_opt_cca                        ;    combat casualties
        ; e_opt_epi                     ;    epidemics
        ; e_opt_ops                        ;    operational situation
        ; e_opt_csp                        ;    conspiracies    (1 = 1%, 2 = 0.75%, 3 = 0.5%)
        ; e_opt_vav                        ;    vae victis
        ;    Presettings (0 = disabled / 1(or +) = enabled)
        set_counter opt_exf 1
        set_counter opt_com 1
        set_counter opt_srd 1
        set_counter opt_plk 1
        set_counter opt_tad 1
        set_counter opt_dpl 1
        set_counter opt_stg 2
        set_counter opt_cam 1
        set_counter opt_cin 1
        set_counter opt_sad 1
        set_counter opt_def 1
        set_counter opt_bkp 1
        set_counter opt_etn 1
        set_event_counter e_opt_cca 1
        set_event_counter e_opt_epi 1
        set_event_counter e_opt_ops 1
        set_event_counter e_opt_csp 2
        set_event_counter e_opt_vav 1

    If you want to recycle something for your own submod, take what you want, no need of permission.
    Last edited by Erken; January 27, 2024 at 07:07 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    you essentially built all the texts into the game itself? if so, and if it doesnt affect game stability, then thats a very nice add-on indeed. it will extend the info provided by descriptions making the mod even more informative. it will also spare the need to do prior reading or resort to immersion breaking alt-taping. well done.:-)

  3. #3

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    Indeed this looks very interesting if it doesn't affect the game's tability. +rep!

  4. #4

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    The script is very basic: when a key is used it triggers a historic_event which is selected depending on the value of a counter, this one indicating the current page. So most of the time, the script is totally inactive.

    As far as i can see, the only thing that might compromise the stability (with maybe an excessive size of the historic_events.txt), would be the size of the script in the campaign_script. But with 1970 lines for 185 pages/historic_events, 13 monitors and 2 counters, the ratio remains reasonable

    The "gong" accompanying each historic_event was the only thing really problematic, but i have neutralized it for the next version (and it's much more comforting for the ears!). I have also added "The Organisation and Tactics of the Camillan Army" from the preview of the Romani (maybe someone knows the name of the author? he's not specified for this part).

    The system allows to include more documentation, but you can also use it for multi-choice events, interactive maps...theoretically, you could even add a whole gamebook...

    In the next version:

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    That's pretty impressive! I'll give it a go in my next campaign. Thank you Erken!

  6. #6

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    V2 :

    • addition of "The Organisation and Tactics of the Camillan Army" from the preview of the Romani
    • neutralization of the gong of the historic_events (nevertheless, as it affects all of these, i have included a revert_sound folder for those who would rather keep it)
    • works now also with the building advice button
    • script optimized
    • minor adjustments

  7. #7

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    V3 (for eb 2.2j) :

    New shortcuts :

    • PAGE_UP : any selected unit (except for the general) attacks the closest unit in front. Allows to order the charge of a whole line with a single keystroke (at a short distance from the enemy preferably).
    • PAGE_DOWN : any selected unit (except for the general) attacks the closest unit around. Mainly useful to order the attack of a distant cavalry unit.
    • NUM_7 : General's camera. Double left click on the battlefield to disable it.
    • NUM_9 : Battle music On/Off
    • EQUALS : direct return to previous menu for the multi-page messages

    Addition of a background script for the custom/historical battles (the advisor will pop up in campaign, but will be automatically dismissed).
    Last edited by Erken; March 26, 2017 at 12:40 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    There's a reason we don't use background scripts any more - there can only be one script running at any one time (ie the campaign_script and nothing else), and switching between them invites errors.

  9. #9

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    I am not familiar with the subtleties of the english language, but i doubt that "automatically dismissed" means activated...

  10. #10

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Erken View Post
    I am not familiar with the subtleties of the english language, but i doubt that "automatically dismissed" means activated...
    It may still interrupt or otherwise cause problems with the campaign_script, even if it's automatically dismissed.

  11. #11

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    It may still interrupt or otherwise cause problems with the campaign_script, even if it's automatically dismissed.
    This makes no sense for me, and i have seen no problems. But this is not an inordinate effort to provide a version without background script in the case, so :

    V3 bis :

  12. #12

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Sooo.. What does this sub-mod do again?

  13. #13

    Default Re: [Submod]Stratēgikόs

    Also, how do I install it exactly?

  14. #14

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    The only thing removed is the battle script for the custom/historical battles (but i have found a safe way to re-add it for a next version). So currently, the content is:

    • Army Compositions (call with the building/recruitment advice button, navigate with keys 1-9 (not the numpad), and EQUALS for previous menu)
    • Self-targeting (PAGE_UP for attacking units in front & PAGE_DOWN for attacking units regardless of their position)
    • Battle music ON/OFF (NUM_9)
    • General's camera (NUM_7 and double left click on the battlefield to disable it)

    For the installation:
    Once extracted, you will have two folders: "ebii" and "revert_sound". Copy and paste "ebii" in "...Medieval II Total War/mods", and accept to overwrite. Next, only if you want to keep the gong accompanying the messages, open revert_sound, copy the "data" folder, paste it in "...Medieval II Total War/mods/ebii" and overwrite.

  15. #15
    isa0005's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Jan 2008
    Australia, Victoria, Melbourne

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Is there any chance you could add custom formations like the original EB had, perhaps one for each different culture, maybe two in the case of the Romes? As much as setting up my Camillian and Polybian legions manipular formations can be fun, it really gets annoying after a while... and I know once you group them, you can lock the formation they're in, but I'd love to be able to select and drag the whole army to increase my line length or depth without loosing formation.

  16. #16

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by isa0005 View Post
    Is there any chance you could add custom formations like the original EB had, perhaps one for each different culture, maybe two in the case of the Romes?
    This is something i could eventualy do, but maybe the team has already planned to do it? Adding multiple custom formations for a culture/faction could be possible, but i need to verify that some commands are correctly working.

    Quote Originally Posted by isa0005 View Post
    and I know once you group them, you can lock the formation they're in, but I'd love to be able to select and drag the whole army to increase my line length or depth without loosing formation.
    It works only with preset formations (afaik). You can use EQUALS and MINUS for minor adjustments, but the result will not be great...

  17. #17

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    New version:

    • updated for eb 2.2 r
    • added: sea routes

    Coastal routes (for mediterranean and germanic ships):
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Open sea routes (for celtic and arabic ships):
    The ships concerned can still go everywhere, but they will spontaneously use this routes rather than going straight towards their destination.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    A revert_map folder is included for people not interrested by sea restrictions.

    Note: by lack of information, the routes for the Hyrcanian sea are totally improvised, and partially for the Erythrean sea. Any correction is welcome.

  18. #18

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    I assume this isn't savegame compatible...

  19. #19

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    You prefer a pleasant answer or the truth?...

  20. #20

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Default assumption should always be that no change is ever savegame compatible.

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