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Thread: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

  1. #1

    Default Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    I want to play the GC with Middenland. No I do not need quests or anything unique about the faction. I just want to have the unique Boris model and start off at war with the beastmen faction. I also have a unit mod or two in mind to give me some spicy northern units. There are a few out there but they are outdated. Is there a tutorial someone could point me to so I can unlock the faction myself?

    Any help will be appreciated.. Thanks!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    Not that this is really helpful, but I hate seeing threads with no replies passing along the forum - I have been
    tinkering with this issue for the exact same reason. Wanted to play as Boris add in one or two unit mods for Middenland,
    seeing as he has the unique character model and he also has slightly improved stats compared to normal Empire Generals.

    I have not been able to get it to work so far though. Only unlock with a generic Lord. Will keep trying.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    Since I am working on a Crooked Moon Goblins mod, I am using the Crooked Moon faction in the examples below (I typed this up a while back). You can use the same steps to enable any other faction you want, just make the appropriate changes. You'll need to install the TW:WH Assembly Kit (in Steam), the inside there go Tools -> DAVE, View -> Table Launcher. Search for, and modify, the following tables.


    • Set the search filter to “moon” to show only the Crooked Moon entries.
    • Set playable = true
    • Set is_major = true
    • Fill in your desired description and long_description
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record
    • Set your key entry using a similar format of other keys.
    • Set your localized_title, localized_description entries as you see fit.
    • Copy and paste the remaining entries from any other Lord.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record
    • Set your key entry using a similar format of other keys.
    • Copy and paste the remaining entries from the primary faction. In this case, I would copy from the wh_main_fact_group_greenskins line and add it to my own.
    • Set the order to a number that is not already taken. I set mine to 7.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record
    • Select your faction from the drop down. You can type in a partial name, like “moon” to filter the list.
    • Set your localized_mechanics, localized_playstyle entries as you see fit.
    • Copy and paste the video field from your parent faction (eg: greenskins).
    • Apply and Close


    • Set the search filter to “moon” to show only the Crooked Moon entries.
    • Change the faction_group_key to your new faction. You can type in a partial name, like “moon” to filter the list.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record x 3
    • In the first column, set the faction to your new faction.
    • In the second column, select one of the 3 units you want to be shown on the main faction selection screen. You can type in key words to filter the list, like "arach" for the Arachnarok, or "doom" for the Doom Divers. With entries like wolf_riders_0 and _1, the 0 is usually the melee unit and the 1 is usually the ranged unit. If you are unsure, you can look in the land_units table to see which is which.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record x 2
    • In the first entry, set the key to your faction_ruler, using a similar format as the other entries. In the second entry, set the key to your faction_separatist_council.
    • Copy and paste the remaining entries from similar entries from your parent faction. For example, I used the greenskins_ruler and greenskins_separatist_council entries.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record
    • Set your key to match your faction_ruler, similar to the other entries.
    • Set the localized_description, localized_actions_points, and loading_screen_text as you see fit.
    • Copy and paste the remaining entries from another lord of your faction.
    • Delete the prelude_battle entry, unless you want the Enable Prelude Battle option to show up on your leader selection in-game.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record
    • Set both to your new faction. You can type in a partial name, like “moon” to filter the list.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Records x 2
    • For the vehicle, set one to your parent faction’s battering_ram and the other to their siege_tower. You can filter the list by typing in the 3 letter code for your parent faction, such as grn for greenskins.
    • For the faction, choose your new faction.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record
    • Add your faction, and set the mp_coop_group to wh_main_coop. (I believe this enables the faction to be used in co-op)
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record x 2
    • For the faction, choose your new faction.
    • For the political_party_key, set one entry to your faction’s ruler and the other to your faction’s separatist_council.
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record
    • Note the new id, this will be used later.
    • For the general and replaces_general fields, choose your general. You can type in the name, like “sour” to filter the search.
    • Set turns_locked = 10
    • Set precedence = 0
    • Set frontend_faction_leader to your new faction_ruler.
    • Set effect_bundle to your lord’s effect. You can type in the name, like “sour” to filter the search.
    • Set ui_tooltip_lock_reason = placeholder
    • Apply and Close


    • Set the filter for <general> and type in your faction’s lord to only show their starting units.
    • You may change the unit_type here.
    • Apply and Close


    • Set the filter for <name> and type in your faction’s lord to show only their entry.
    • Set unique = True
    • Apply and Close


    • Add Record x 3
    • In the general field, select your general’s id number, noted from start_pos_starting_general_options.
    • In the unit field(s), select the additional units you wish your general to start with.
    • I did 3 additional units, but I believe you can add more.
    • Apply and Close

    Note: If BOB crashes during the compile, remove the changes to start_pos_starting_general_option_additional_units and then try it. If it then compiles, copy the mod into your TW dir, enable the mod, launch the game, exit, then add the changes back to start_pos_starting_general_option_additional_units. I noticed this peculiar behavior and made note of it.

    Second Note: I made this list before the latest DLC, so there may be some very minor changes, but TWEAK should let you know of them, and then you can look at the other entries to see what you need to put in the added field(s).

    Now use PFM ( to open the data.pak.
    (Select the entry, right click -> Extract Selected)
    Extract \ui\flags\wh_main_grn_greenskins

    You'll want to make a
    \Total War WARHAMMER\assembly_kit\working_data\ui\flags\wh_main_grn_crooked_moon folder and copy the newly extracted mon_64_glow.png into that folder. That will fix the yellow box around your faction selection icon when selected, and add the new Map image on the General Selection Screen.

    This was added with the Beastmen patch:
    \ui\frontend ui\startpos_maps

    You'll want to make a \Total War WARHAMMER\assembly_kit\working_data\ui\frontend ui\startpos_maps folder and copy the newly extracted wh_main_grn_greenskins.png into that folder and rename it to the name you use for your frontend_factions entry. That will fix the new Map image on the General Selection Screen.

    At this point, you should be able to Export -> Export Changes to Binary and then use BOB to compile the mod, which will be in your \Total War WARHAMMER\assembly_kit\retail\data folder. Copy this into your \Total War WARHAMMER folder. You might need to rename this file (my TW deleted any mod named mod.pack when I launch it).
    Last edited by Cyclone Jack; July 31, 2016 at 11:19 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    Very comprehensive reply Jack +Rep
    I hope somebody does this because I don't have 2 minutes
    to work on a new mod at the moment. Even though this
    isn't the most advanced bit of work I find it always takes
    longer than expected !

    Well, have at it lads !

  5. #5

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    It's not as bad as it looks. This is my first time modding a TW game, and I wrote that up because I kept breaking things past that point and wanted a cheat sheet to get back to where I was quickly.

    Someone did mention that this was not working for Horde factions, like Beastmen, so I may look at this list tonight and see if there is something special needed for them.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    Looks like someone got it for me. Boris here I come!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.


    I have created a Middenland revamp Faction total war mod. This mod allows you to play as Boris Todbringer (visor down) along with control 5 new custom units. Fenrir Greatswords, Legionaries, Heavy Spearmen (Shielded), War Wolves, and White Wolf Knights. The entire faction also features updated, and custom, unit cards featuring the Middenland blue detailing rather then imperial red, to give you the actual faction feel.

    I think you'll really enjoy it! I am making a full overhaul mod with 3 people right now hopefully it'll go live sometime in the next week. It should feel like an entire working faction with its own strengths weaknesses and play style.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    Quote Originally Posted by StarFauxe View Post

    I have created a Middenland revamp Faction total war mod. This mod allows you to play as Boris Todbringer (visor down) along with control 5 new custom units. Fenrir Greatswords, Legionaries, Heavy Spearmen (Shielded), War Wolves, and White Wolf Knights. The entire faction also features updated, and custom, unit cards featuring the Middenland blue detailing rather then imperial red, to give you the actual faction feel.

    I think you'll really enjoy it! I am making a full overhaul mod with 3 people right now hopefully it'll go live sometime in the next week. It should feel like an entire working faction with its own strengths weaknesses and play style.

    Personally I would prefer a simple polished unlock mod, with the new middenland flag, playable boris, a logically edited startpos file to make early game diplomacy and economy viable, faction traits etc etc.
    Rather than scores of custom units

    I have been watching your mod and clearly you are passionate and have put a lot of work into it. For that I applaud you, even though it may not appeal to me as I search for lore accurate mods
    if possible. It's fun and interesting to see the development and I wish you luck. If you do feel like releasing a nicely polished simple unlock I'll check it out or make it myself if I'm not lazy

  9. #9

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    Quote Originally Posted by StarFauxe View Post

    I have created a Middenland revamp Faction total war mod. This mod allows you to play as Boris Todbringer (visor down) along with control 5 new custom units. Fenrir Greatswords, Legionaries, Heavy Spearmen (Shielded), War Wolves, and White Wolf Knights. The entire faction also features updated, and custom, unit cards featuring the Middenland blue detailing rather then imperial red, to give you the actual faction feel.

    I think you'll really enjoy it! I am making a full overhaul mod with 3 people right now hopefully it'll go live sometime in the next week. It should feel like an entire working faction with its own strengths weaknesses and play style.
    Visor down? pfft.

    How can you hide this face
    Last edited by C.Maximus; August 07, 2016 at 04:12 AM.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Looking for a simple Middenland unlock.

    Not sure if anyone else has struggled with getting this to work but there is one critical step that was left off (it may not have been required before)

    • Set the faction_key to your new faction
    • Choose Order or Destruction for your faction_group
    • Set your sort_order (this is the position it will take on the faction picker screen, it can & will displace other factions)
    • Set is_major_faction to true

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