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Thread: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

  1. #101
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Boogie Knight View Post
    It certainly is enjoyable! After a few disastrous campaigns, I've not had this much fun for quite a while, nor this much success. I'm looking forward to the campaign for Egypt, I've already captured Damietta (screenie to follow later/tomorrow) and performed the required unpleasantries. I briefly managed to vassalise the Zengids, but their alliance with the Fatimids meant that the relationship was broken within a turn as the Egyptians launched another, this time smaller, attack on Ascalon and the Zengids unsurprisingly stuck with their own. I'm hoping now to crush the Fatimids and re-vassalise the Zengids, as you say to create a buffer between Outremer and the big, looming blue mass on the horizon.

    I hadn't considered trying to take Sis. I secured an alliance early with the Seljuks of Rum. On a previous campaign I made a tentative strike at Sis on the way back from a Crusade and got ruined; those Armenian units are terrifically powerful (and make great mercenaries). I had no idea you could actually recruit them from a city. That rather bumps it to the top of my priority list.

    And I'm absolutely loving your Roman campaign. I tried to rep you but I've done it too recently, and then didn't want to double-post. I've only briefly experimented with them in SS, and it's easy to see why people feel the way they do about them. Are you going to do more episodes?
    I think I should have more material to post by the end of the week. And yes, you can recruit Armenians as regular units from a mercenary barracks.

    Thanks, MWY

  2. #102
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post
    I think I should have more material to post by the end of the week. And yes, you can recruit Armenians as regular units from a mercenary barracks.

    Thanks, MWY
    Fantastic! Looking forward to more. And thanks again for the tip about the Armenian units.

    @MWY: I'm not normally as cruel as I have been in this campaign; normally I'm quite happy to ransom and occupy. I was really rather generous to the world at large in my recent France campaign (apart from spreading the plague in Aragon, but they'd done that to me first). But the Crusades are an altogether different beast, and tolerance was not high on anyone's agenda. Hence all the nastiness.

  3. #103

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    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post

    i am entertained

  4. #104
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCataphract View Post
    Here's my Georgia campaign lads and lasses. I finally settled on this campaign since I wanted to try something new and I also wanted a front row seat when the Mongolian invasion arrives (hahahaha I'm dead).
    With only two settlements, the kingdom was in need of some really serious expansion.
    I quickly mustered an army of about 1,800 men and forced marched towards the settlement of Ani which was situated in Armenia. To the Caucasus Mountains to the north and the Caspian Sea to the east I drove southward to expand my pathetic kingdom!(...)

    (...) Unfortunately I guess the Georgians didn't think this one through...
    I've spent the last few days, trying to find out what was wrong with these ladders and siege towers. Result: I can't find anything wrong. I even started a quick campaign with Georgia and go for Ani. I didn't encounter any problem. Ladders and siege towers were at the correct size. So now I'm wondering: have you installed the 2 hotfixes and if yes, are you sure to have done it correctly?
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  5. #105
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    The ladders/towers problem doesn't occur every time. Not for me, anyway. To be honest, the problem looks more like taller walls than shorter ladders/towers. But maybe that's a trick of the eye. Anyway, yeah, it's not a problem that occurs 100% of the time.

  6. #106
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    I think I'll put my late ERE campaign on hold for the moment, I'm really loving this 1236 start date and I want try some other factions. Something on the western side of the map this time so I don't have to fight half a billion Mongol stacks .

  7. #107

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    I'm sure that I've installed both hotfixes correctly.
    I'll start up another campagn with Gerogia to see if the same scenario happens again, though I think Boogie Knight is correct on his statement.

  8. #108
    +Marius+'s Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCataphract View Post
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    What I think actually happened;

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  9. #109
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Progress continues apace for Outremer. I'm afraid my screenshot of the storming of Damietta was not to be; I must've pressed the wrong button, which has happened before. It would've been on the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre laying down some finer points of ecclesiastic law, but alas that moment is lost in time.

    The young prince Baldwin has just departed Damietta on his way to Alexandria, though if I'm honest I'm not confident of the endeavour's success. We'll have to see. Before that, though, a diplomat (richly rewarded for his efforts) on a mission to the Holy Father in Rome secured the prince a highly lucrative union.

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    Outremer's alliance with both Pisa and Venice is long-standing and has been beneficial for all parties. The crusaders benefit from a vital lifeline of trade and maritime clout in the Mediterranean , and the Italians similarly from trade and enhanced influence at home and abroad. But Venice has only recently recovered from a devastating civil war in which much was lost to the empire and the Pisans. The Pisans are decidedly on the ascendant, and the daughter of the current ruler of Pisa [whoever that may have been - I can't seem to find anything about who might've ruled Pisa at this time] was only a few years older than the prince. We maintain our alliance with the Venetians for now, but if they are ever able to seek to expand again, it will be at the cost of their neighbours; better to cement relations now with the stronger side. The Sicilians, excommunicated, were out of the question.

    With this marriage, the family tree looks like this. That middle brother was a desperate adoption made during a time of crisis. His passing was bittersweet. It was a tragedy to lose one so young and skilled, but better that he did not live to challenge the rightful claimant to the throne of Jerusalem.

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    Also pictured in this tree is Alix, the younger sister of the prince, who even now is seeking a suitor from among the noble and royal houses of Catholic - and indeed Orthodox for the right man - Europe. There was suggestion of a union with a royal Saracen closer to home, but the three siblings already suffer whispers that they are too "poulain" for some more refined tastes. They are fluent in Arabic, it is true, and are undoubtedly more worldly than some of their continental cousins in their understanding of Muhammedan doctrine, but such is a necessity of life here. One cannot very well issue instructions to servants if one cannot understand them, and it would not do to let the whispers of such people pass unheard. Intrigue is everywhere, especially this close to Damascus. French and Latin remain the languages spoken and written among the civilised. On the subject of Damascus, the city has recently ejected its Frankish overlords and declared its independence. The city's governor, Raoul de Valois, seems to have fallen in the brief but vicious street fighting. Plans are being drawn up to mount a siege of the city, but such an endeavour will be expensive in money and blood.

    The youngest of the Angevin siblings is Jehanin, a belligerent sort who appears, tragically, to have lost his hair at the age of fourteen. This is precisely why we seek blood from afar for the propagation of heirs; surely that's the key? He currently lays siege to the Armenian city of Sis, which we must ensure falls within our sphere of protection before the Turks, or worse, the Romans get their claws on it. Speaking of the Turks, our alliance with them lies in ruins after the death of the ruler with whom our agreement stood. His son has proved less tractable.

    A cadet branch of the family, the de Bourbon, are descended of the Roi's sister-in-law, daughter of Roi Baldwin I, Alice de Bologne. She bore one child, a girl, Constance, who married Olivier de Bourbon. The Roi put the man under intense scrutiny and vetting, eager to ensure only the best breeding for his niece; should the Roi's children fall without issue, it would be on the heirs of this man to rule Outremer and perpetuate the crusade. As it was the man proved suitable, and was granted as dowry the Duchy of Aleppo and vast lands in northern Syria. He and the duchess have one child, a boy named Regnault.

    For the Roi's part, he divides his time between duties in Jerusalem, Aqaba and Ascalon, defending these lands diligently from frequent - but doomed - Fatimid incursions.

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    Another one, quite literally, bites the dust; at least when bound, lashed to the back of his horse and cast adrift in the desert.

    Praise the Lord!

  10. #110

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    So it's time to introduce my empire. I play the game of VH / H and tries to chivarly mod (for the first time in my life ) - low tax, nevern´t start a war, don´t assasinate anyone except murderers.

    After years of war when the Emperor Lothar expanded ground and beat presumptuously and proud rebels princes at each step of his time, he leaves thriving empire, loved from all, beloved 80 year old man.

    In its place comes unwanted by anyone, self-proclaimed emperor Conrad the Usurper. How the situation will evolve, I will inform you.

  11. #111

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  12. #112

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    ^ So, seriously, you had your emperor die before the starting usurper? (who is older than the emperor) How'd that happen?
    Last edited by nvm; February 15, 2016 at 05:24 AM.

  13. #113

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    I would be more interested in how you got imperial knights and feudal knights that early.

  14. #114

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MWY View Post
    I would be more interested in how you got imperial knights and feudal knights that early.
    I buy Prague from Poland, and I have there all that cavalery, I will be really confused from that, but not sad

  15. #115

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by nvm View Post
    ^ So, seriously, you had your emperor die before the starting usurper? (who is older than the emperor) How'd that happen?
    I dont know, but happen .... and I am not really happy with situation, but, for my luck, we dont have any war with anyone in this time, hope we stay fine all that 10 years or how much we need for accepting as regular caiser

  16. #116
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    Le Roi est mort - vive le Roi!

    Roi Fulques has departed this world for the eternal glory of the kingdom of heaven, to take his place among the faithful. It falls to his son, Baudouin, to continue his father's and grandfather's work of spreading the good news of the Lord among the massed ranks of the infidel.

    After a few months of siege, the defenders of Alexandria rode out to face the forces of the young Roi, Baudouin II of Outremer. Unfortunately for the Fatimids, so intent were they on the destruction of the forces arrayed before them that they did not notice the Roi's warband circle around to their rear with couched lances and harsh language until it was too late. [Excuse the clipping in this picture - I took a few screenies of this battle but even with the clipping, this one was the best.]

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    In keeping with what he knew would've been his father's wishes, the city's populace was put to the sword.

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    With this victory the Fatimid Caliphate is denied access to the Mediterranean, and the Crusader Kingdom of Outremer extends its reach far into North Africa. Now the area of Alexandria and Damietta must be held while a build-up is completed to push south. If the Lord is merciful to the infidels, he will show them the sense of accepting the King of Jerusalem as overlord. If not, we as his servants must steel ourselves for the slaughter to come.

    Further north, bizarre events unfold.

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    The people of Malatya, throwing off the mantle of their imperial Roman overlords, have cast in their lot not with the Seljuks but with the Khwarezmians far to the east. A curious tactical decision, but one which, so far, seems to have given the Basileus pause for thought. For now, at least.

    The death of the late Roi has elevated his offspring to prominence. While the new Roi Baudouin II rules his freshly conquered African territories in the south, his younger brother Jehanin has been laying siege to the Armenian city of Sis. As the son of the Roi is still in infancy Jehanin has been named heir presumptive, to be crowned interim king on the death of the roi at least until the infant prince comes into his majority. For this reason and to secure the fortunes of the bloodline generally, diplomats and ambassadors have once again been trawling the royal courts of Europe for a suitable match for Roi's brother. It was on the Angeln peninsula of Denmark that a match was found.

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    Princess Brigitta had undertaken a mission to secure a peace agreement between Denmark and the Empire; her mission was successful, and this caught the attention of Outremer's ambassador there. Talks were opened, vast sums of money changed hands, and Her Royal Highness was escorted to Outremer in a lavish cortege of ships and an honour guard provided by the Knights Templar. It was not long before she was with child; a boy was born in the summer, and there was much rejoicing.

    Similarly, the sister of the Roi, Alix D'Anjou, found a suitable match for herself among the alumni of the eastern Empire. Ioannis Angelos is his name, a young firecracker from the court of the emperor in Constantinople. Indeed, he bore the rank of Strategos within Imperial circles. He was quickly ensnared by the quick-thinking princess, and he swore an oath to her brother the Roi to serve him and the Catholic name for as long as he lived, if he might only be granted the hand of the princess in marriage. The Roi accepted his fealty, and the two were married in the last days of summer.

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    The handmaidens of the princess wore imperial purple to mark the occasion. But there was to be no imperial pomp at this ceremony. The Emperor, furious at the loss of his Strategos to the service of the Holy Father and the Roi of Jerusalem, absented himself from the ceremony. While the Princess Brigitta enjoyed a full escort and honour guard on her journey to the holy land, Prince Ioannis had to be smuggled from western Anatolia by boat for his safety and the safety of his young bride. Outremer's alliance with the Empire still stands for now, but its foundation has begun to crack.

    On the subject of cracking foundations, our oldest allies, the Georgians, have betrayed us. More than a few among the Roi's court have suggested an Imperial proxy war; the Georgians kneel before the Patriarch in Constantinople, and not before the Pope in Rome. Their first move was to strike at Raqqa; it was thinly defended to provide troops for the siege of Sis. Sis fell just in time for our soldiers to reach Raqqa before the Georgians could carry the walls.

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    A relieving force, led by the husband of the Roi's cousin Olivier de Bourbon, first Duke of Aleppo, and the Count of Edessa Joscelin de Courtenay, second of his name, arrived in time to break the siege and deliver the city of Raqqa.

    Here can be seen the Knights of St. Lazarus and a contingent of our Italian marinae mercenaries coming together in the light of our lord to bring righteous justice - and large, two-handed weapons - down upon the heads of these Orthodox heretics.

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    The forces of Outremer carried the day. While Count de Courtenay sees to the reinforcement of defences in northern Syria, Duke de Bourbon has forged ahead with a contingent of men to raid, harry and ravage the lands of the heretic Georgians. Their betrayal has secured the doom of their people.

    Praise the Lord!

  17. #117

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Finally !!!! Usurper is dead !!! this sounds from the mouth of every young or old in our realm. Country start to relax and will go, with renewed vigor, step to step to brighter tomorrows. The first big challenge for the new caiser is revenge for unfair requisition Hamburg, then burning and murder from false Danes and finally break their love for blood and swords. A best way seems Cross. Because Pope love us quite more and he need money for the war with Sicily, yes pope for money will do all, maybe knee drill too, yet we all know it. Our emperor sent to his holiness ours best diplomats with fine deal. Proclaim against Danes Crusaders, gives us Ancona and Bari and me give you our protection,and especially our money. A pope agrees. So the emperor declared compulsory mobilization and duty of every prince, dukes, soldiers and mercenaries is the way of the cross and taking part in the expedition. This step not brings only increases the popularity among people, but brings a boost government ,because our merciful Lord decided to crusade will be paid by the soldier himself, great idea of genius. So the on flag crusaders falls into our hands Ribe, Roskilde and Lund, and finally, where our archenemy King Magnus finds its grave. So Crusade ends successfully.

  18. #118

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    Defending Sarkel from huge wave of Georgian army
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  19. #119
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    [Unfortunately due to Imgur apparently having a seizure, a lot of these are mixed up chronologically and some images just won't upload. But here's a general overview of progress in Outremer.]

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    The punitive expedition against the Georgians reached a satisfactory outcome for both parties; the Crusaders gained an important castle controlling a large area in what used to be Georgia's southern periphery, and some of the Georgians were granted the privilege of escaping with their lives to spread word of the wrath of Outremer among their countrymen. Olivier de Bourbon, the husband of the Roi's cousin, is a man most unlike the ruling D'Anjou family. He is that rarest of things; a forgiving Crusader. He restrained the men under his command from the worst of the excesses they are used to committing when conquering a city from the Saracens. But even he could only hold them back so much. Pictured above are the Knights of St. Lazarus putting the forces of Georgia to flight. Olivier de Bourbon captured the Georgian king - called something like "demetre" in their language - and had him hanged. The Roi, on hearing of this act and of the collaring of the Crusaders under his command, considered administering a fine upon de Bourbon for his leniency. But he has let the matter pass for now. Peace has been secured with the Georgians.

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    As soon as I can, I'll get a picture up of my current family tree. It's looking awesome. This is what careful management will give you; each of these children born to a different family. The bloodline, though never a sure thing, is looking more secure now than ever before. The Ducal House d'Oisy rules Aqaba. Royal House D'Anjou are the family of the Roi of Jerusalem and his brother the Duke of Sis, and de Ponthieu is one of the names given to the offspring of the union of Alix D'Anjou, sister of the Roi and her husband Ioannis Angelos, who still bears the title Strategos of Adrianople, at least in name (I've no idea how to get rid of that. I'd give him Cairo, if I could).

    On the subject of Cairo, it has been taken from the Fatimids and a fierce struggle has broken out as the Fatimids try to reclaim it. One instance of this is pictured below. So far, by the grace of God, they have been unsuccessful.
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    As you can see from the picture of the new arrivals, we lost Damietta again, briefly, while the Roi attended to matters of business in Alexandria. A Knight of Jerusalem, Sir Evrart, was left in charge. Below is a picture of our brave Armenian subjects struggling, in vain, to hold a wall against a crack force of Ghulams. Also pictured is the end result.

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    Immediately upon the hearing the news, the Roi raced from Alexandria, gathering forces on the way. He fell upon a Fatimid force outside the city after nightfall.

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    The siege lasted a long time; only when the Fatimids' food supplies had run out did they sally forth to meet us, hoping in vain until the end for a relieving force that never came. On this occasion the Roi spared the city once it was captured. The Fatimids had not been so kind during their own reconquest; they had mostly killed their own in the process as the city's Christians had seen fit to hide, and the Fatimids had surely expected to find the city depopulated of Muslims. Had they only stopped to check, many lives may have been spared. As such, the Roi saw no purpose to further cruelty.

    News from the west reached Outremer of the city of Tunis, newly rebelled against its Sicilian overlords. A rich prize, the forces both of Islam and of Christendom claimed it for their own. A Crusade and a Jihad were called to the city, and the race was on. Pons de Toulouse, a hero of the First Crusade and Count of Tripoli, has decided to take the cross again now at the end of his life. He marched forth in the spring with a mixed force of Christians under his command; Armenians, Syrians, Turks, and Franks from among the order of the Templars and Jerusalem's own knights, along with a mercenary company of crossbowmen from across Europe. He hopes to find either glory for God or a suitable end to a well-lived life.

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    Currently Tunis sits in the hands of the Fatimids; a nobleman from among their people set forth with a force of Ghulams and assorted levies and mercenaries shortly after their reconquest of Damietta, and before their loss of Cairo. Perhaps they thought themselves safe at this point? Most cute. Regardless, de Toulouse is making swift progress towards them but it looks presently like it will be our Pisan allies to take the city; they already lay siege and, after being weakened by the Imperials and the Aragonese, the Fatimids are not looking strong there.

    On the subject of the Pisans, the foreseen war with the Venetians has broken out as expected. Our alliance with Pisa remains strong; with Venice, in ruins.

    Praise the Lord!

  20. #120
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    Et voila! Mission accomplished. More detailed map below.

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    In the end, I finished on 26 provinces. Aside from the regions directly under the rule of Outremer, I have vassalised the Seljuks of Rum, the Zengids, the Fatimids and the Abbassids. On the turn just before I vassalised the Abbassids, the Fatimids managed to secure Libya, thus bringing my total up by one more than was necessary. And all before the Mongols arrived! Personally I prefer it this way; I usually never play Long Campaigns as I simply become bored long before the victory conditions can be met. Short Campaigns keep me interested for longer. I've loved playing as Outremer; not sure who I'll play next but thus submod is shaping up brilliantly.


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