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Thread: Judex-Rex - The original thread

  1. #1
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Judex-Rex - The original thread


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    The below text has been translated to English from Russian. The original Russian is in the spoiler below.
    English version - translation was created using Google Translator

    The administration portal Late Roman Empire announces the beginning of the creation of our new global project called Judex - Rex (Judge - Rex), which is a completely new direction, such as - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs.
    This project is essential for a better understanding of mechanisms together that influenced the actions of great men of that period and the course of the story. From politics, wars of conquest, geography, religion, the development of ancient technologies, trade and to interpersonal relationships! All this will now be merged together, not in real life of course, but in the digital world, the world where much has already been possible to implement and based on these data to analyze. For this project, we will use the game Total War: Attila. We have begun to establish the historical modifications to this game!
    Of course, the project is not only to curious historians and reenactors, and more on ordinary gamers interested in history. After all, we all love the game and that the game is more than capable of more than just the so captivate story ?!
    What is our life? A game!
    Also we recognize our modes on this game not only called historic, but we are the first who comes to play with scrupulous historian, based on the sources of its findings - necessarily prescribing them in every detail so vast digital world.

    In what year begins campaign which events will unfold and why did you choose this name?

    Started in the campaign will begin in the spring of 367. This time, in our opinion the most interesting events on the saturation, to radically change the whole story. The main one is the invasion of hordes of Huns, to force policy change not only the Roman Empire but also was the impetus for the destruction of all its western part. It Huns set in motion a mechanism for the invasion of the barbarians of the set on the territory of the Roman Empire, but in spite of the seriousness of the situation for the future of the Empire, was the kingdom to which these events influenced much more globally, and some of them fatal! One of the most serious enemies of Rome - the kingdom, and someone says, and the Empire Goths, now more violent and frightening the enemy.
    What will choose the leaders ready? The extermination of the Huns, slavery in Rome or glorious death on the battlefield?
    In the history, it happened neither one nor the other, fate has given them a new chance!
    After the death of long-lived king Ermanaric, they can only lead common to all Goths leader with the highest title in Gothic society - Judge, the Romans often called judge-Rex! That is why this campaign means the game is not only for the part of the Roman Empire, but also has a campaign for the Kingdom is ready - as well as the separated on Visigothi Ostrogothi. Game of the Roman Empire will be very difficult, but even more difficult will be the campaign for the Goths.
    Time of the campaign is not accidental. In this time the Kingdom of the Visigoths, under the leadership of the Gothic Judges - Atanariha using guerilla tactics, was hampering the Roman army of Valens, who decided to do away with them once and for all. Atanarih tactic was successful and Valens was forced to make peace with the Visigoths, but the world did not last long. In the year 376, more powerful Ostrogothic Kingdom, under the leadership of Ermanaric, has suffered a final defeat by the invading hordes of Huns and Visigoths with their Athanaric remains alone in front of the impending avalanche. And he manages to keep it for some time, which is enough for all the people of the Visigoths retreat, including the elderly and children to the Roman borders. But here, they did not expect the peace. Oppress the Goths cling to guns and in 378, Emperor Valens, gathered a large army, decided to do away completely with the Visigoths. The Battle of Adrianople, all the same becomes crucial, but not Goths, rather Roman Empire. Battle of Adrianople is considered one of the turning points of European history that changed the balance of power in favor of the Germanic peoples. And all the fault - came to the rescue of the time, the Visigoths allied cavalry. Goths ignited fires served as a beacon to find the direction to support the cavalry, and played a crucial role in this battle. Many historians disagree - who were the riders, so arrived on time. Someone thinks that this union Huns, someone ascribes this miraculous rescue indented part of the Ostrogoths, but the question remains - where was the supreme and invincible leader of the Visigoths Athanaric?
    We do not answer this question, but it showed where to look for it.

    Our team is small developers, but is made up of historians, programmers and 3D artists.
    The final mod project to complete a very long time, because the amount of work is enormous and the timing is not amenable to calculation, but the opportunity to play will be much earlier than the final, because we plan to edit and fill the game gradually, without erasing the basis of the game, Attila.

    Original Russian text is in the spoiler below.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Администрация портала Поздняя Римская Империя объявляет о начале создания нашего нового глобального проекта под названием Judex - Rex (Судья - Рекс), что является совершенно новым направлением, таким как - Цифровая Историческая Реконструкция, в данном случае мира Поздней Античности, сокращённо ЦИРПА.
    Данный проект необходим для более глубокого понимания всех механизмов в совокупности, повлиявших на действия великих людей того периода и хода всей истории. От политики, завоевательных войн, географии, религии, развития древних технологий, торговли и до межличностных отношений! Всё это теперь будет слито воедино, не в настоящей жизни конечно, но в цифровом мире, мире где многое уже возможно реализовать и на основе этих данных проанализировать. Для реализации данного проекта мы будем использовать игру Total War: Attila. Мы приступили к созданию исторической модификации на данную игру!
    Конечно, проект предназначен не исключительно для любознательных историков и реконструкторов, а больше на обычных интересующихся историей геймеров. Мы ведь, по большому счёту, все любим игры, а что как не игра способна более всего так увлечь историей?!
    Что наша жизнь? Игра!
    Также признаемся, наш мод на данную игру не единственный называющийся историческим, но мы первые кто подходит к игре со скрупулёзностью историка, основываясь на источниках своих выводов - обязательно прописывая их в каждой мелочи настолько огромного цифрового мира.

    Какое время начала игры, какие события будут развиваться и почему выбрано такое название?

    Год начала кампании в игре будет начинаться весной 367 н.э.. Данное время, на наш взгляд наиболее интересно по насыщенности событий, кардинально поменявших всю историю. Главное из них это нашествие орд Гуннов, заставившее поменять политику не только Римской империи, но и стало толчком к уничтожению всей её западной части. Именно Гунны привели в действие механизм нашествия множества варваров на территорию Римской империи, но при всей серьёзности дальнейшего положения дел для Империи, были царства на которые эти события повлияли куда более глобально, а некоторым и фатально! Одному из наиболее серьёзных противников Рима - царству, а кто-то скажет и Империи Готов, готовилась учесть быть полностью истреблёнными со стороны, теперь уже более жестокого и пугающего противника.
    Что выберут вожди Готов? Истребление от Гуннов, рабство у Рима или славная гибель на поле брани?
    В истории, случилось ни то и ни другое, судьба дала им новый шанс!
    После гибели короля-долгожителя Эрманариха, возглавить их может только общий для всех Готов лидер, имеющий наиболее высокий в готском обществе титул - Судья, римлянами называемый чаще Судья-Рекс! Именно поэтому данная кампания подразумевает игру не только за Римские части империй, но и королевства Готов, так же как и Римские разделённых, на вестготское и остготское. Игра за римские империи будет очень сложной, но ещё более сложной станет кампания за Готов.
    Время начала кампании не случайно. В данное, время королевство Вестготов, под предводительством готского Судьи - Атанариха, используя тактику партизанских войн, начинает сдерживать Римскую армию Валента, решившего покончить с ними раз и навсегда. Тактика Атанариха была успешной и Валент вынужден был заключить мир с Вестготами, но мир был не долгим. В 376 году, более сильное королевство Остготов, под предводительством Эрманариха, потерпело уже окончательное поражение от вторгшихся орд Гуннов и Атанарих со своими Вестготами остаётся один на один перед надвигающейся лавиной. И ему удаётся её сдержать некоторое время, которого хватает для отступления всего народа Вестготов, включая стариков и детей к Римским границам. Но и здесь их не ждал мир. Притеснённые римлянами, готы хватаются за оружие и в 378 году император Валент, собравший большую армию, решается окончательно покончить с Вестготами. Битва при Адрианополе всё таки становится решающей, но не для Готов, а всей Римской империи. Адрианопольская битва считается одним из поворотных моментов европейской истории, который изменил баланс сил в пользу германских народов. А всему виной - вовремя подоспевшие части, союзной Вестготам конницы. Разожжённые Готами костры, послужили маяками в поиске направления для подкрепления конницы и сыграли решающую роль в этой битве. Многие историки расходятся во мнении - кем были те всадники, что так вовремя подоспели. Кто-то считает что это союзные Гунны, кто-то приписывает данное чудесное спасение отступившим частям Остготов, но остаётся вопрос - где в это время был верховный и несокрушимый лидер всех Вестготов Атанарих?
    Мы не ответим на этот вопрос, но показали где можно его искать.

    Наша команда разработчиков небольшая, но состоит из историка, программиста и 3D художников.
    Финальный релиз проекта быстро завершить не планируем, так как объём работ огромен и сроки пока не поддаются вычислению, но возможность поиграть появится куда раньше финала, так как мы планируем редактировать и наполнять игру постепенно, не стирая основу игры Аттила.


    Features of the new gameplay mod Judex - Rex

    Latest version: 5
    Each subsequent digit after zero is a global mod and is considered a separate chapter of the mod, therefore it has its own name, describing in its name what is special differs from the other version.

    ______Judex - Rex_____
    Chapter V - Great Exodus

    The previous version: 4:

    ________Judex - Rex_________
    Chapter IV - Late Roman Empire

    Last edited by grif; July 20, 2018 at 12:25 PM. Reason: Reorganised to put English text at the top of the post.

  2. #2
    Frunk's Avatar Form Follows Function
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    This is an English-speaking forum. I've rearranged the OP slightly to put the English text up top. Any questions, please send me a PM.

    I'm also moving this thread from Overhauls, Compilations and Miscellaneous until a release is achieved. If I have made a mistake, please let me know.
    Last edited by Frunk; August 28, 2016 at 08:22 AM.

  3. #3
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Thank you, but not yet release only a preview!
    And thank you for editing, so it's best! )

    We launched a competition to know the unit - get a prize pack Total War: ATTILA – Blood & Burning!
    Спасибо, но ещё не релиз, только превью!
    И спасибо за редактирование, так лучше! )

    Мы запустили конкурс, кто узнает юнит - получит приз Total War: ATTILA – Blood & Burning!

  4. #4
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs


    The attack on the vanguard of the peasants! - ufffff .... - barely got out! : D

  5. #5
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Here, the description made in the updated version.
    At this moment the data are ready version of the mod:

    Version - 0.0.1
    New Gameplay - guerrilla warfare.
    For the provisions of the Army: march, fortification, and the ambush in the city - is available a large number of protective structures for the defense! This fireballs, pitfalls, sulfur pits, stakes, sharp rocks and hedgehogs. The amount of 5 pieces. during the march and to 18 at the ambush. And the sheer number of items increased to 2-3, for example stakes are now 200 pieces. in one package, which can be up to 4. Characteristics of protective structures increased by 1.5-2 times.
    Increased durability of the fence.

    Version - 0.0.2
    New Gameplay - riots, reducing the number of factors in the army.
    Fines, bonuses diplomatic relations enemies, allies are reduced, as well as Traits such as anti-imperium characters 1.5-2 times. Fines on levels Imperium also reduced by 1.5-2 times.
    Radically changed the bonuses from 9 modes authorities. Now they're vital element in the new gameplay! Improper management - in your armies will be constant riots! You should initially to understand this mechanism, if you want to win!

    Version - 0.0.3
    New Gameplay - Army Corps of Engineers.
    Adding a new siege units: Ballista Ballista and huge.
    Added a new salvo for onager and ballista - shot spread. "A shot of two dozen small stones - designed to defeat enemy personnel."

    Also added texture to the weapon - a crossbow (in vanilla, it is not - only a black background).

    Version - 0.0.4
    New Gameplay - auxiliary armies.
    The game - the army is now divided into three types: Auxiliary parts, comitatensis Army, limitanei Army.
    Auxiliary parts are: four new units for the individual armies of the main parts of the avant-garde \ rearguard.
    More in this category Army units do not plan to create.

    exploratores - Bodyguards 50 people in the unit
    Very light cavalry, Spear
    --- Great speed in combat and a huge map on the strata, the highest secrecy.
    Gathering intelligence on the terrain and the enemy to be the vanguard of the army, try not to engage in combat.
    There are separate from the army, as the problem is intelligence.

    praeventores - 50 people in group
    Very light infantry, Spear
    --- Great speed in combat and middle strata to the map, the highest secrecy.
    To participate in ambushes on the vanguard force \ enemy intelligence and not to leave the infantry units, which is possible only in a wooded and impassable terrain for the cavalry. To expose the trap main forces of the enemy. Be attack on block positions.
    There are separate from the army.

    superventores - 120 people in the unit
    Very light cavalry, swordsmen
    --- Great speed in combat and on the high striation map, average reserve.
    Steal of the fleeing from the battlefield, or seen the scouts of the enemy vanguard.
    There are in the army separately.

    exculcatores - 120 people in the unit
    Very light infantry, swordsmen
    --- High speed in combat and on the high striation map, average reserve.
    Calculate the most successful route for the army, and to detect the ambush. A fight broke out with the army or the vanguard of the enemy, using the skirmish tactics, probably before the arrival of the main forces. Being a bait for the enemy in the midst of battle. Unlike exploratores - scouts that the infantry unit is in close proximity to the army, and not too far off as intelligence!
    Since this is the elite of the Palatine, then they must act according to a greater extent in the army, but it is possible and a separate composition.

  6. #6

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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Any plans for the campaign map?

  7. #7
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    The plans - to remake everything possible in the game! )
    But as long as the possibility to edit campaign map is not open CA.
    Планы - переделать всё что возможно в игре! )
    Но пока возможности редактировать карту кампании не дали CA.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Shield construction would have covers over the wood. This is essential to the protection of the shield from weather, and to hide the wood grains to prevent the enemy from seeing where to strike on the shield in order to break it.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Also, please try to find other sources of clothing that is not fur. Otherwise, I'm going to get a bad History Channel (American Television notorious for horrendous quality documentaries) vibe from looking at the German units. I would advise to use your imagination and attempt to envision Rome's enemies as a civilized and militaristic capable people using legitimate weapons and armour. It's absolutely frustrating to see how people only read from Roman perspectives and call their sources "historically accurate." The further you part yourself from trendy social media sources that depict people as "fur wearing, horns on helmet, uncivilized, biker leather adorned warriors" the more I'll be able to take this "digital historical reconstruction" seriously.

    If the team has 3d artists, I would recommend looking at Vindolanda located at England for some 4th century equipment, as well as the Burgh Castle Helmets.
    Last edited by Slytacular; August 28, 2016 at 08:02 PM.

  9. #9
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    You are absolutely right!
    The first screenshots is not included in the model the game, this is only an idea and practice of our artists. There's a new shields and axes, the rest Vanilla.
    Totally agree about the shields! We do not yet covered by the skin, but be sure to do such. These panels is a preview of our developments. We wanted to show how worked surfaces - wooden planks. The game will be very few of these, most of the boards we will cover rawhide!
    By the way there are 4 of 6 shields coated with paint

    So do not worry, we are very experienced in the history and will do very well!
    By the way, we have a European personal catalog of helmets and shields, there probably collected all (relevant to 3-7 century).
    Вы абсолютно правы!
    Первые скриншоты это не включённые в игру модели, это лишь представление и тренировка наших художников. Там лишь щиты и топоры новые, остальное ванила.
    Полностью согласен насчёт щитов! Мы не делали пока покрытых кожей, но обязательно сделаем такие. Данные щиты это превью наших наработок. Мы хотели показать насколько проработали поверхности - деревянных досок. В игре таких будет очень мало, большинство щитов мы покроем сыромятной кожей!
    Кстати там 4 из 6 shields покрыты краской

    Поэтому не переживайте, мы сами сильно переживаем за историю и сделаем всё очень правильно!
    Кстати мы имеем лично свой Европейский каталог шлемов и щитов, там собранный вероятно все, (относящиеся к 3-7 век).

  10. #10
    Charerg's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Good job with the new shields! I wonder if the "realistic grip" type shields work seamlessly with the game's animations (since all the vanilla shields have highly unrealistic grips)?

    Also, I wonder if there's a chance you could share those new shield models with other mods? I'm asking on behalf of the Invasio Barbarorum III mod (where I'm pretty much the only person actively modding Attila atm), and in particular the (very much WIP) "Aetius campaign" which aims to recreate the 443-460ish era using the Charlemagne map. Though still a very long way from being anywhere near complete, IB III is also a mod that aims for historical authenticity, and it would greatly benefit that goal if we had an actually accurate round shield in-game! Ofc in return we'd also be willing to share assets with the Judex-Rex team (not that there's much to share atm, as I've just started working on it recently).
    Last edited by Charerg; August 29, 2016 at 09:46 AM.
    Under the patronage of Finlander, of the Imperial House of Hader

  11. #11
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    We will fix "realistic grip" later!

    Shields and all weapons making another 3D artist, I do body, gear and I would gladly have exchanged with you on your model - of similar quality.

    Here is a man creating shields, weapons, write to him:
    Мы исправим "realistic grip" чуть позже!

    Щиты и всё оружие делает другой 3D артист, я делаю тела, экипировку и я с удовольствием поменялся бы с вами на ваши модели., похожего качества.

    Вот человек создающий щиты, оружие, напишите ему:

  12. #12

    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Ah okay. I jumped ahead in conclusion. Sorry! Keep up the great work then!

  13. #13
    Julianus Flavius's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    The Russian modders have arrived, I expect great things!
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    What have the Romans ever done for us?? apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
    Some of my favourite quotes:
    "Your god has yet to prove himself more merciful than his predecessors" ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'
    "If you choose to do nothing, they will continue to do this again and again, until there is no-one left in the city, no people for this governement to govern"
    ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'

  14. #14
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Thank you, guys!

    Further historical description.
    I beg your pardon for the nasty translation - we use Google translator.

    The main task exploratores, the number of which, as far as we can tell, was a few dozen people and was to find out exactly the location and advancing enemy forces. From the pseudo-Hyginus (II c.) That the 3 Legion had 200 exploratores (De munit. Castr. 30). In addition, their job was to find out exactly the route that had to go through the main forces, and also to find a place to camp location (Caes. BC 11.17). Before the imperial period Explorator is not a separate independent unit. Speculators are usually operated in high secrecy and therefore have a much smaller number than exploratores - 10 people in the Legion. They were more spies than scouts. Speculators used to conduct operations in night conditions (Ps.-Caes. BH. 28) and for the detection of enemy shelters (ibid. 38).
    Source: Daniel E.S.2008: Military Intelligence in republican Rome

    Name Praeventores - literally means "pre-emptive", ie something like the avant-garde, or pioneers. Ammianus mentions (18.9.3) Praeventores part in the siege of Amida. The troops standing there (and that the soldiers of the thirtieth legion, the tenth - also called Fortenses, comites sagittarii, and Superventores and Praeventores) made a sortie and killed the greatest number of Persians, while they were sleeping soundly.
    As we can see from Ammianus, preventers Legion acted in the East, Singhara and amides. Auxiliary unit Milites Praeventores of Notitsii Dignitatum also belongs the East and the army is under the command of Dux Lower Moesia.
    Source: Sidorenko RV .: Late Roman Empire

    1. Infantry times Vegetius was still armed with projectile weapons, but not pilum, a spiculum, verutum and plumbata, who probably had their origin from the pilum. Verutum, which was originally called vericulum, had the tip of a 12-cm-long wooden shaft and a little longer than a meter.
    These javelins are not common in archeology and is run debate about the precise form Verutum tip.

    2. Lancea (Latin lancea -. Spear) is a lightweight spear up to 2.5 m in length. These spears are common in archeology, from the tip lanc mostly small leaf-shaped.

    3. Round Shield presented on a mosaic from the Roman villa Piazza Armerina,, traced on wood carving from Egypt, but in general is rare. It is based on the design of the shield and Dura Europos Germani shield round.
    Drawing on billboards and in Exploratores Praeventores - both the fictional, as these figures are not represented in the Notitia Dignitatum, but the basis of the figure of Pontinenses.


    Recording of Superventores preserved in the list of subordinates under the command of the prefect militum superventorum (Notitia 151,6), stationed in Mannatias under the command of Dux Tractus Armoricani and Nervicani. Sami Superventores seniores in the Notitia are not present. Why these parts are subordinate to the prefect, not tribunus, it is not clear, but it is possible to think that they did not belong to expeditionary units and local units.
    There is a record about superventores Milites (Notitia 74,11), which appear under the command of Dux Scythiae, which is a subsidiary parts. Another entry, similar to the parsed here has a name - Numerus supervenientium Petueriensium (Notitia154,15) under komandyvaniem Dux Britanniarum. The exact meaning is unclear Superventores; Ammianus mentions (18.9.3) Superventores part in the siege of Amida. The troops standing there (and that the soldiers of the thirtieth legion, the tenth - also called Fortenses, comites sagittarii, and Superventores and Praeventores) made a sortie and killed the greatest number of Persians, while they were sleeping soundly.
    Source: Sidorenko RV .: Late Roman Empire

    Name Exculcatores - literally means "trackers" in the description of Vegetius - Military leadership (2.15) and include them in the light troops. We see them once analogue procursatores. They are running out in front of the main series, tied the battle (11.17) with the enemy. The Notitia Dignitatum - exculcatores seniores and exculcatores iuniores among the soldiers auxilia palatina. In the western empire, Exculcatores iuniores Britanniciani list (98 / 9.82 in Ingo Maier's - numbering scheme) as one of the parts of the Auxilia Palatina at Magister Peditum. Two other divisions of the Notitia are called seniores Exculcatores (98 / 9.48) and Exculcatores iuniores (98 / 9.50). Both are listed in Magister Peditum listed as parts of Auxilia Palatina, and also have a fairly high rating (in a higher position in the list).
    Source: Sidorenko RV .: Late Roman Empire

    1. Infantry times Vegetius was still armed with projectile weapons, but not pilum, a spiculum, verutum and plumbata, who probably had their origin from the pilum. Verutum, which was originally called vericulum, had the tip of a 12-cm-long wooden shaft and a little longer than a meter.
    These javelins are not common in archeology and is run debate about the precise form Verutum tip.

    2. Lancea (Latin lancea -. Spear) is a lightweight spear up to 2.5 m in length. These spears are common in archeology, from the tip lanc mostly small leaf-shaped.

    3. The basis is taken tunic Tunica Manicata, some pieces of which were found in Egypt and date back to the 5th century BC, as well as presented on a mosaic from the Roman villa Piazza Armerina.

    4. Round Shield presented on a mosaic from the Roman villa Piazza Armerina, traced on wood carving from Egypt, but in general is rare. It is based on the design of the shield and Dura Europos Germani shield round.
    Drawing on billboards and in Exploratores Praeventores - both the fictional, as these figures are not represented in the Notitia Dignitatum, but the basis of the figure of Pontinenses.

  15. #15
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Next contest!
    Who can guess the name of the unit, which is shown below, will receive from us pack Total War: ATTILA - Blood & Burning. Developers - Guess not considered!
    By the way, drawing on the boards does not correspond to the units, we did it on purpose to confuse you, so set aside flipping Notitia Dignitatum.
    All other equipment can be seen, it can apply to this unit.

    Далее конкурс!
    Кто угадает название юнита, что представлен ниже, получит от нас пак Total War: ATTILA – Blood & Burning. Разработчики - угадавшие не считаются!
    Кстати, рисунок на щитах не соответствует этому юниту, мы сделали это специально чтоб вас запутать, так что отложите листать Notitia Dignitatum.
    Всю остальную экипировку можно рассматривать, она может относится к этому юниту.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    Scholae Palatinae?

  17. #17
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs


    Next, write NO, I will not, it will flood. I will write when the answer is correct!
    Далее писать НЕТ я не буду, это будет флуд. Напишу когда ответ будет правильный!

  18. #18
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    The contest is finished! It Candidati.
    Guessed man with the Imperial Forum, the link below.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

    I think the unit is Protectores Domestici ... Nice textures! Looking forward to your mod

  20. #20
    CJiaBa's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Judex-Rex - Digital Historical Reconstruction, in this case the world of late antiquity, abbreviated DHRLAs

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