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Thread: TES VI

  1. #81

    Default Re: TES VI

    Seriously, Bethestda themselfs have said that the creation engine is an "upgraded" version of the gamebryo engine that used since Morrowind. And if, and thats a slim if, Jason Schreier is correct about the engine, wich contradict Bethesda, and asuming kotaku is'nt ting like they often do, then that means that Bethesda is to incomtent (given Fallout 4 and 76 numerous problems) to make any improvemnts.
    Even if they get a new engine, they are not good enough when it comes to gamedesign and story. They have downgraded to basic kill quest. Boring kill quest. The writing have been quite lackluster in F4 an in 76 downright worthless.

    The problems their gamedesign to numerous and other people have explained it better than me for years, so to be frank I don't add much new to the convo.

  2. #82
    Mhaedros's Avatar Brave Heart Tegan
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Did you read the article?

    Blaming Bethesda’s “game engine” is misguided, however, because the word “engine” itself is a misnomer. An engine isn’t a single program or piece of technology—it’s a collection of software and tools that are changing constantly. To say that Starfield and Fallout 76 are using the “same engine” because they might share an editor and other common traits is like saying Indian and Chinese meals are identical because they both feature chicken and rice. What we see on the outside, like a game’s graphical style, its animation system, and its physics, can be changed in all sorts of ways without switching to a new engine.
    Nowhere does it contradict Todd Howard (it even references the quote you are talking about), it's just addressing a common missconception about what an engine actually is. And it's not as important or relevant as you think.

    Now, criticism about writing and quest design is a different matter. I agree the writing in the latest games haven't been great and there's been some stale game design, but that's a different a different debate entirely. These are issues most likely derived from the fact that Bethesda has surprisingly small teams making very big games. Whether you think that's acceptable is of course up to you.

    My point is just that you can't point at an engine, as if it's got anything to do with the quality of the game.
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  3. #83
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Carracalla View Post
    Even if they get a new engine, they are not good enough when it comes to gamedesign and story.
    I disagree (what I bolded in blue), because I know the story for Morrowind is considered to be the best ever written story for a RPG as it add so much depth into the game. Period!

    While the later TES games (Oblivion and Skyrim) are light years away from a story that can be considered to be equally good to the story for Morrowind.

    Sure, the game design leaves a lot to desire (what I bolded in black), but there is nothing that says that Bethesda cannot be better than they were in one of the previous games.
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  4. #84

    Default Re: TES VI

    I've heard whispers of this mythical TES VI. In my youth i heard stories that the lord Godd Howard would come down to us once again and grace humanity with this ''TES VI''. Whatever it is, the very though of it makes my body shudder as if something primal inside of me is expectantly waiting for something to ascend me to the heaven's with a controller in hand, being embraced by the one true saviour, Godd Howard.

  5. #85
    ggggtotalwarrior's Avatar hey it geg
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    Default Re: TES VI

    It is incredible this thread is 7 years old now and still TES 6 doesn't look remotely close to release. By the time TES 6 comes out we will likely have gone multiple console generations without a new TES game entirely
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  6. #86
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: TES VI

    That's what Skyrim is for.
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  7. #87
    ggggtotalwarrior's Avatar hey it geg
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    Default Re: TES VI

    “Oh you guys thought we’d make another game?” -The Toddfather
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  8. #88
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Frankly I smell internal overhauls of the game's idea, the development team, the engine they're using and paranoia of all this resulting in something that tanks the franchise.

    I want to believe it's a straight road for 'it's ready when it's done' resulting in total awesomeness, but alas.
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  9. #89
    ggggtotalwarrior's Avatar hey it geg
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    Default Re: TES VI

    My hope would be just that they spent the last decade focusing on other projects and in the meantime decided to finally make a whole new engine rather than relying on the reanimated corpse of an engine they invented 20 years ago.
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  10. #90
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Such is the dream. We can only hope.
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

  11. #91

    Default Re: TES VI

    I don't have much hope for Bethesda anymore. It looks like all they can do is childish multiplayer games and microtransactions. Fallout 76 showed such a grave lack of judgment and care for quality that I wonder if all the creative gaming people have been replaced with greedy corporate types.

    EDIT: replaced at the decision-making level, I meant.
    Last edited by Septentrionalis; February 14, 2022 at 09:07 AM.

  12. #92
    ggggtotalwarrior's Avatar hey it geg
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    Default Re: TES VI

    I was gonna counter that 76 was only published but not developed by Bethesda but apparently that’s wrong and their studio actually made it. Jesus it feels like there’s this perpetual cycle where every developer I loved growing up goes to with brain drain after being bought while the employees who were the actual heart behind their success flee to create a new studio, the IP I love dies while a spiritual successor thrives, then that studio gets bought and the cycle continues.

    Look at the Infinity Ward guys who made Respawn then got bought and left again, or what happened with Bioware, etc.
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  13. #93

    Default Re: TES VI

    Quote Originally Posted by ggggtotalwarrior View Post
    I was gonna counter that 76 was only published but not developed by Bethesda but apparently that’s wrong and their studio actually made it. Jesus it feels like there’s this perpetual cycle where every developer I loved growing up goes to with brain drain after being bought while the employees who were the actual heart behind their success flee to create a new studio, the IP I love dies while a spiritual successor thrives, then that studio gets bought and the cycle continues.
    Yeah, I hate it. I am pretty sure that the reason is that when a company has a creative idea and the decision makers care deeply about the product and what it gives to the end user, great things happen. And great things bring in money. And money brings in the business people with no creative tendencies and no interest in the subject matter but only in monetizing something. And then they start saving from this and that, interfering with the creative decisions to supposedly maximize profits, firing people with good ideas because they look like they are not doing enough concrete work to earn their keep (although often ideas are what make the money). And then great things no longer happen.

    I know for a fact that it is possible to run a highly successful company for decades without lay offs or flopping products and where the management deeply care about the product and the end user and consider profit the side product of doing things right (i.e. not allowing short-term money making concerns affect creative/design decisions).

  14. #94
    ggggtotalwarrior's Avatar hey it geg
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Reminds me of the EA graveyard
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