1. Maintain formation during army movement
2. No contrast selected/unselected unit cards
3. Cannot drag units in a line | arrange depth formation
4. Hotkeys
5. Formations | Acies Triplex | charts
6. Strategies & tactics | Sun Tzu | charts | historical battles maps
7. Gold weapon/armour stat upgrade | experience lvl
8. Unit stat explanation | armour/shield effects | study parameters
9. Combat engine calculations
10. Morale engine calculations
11. No hastati/principes
12. AI control box unticked, reinforcement still controlled by AI
13. How to control reinforcements
14. AI reinforcements not entering battle
15. Reforms | Marians & imperial
16. Units not entering siege tower
17. Enemy has more than 20 units in a stack
1. Moving my army breaks the formation, how can I maintain it?
Do you dislike the fact that you're spending 5 minutes at setting up your army's formation at the
beginning of the battle only to have them clustered when you advance to the enemy?
Do you hate it? Do you want to keep order? It's possible!
Let me explain how this old game works. The game wants you to use preset formations templates.
You can find these when pressing the eagle button left down in the corner. If you pick one of these,
your units will automatically be locked into the formation. BUT we don't want preset formations, we
want our own fancy ordered stuff!
That's still possible. If you want to lock the positions of your arranged cohorts in a formation try the following steps:
It's a bit tricky for newbies, but you can do it pretty fast when you're more experienced.
1. First setup your army in the correct way. The most common formation is putting missile units before,
infantry behind and cavalry backwards or at the flanks.
2. Press CTRL+A , then G (group) to save the current formation of all cohorts.
3. Then move your troops to the enemy lines by selecting all of them (CTRL+A ). Click RMB at some point on the battlefield.
Now they'll march , keep the formation and you can change direction of complete army . Note that during the march, the cohorts may
march in a messy way. Press Space to see destination of selected troops. You see that they'll arrive correctly. So don't march if
the enemy is near.
4. When the units arrive right before the enemy lines, holding perfect lines, you can issue an attack order
or wait for the enemy to charge. But the problem of grouping your whole army is that you cannot click grouped
missile, infantry or cavalry units easily. Solve this quickly by making groups for infantry, missile and cavalry:
CTRL+I, then G = group infantry
CTRL+M, then G = group missile
CTRL+C, then G = group cavalry
Now you can easily select your troops in heat of battle.
5. A new problem arises now. Grouping units locks them in a group and a... particular formation as
shown when pressing the eagle button. This formation blocks arranging the depth of the formation.
You have to put them into the first formation group (grey line). Do this quickly by pressing CTRL+A and then
Shift+1 (each time you group units).
2. There is no contrast between selected and unselected unit cards in battle!
Yes you can barely see your selected units. This can give you a headache in the heat of battle.
But Quintillius has fixed this already in his submod * . And it will be fixed too in v3.1 probably.
3. I cannot drag a line with my units. I can't arrange depth of formation.
This is probably the result of grouping the units. The game will assign
a particular preset formation template as shown when clicking the eagle button (corner below right).
You need to set the units to the first type formation (grey line). Do this quickly
by selecting the units and pressing Shift+1 . Now you can drag a line. Do this every time
after grouping units.
4. What are handy hotkeys?
Here's a list of handy hotkeys to be used during battles * :
R = Toggle unit run
G = Group selected units
D = Toggle guard mode
A = Toggle fire at will
Backspace = Stop current order
Alt+RMB = Alternative attack (melee instead of ranged)
Shift+RMB = Set waypoints (make unit walk custom path)
Space = Show unit destination
Enter = Deselect all units
CTRL+B = Select all artillery units
5. Which formations were historically used in battles?
Each faction had its own formation in battle. A list of formations used is listed below.Links for formations & field tactics:
Roman Republic Chart I
Chart II
Chart III
Chart IV
Chart V
Roman Empire
Chart I
Chart II
Macedon Kingdom
Chart I
Chart II
6. Which tactics & strategies can be used?
Roma Surrectum offers enough opportunities to use both historical and custom tactics for field battles.
Here's a list of images showing a particular tactic:List of map strategies
The writer of the immensely influential ancient Chinese book Art of War on military strategy,
Sun Tzu (544 - 496 BC) delivered us some of the greatest quotes in history * .
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable;
when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy
believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
Translating this to the game is easily. Rome - Total War has a mechanism that makes the AI check whether the borders of
your empire are either protected or unprotected. They have a certain short range of sight * .
You can take advantage of this by when you have multiple borders with the enemy. Try to keep one border weak and hide
your main forces inland. When the enemy invades, you can simply surround their stacks and destroy the best ones.
Note that the enemy will bring equal numbers to siege battles. So a weak border isn't the same as 'no units'.
If you bring siege stacks, try to penetrate deeply in enemy territory and conquer treasury/barracks towns.
Destroying barracks makes the enemy unable to recruit fresh troops. Capturing a treasury will - as long you hold
it - smack their economy.
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.
If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow
arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack
him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
Roma Surrectum offers though gameplay. There're factions ingame that can be very though to fight. It is even worse if
they can count on numerous settlements such as the Seleucids. The strategy here is to defend your borders against such
great enemies. Try to destroy reinforcements armies. Try to launch more invasions for example if you're fighting in Iberia
against Carthage, launch an invasion nearby Zama.
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.
Try to create opportunities to make one of their stacks detach from the main group of armies and give it a quick
deathblow. The AI will especially engage an army with only a few units and mostly try to have equal numbers if not
more. This strategy can sometimes detach armies from cities so you won't need to fight a whole stack during a siege
(if you bring siege units).
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road
either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.
The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.
The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.
Yes, yes. It is entirely possible to be defeated till the last city * . Prepare, create strategies and strike!
Especially players who expand too fast will face a though campaign.
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
Where the army is, prices are high; when prices rise the wealth of the people is exhausted.
It is surely possible to depopulate great cities through recruitment. Keep an eye on your recruitment centers
to check if the population can still bear all enrollments.
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles;
if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know
your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
Always check how many units of which type you and your enemies have during the battle prephase. I myself
(as Rome) tend to count infantry units to check whether they're more or atleast equal numbered with the enemy.
Such calculations drive me to choose whether strategy is important: aggresive, defensive, use of cavalry/missile
and more.
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.
He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.
Battles in Roma Surrectum deplete your units fastly. You'll have to bring depleted units back to your homeland
to replenish and keep experience lvl. Your freshly recruited troops will need to be transported/march to enemy territory.
Rome I - Total War does not offer the replenishment system of later Total War games. This makes a unique
aspect possible; supply lines. You'll need a continuous supply of fresh units. These supply lines can be long
for example if you attack the Gallaeci or Carthage far to the west. Carthage can destroy your transport ships with ease.
Therefore it is necessary that you reduce casualties in battles to a minimum. Especially cavalry units deplete fast as
charges are so deadly in RS. This has led to the fact that some of the community don't use cavalry anymore for charges.
It's no shame -- wait it still is, but I mean it's not the end of the world if one of your cities is lost or even two or even three.
As long as your recruitment centers in your homeland are safe, you should be able to continue the fight. Sometimes you
should sacrifice a city to the enemy for the greater good.
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
故用兵之法,十則圍之,五則攻之,倍則分之, 敵則能戰之,少則能守之,不若則能避之。
It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them;
if double, be able to divide them; if equal, engage them; if fewer, defend against them; if weaker,
be able to avoid them.
Note that this applies to the campaign map. Well... that's the brilliant mind of Sun Tzu: I don't need to explain further.
Originally Posted by
Sun Tzu
In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them.
Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
Too frequent rewards indicate that the general is at the end of his resources; too frequent punishments that he is in acute distress.
The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose
only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.
Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley
A leader leads by example not by force.
I couldn't let these quotes be unnoticed. These are jewels that do
not apply to a game, but still do to real warfare.
List of field tactics
Chart I
Chart II: Natural protection
Chart III: Hammer & anvil tactic
Chart IV: Various tactics
Chart V: Flying Wedge tactic
Chart VI: Attack & replace with reserves
Chart VII: [Unusual] Boar's Head tactic
VIII: [Unusual] Jagged Line tactic
List of historical battles
Map I: Battle of Marathon (490 BC)
(Athens under Miltiades defeats the Persian expedition of Darius I of Persia and Artaphernes.)
Map II: Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC)
(Persians under Xerxes defeat a coalition of Greek forces led by the Spartans commanded by King Leonidas.)
Map III: Battle of Plataea (479 BC)
(Ends the Persian invasion of Greece; Pausanias, the Spartan commander of the Greek army, routs the armies of Mardonius.)
Map IV: Battle of Lake Trasimene (217 BC)
(In an ambush, Hannibal destroys the Roman army of Gaius Flaminius, who is killed.)
Map V: Battle of Cannae (216 BC - August 2)
(Hannibal destroys the Roman army of Lucius Aemilius Paulus and Publius Terentius Varro
in what is considered one of the great masterpieces of the tactical art.)
Map VI: Siege of Cartagena (207 BC)
(Scipio Africanus Major destroys the Catharginian city of Cartagena in Iberia.)
Map VII: Battle of Zama (202 BC)
(Scipio Africanus Major decisively defeats Hannibal in North Africa, ending the Second Punic War.)
Map VIII: Siege of Alesia (52 BC)
(Caesar defeats Vercingetorix, completing the Roman conquest of Transalpine Gaul.)
Map IX: Battle of Pharsalus (48 BC)
(Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey, who flees to Egypt)
Map X: Battle of Philippi (42 BC - October 3)
(The Triumvirs Mark Antony and Octavian fight an indecisive battle with Caesar's assassins Marcus Brutus and Cassius.
Although Brutus defeats Octavian, Antony defeats Cassius, who commits suicide.)
Map XI: Battle of Teutoburg Forest (9 AD)
(The German leader Arminius defeats the Roman
legions of Publius Quinctilius Varus)
7. How do I get gold weapon/armour stats?
In RS you can train your units with preset gold weapon/armour stats or even experience level.
This is done by construction various buildings. Therefore it is better if I give an
explanation of all buildings which provides better stats for units. Note that the Vulcan
Pantheon adds 1 armour. This will only result in gold armour if the large foundry is built
as well -- leading to +3 armour total = gold armour. The Colosseum gives +1 experience,
but the Merged City building is a requirement to construct this. So it always lead to +3 xp.
Blacksmith (Romans excluded)
Upgrades weapons +1 (melee attack skill all units)
Upgrades armour +1
Small Foundry (not cumulative +2 for non-Romans)
Upgrades weapons +1 (melee attack skill for all units)
Upgrades armour +1
Large Foundry
Upgrades weapons +2 (melee attack skill for all units)
Upgrades armour +2
Vulcan Pantheon
Upgrades armour +1
Fortified City
Experience +1
Merged City
Experience +2
Experience +1
Barracks (Romans excluded)
Experience +1, 2, 3 or 4
8. What are all these unit stats?
Units have various stats which pop up as you click on one of them. Most
of the stats are clear. I'll give a further explanation of the mysterious ones * .
A great study of combat parameters revealed interesting info and helped me greatly compiling
this piece of information * . One of the conclusions is that the left side (shield) of
the unit is weaker than right. Initially and logically this should be the right side (no shield).
This stat shows protection from... armour. Especially good against
incoming ranged attack such as javelins and arrows. If this stat is
low, try to kill the unit with ranged units. Another advantage of
this stat is that it always works -- in whatever condition the unit fights,
either tired or exhausted.
Defence Skill
This is how well a unit fights in defence.
Defense skill applies FULLY to FRONT ONLY and gets a -- 33% penalty to LEFT side defense, ~20% penalty to
RIGHT side defense and ~50% penaty to BACK side defense (where penalty is a percent of attack-def_skill value).
This gives real-time protection. The defence stat fully applies when the shield is
facing incoming attacks from either ranged sources or charges from FRONT or RIGHT.
Not left as it should be * . It gives a 50% penalty for attacks from BACK and LEFT sides.
Note that there's cumulated effects as the attacker gains increased attack when striking the opponent's back (see 9. How
is the calculation behind combat?).
9. How is the calculation behind combat?
Another detailed study reveals how the chance to kill an opponent is being calculated * .
This study has gained its data from the Medieval II engine, but it seems the same combat calculation
applies for RTW.
Each man has an attack value and defend value used in calculating the chance to kill his
opponent on each "strike" in a combat cycle. Each man who is fighting gets one "strike"
within a combat cycle, but can parry many times.
Chance = weapon_rating * (base ^ df) = chance of one attacker to kill a target in one combat cycle
Weapon_rating = 1.9% for MTW, base is 1.2 for MTW and is rumored to be about 1.1 for RTW
Difference factor = df = attack - defend + bonus (df is capped at +/-20 for MTW, df is rumored to be capped at +/-64 for RTW)
Attack is the melee sttack stat of the striker
Defend is the total defend stat of the opponent
Bonus is any combat modifier that applies (e.g. charge, flanking and morale bonuses)
So, a starting form for RTW melee combat, that might get close if terrain,
weather and other effects are not counted, is:
chance = weapon_rating * (1.1 ^ (attack + bonus - defense) )
Hopefully, the core equation for missile attacks is similar; except that I would not expect
the length of a combat cycle to be the same (a swordsman should be able to get in several blows,
for each shot by an archer).
MTW Charge (from the Strategy Guide)
Clicking on an enemy unit causes your unit to go to charge speed once it gets
close to the enemy unit. It takes 2 or 3 seconds to reach maximum charge speed
(presumably from walking speed). A charging soldier makes immediate strikes against
all opponents he contacts. Each time he fights a little momentum is lost. When sufficient
momentum is lost, the charge ends and the soldier looses the charge bonus. (Note:
we know now that running speed is above the momentum threshold for charge bonus.
So, men moving at full running speed get the charge bonus if they contact enemy men.)
In an attack, the striker has a chance of pushing back his opponent which gives
him a strong combat bonus on the next strike. Factors affecting the chance of pushback
are: kill chance, advantage in supporting ranks, mounted vs foot. Charging cavalry
always pushes back any foot soldier who is not facing him with a spear, pike or polearm.
(Note: v1.1 patch altered spear, pike and polearm pushback so that charging cavalry
has a chance to pushback these men even when they are facing the charging cavalryman.)
Combat modifiers
+3 atk, -3 def for wedge formation
-2 atk, +2 def for hold formation
+1 def per rank (up to 2 for spear, 4 for pike)
+1 atk per 2 ranks when not charging
+1 atk per rank when charging
No rank bonuses in trees
+1 atk for camels in sandy desert
-1 atk for camels in lush or temperate
-2 atk, -2 def for cavalry or camel in trees
Bonus to atk for being uphill (amount depends on height difference)
Penalty to atk for being downhill (amount depends on height difference)
Fear of camels
+4 def for camels against horses
+2 atk for camels against horses
+5 atk for flank attack
+7 atk for rear attack
+2 atk for charging into flank/rear
+6 atk on the following combat cycle after 'pushing back' the enemy
+5 atk when target squeezed too tight (example: bridge or castle gate)
-2 atk when quite tired
-3 atk, -1 def very tired
-4 atk, -2 def exhausted
-6 atk, -3 def totally exhausted
+4 atk against routing enemies
-8 def if routing
Armor Piercing
atk bonus = (target armor - 1)/2
(remove the contribution of the shield and horse to target's armor before making this calculation)
If striker hits target from the rear:
+2 atk if target is footman with large shield
+1 atk if target is mounted or footman with small shield
10. How is morale calculated?
These data is derived from a detailed study about combat calculations * .
Again these numbers are from the MTW engine. But since the engines of RTW and MTW are similar,
we can assume that these mostly apply to RTW as well.
Impetuous: 10 and above
Steady: 2 to 14
Uncertain: -5 to 5
Wavering: -14 to -5
Routing: -16 and less
Rout point is -16 in MTW v1.1, and probably moved to -18 in VI for MP. Routed
units will keep routing until their morale rises to -6 or above. Hitting the
rally key pumps +8 morale into the unit.
Impetuous units will pursue enemies for longer, and may disregard orders
to hold position. #Some troop types may charge without orders.
Uncertain or wavering units which are not fighting are less likely
to charge, and those who are fighting are more likely to fall back.
Morale modifiers
Loose or disordered formation: -2
Outnumbered 2 to 1: up to -4 (range = about 75 meters)
Outnumbered 10 to 1: up to -12 (range = about 75 meters)
Outclassed in quality and speed: modifies the outnumbered penalty.
One flank threatened: -2 (range = about 60 meters)
Two flanks threatened: -6 (range = about 60 meters
Charged in flank: -4
Infantry charged by cavalry in flank or while disordered: -6
Charged in flank by unit hidden in forest: -8
General's death (for first few seconds): -8 to all his units except highly disciplined units
General's death (after first few seconds): -2 to all his units except highly disciplined units
Routing Friends: up to -12 for seeing 2 equal or higher level friendly units routing. #Elite and disciplined units consider lesser types as 1/2 a unit for this calculation.
10% of unit is dead: -2
50% of unit is dead: -8
80% of unit is dead: -12 (I wish that this was -100 for RS...)
Taking casualties from enemy missle fire: -2 for a duration less than the reload of the firing unit (additional -4 for gunpowder weapons)
Unit is very tired: -2
Unit is exhausted: -6
Unit is totally exhausted: -8
Losing: Up to -8 (up to -14 if losing to cavalry)
Skirmishing without ammo: -6
Skirmisher pursued for a long distance by equal speed unit: -6
Two flanks protected: +4
No retreat possible (usually castle sieges): +8
No enemies around: +4
Two enemies routing: up to +8
Uphill Position: +2
Winning: up to +6
Unordered charge: +4 (such as when impetuous knights charge automatically)
Outnumber Enemy 3 to 1: +4
General's unit: +2
Within 50 meters of general: +1 morale per command star
Beyond 50 meters from general: +1 morale per 2 command stars
Archer and xbow open fire range = 100 meters (2.5 tiles)
Normal infantry marching speed is 1.68 m/s (speed 6)
The v1.1 also gives sword infantry a +1 atk when fighting spears.
11. Where are my beloved hastati and principes?
There are no hastati and principes in the mod. This is a developer's choice.
In order to know the reason behind this decision we have to look at the unit's
Originally Posted by
Polybian Roman Cohort
The pressures of invasion by Carthage and the need for a larger, more ominous
looking front to the enemy led the Romans to gradually shift their tactics when
it came to troop dispersment. Although records are sparse, some accounts report that
the old 'Hastati' and 'Principe' manipules were merged nearly into one unit, called for the
first time a 'cohort'. These men fight and look just like the Principes of the past, but
their numbers are greater, and you cannot tell 'Hastati' from 'Principe'. It could well be
that the younger men fought more bravely and better with the more experienced soldiers at
their sides. Used mainly to counter Hannibal and his forces in Italy, it's evident that
after the 2nd Punic War Roman military tactics were never the same. This unit fights with
a thrown 'pilum' released at the enemy in a powerful volley, and then engages with the Roman
'Gladius', a short sword that is very useful in the Legionary style of fighting.
It is known that the battle of Cannae was still fought according to the Acies Triplex formation
(hastati, principes and triarii). The game starts at 217 BC, right at the start of the battle of
the Trasimene Lake. The disastrous battle of Cannae was fought 1 year later. It was this battle
that made the Romans think the Acies Triplex is inflexible * .
Originally Posted by
Well, let's just say it is a 'heavily interpreted conclusion' based on what Polybius said about
the Battle of Cannae (the use of cohorts vs. maniples), and the known fact that the formation
was used in Spain during the 2nd Punic War.
The fact is that the Hastati and Principe ARE both present (if you click on them during battle,
they will identify themselves as one or the other randomly). It's just the formation that is
cohort based. Polybius mentions that this was done to present a more unified front to the enemy
(I'm paraphrasing, not quoting) at Cannae...presumably to frighten or bother the Carthaginians
more. Obviously, that didn't work out too well for Rome at that time. But Scipio used it in Spain
to advantage. So I\we admit there is little evidence concerning this....then again, there is
little against it as well. The 2nd Punic War was a time of military transition for the Romans,
that much is known for sure.
So there's really much room left for discussion about this controversial decision.
12. I unticked the AI control box and the AI is still controlling my reinforcements!
This is a known core game bug which CA has never fixed. It happens when you untick the box
and then view the enemy's army composition. After doing that, you should untick and then
retick the box * .
13. How to control reinforcements?
You cannot control your reinforcements in Rome nor in its expansions: BI and Alex.
Medieval II was the first game to introduce this feature. Yes, the AI is very dumb.
It's even more stupid with reinforcements. The AI will send your cavalry and generals to
Hades. So it is strongly recommended to not include cavalry at all with reinforcements.
Put them in your main army so you have full control over them.
14. Why doesn't the AI reinforcements get into battle?
The core game has a certain limit for the amount of units on the battlefield in order
to maintain performance. However you can disable this by starting the launcher.
Go to preferences and tick UNLIMITED_MEN_ON_BATTLEFIELD.
15. What are the Reforms and how to start them?
For Romans there are two major army reforms:
Marian / Hamata / Republican Legions
These reforms change the traditional hastati(, principes) and triarii
into the classical legionary cohorts of the first century BC. Each RS-III
Legion has it's name according to history, numbers and standards, can be
recruited in the respective historical area they served. Each has an ordinary
cohort and a first cohort. They wear the old Lorica Hamata (mail armour).
These are the legions of the Civil Wars which Sulla, Cesar and Pompey
used. You can recruit them with an Oppidum: colonisation (lvl 3) and Campus Martius.
Non-named and non-numbered legions are recruited everywhere. Named and numbered
legions in specific settlements (see Charts -> AOR for map) with Oppidum lvl 3 and
Supply of Army Rations.
Requirement: Imperial Palace in Akragas (24,000 population needed)
Warning: Polybian troops can no longer be recruited!
Augustan / Segmentata / Imperial Legions
These are the shiny and cool legions of the Imperial era. Imperial Reforms can be
enacted by building the Circus Maximus in Rome, which requires the Roman Fortress.
Don't forget to recruit early Praetorian legions by building the Praetorian Guard Training Ground in Rome.
To be able to recruit late Praetorian legions, you must build the Castra Praetoria in Rome.
<More info & pics>
16. My units won't enter the siege tower
It's a known RTW bug that has never been fixed. You can try to resolve it by getting
the units to go in and out until they fully climb but this might not work. There is
nothing the mod can do to prevent this, just ensure you have tunnels, ladders and
multiple siege towers.
17. The enemy has more than 20 units in a stack!
It doesn't. For the player, an army is shown as 2 rows of 10, for the AI it
is shown as 2 rows of 9 and 1 of 2. Discuss with CA as to why this is.