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Thread: Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units

  1. #1

    Default Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units

    Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units

    Albion is a small, windswept island off the coast of Norsca in the Great Ocean. It is said that it rains every day in Albion, the islands are shrouded in mist and heavy fog and the land is predominantly bogs, marshes and fens. This damp and gloomy environment is inhabited by tribes of woad-wearing humans, led by Truthsayers, guardians of the mysterious Ogham Stones, and inhabited by creatures such as Giants and the strange Fimir. I had hoped to add these as a large minor faction, but there is very little lore for albion's human inhabitants beyond the Truthsayers. The Fimir would not ally with the inhabitants of Albion, but I'll add them to the list anyway.

    Tribal, Magical and Monstrous Regiments and Notables

    Lords and Heroes
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    None yet

    Truthsayer Council
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    Truthsayer = Truthsayers are strange people, red haired, muscular individuals with spiralling blue tattoos and their mystical rods of command, inscribed with ogham signs. Their symbol of power is the Triskele and they use their complete own lore of magic. They can summon Fen Beasts. Warhammer Chronicle 2003

    Dark Coven
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    Dark Emissary = A Dark Emissary is a former Truthsayer, a sorcerer from the isle of Albion, that uses a specific strand of Chaos Magic, granted to them by their lord and master, the Daemon Prince Be’lakor. They can raise Fenbeasts. Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Dirach = Listed on page 138 of the 3rd edition. “The Dirach or daemon-friends usually accompany any Fimir raiding force.”

    Fimir Warlord = Listed on page 137 of the 3rd edition. “A fimir contingent must be led by a Fimir warlord unless a Meargh is present, in which case she may assume command instead.”

    Harbinger of Doom = "Legends of Dark Emissaries have abounded as long as there has been a language to convey the tales. They are traditionally portrayed as harbingers of doom who appear before lords on the eve of battle, offering service in exchange for petty tokens or trinkets." Due to Dark Emissaries acting as aides to Lords, I feel it is necessary to add a Lord version for them to use. This is not a named unit, but using a description of the Dark Emissaries, it works as a Lord version of the unit. Feel free to disregard this idea if you wish.

    Meargh = Listed on page 138 of the 3rd edition. “The only female Fimir are the Meargh or ‘witch-hags’. They are revered as powerful spellcasters and rule the Fimir clans.”

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    Barbarians = Truthsayers are the special breed of druids, native to Albion, that lead the tribes of human barbarians and have some control over the Giants of Albion. White Dwarf 233

    Javelin Throwers = ”The core of any Albion army comprises of nobles in chariots and warbands of warriors on foot, screened by youths armed with slings and javelins led by the local chieftain.”

    Ochness Tribesmen = ”A tribe of the cave-dwelling natives has made its home in the hills nearby to Ochness, and its culture has been formed with Buuhn-yip playing a significant part. Young men travel to the lake as a rite-of-passage to manhood. In this test, the young man must walk slowly around the edge of the lake an hour before dawn. If the young man breaks into a run, he is dishonoured and will be outcast by the tribe. When he returns home, having not been taken by the Ochness monster, he is regarded as a man.”

    Ogres = ”Not quite so strong, but then again not quite so dim, are the bands of ogres which flock to join the armies of Albion - for a share of the loot and the chance to turn a former enemy into a quick snack!”

    Slingers = ”The core of any Albion army comprises of nobles in chariots and warbands of warriors on foot, screened by youths armed with slings and javelins led by the local chieftain.”

    Tribesmen = With the disappearance of the Old Ones and a distinct lack of contact with the outside world they degenerated into a race of warring tribesmen and primitive cave dwellers. White Dwarf 233

    Warriors = Listed in the book. White Dwarf 233

    Warriors of Carn Mallog = ”The folk of Carn Mallog were more bearish than wolvish, Felix decided. They were big men, burly and hard-faced. Their hair was long and shaggy, beards of almost dwarfish length sprouted from their faces, braided and twisted into all manner of fantastic patterns. Tattoos marked their cheeks and sword arms. Huge two-handed swords hung strapped to their backs. Long spears were clutched in their hands. Their clothes consisted of leather jerkins and woollen kilts. Long plaid cloaks covered the shoulders of most. Some had bearskins or wolfskins instead. They seemed to be the men of most importance.”
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 21

    Truthsayer Council
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    Druids = Truthsayers are the special breed of druids, native to Albion, that lead the tribes of human barbarians and have some control over the Giants of Albion.

    Dark Coven
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    None yet

    Specialist Ammunition
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    Arcane Arrow = Magical marks are inscribed upon the arrowhead lending magical force to the impact. 3rd Ed. Armies Book

    Arcane Bodkins = These arrows are magically sharpened so that they automatically penetrate all non-magic armour. 3rd Ed. Armies Book

    Blood Arrows = The tips of these arrows are dipped in blood in an arcane ritual so that they are attracted to blood by means of sympathetic magic. 3rd Ed. Armies Book

    Seeking Arrows = These arrows are inscribed with magic marks which render them completely accurate. 3rd Ed. Armies Book

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    Centaur = Occasionally the gossip in a tavern will turn to the tale of a friend of a friend who was shipwrecked on the isle and returned to tell stories of creatures that were half-horse, half-man or of terrible one-eyed beasts that stalked the mists. White Dwarf 151 White Dwarf 151

    Chariots = Listed in the book. White Dwarf 233

    Mounted Warriors = ”Poorer nobles and richer warriors are mounted on hardy native ponies and form the cavalry used to both scout and support the noble chariot warriors.”

    Truthsayer Council
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    None yet

    Dark Coven
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    None yet

    War Machines
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    Chariots = Listed in the book.

    Truthsayer Council
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    None yet

    Dark Coven
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    None yet

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    Cult of Bologs
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    "Greatest of all the Giants is Bologs. He is worshipped as a god by the primitive, cave-dwelling tribes of Albion, who have carved his image into the chalk hills of their land, brandishing his mighty chopper." White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

    War Altar of Bologs = "These are small portable altars carried onto the battlefield and guarded by units of religious fanatics. War altars usually contain or incorporate holy relics." Warhammer 3rd Edition Armies Book White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

    Cult of the Old Ones
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    Those within the Truthsayer Council who worship the Old Ones.

    War Altar of the Old Ones = "These are small portable altars carried onto the battlefield and guarded by units of religious fanatics. War altars usually contain or incorporate holy relics." Warhammer 3rd Edition Armies Book

    Cult of the Dark Coven
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    Those within the Dark Coven who worship Belakor or Chaos Undivided

    War Altar of the Dark Coven = "These are small portable altars carried onto the battlefield and guarded by units of religious fanatics. War altars usually contain or incorporate holy relics." Warhammer 3rd Edition Armies Book

    Beasts and Monsters
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    Albion Loch-Monster = "it is not unknown for mercenary generals to ride on Albion Loch-monsters" White Dwarf 234

    Bol-A-Hat Flock = ”One of the most popular sights of Bol-a-Hat is the great flocks of grey birds that gathers in the centre paddock, perching on tents and stone statues, as well as on the shoulders and heads of passers-by. The people of Albion take great delight in this sight, for these birds are considered a great delicacy, and it seems the birds always return, no matter how many of their number are eaten”

    Dragon = ”Many travel the length of Albion to take part in the Great Hunt, and at this time, the mountains echo with their bellowing cries of child-like excitement. Many Giants meet their fate in this contest of might, rolling off treacherous cliffs while wrestling ferocious griffons, or trying to overcome one of the great Dragons awoken by their noisy antics.”

    Fenbeasts = "The Fenbeast then bursts forth from its muddy grave, the Ogham stone pulsating with energy at its centre. These creatures are totally without their own will, instead they are driven forth by the mind of their creator, to do their bidding." Warhammer Chronicles 2003 Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Giant Crab Swarm = ”At night all manner of strange creatures emerge from their hiding places to seek food. One of the more dangerous of these native beasts are the giant crabs. Vast swarms of them scuttle up the beach in the darkness, the gnashing of their razor sharp claws, an eerie noise that fills the night. The hard carapace of these terrible monsters is virtually impenetrable to all but the sharpest blades. The giant crabs feast well on the corpses of those slain in battle, but they have been known to attack the living for they are a highly territorial creature.”

    Giants of Albion = They are giants from the island of Albion.

    Great Eagles = ”In times of war some Chieftains can also call on the giant eagles whose eyries dot the highest peaks of the land.”

    Griffons = ”Many travel the length of Albion to take part in the Great Hunt, and at this time, the mountains echo with their bellowing cries of child-like excitement. Many Giants meet their fate in this contest of might, rolling off treacherous cliffs while wrestling ferocious griffons, or trying to overcome one of the great Dragons awoken by their noisy antics.” Warhammer 3rd Edition Rulebook

    Wolfhounds = Listed in the book. Warhammer 3rd Edition Rulebook

    Truthsayer Council
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    None yet

    Dark Coven
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    Albion Spectral Apparitions = ”It is said that spirits crowd the Isle of Wights, their ghostly wailing filling the night. Spectral apparitions stalk through the mist, refusing to give up their link to the physical realm, seeking the warmth of living bodies.”

    Barrow Wights of Albion = ”The barrows themselves each house an ancient, long dead warrior of high standing and his elite bodyguard, entombed within to serve their lord for eternity. Adorned in decaying armour of bronze, these ancient warriors lie unmoving for hundreds of years, until such a time when a living being is sensed nearby.”

    Boglars = Also known as Marsh-Gnoblars or Swamp Goblins, Boglars are a breed of Gnoblars that live in marshes, bogs and swamps. Boglars look like any other Gnoblar though their skin is a greenish-grey and they have beady yellow eyes. They spend much of their time catching frogs, fish and other amphibious or reptilian critters, dissecting them with broken sticks and eating them alive. Although Boglars normally seem to affiliate only with other Boglars, Gnoblars and Goblins, a large tribe of Boglars in the Marshes of Madness have been rumoured to be in alliance with strange, cyclopean creatures. From the Gnoblar Hordes army list.

    Fianna Fimm = Listed on page 137 of the 3rd edition. “Only the Warrior Fimm and the elite Fianna Fimm (retainers of the Fimm nobles), appear as allies.” May wear heavy armour.

    Fimir Warriors = Fimir are loathsome, one-eyed reptilian creatures, infamously degenerate and malign and possessed of dark powers. Fimir Warriors are armoured with plates of spell-forged bronze fitted to their hunchbacked bodies and wield Baleglyph weapons in combat, either in the shape of great double-handed mauls, or single-handed maces and curving hatchets, held one in each hand. Each Fimir Warrior also has a formidable weapon in its muscular tail which ends in a natural bone club with which it can smash any foes who get in close with bone-breaking force.

    Fimm Warriors = Listed on page 138 of the 3rd edition. “These form the majority of warrior Fimm, strong fleshed and hard skinned, these creatures have abhuman strength and ferocity. Wield hand weapons. Variants include; Shields, Armour.

    Guardian Spiders = Found in the Haunted Citadel. These spiders are extremely resistant to damage, pain and magic. They were created by the Old Ones to serve as guardians of the ruined place, but were corrupted by chaos.
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 16

    Shearls = Listed on page 137 of the 3rd edition. The fimir slave caste.

    Regiments of Renown
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    Magog = ”For those stones were not the ruins of an ancient city, but the remains of an immense stone giant.”

    Truthsayer Council
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    Crannogmen = ”Some of the men had taken up bows and spears and stood watchful. They seemed to be more interested in what they could hear than what they could see. Felix supposed it was because the mist limited their vision.”
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 14

    The Oracle’s Maiden-Guard = ”The women were armed with spears and small leather shields. They did not look friendly. Felix wondered why they pointed their spears at him so menacingly. Had he not helped save them? Had he not killed orcs? He kept very still anyway. Mistakes get made. Misunderstandings can easily be fatal when there are weapons involved.”
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 18

    Dark Coven
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    Magrig One Eye = ”‘Aye, Magrig One Eye, mightiest of the giants of old, a slayer of dragons and behemoths in his day, before his brain became clouded and he acquired the lust for manflesh.’”
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 20

    Added Units:

    Arcane Arrow (Infantry - Specialist Ammunition)
    Arcane Bodkins (Infantry - Specialist Ammunition)
    Blood Arrows (Infantry - Specialist Ammunition)
    Guardian Spiders (Beasts and Monsters - Dark Coven)
    Seeking Arrows (Infantry - Specialist Ammunition)
    Warriors of Carn Mallog (Infantry)

    Added RoRs:

    Crannogmen (Truthsayer Council RoR)
    Magrig One Eye (Dark Coven RoR)
    The Oracle’s Maiden-Guard (Truthsayer Council RoR)

    Removed Units:

    None yet.
    Last edited by PaulH; August 09, 2020 at 09:36 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units

    Special and Named Characters

    Here is contained a full list of every possible Legendary Lord or Legendary Hero that I could find for Albion. I have split them into different categories for whether they suit being Lords or Heroes, so it is easier to know which they are best suited to being added to, if someone wished to add them to the game. Without further ado, here we go.

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    Faction Leader
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    Unga-Er, Chieftain of Albion = ”Those native people of Albion who travel to Bol-a-Hat gape in awe at the advancements made by their countrymen, and they walk around the man-made huts in wide-eyed astonishment, pointing and hooting. They are particularly impressed with the dwelling of the Unga-Er, translating to 'Big Woman', the self-proclaimed female chieftain of Bol-a-Hat and Albion as a whole.”

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    Bran MacKerog = ”Murdo led a huge bear of a man over towards them and swiftly made the introductions. It turned out the man’s name was Bran MacKerog, chieftain of the men of Carn Mallog. There was no warmth in the greetings he gave them, only suspicion and perhaps a wary respect.” From Carn Mallog.
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 21

    The Oracle = ”Her mouth sprang shut like a steel trap as if she had just realised what she had said. A flush, visible even in the dim light, passed beneath her facial tattoos. A moment later Felix understood why. The old woman to whom she had been talking had eyes of milky white. She was quite obviously blind. This old woman was quite plainly a witch of some sort. He sensed the old woman’s attention sliding away from him and took the opportunity to study her. She was a tall woman, sharp faced, but still beautiful. Her robes were of thick grey wool. Her braids were even more complex than Siobhain’s. There were tattoos on her face too, but they had faded to near invisibility, like markings on parchment that has been left too long in the sun.”
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 20

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    Culum = ”Culum looked capable of uprooting treestumps with his bare hands. His muscles bulged, sweat beaded his brow. Slowly but surely, the Slayer’s arm was forced backward. The tribesmen cheered louder. The smile on the human’s face widened. Gotrek took a slug of whisky with his free hand, and grinned, showing his rotten teeth. The movement of his arm towards the table slowed and stopped. Felix was amazed that he could hold it at that angle. Culum grinned back and pushed harder. Great cables of sinew writhed in his arm and neck.” From Crannog Mere
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 13

    Laera, Chieftain of the Oracle’s Maiden-Guard = ”She had been young and lithe and she had died from a spear in the back. Judging from the bloody foam on her lips, it looked like she had drowned in her own blood. A spear lay near her cold, clutching fingers.”
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 18

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    Angband the Hated = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Davalos Tvaritch = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Drax Headstrong = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Dun-Darach the Slayer = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Fatima Shield Maiden = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Frealaf Hardhand = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Freca Foulbreath = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Guernica Strongsword = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Kloor Mighty-Axe = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Kolsek the Terrible = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Moosehead Skullcrusher = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Slade the Leveller = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Ungor Flamescalp = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Vark Birdmaster = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Wulf Pet-Hunter = A named barbarian. White Dwarf 95

    Giants of Albion
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    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Bologs = "Greatest of all the Giants of Albion is Bologs. He is worshipped as a god by the primitive, cave-dwelling tribes of Albion, who have carved his image into the chalk hills of their land, brandishing his mighty chopper. Awesome though he is, Bologs' intellect is dim, even for a Giant of Albion." White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

    Cachtorr = "The next greatest Giant in Albion is Cachtorr, twin brother of the mighty Bologs. He is slightly more intellgent than Bologs and is able to understand the speech of the Druids. It was Cachtorr who fought against the mighty Dong and his mate, Mae-Dong, two terrible Giants from the far north of Albion. This legendary fight lasted for several hundred years and involved hurling huge boulders whenever the mist cleared long enough for one Giant to see the other." White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

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    Dong = "It was Cachtorr who fought against the mighty Dong and his mate, Mae-Dong, two terrible Giants from the far north of Albion. This legendary fight lasted for several hundred years and involved hurling huge boulders whenever the mist cleared long enough for one Giant to see the other." White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

    Mae-Dong = "It was Cachtorr who fought against the mighty Dong and his mate, Mae-Dong, two terrible Giants from the far north of Albion. This legendary fight lasted for several hundred years and involved hurling huge boulders whenever the mist cleared long enough for one Giant to see the other." White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    None yet

    Truthsayer Council
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    Faction Leader
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    Dural Durak of the Truthsayer Council = ”Dural Durak, the new leader of the council, has decided that each Truthsayer should follow his heart and ally himself with the forces of good to fight against the tide of evil that approaches.” Warhammer Chronicles 2003

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    Hengus the Druid = A renowned druid from Albion, uses the Lore of Beasts. Often found with Bologs and Cachtorr, two Albion Giants.

    Murdo Mac Baldoch = ”He looked closer at the old man. His face was tattooed in odd geometric patterns that reminded Felix of something. Of course, he thought, the runes on the standing stones. ” From Crannog Mere
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 13

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    Tuatha, Truthsayer = ”Sensing increasing disruptions emanating from the region, the Truthsayer Tuatha, accompanied by three hulking giants, began to pick their way through the treacherous marsh towards the Ogham stone circle. To his horror he came across the abomination of the Daemon prince, veritably gorged with power.”

    Charl, Truthsayer = ”After making landfall and setting up camp, the army was met by a Truthsayer known only as Charl. Although the differences in language proved to be somewhat of a barrier, Tybalt felt compelled to trust this brave soul and followed him into the mists.”

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    None yet

    Dark Coven
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    Faction Leader
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    Be’lakor, the Dark Master = At the dawn of time, Be'lakor was blessed by all Chaos Gods. In the time before the rise of the Elves against Chaos, Be'lakor held the world in an iron fist, commanding hordes of daemons in the name of Chaos.'lakor

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    Gjakar, Servant of the Dark Master = ”The stranger introduced himself as Gjakar, a servant of the Dark Master and questioned Kaleth on his intent. Pleased to discover a heart as cruel and malicious as his own Gjakar accompanied Kaleth back to the Ark.”

    Kheciss of the Dark Coven = ”Now it has been rumoured that a sorcerer of immense power has joined his force. This infamous Dark Emissary is known as Kheciss, and even the Truthsayers quiet at the mention of his name. Kheciss, once considered great amongst the Truthsayers, is said to be a leader of the dark coven and his powers are beyond measure. He is servant only to the greater evil that is the Dark Master.” Warhammer Chronicles 2003

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    Knight of Damnation = ”His name and origins remain shrouded in mystery. Some believe him to be the Champion of Archaon, others believe he has in fact a Daemon Prince in the guise of a mortal. The brave explorers on Albion know only of him as the Knight of Damnation. Whatever the truth behind this menacing warrior one thing is certain. To meet him is to meet death. No army has faced him and lived. The only survivors of battles against this formidable warrior are those who fled from the battlefield in shameful terror.”

    Tehkhari = "None know exactly when the hunched Dark Emissary Tehkhari led the vampire and his minions into the depths of Bleak Moor, guiding them along hidden paths leading to the ancient Ogham stone circle at its centre." Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    None yet

    Added Characters

    Bran MacKerog (Albion - Lord)
    Culum (Albion - Hero)
    Laera, Chieftain of the Oracle’s Maiden-Guard (Albion - Hero)
    Murdo Mac Baldoch (Truthsayer Council - Lords)
    The Oracle (Albion - Lord)

    Removed Characters

    None yet.
    Last edited by PaulH; August 09, 2020 at 09:38 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units

    Reserved for Albion Suggested Unit Lists

  4. #4

    Default Re: Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units

    Magical Weapons, Armour, Amulets, Scrolls and Other Items

    This section deals in those magical items that can be used by this faction. This is by no means a full list, I doubt I'll ever get that, but it will provide modders with information if they wish to add new magical weapons, armour and items into the game to be used.

    Common Magic Items
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    If you follow the link below you will find dozens of magical items that are commonly found in the Old World (and beyond).

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    Treescuttle = ”‘Aye – saw a man bit once. Before he could be treated his arm had swelled and turned black and bloated with the venom. We had to amputate. Still he died, raving about daemons and fiends. Some of the other shamans and wizards collect the venom, and use it in small quantities to bring on visions.”
    Gotrek & Felix: Giantslayer by William King - Chapter 14

    Magic Weapons
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    Basilisk Blade = ”Even after death the bones of a Basilisk poison the world around them, exuding a foul aura that can putrefy flesh and corrode metal. Weapons fashioned from the rancid bones recovered from Basilisk remains are terrifyingly deadly, but thankfully rare as they are just as deadly to their wielders as they are to their victims.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Cold Iron Blade = ”Ancient lore claims that only iron weapons shaped without the use of fire can harm the spirits that infest certain regions of the world. Only the strongest of smiths can perform such a feat, hammering the metal into shape with brute strength before such artefacts are enchanted. Though the results are always crudely shaped, their potency against the ephemeral creatures is unquestionable.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Death Killing Splat Swotter = ”Death Killing Splat Swotter is the biggest double handed sword you have ever seen. It is as tall as a man and can easily cleave someone in two or three bits.”

    Reaper Sword = ”This mighty sword is sharper than a razor. Its keen blade glistens in the flickering torchlight, and even in the shadows It shimmers with an eerie light.” White Dwarf Issue 187

    Staff of Darkness = Adds to dispell rolls. Dark Emissary only. Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Staff of Light = Adds to dispell rolls. Counts as a halberd. Truthsayer only. Warhammer Chronicle 2003

    The Lash of Itzaotyl = ”Used by the servants of the Old Ones to subdue the massive beasts that stalked the world at the dawn of time, the ancient Last of Itzaotyl ensnares all it touches with an unbreakable tendril of pure magical essence. Since its theft from the Lizardmen, by the daughters of Naggaroth millennia ago, it has known many masters and current whereabouts are unknown.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Arcane Items
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    Battle Stone of Le Marquis = ”Michel d’un Doigt was a Bretonnian wizard famous for the nine enchanted gem stones he created. The Battle Stone is a glimmering red ruby that fills its bearer with vigour and energy.” White Dwarf Issue 194

    Bufo’s Hex Scroll = ”This scroll may be used to cancel out the spell of an enemy wizard and turn him into a toad.” White Dwarf Issue 194

    Freezing Death Spell Jewel = ”This jewel is carved of ice that never melts, and is freezing to the touch. When its power is invoked, it releases a lethal blast of icy shards at the Wizard’s foes.” White Dwarf Issue 187

    Lifestone of Ashraaz = ”The Lifestone of Ashraaz is a jet black gem that is worn round the neck of its bearer. When invoked, a beam of light shoots out of the stone and bathes the bearer and his opponent in a pool of yellow light. When the light fades the bearer’s wounds have been magically transferred to his enemy.” White Dwarf Issue 194

    Oggum Staff = A special kind of staff made by the druids of Albion. This grants them control over giants, and also protects the bearer.

    Power Stone of Le Marquis = ”Michel d’un Doigt was a powerful Bretonnian wizard who laboured long and hard to create a series of enchanted gem stones for use by the chivalric knights of that realm.” White Dwarf Issue 194

    The Mystic Shield of Brag = ”This scroll of parchment contains a powerful anti-magic enchantment that may be used by a wizard to block the spell of an enemy spellcaster.” White Dwarf Issue 194

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    Faithless Charm = ”The degenerate Ettin hill clans have been known to hang these small craven charms in the dismal northern woods, warding away those who would trespass on the Ettin’s miserable existence. Each is an embodiment of the unholy curse that afflicts the very souls of the Ettin. Those foolish enough to carry one with them for any length of time find their senses sharpened - until they lose control and the curse consumes them too.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Fimir-skin Cloak = ”The skin of a fimir is gnarled, making it tough to work with. But to a dedicated artificer, a cloak fashioned from such a pelt is resistant to any blade.”

    The Pinion of the Phoenix = ”These ephemeral feathers, plucked from the burning wings of a manifested phoenix and woven into a talisman, are preserved by the arts of ancient Elf magic. Handed down through generations of High Elf nobility, they are borne into the direst of battles as badges of honour, swiftly burning away to dust once removed from their protective caves. While they last they protect their bearer from harm, and should he fall grant him a fiery reprieve from death.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Warpscale Pendant = ”Crafted from the deformed scales of a Warpfire Dragon, these eerily worked talismans are the product not of twisted Skaven ingenuity as some suspect but rather of some unseen agency believed to be connected to the ruling cabals of the Tilean City-states. Ensorcelled to protect the wearer against weapons fuelled by warpstone, many Skaven wizards covet such items as a measure against assassination by their own kind - though the fear Warpfire Dragon’s cause among the warpstone-laden holds of the Skaven keeps them rare.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Magic Armour
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    Scintillating Shield = ”In the ancient legends of Estalia, retold so many times in their origin is now forgotten, heroes would be gifted with shields which were so highly polished they blinded their foes and deflected the deadly gaze of the Basilisks and Cockatrice that were the scourge of that Land in ancient days. Scintillating Shields, whether they be the items spoken of in legend or more recent creations wrought by wizard-craft, fetch a prince’s ransom when rumours of Basilisk or Cockatrice attack spread.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Wyrmscale Armour of the Deep = ”A glistening coat of Merwyrm scales, the enchantment on this armour keeps it coated with a shimmering Layer of briny sea water. Not only do the iron-hard scales deflect sword and arrow, but the scales still recall their home in the icy deeps of the ocean and grant their wearer passage through water and foil fiery assaults upon him.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Magic Standard
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Lucky Magic Totem Pole = ”This long wooden pole is covered in skulls and other totems to bring good luck.”

    Sacrificial Banner = ”Covered with arcane patterns daubed in blood and draped in ornate sigils and charms the Sacrificial Banner looks impressive, but its real purpose is rarely explained to those troops ‘honoured’ with its care. It is enchanted with the sole purpose of enraging and attracting the ire of the gigantic monsters that prowl the Warhammer world, so that a canny general can dictate the movement of his enemy’s most powerful ally.” Monstrous Arcanum

    Kadon’s Scrolls of Binding
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    When a storm of magic breaks, it isn’t merely battlefield sorcery that increases in power. All manner of spells and items dormant for decades suddenly crackle into vibrant life, eager to have their power unleashed on an unsuspecting world. Chief among these are Kadon’s Scrolls of Binding; each scroll was crafted with a particular beast in mind. These came from the Warhammer Supplement: Monstrous Arcanum, in the chart in that book it listed each monster for each faction as either Abhorrent, Binding Scroll or Kinship, these monsters here are all but those that are Abhorrent to this faction. The Scrolls of Binding that may be used vary from race to race, the following are those that may be used by this faction:
    Information Thread Beastiary for Potential New Monsters

    Binding Scrolls
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Ancient Stegadon
    Arachnarok Spider
    Arcane Phoenix
    Bonegrinder Giant
    Carmine Dragon
    Emperor Carmine Dragon
    Dread Maw
    Dread Saurian
    Emperor Forest Dragon
    Emperor Magma Dragon
    Flamespyre Phoenix
    Frostheart Phoenix
    Focus Familiars
    Forest Dragon
    Giant Spiders
    Great Eagles
    Great Forest Dragon
    Great Magma Dragon
    Great Stags
    Great Warpfire Dragon
    Great Wyvern
    Incarnate Elemental of Beasts
    Incarnate Elemental of Death
    Incarnate Elemental of Fire
    Magma Dragon
    Power Familiars
    Preytons (Filth Encrusted Scales)
    Preytons (Forest Stalker)
    Preytons (Insane Bloodlust)
    Spell Familiars
    War Lions of Chrace
    Warpfire Dragon
    Warrior Familiars
    Young Forest Dragon
    Young Magma Dragon
    Young Warpfire Dragon
    Young Wyvern

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Dark Emissary
    Emperor Dragon
    Fimir Balefiend
    Fimir Noble
    Fimir Noble (Great Weapons)
    Fimir Warriors
    Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons)
    Great Dragon
    Young Dragon

    Mythic Items
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Dawnstar Sword = ”Legend goes that this blade was forged in the first rays of light to strike the world. The energy of this auspicious enchantment remains embedded deep within the burnished blade, waiting to be called forth once more in a blaze of glory.” Storm of Magic

    Blade of Last Resort = ”This sword has ever had a twisted sense of humour, seeking out overmatched heroes and aiding them against a chosen foe. However, the Blade of Last Resort draws its strength from a victor’s glorious lifeblood; those that best an opponent with its aid themselves have scant moments to live.” Storm of Magic

    Dodecahedron of Continental Drift = ”Said to have been left behind by the Old Ones, this peculiar object can be used to remake the world. Each alteration to the Dodecahedron’s external matrix is reflected on the land around the user. Its ill-considered use can easily prove catastrophic…” Storm of Magic

    Fozzrik’s Floating Fortress = ”Though Fozzrik’s magical aptitude led him to become a wizard, he never lost his love for architecture. Many of the Old World’s cities have been built around immaculate structures that Fozzrik created from stone and sorcery, but more prized by far are his floating fortresses - buildings that move under their own power and sprout defences to repel intruders.” Storm of Magic

    Woodwaker’s Wand = ”Once upon a time, all the woods in the world were linked. Some say this great forest was alive, in a curious sort of way, and that every tree that now grows retains a portion of its vigour and intelligence just waiting to be revived.” Storm of Magic

    Living Deadwood Staff = ”Arboreonecromancy is a little-practiced branch of wizardry - any mystic crazed enough to attempt it normally transfers his attentions back to raising zombies and skeletons, rather than undead trees. However, legends tell of the Archmage Sycamo, ‘The Daemon Carpenter of Estalia’, who not only perfected a method of reanimating trees from their residual elements, but also filling them with astounding vigour. Much of Sycamo’s work has, fortunately, been lost to the intervening aeons, but the Living Deadwood Staff never stays missing for long…” Storm of Magic

    Giantkin Helm = ”After constantly being told ‘We expect big things from you’ by his Elector Count father, Heinrich von Roth spent much of the family fortune commissioning an artefact that would help him achieve greatness. Alas, he was to learn that when dealing with wizards, precision of diction is just as important as largesse of payment.” Storm of Magic

    Windcatcher Prism = ”This peculiar bauble was crafted long ago, its purpose very much tied to storms of magic. Once a particular Wind of Magic rises to a certain cataclysmic level, the Windcatcher Prism absorbs and rechannels a portion of its power, bestowing the bearer - and his immediate allies - with an avataric aspect of the ascendant Wind of Magic.” Storm of Magic

    Paranoth’s Piquet Fence = ”Paranoth was a famous travelling mage, who trod every road ‘twixt Cathay and Naggarond. Naturally, only a particularly foolish wizard would journey such roads without defences, so Paranoth wove himself a sorcerous fence to defend his encampments whilst he and his companions slept.” Storm of Magic

    Rockcharmer’s Flute = ”Androgast Gildheim was the first man in the Empire to master this granite flute, but its origins lie hidden in the mists of time. Some say that the Rockcharmer’s Flute was used to destroy the old Dwarfen realms, others that it sank the fabled realm of Seidon. However, the most popular tale concerns a drunken Halfling, the Rockcharmer’s Flute, a jug of lamp oil, a plate of sausages and the accidental creation of the Grey Mountains.” Storm of Magic

    Wyssan’s Weighted Dice = ”This set of weighted dice is one amongst many forged by Arctovian Wyssan over the course of a long and (unsurprisingly) successful wagering career. At the bearer’s command, these skull-marked cubes play havoc with the laws of causality; turning certainty into bleak misfortune.” Storm of Magic

    Arabyan Puzzlebox = ”This elegantly crafted container houses many hundreds of glittering gemstones, each with the power to harness the Winds of Magic if used in the correct manner. Alas, the user can never truly be sure that the compartment he has opened will contain the gems he needed.” Storm of Magic

    Black Book of Ibn Naggazar = ”Ibn Naggazar was a brilliant, if somewhat maniacal, Arabyan sorcerer. Whilst it is unknown whether his madness sprang from isolation, too many attempts at creating intoxicating ‘elixirs’ or the honeyed promises of whispering Daemons, there can be no doubt that he was utterly insane. No rational wizard would create a book inked on the skin of his closest family, much less constantly follow its advice.” Storm of Magic

    Silverstone Axe = ”In the ancient barrows that dot the Empire, huge enchanted axes forged of gromril, known to ancient men as Silverstone, have been found. Inert until the storms of magic howl, these axes are so heavy that only the strongest warriors can lift them and then impact shakes the ground, knocking armoured warriors from their feet while against wizards their effects are even more potent as the winds of magic lash and recoil at their blows. When a storm of magic rages these weapons are brought to the battlefield once again to bring down the titanic beasts set loose upon the world.” - Magic Weapon Monstrous Arcanum

    The Crucible of Horrors = ”No one knows from whence the Crucible of Horrors came, but contained within the flash of twisted meteoric iron is a vortex of seething black energy which screams like the torment of damned souls. This deadly artefact has been sought out by many down the centuries, and it has passed through the hands of many tyrants, arch-sorcerers, wizards and kings, and at its use the destruction of cities and slaughter of armies has been laid. When unleashed the power of the crucible is erratic and dangerously unstable, but it can unleash devastation and even create nightmarish doppelgangers of slain monsters to fight at the wielder’s bidding. The power of the Crucible of Horrors is treacherous however, as more than one would be conqueror has found to their cost.” - Enchanted Items Monstrous Arcanum

    The White Sistrum = ”There are many night-haunted legends originating from the foetid jungles and deadly wastes of the far hinterlands of Khuresh. Stories abound of the dread Snake Men and the foul and nightmarish Blood Naga queens who rule there, and it is a realm where men are no more than hunted prey, and blood and souls are the only coin in trade. Rarely do artefacts of this fell civilisation reach the Old World and all are steeped in blood and misunderstood power. One such artefact is the White Sistrum, a strange ivory-grown, drum shaped like an hourglass, whose discordant music brings madness and death, and evokes the terrible rites of the Naga.” - Arcane Item Monstrous Arcanum

    Added Items

    Treescuttle (Common Magic Items - Poison)

    Removed Items

    None yet
    Last edited by PaulH; April 23, 2020 at 11:06 AM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units

    Lore Information Regarding Albion

    When a series is being continuously updated for a quarter of a century there is bound to be a massive amount of lore that has been created for it. This is an attempt to collate important snippets of lore that I have found during my research into units. I am presenting these in note form rather than in quote form due to the sheer amount of information that is potentially able to be displayed here, but I hope that it will prove useful or interesting to you regardless.

    General Information
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Albion is a land steeped in magic.
    - Its said that when a person dies, their soul is trapped in the fens. Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - The Druids of Albion say that the race of mighty giants that inhabit their island were put there by the Old Ones to guard the island from intruders.
    - Giants hurl boulders down onto hapless ships that come to close to the shore.
    - The druids have a strange power over the giants, and with their great strength they can create henges to measure the movements of the sun, moon and stars.
    - Bologs is worshipped as a god by the primitive, cave-dwelling tribes of Albion.
    - Albion was shrouded in the mists of legend until the Tilean general, Curious Geasar first set foot on the island.
    - Albion is rumoured to be full of gold, pearls and the treasure of the legendary Triton himself. White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

    The Land
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Albion is a land steeped in magic.
    - The Ogham stones draw magical energy to the isle, and the soil, rocks, plants, even air are saturated with this.
    - Albion is riddled with marshes and bogs, and many creatures die trying to cross them.
    - Mystical forces are drawn to these places by death.
    - Its said that when a person dies, their soul is trapped in the fens.
    - In these marshes a wizard can summon forth trapped spirits using a magical ogham stone. Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - The Ogham Stone circles were covered in blood and the land was tainted with death and misery, but the forces of ‘good’ prevailed
    - The number of Truthsayers were sorely depleted by the war, and many of their beloved Oghams defiled. Intense dark energies swamp Albion, and the magic of the stones may never truly return
    - With the weakness of the Ogham stones, the winds of magic are blowing stronger than ever, the High Elves feel the strain in the Vortex and fear that Chaos will rise its head sooner rather than later Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - Giants hurl boulders down onto hapless ships that come to close to the shore.
    - The druids have a strange power over the giants, and with their great strength they can create henges to measure the movements of the sun, moon and stars.
    - Bologs is worshipped as a god by the primitive, cave-dwelling tribes of Albion.
    - The cave-dwelling tribes of Albion have carved Bologs' image into the chalk hills of their land.
    - Albion is rumoured to be full of gold, pearls and the treasure of the legendary Triton himself. White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

    Bastion of the Old Ones
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    - The truthsayers gather in the Bastion of the Old Ones and are known to pray to the Old Ones Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Black Ark - Shadow of Despair
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - The Black Ark “Shadow of Despair” has landlocked itself on the shore of Albion
    - The lizardmen hunted down dark elf scouting parties on Albion and killed most with toxins Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - The Dark Elves established forts on the isle by docking their Black Arks there Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Bleak Moor
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - At the heart of the Bleak Moor is an ancient Ogham circle of great power.
    - The marshes are full of corpses. Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Driven by Lord Ravenbrandt, the empire has established an enclave near Bol-a-hat called Neuland. Warhammer Chronicle 2003

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Neuland, an imperial province, has been established east of Bol-a-hat
    - This fledgling state has little political power yet, but it hopes to one day get an electoral vote
    - There is a chance it will fall into civil war as Lord Ravenbrandt and Leopold von Stroheim oppose one another for rulership of the isle Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Ogham Stones
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - During the dark shadows over Albion storyline, armies from across the planet fought one another on the isle of Albion, and the savage inhabitants fought back
    - The Ogham Stone circles were covered in blood and the land was tainted with death and misery, but the forces of ‘good’ prevailed
    - After the war Dark Emissaries fled and hid across the Old World, hiding in caves, swamps, and plotting revenge and to claim the Ogham Stones for themselves
    - With the weakness of the Ogham stones, the winds of magic are blowing stronger than ever, the High Elves feel the strain in the Vortex and fear that Chaos will rise its head sooner rather than later Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    The Forge of the Old Ones
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Lizardmen are pouring forth from the Forge of the Old Ones, and the jungle around them is growing at an extremely fast pace
    - The lizardmen hunted down dark elf scouting parties on Albion and killed most with toxins Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Troglagobs dwell in the sea, and have been known to raid the coasts of the Empire, Tilea and even the shores of Lustria and Ulthuan
    - These ocean-dwelling goblins have been sighted in great numbers on Albion and have claimed the southern tip of the island as “Trogland”
    - Their skintone tends to be sea-green or turquoise, and their feet are webbed like a frogs. They are excellent swimmers
    - They coat their weapons in the ichor of poisonous sea monsters Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    The People
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Truthsayers and Dark Emissaries can harness the energy of Ogham Stones in a number of ways
    - These wizards of Albion are able to use magical energy to summon forth elemental monsters known as Fenbeasts
    - Its said that when a person dies, their soul is trapped in the fens
    - In these marshes a wizard can summon forth trapped spirits using a magical ogham stone
    - Fenbeasts are formed of the mud and detritus of the marshes
    - Fenbeasts aren't living creatures, they can't feel pain and can reshape themselves Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - The Truthsayers pray to gods of hunting and battle Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - During the dark shadows over Albion storyline, armies from across the planet fought one another on the isle of Albion, and the savage inhabitants fought back
    - After the war Dark Emissaries fled and hid across the Old World, hiding in caves, swamps, and plotting revenge and to claim the Ogham Stones for themselves
    - The Dark Master, aka Be’lakor, has fled Albion
    - The number of Truthsayers were sorely depleted by the war, and many of their beloved Oghams defiled. Intense dark energies swamp Albion, and the magic of the stones may never truly return Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - The druids have a strange power over the giants, and with their great strength they can create henges to measure the movements of the sun, moon and stars.
    - Bologs is worshipped as a god by the primitive, cave-dwelling tribes of Albion.
    - The cave-dwelling tribes of Albion have carved Bologs' image into the chalk hills of their land. White Dwarf 233

    Giants of Albion
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - The Druids of Albion say that the race of mighty giants that inhabit their island were put there by the Old Ones to guard the island from intruders.
    - Giants hurl boulders down onto hapless ships that come to close to the shore.
    - The druids have a strange power over the giants, and with their great strength they can create henges to measure the movements of the sun, moon and stars.
    - Greatest of all the giants is Bologs.
    - Bologs is worshipped as a god by the primitive, cave-dwelling tribes of Albion.
    - Cachtorr once fought two giant rivals, Dong and Mae-Dong for several hundred years.
    - Oggum Staff's are unique to albion's druids. The marks endow the bearer with power over Giants and protect the owner from harm.
    - The Giants of Albion are many and varied. Most have only one eye in the middle of their foreheads, some have two heads, their clothing is made of the hides of huge beasts such as Mammoths, Sabre Tooth Tigers and cave bears. White Dwarf 233

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - There are gnomes in Albion, whose culture might differ from those on the mainland. White Dwarf 86

    Foreign Affairs
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - During the dark shadows over Albion storyline, armies from across the planet fought one another on the isle of Albion, and the savage inhabitants fought back
    - The Ogham Stone circles were covered in blood and the land was tainted with death and misery, but the forces of ‘good’ prevailed
    - After the war Dark Emissaries fled and hid across the Old World, hiding in caves, swamps, and plotting revenge and to claim the Ogham Stones for themselves
    - The Dark Master, aka Be’lakor, has fled Albion
    - The number of Truthsayers were sorely depleted by the war, and many of their beloved Oghams defiled. Intense dark energies swamp Albion, and the magic of the stones may never truly return
    - With the weakness of the Ogham stones, the winds of magic are blowing stronger than ever, the High Elves feel the strain in the Vortex and fear that Chaos will rise its head sooner rather than later Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Dark Elves
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - During the dark shadows over Albion storyline, armies from across the planet fought one another on the isle of Albion, and the savage inhabitants fought back
    - The Dark Elves established forts on the isle by docking their Black Arks there Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - Dark Elves are sending back the spoils of their victories back to Naggaroth. Warhammer Chronicle 2003

    - The Black Ark “Shadow of Despair” has landlocked itself on the shore of Albion Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - During the war on Albion, Malekith sided with the Dark Master and threatened to use his magic on the isle. To counter this, the High Elves fought hard to protect and win back the Ogham Stones
    - Many dark elves were left to starve on Albion due to the harrying efforts of the high elves Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    High Elves
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Even now the Eagleships and Hawkships of the High Elves patrol the coast. Warhammer Chronicle 2003

    - During the war on Albion, Malekith sided with the Dark Master and threatened to use his magic on the isle. To counter this, the High Elves fought hard to protect and win back the Ogham Stones
    - Many dark elves were left to starve on Albion due to the harrying efforts of the high elves
    - Eagleships and Hawkships continue to ply the waters of Albion Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - During the dark shadows over Albion storyline, armies from across the planet fought one another on the isle of Albion, and the savage inhabitants fought back
    - The number of Truthsayers were sorely depleted by the war, and many of their beloved Oghams defiled. Intense dark energies swamp Albion, and the magic of the stones may never truly return
    - With the weakness of the Ogham stones, the winds of magic are blowing stronger than ever, the High Elves feel the strain in the Vortex and fear that Chaos will rise its head sooner rather than later Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - Bologs destroyed a high elf trading vessel as he couldn't understand what the high elf trader was saying. White Dwarf 233

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - During the dark shadows over Albion storyline, armies from across the planet fought one another on the isle of Albion, and the savage inhabitants fought back Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - Lizardmen are pouring forth from the Forge of the Old Ones, and the jungle around them is growing at an extremely fast pace
    - The lizardmen hunted down dark elf scouting parties on Albion and killed most with toxins Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Albion was shrouded in the mists of legend until the Tilean general, Curious Geasar first set foot on the island.
    - To prevent themselves getting conquered by Remas, the druids gave up their greatest Giants; Bologs and Cachtorr.
    - When Curious Geasar was killed on arrival back in Remas, someone let the two giants off their chains and they rampaged through the city. White Dwarf 233 White Dwarf 233

    The Empire
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - During the dark shadows over Albion storyline, armies from across the planet fought one another on the isle of Albion, and the savage inhabitants fought back Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - Driven by Lord Ravenbrandt, the empire has established an enclave near Bol-a-hat called Neuland.
    - Expansion has been slow because of the boggy land.
    - A fledgling state that isn't officially recognised. Warhammer Chronicle 2003

    - Neuland, an imperial province, has been established east of Bol-a-hat
    - This fledgling state has little political power yet, but it hopes to one day get an electoral vote
    - There is a chance it will fall into civil war as Lord Ravenbrandt and Leopold von Stroheim oppose one another for rulership of the isle Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Troglagobs dwell in the sea, and have been known to raid the coasts of the Empire, Tilea and even the shores of Lustria and Ulthuan
    - These ocean-dwelling goblins have been sighted in great numbers on Albion and have claimed the southern tip of the island as “Trogland”
    - Their skintone tends to be sea-green or turquoise, and their feet are webbed like a frogs. They are excellent swimmers
    - They coat their weapons in the ichor of poisonous sea monsters Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - During the dark shadows over Albion storyline, armies from across the planet fought one another on the isle of Albion, and the savage inhabitants fought back
    - The number of Truthsayers were sorely depleted by the war
    - With the weakness of the Ogham stones, the winds of magic are blowing stronger than ever Warhammer Chronicles 2003

    - The tribesmen of Albion use clubs and stone axes, but they also use shields and chariots.
    - To prevent themselves getting conquered by Remas, the druids gave up their greatest Giants; Bologs and Cachtorr.
    - Oggum Staff's are unique to albion's druids. The marks endow the bearer with power over Giants and protect the owner from harm. White Dwarf 233
    Last edited by PaulH; August 09, 2020 at 09:59 AM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units


  7. #7

    Default Re: Information Thread for Potential New Albion Units


  8. #8

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