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Thread: A few questions, newly returned to the game

  1. #1

    Default A few questions, newly returned to the game

    I love the mod, and the idea of the expanded americas campaign, being Apache myself i also love the ability to play as them. A few questions i had if anyone knows, i noticed there are no fire arrows anymore, but if i recall right most of the native archers had them, how can i re-enable this? i checked the export_descr_unit file, but it doesnt tell me the syntax/verb to use to restore them. 2nd question, is there anyway to restore the ability to call the war path ability? Thanks much for your time and any info anyone provides, and thanks to all the modders out there working tirelessly breathing new life into our favorite games.

  2. #2

    Default Re: A few questions, newly returned to the game

    Hi there, for the flaming arrow question take a look at your unit in EDU (export_descr_unit) and see which projectile type it is using. EG
    stat_pri 9, 2, bodkin_arrow, 130, 25, missile, missile_mechanical, piercing, none, 25, 1
    Then find the same in descr_projectile, there should be 2 entries for the arrow type, the first projectile bodkin_arrow and the second projectile bodkin_arrow_fiery
    If the second type has been commented out entirely eg ; infront of each line it will be excluded, just delete all the ; from the entry.
    Make a back up of the files involved and see what happens if thats the case.

    As for the warpath, I think that was just the Jihad ability renamed for the original Expansion, there is now way to have both in the game.

  3. #3

    Default Re: A few questions, newly returned to the game

    Ahh thanks much, I would have never recalled that, I was thinking it was an ability listed with the "very_hardy, druid, stakes, can_swim etc, like Fire_arrows" .... i spent hours trying to figure it out! much appreciate the help!

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