Thread: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests

  1. #7221
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    I don't think it's a chance, should be an on/off thing depending on army radius, which is moddable in campaign variables.
    But you can't interact with it during a campaign, there is no effect for that (if I'm correct), meaning that the value is rigid, can't have elastic curves depending on some conditions.
    Only thing you could do is exit the game, put a modded values pack, do what you need, exit the game, remove the pack, reload. every time you would need that thing.

  2. #7222

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Armitage View Post
    I don't think it's a chance, should be an on/off thing depending on army radius, which is moddable in campaign variables.
    But you can't interact with it during a campaign, there is no effect for that (if I'm correct), meaning that the value is rigid, can't have elastic curves depending on some conditions.
    Only thing you could do is exit the game, put a modded values pack, do what you need, exit the game, remove the pack, reload. every time you would need that thing.
    Army radius can be tied to army stance but still there's probably no possible to force AI to use any specific stance while land army is on the sea...

  3. #7223
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    ah true, you should be able to mod that thing through that effect (does it work?), you'll need to script it if you wanna add conditions like being on sea though

  4. #7224

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    It's kind of idea for a new stance like: "Sailing", which could be activated only by land armies on the sea and increasing movement range to encourage AI to use it (or just force to use it if that is possible by script) and at the same time - disable possibility to attack from the sea and slighlty reduce reinforcement radius - to avoid suicidal attacks on fleets and confusing land-naval battles. Unfortunately I dont have any idea about scripting...
    Last edited by K4mil; January 04, 2021 at 08:02 AM.

  5. #7225

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    hello , I sew in other mod they make every city have 10 slot for buldings ,is it possible to do that in this mode as well?
    Another question would be whether you plan to make a new map, a big one, where there would be more cities than there are now?
    Thank you.

  6. #7226

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    With Ptolemy having the dual culture system, can the population growth malus from having dominant Egyptian culture be reduced at all? It skews the early game quite a lot, as you need to spend almost all your time focusing on cultural buildings and agents just to stem the massive decline and be able to build units.

    In general, I think the influence of culture on population should be more gradual if possible. It feels a bit bizarre to go from having a different culture 1% dominant and getting huge maluses, to having your culture 1% dominant and getting big bonuses. If the maluses varied with the scale of the cultural dominance / deficit then that would be a better system imo, although not if it's too much work to implement.

  7. #7227
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    yes you could do that but I don't see much sense, ptolemy is a big faction, it must start with some problems otherwise will be too easier for them imo

    you can't do things more gradual (without re-scripting from scratch how the CA cultures work which is more or less doable actually) 'cause you can track down culture % only by majority/minority, not the real culture %.
    you can track down culture % for incidents/dilemmas only (which is completely useless inside the pop context)

  8. #7228

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Armitage View Post
    yes you could do that but I don't see much sense, ptolemy is a big faction, it must start with some problems otherwise will be too easier for them imo
    True. Although I suppose the counter to that would be that maybe they don't get a bonus to pop growth when their culture is dominant? To reflect the assimilation of cultures, so there isn't a big malus when their culture is inferior in the early game, but also not a bonus in the late game so it remains hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Armitage View Post
    you can't do things more gradual (without re-scripting from scratch how the CA cultures work which is more or less doable actually) 'cause you can track down culture % only by majority/minority, not the real culture %.
    you can track down culture % for incidents/dilemmas only (which is completely useless inside the pop context)
    Ok, probably not worth it then for such a small gain in gameplay.

  9. #7229

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Test, killed the leader of his family and heir, the maximum penalty is -10, even with him there is no split. I would increase to 20+ at least, tell me how?

    And then to lose the leader of your faction is not cold or hot, only-10. But if Octavian died, there would be a split, and in the game everyone does not care.(-10) nothing.

  10. #7230

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2


    I suggest a small tweak to population growth. When I play as Sweboz I usually get around 30-60k 1st class population in my capital, when I support it with 1st pop buildings. I think thats to easy, to spam elite units.

  11. #7231

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Have been very far from my gaming PC last two years... Anyway, It is not update related but I have tried to play two campaigns on a Legendary with Nervii and Rome on CIG. Same thing happened both times, almost every discovered faction declared war on me, as you can see in the picture, 14 armies are hanging on my territory. Funny thing they almost have no war between themselves and every faction can sustain 5-6 armies. Undoable.

    It is strange because I just finished full campaign on very hard as Hayq and there were not such wild behavior. I struggled with Azat 1st class pop group but it was fair, Armenia has all of it best cav recruited from one pop. I also see Kentrokan spears become somewhat inferiors compared to legionarie spears, it was not the case before.

    By the way, there are so many great improvements in battles, AI reacting to flanking maneuvers just brought tears in my eyes. Although I have to say some units are just completely unbreakable.
    I'm not sure what to think about small casualties when disengaging, it feels different from what I used to but if it benefits AI I support it.

    I think I see less killing variations when chasing enemies, I used to enjoy those.
    Soldiers not dancing in the back of a units is marvelous achievements

    Thank you for constantly improving the game. I also have noticed that almost get rid of fantasy names of Armenian characters but mostly on a men side, women still have literally unforgettable names like Ximsiualsksksh Would be cool to fix it too.
    Last edited by Vardano; January 09, 2021 at 01:57 AM.

  12. #7232
    KAM 2150's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Legendary is pretty much unplayable with DeI, hence the results. Battles are literally unplayable on Legendary or anything with battle difficulty above normal. For example on Legendary/Very hard battles AI hastati will beat player Hastati 5 to 1.
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  13. #7233

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Bonuses from buildings like temples are regionwise or provincewise?

  14. #7234
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    it depends, some are regionwise, some are provincewise, some are factionwise
    should be written in effect description

  15. #7235

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Hello, how to save the population? it was 28,000 captured without robbery. it became 13,000. As a result, it is easier to rob , it will still be the same.

    Understand. No need rob for 3 000 gold. This rip people class.
    Last edited by GyJIeBeP; January 16, 2021 at 02:10 PM.

  16. #7236

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Athenian archers have 175 range and 17 damage compared to Cretan archers who have 150 range and 19 damage. Athenian archers also have higher morale. Considering that both units are hired from the same pop, the choice is obvious, is there anything I should know?

  17. #7237

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    hello,how to edit champion effect/skill ? i want my champion has 100% assasin skill or duel,to kill my enemy spie,how to do that ?

  18. #7238
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    if you want to remove AI agents just use this pack!

  19. #7239

    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    tks you jake,this help alot

  20. #7240
    KAM 2150's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Feedback] Questions, Critiques and Requests for 1.2

    Quote Originally Posted by Vardano View Post
    Athenian archers have 175 range and 17 damage compared to Cretan archers who have 150 range and 19 damage. Athenian archers also have higher morale. Considering that both units are hired from the same pop, the choice is obvious, is there anything I should know?
    Cretans are not your factional troops so you can have them only in few places on the map and they are limited. Cretans have extreme rate of fire and much better anti armour ranged damage at a price of range.
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