Administration has decided that a rule change is necessary regarding fort structures on the server. This poll includes the previously suggested option of there being a two-block wide path from the fortress entrance to the bed area, and a new suggestion from administration wherein beds would be banned completely from forts.

The rule options suggested are worded thus:

Option 1: Bed-Free Forts Rule
No present or future fort may include any beds. Beds may not be placed in any chunk that the fort involves. Defenders may not respawn inside their fort. Any structure that is used for defence and built before the commencement of a siege battle, and is within a faction's own claimed land, cannot have any beds placed within the bounds of the chunks that the fort involves. It is however permissible to have any number of secret passageways, tunnels etc. from an off-chunk spawn area, into the fort. If the defenders opt to defend city walls instead of a central citadel, the city walls (and the chunks thus involved) will be counted as a fort. Beds may therefore not be placed in city walls or gates or the chunks involved by those structures. Moderation makes the judgement call on what constitutes a fort, if this is not abundantly clear.
+ Straightforward and simple, and requires no edits of existing builds
+ Forts that are time-consuming to reach become disadvantageous to respawned defenders who attempt to reinforce
+ Provides the defending side with the same sort of staying power that the attacking side has
+ Reinforcing defenders will have to battle their way through the siege lines of the attackers, placing them on the same level

Option 2: Two-Block Path Rule
All present and future forts must have at least one non-ladder pathway that is at least two blocks wide and two blocks deep from the fort entrance(s) to its bed area. Any structure that is used for defence and built before the commencement of a siege battle, and is within a faction's own claimed land, must have a pathway that is at least two blocks wide and two blocks deep leading up from the immediate beginning of defences to the uppermost placed beds. The pathway may be interrupted at any place and any amount of times by portcullis gates and drawbridges, the latter of which may be at most 20 blocks long and at least two blocks wide.
The exact specifications of the rule (width of path, depth of path, drawbridge distance) may be subject to later adjustment.

+ Provides a clear path for attackers to take, limiting the need for time-consuming siege structures and focusing the siege battle on the fighting itself
+ Introduces a strategical aspect where players may consider the advantages of placing beds below the less accessible, last line of defence in their fort
- Implementing this option would place a large strain on moderation due to the many specific requirements involved in fort design which will have to be monitored.
- Requires players to potentially make large changes to their existing forts.