If you are experiencing crashes then the following should help: 1. Clean out your data folder found in the Rome 2 install folder for Steam. Various mods can be active even without activating them in mod manager.
2. Most other mods are not compatible with DeI so deactivate/remove them. Some submods may still cause issues.
3. Reverify the game in steam to check local file integrity.
4. Make sure you have patch 17 not 16 beta for the game itself.
5. If none of that works, try deleting the Rome2.exe file found in the Rome 2 directory and reverifying your game cache in Steam.
Known Bugs/Issues
- Some region effect bundle icons will disappear when there are too many region effects. This is a UI limitation in the base game.
- Sometimes a building's effects and descriptions will appear as a large blank box, due to resolution restrictions.
- If you enter Patrol Region stance directly outside a city, you can enter the city in the stance. This is considered "cheating".
- Fleets reduce public order when in ports but that is not displayed on the calculated UI number. A pop up advice message will inform you of the amount.
- Sometimes the growth bar will go over the top of the population number in the region window.
- The battle map for Crete in the Grand campaign and IA campaign is bugged. Nothing we can do about it. Our workaround for now is to use a walled settlement map.
Other Information
Installation Guide
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Installation instructions Use only ONE of these versions, NOT both:
Steam Version All 3 parts are needed to play the game! Be sure that you have all of them downloaded.
1. Subscribe to the parts in Steam Workshop.
2. Start Rome II and be sure all six are checked green in the Mod Manager (they should by default).
3. Play the game.
TWC Version
1. Download the mod packs from the above link.
2. Extract the content (with 7-Zip, WinRar or similar program) into the data folder (...\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome II\data)
3. Start Rome II.
3. In Mod Manager, check "enable out of date mods."
4. In Mod Manager be sure that the both Part 1 and Part 2 of the standalone packs are checked green.
5. Play the game.
Mod Compatibility Information
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Divide et Impera includes in itself these mods (in personalized form):
Hegemonia, TTT, Meaningful Resources, Ancient Colors
*Using camera mods, other script mods, or startpos mods (Turn per year, etc) will break Divide et Impera's various custom systems.
Other mods that can be used with DeI:
- Graphics mods such as GEM, Aztec's lighting and blood mods.
- Music mods
Mods that are NOT compatible with DeI:
Startpos mods (TPY, All Factions Playable, other overhauls).
Script mods (camera mods, etc)
All mods that change battle dynamics.
All mods that change campaign dynamics.
All external unit packs.
Last edited by Dresden; March 26, 2023 at 03:25 PM.
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Thanks for clearing that out, so no need to delete it from the mod manager? So those two above parts is all that is needed or do I have to go into the old download thread and get part 1 and 2 as well?
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Originally Posted by Baalbeckius
Thanks for clearing that out, so no need to delete it from the mod manager? So those two above parts is all that is needed or do I have to go into the old download thread and get part 1 and 2 as well?
All you need is the 2 parts in this thread listed above, thats it. Make sure to click "enable out of date mods" in the mod manager.
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Great to see this 1.2 going to start playing and reporting back to you.
Just to be clear i still need all the DEI from steam parts 1-6
and then just add the new 1.2 files Divide et Impera 1.2 Part 1 (Mirror) Divide et Impera 1.2 Part 2 (Mirror)
to the steam folder.
I dont need to delete or uninstall any part of DEI from steam parts 1-6?
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Looks beautiful! Good job guys! Can't wait for the full release
One question though. I noticed Carthaginians wear faded green and tan tunics. Even the Sacred band lost their distinctive purple capes. Is this a design decision or a bug on my side?
---------------------------------Check out my mod --------------------------------
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Originally Posted by JustDoit8
Looks beautiful! Good job guys! Can't wait for the full release
One question though. I noticed Carthaginians wear faded green and tan tunics. Even the Sacred band lost their distinctive purple capes. Is this a design decision or a bug on my side?
We haven't worked on Carthage yet but they will get some changes later on. Not sure why they lost them now.
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Originally Posted by JustDoit8
Looks beautiful! Good job guys! Can't wait for the full release
One question though. I noticed Carthaginians wear faded green and tan tunics. Even the Sacred band lost their distinctive purple capes. Is this a design decision or a bug on my side?
Was a design decision to remove the cartoony colours.
Also I did do some work on Carthage, you should see new shields added and better linothorax textures.
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Originally Posted by Don_Diego
Was a design decision to remove the cartoony colours.
Also I did do some work on Carthage, you should see new shields added and better linothorax textures.
Oh yeah, I have noticed the the new shield and linothorax patterns along with some more color on helmets ....and I love it! Still, the elite members of sacred band should at least get capes of color different from what looks to be feldgrau or sand blue
Aslo, are there plans to give different linothorax models and improved textures to the low tier Greek phalangites and hoplites for Epirus, Hellenic AOR and mercs.? I mean something like the rework featured in the Sparta update.
Last edited by HighOnTea; January 06, 2017 at 01:33 PM.
---------------------------------Check out my mod --------------------------------
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
You should give more bonuses for the 2 class. After a point it is almost impossible to recruit them. like 3% extra would be nice (in base). Seleuids's satrapies seems to stick with you no matter what! Quite weird!! (I have food, +100 public order, no wars and buildings for 1st and 2st class)
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Remember that the hardcore submod can and will fix some of these "issues", but we have to consider the fact that this mod have a broad range of users and we need to satisfy everyones need. sort of.
And besides, you are playing as a major faction and as the Selecuids you also have satrapies which mean that the AI will be reluctant to wage war as it considers your size.
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Normally the satrapies rebel against the Seleucids pretty early on so that is indeed strange. But, every campaign is different in that regard. The larger starting factions are always going to be easier.
1.2 is actually harder in all of our testing than 1.1, especially for Rome's start. So, either you had a weird occurence, you are using some other submods/mods that conflict, or you are just that good
I recommend trying out the hardcore submod if you want a more aggressive AI.
Re: [Download & Installation] Divide et Impera - Download link - 1.2 Released!
Originally Posted by JustDoit8
Oh yeah, I have noticed the the new shield and linothorax patterns along with some more color on helmets ....and I love it! Still, the elite members of sacred band should at least get capes of color different from what looks to be feldgrau or sand blue
Aslo, are there plans to give different linothorax models and improved textures to the low tier Greek phalangites and hoplites for Epirus, Hellenic AOR and mercs.? I mean something like the rework featured in the Sparta update.
Yes there are some plans to further improve hellenic units in the future, and I think an update for various linothoraxes. Some rosters like Rhodos have some great new linothorax textures, maybe we can find more to replace the older/vanilla ones. Also I will probably re-do custom colours for sacred band units with a more natural purple colour. At the time it was easier just to remove the current colours and start again as that green and red scheme was not great...
Also @ AugustusRoman, try a smaller faction. I just loaded up a Rome campaign and fought a bloody war with Epirus and Syracuse for decades, only when Syracuse was surrounded and had lost several battles with Rome and Carthage, did they try to sue for peace. The faction power balance seems to make a big difference in that.
Last edited by Don_Diego; January 06, 2017 at 03:37 PM.