Hi all,

My name is Peter, and once again I am doing video commentaries on mutliplayer battles in Avatar conquest+battle list+vs friends.

I try to make the video as informative as possible showing of the tactics and strategies used to play in multiplayer successfully. Commentary is added on after the battle and the battle is recorded live so you can watch my movements, orders and tactic develop.

There is still a healthy MP community of several thousand players out there, with a notable exception in Horse spammers and drop hackers... sigh

I will link you my playlist of battles from 2016. and give you a short description for each in a list here, I will update this list with new battles as I post them:
Playlist link
(previous 30 battles are from 2011. and 2012.)
Battle #31 A 1v1 large land battle at 14k koku, Spector 10* vs ginkgotree 10* from 47 ronin clan. On Shinano river map with key buildings. All balanced armies.

Battle #32+33 Two 1v1 medium land battles at 10k koku Spector 10* vs Eddy Bravo 10*. On Waterfalls map and Sanriku Ria with key buildings.

Battle #34 A 1v1 large land battle at 14k koku Spector 10* vs Takeda Kiyomasa 10*. On Oboke Gorge map with key buildings. Enemy horse spam.

Battle #35 A 1v1 large land battle at 14k koku Spector 10* vs Kreuzzug 10*. On Lowlands map with key buildings. All balanced armies enemy has many matchlock units.

Battle #36 A 1v1 large land battle at 14k koku Spector 10* vs Kreuzzug 10*. On Tohoku Forest map with key buildings. All balanced armies enemy has many matchlock units.