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Thread: [Submod] Strategikos

  1. #241
    pilatus's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Thank you for this absolutely outstanding piece of work! This will be the "Must-Have" Submod iam looking forward to...!

  2. #242
    pilatus's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    How is the progress of the mod? Can we expect it in the near future?

  3. #243

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Quote Originally Posted by pilatus View Post
    How is the progress of the mod? Can we expect it in the near future?
    I will do a preview of battle scripts soon. More generally, it's progressing, but it's a lot of work (notably to make things optional) with frequent bad surprises (ty CA :p), so i have myself no idea when it will be finished. Some concepts are also reworked along the way, while others emerge, which doesn't speed things up...

    But it's progressing (even if it's hard to believe xD)

  4. #244

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Keep up the good work.

  5. #245

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    So here's a quick look at some of the battle scripts (the others are still WIP or subject to change, so I'll present them later).

    First, a few small pre-battle scripts, mainly preventing simple captains from directing troops on the battle map, or removing the attacker's ability to withdraw (to make his choices more decisive). A general can also decide by himself on the fate of prisoners.

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    Next, depending on the tactical situation and the general's level, you may have only a limited number of battle postponement available, or none at all:

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    If you're the defender, the time available for deployment will be limited. The situation may even arise when you're the attacker, should the enemy decide to move against you. In enemy territory, units sent to forage may also be absent at the time of fight.

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    Once the battle has begun, a script can divide it into alternating phases of command and observation. You'll only be able to give orders in the former, while in the latter no unit will respond to your orders (apart from the general, of course, and by default the cavalry). Green and red banners with (or optionally without) countdown indicate the current phase.

    The idea is to provide a vague reminder of the time it takes to transmit and execute orders, and to prevent an immediate and perfect reaction to every event in the battle. So you'll have to try to anticipate enemy movements as much as adapt to unintended situations.

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    In addition, the time available for each of the two phases can be either fixed (and adjustable) or variable. In the latter case, it will be based on the generals' command points (and possibly modified by certain traits and other scripts). So, if your general is less experienced than his opponent, you'll immediately notice a difference.

    Other scripts try to give your units a little autonomy. Some units can decide to open fire on their own if they are the target of projectiles, and skirmisher mode can also be activated. Finally, if the enemy is close enough, some units may decide on their own to charge, even in defiance of your orders (/guard mode). In addition, a unit that has received an attack order may not be able to be controlled for a certain period of time.

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    Groups, for their part, can (optionally, don't run!!!) only be created (or canceled) during the deployment phase, and depending on their situation (idling, fighting, moving) will not accept every orders. Informal groups (by simple selection) will also not accept any order, and an army being not a car you won't be able to stop a moving group before a certain period of time.

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    Some little things for artillery units (yes, no explainations, i am tired of writting xD):

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    And the delay for self-targeting now adjustable (from 0 to 9 seconds):

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    Finally, something WIP, names for minor settlements and islands (optional like everything else):

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  6. #246

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Really amazing and promising!!!

    Not only some of these battle changes could ease the micro-management of your army, when units themselves can react automatically to enemy attacks changing their attack mode as if they were rational and alive (simulating sub-commander within the unit with initiative to not get killed), but it would make the battles finally far more realistic (no more "god" mode for army management, orders take time to arrive, like in antiquity warfare, so think wisely or fear the consequences of discoordination/lack of good battle strategy).

    On top of that, to make things spicier, there are dynamic battle factors which could lead to more unpredictable situations (what is lacking after many years of the same old M2TW engine), thus more fun, restoring the challenge and causing some player battle defeats, even losing a war or the campaign if having a bad generation of generals...

    I'm already salivating more, thank you very much for your talent and perseverance!!!

  7. #247

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    That reads and looks simply incredible, Erken!
    Looking forward to that.

  8. #248

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    I just wanted to show my appreciation for the clear attention to detail and stimulating mechanics presented. I look forward to playing this once it is ready. Thank you for your efforts Erken.

  9. #249

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Hi all!
    While the mod seems to work, i get a "Cant' load plugin" error on startup.
    Any idea?
    Thank you!

  10. #250
    Fahnat's Avatar Ordinarius

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    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Your work is amazing!
    Now if only there was a submod that could make the map mountanous areas higher it would make this mod a 10 out of 10.
    The campaign map annoys me a little with being so flat. The original one had better mountanous areas.

  11. #251

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Quote Originally Posted by Lostsoul View Post
    Hi all!
    While the mod seems to work, i get a "Cant' load plugin" error on startup.
    Any idea?
    Thank you!
    Have you removed the files as required on the first page before to install it? The current version of Strategikos uses a very old version of eop.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahnat View Post
    Your work is amazing!
    Now if only there was a submod that could make the map mountanous areas higher it would make this mod a 10 out of 10.
    The campaign map annoys me a little with being so flat. The original one had better mountanous areas.
    The only thing i know about the map is that modifying it would change the region IDs and so break a little everything. I guess it includes modifying mountaneous areas.

  12. #252

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Hey man!
    Thanks for your kindness!
    Well yes...but it seems just too quickly bad.
    Great...thank you. Now i can enjoy the mod!
    edit: btw i'm going for the old version/old eb2. The new eb2 has too many log errors and i'll may check again in the future.
    Thanks again!
    Last edited by Lostsoul; April 28, 2024 at 02:11 PM.

  13. #253
    Shigawire's Avatar VOXIFEX MAXIMVS
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    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    This is truly impressive Erken!
    ------------------------------VOXIFEX MAXIMVS-------------------------------

    "To know a thing well, know its limits. Only when pushed beyond its tolerances will its true nature be seen." -The Amtal Rule, DUNE

  14. #254

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Some of the (wip) scrolls you will see when selecting characters:

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  15. #255

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    My compliments on your excellent scroll designs Erken. I hope these and the settlement names make their way into the next version.

  16. #256

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Really looking forwards to having this implemented in the new version!

    Just a question, does this touch anything related to Carthage war leader election? I got the prompt to select one early in the campaign while already having the starting Rab Mahnet and they were present simultaneously which I think it isnt supposed to happen. And also kept getting every once in a while a new prompt of war declared and another leader election without having gotten the peace first and the offices revoked.

    Maybe its a bug of the 2.4a version itself? Or maybe something was tweaked here that messes with the script?

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  17. #257

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Quote Originally Posted by Jervaj View Post
    Really looking forwards to having this implemented in the new version!

    Just a question, does this touch anything related to Carthage war leader election? I got the prompt to select one early in the campaign while already having the starting Rab Mahnet and they were present simultaneously which I think it isnt supposed to happen. And also kept getting every once in a while a new prompt of war declared and another leader election without having gotten the peace first and the offices revoked.

    Maybe its a bug of the 2.4a version itself? Or maybe something was tweaked here that messes with the script?
    It doesn't modify anything of the vanilla scripts or traits. Regarding Carthage, there is just a script (vae victis) sometimes killing generals after a defeat. Since the RabMahnet cannot be a heir, maybe the problem has been generated after the appointment of a new heir (some trait not removed)?

  18. #258

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    I would like to know what updates are included?
    If I delete M2TWEOP, I can no longer apply/remove the overlay names in the strategy map.
    However I don't see the minor settlements changed according to the culture.
    Last edited by Mattus; June 03, 2024 at 02:13 PM.

  19. #259

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos

    Quote Originally Posted by Mattus View Post
    I would like to know what updates are included?
    If I delete M2TWEOP, I can no longer apply/remove the overlay names in the strategy map.
    However I don't see the minor settlements changed according to the culture.
    Nothing has been added yet. The temporary version is just the one of eb2 2.35a without the poliorketika script (since for now it's not compatible with inner walls of the new punic cities).

    You cannot have at the same time the minor settlement names and the temporary version of Strategikos. They use two totally different iterations of EOP.

    If you don't see the new minor settlements models, three possibilities:

    1. Files at the wrong place
    2. Vanilla files not (all) deleted as required on the first page
    3. Mod launched with the vanilla shortcut

  20. #260

    Default Re: [Submod] Strategikos


    I have a CTD of this mod on startup, using the latest version for 2.4a. I did everything as instructed, the mod launcher finds my exe, but says "Unknown version, not good". Using retail version of the base game. Vanilla EB2.4 works fine.


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