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Thread: VDM 2.2 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

  1. #81

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    I am also having ctd's at the during ai turn. after turning of dipscript and agent rebellions, as well as reinstalling everything I was able to get through 9 turn with out a ctd, but it now occasionally I can get a turn in but often have to restart several times. is this a common problem? any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated as I love the mod, and it is virtually unplayable at this point. I will as a copy of the crash report if that helps.
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application Name: Empire.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp: 4b74239d

    Fault Module Name: Empire.exe

    Fault Module Version:

    Fault Module Timestamp: 4b74239d

    Exception Code: c0000005

    Exception Offset: 00467bc4

    OS Version: 6.1.7601.

    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional Information 1: 0a9e

    Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

    Additional Information 3: 0a9e

    Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

  2. #82
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    this isn't a common problem. Wait for answers of other players.

  3. #83
    Herr Doctor's Avatar Biarchus
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Several more new events, related to the 18th century random flavour as well as some country-specific about colonial and trade regions unrepresented in game (Brazil, Philippines, Siberia, Greenland, Dejima). Hope would be interesting for you:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    1. Event name: Royal Hunting / Королевская охота
    Vanilla event pic id: highwayman.tga
    Special requirements: Only for monarchies
    Description (Eng): Hunting as a kind of noble recreation had ancient roots. At the 18th century’s Royal courts it was the spectacular and luxury show involving dozens or even hundreds of people and many killed animals. Some rulers of this era were passionate hunters such as, for example, Ludwig VIII of Hesse-Darmstadt who gained the nickname of the Hunting Landgrave. In some cases it became an ill habit. Other German prince, Margrave Karl Wilhelm Friedrich of Ansbach spent 10% of the state budget on hunting. Among many other things he constructed a special building in Triesdorf for his falcons, his greatest passion, on which he spent more than a half million guilders between 1730 and 1748. His love of hunting, particularly with his falcons, is what earned him his nickname, the Wild Margrave.
    Description (Rus): Охота как способ благородного отдыха имеет глубокие корни. При королевских дворах XVIII века она была впечатляющим и роскошным зрелищем с участием десятков и даже сотен людей и многих убитых животных. Многие правители этого времени были заядлыми охотниками, такие как, например, Людвиг VIII Гессен-Дармштадтский, получивший прозвище «Ландграф-охотник». В некоторых случаях охота становилась болезненным увлечением. Другой немецкий князь, маркграф Карл Вильгельм Фридрих Ансбахский потратил на охоту десятую часть всего государственного бюджета. Помимо прочего, он соорудил специальной здание в Триесдорфе для своих соколов – его самой большой страсти, на которую он истратил более полумиллиона гульденов в 1730-1748 гг. Его любовь к охоте, особенно соколиной, принесла ему прозвище «Дикий Маркграф».
    Action choice A: Go for hunting / Отправиться на охоту -30 management points, -1000 money, +2 to the loyalty of the upper and middle class
    Action choice B: Useless pastime / Бесполезное времяпрепровождение +20 management points, -2 to the loyalty of the upper and middle class

    2. Event name: Italian adventurer / Итальянский авантюрист
    Vanilla event pic id: innovation.tga
    Special requirements: all except American natives
    Description (Eng): The renowned Italian occultist and mystic is just arrived to our capital attracting attention of the upper society by arranging demonstrations of the alchemical experiments and series of mysterious spiritual rites. Rumoured to be raising the dead and knowing the secrets of the universe, he could perhaps reveal a method of converting mercury into gold for us? For a generous pay of course.
    Description (Rus): Прославленный итальянский оккультист и мистик только что прибыл в нашу столицу, привлекая внимание самых верхов общества демонстрациями алхимических экспериментов и серией загадочных спиритуалистических сеансов. Воскрешающий, как говорят, мертвых и познавший тайны Вселенной, он, возможно, мог бы открыть для нас метод превращения ртути в золото? За щедрую плату, конечно.
    Action choice A: Pay him / Заплатите ему -2000 money, +2 to the loyalty of the upper and middle class
    Action choice B: Arrest this charlatan / Арестуйте шарлатана -10 management points, -2 to the loyalty of the upper and middle class

    3. Event name: The Emperor's New Clothes / Новое платье короля
    Vanilla event pic id: character_comes_of_age.tga
    Special requirements: only for European monarchies
    Description (Eng): Fashion in the 18th century was characterised by greater abundance, elaboration and intricacy in clothing designs, loved by the Rococo artistic trends of the period. French style that dictated trends for all Europe was defined by elaborate court dress, colourful and rich in decoration, worn by such iconic fashion figures as Queen Marie Antoinette. Extreme hairstyles and wigs had come into fashion. Women wore their hair high upon their heads, in large plumes. All these extravagancies weren’t cheap defiantly. Some rulers however demonstrated their subjects the restraint in dress, or simply preferred very simple military uniform as Charles XII of Sweden or Friedrich II of Prussia.
    Description (Rus): Мода XVIII в., восхваляемая стилем рококо, характеризовалась великой помпезностью и сложностью в покрое одежды. Французский стиль, диктовавший модные тенденции всей Европе, определялся пышностью придворного платья, красочно и богато украшенного, которое носили такие знаковые для моды личности, как королева Мария-Антуанетта. Экстремальные прически и парики вошли в моду. Женщины носили высокие прически, украшенные большим плюмажем. Все эти модные излишества были определенно не из дешевых. Поэтому некоторые правители напротив демонстрировали своим подданным сдержанность в платье, или просто предпочитали очень простую военную форму, как, например, Карл XII Шведский или Фридрих II Прусский.
    Action choice A: Oh, show me all of these beautiful textiles… / О, покажите мне все эти прекрасные ткани... -2000 money, +2 to the loyalty of the upper and middle class
    Action choice B: Vanitas vanitatum / Суета сует -10 management points, -2 to the loyalty of the upper and middle class

    4. Event name: The experiment with electricity / Эксперимент с электричеством
    Vanilla event pic id: medicine_european.tga
    Special requirements: only for the Europeans and USA
    Description (Eng): By 1709, Francis Hauksbee at the Royal Society in London discovered that by putting a small amount of mercury in the glass of Von Guericke's generator and evacuating the air from it, when a charge was built up on the ball and then his hand placed onto it, it would glow. This glow was enough to read by and was similar to the phenomenon known as St. Elmo's Fire which was the name given to a strange glow seen around ships in electrical storms. In the mid-1700s, as the study of electricity became popular, efficient ways of producing electricity were sought. The generator developed by Jesse Ramsden was among the first electrostatic generators invented. Electricity produced by such generators was used to treat paralysis and muscle spasms, and to control heart rates. The experiments with electricity attracted a lot of aristocrats and rulers.
    Description (Rus): В 1709 г. Фрэнсис Хоксби в лондонском Королевском обществе обнаружил, что, добавив небольшое количество ртути в стекло генератора фон Герике и удалив воздух, при воздействии на него, тот начинает светиться. Этого света было достаточно, чтобы читать в темноте, и он напоминал явление, известное как Огни святого Эльма – свечение во время электромагнитных бурь. К середине XVIII в., когда изучение электричества стало популярным, велись активные поиски его эффективного получения. Генератор, разработанный Джесси Рамсденом, был одним из первых электростатических генераторов. Электроэнергия, полученная на таких генераторах, использовалась для лечения паралича и мышечных спазмов, а также контроля частоты сердечных сокращений. Эксперименты с электричеством привлекали многих аристократов и правителей.
    Action choice A: Support experiments / Поддержать эксперименты -1000 money, +10 Industrial technologies tree
    Action choice B: Boring / Скукота зеленая -10 management points

    5. Event name: The Duel / Дуэль
    Vanilla event pic id: duel-after.tga
    Special requirements: only for the Europeans and USA
    Description (Eng): Duels chiefly practiced in early modern Europe, with precedents in the medieval code of chivalry. The duel was based on a code of honour. Duels were fought not so much to kill the opponent as to gain "satisfaction", that is, to restore one's honour by demonstrating a willingness to risk one's life for it, and as such the tradition of duelling was originally reserved for the male members of nobility. From the early 17th century many states tried to make the duel illegal. Presently it became known to our government that the duel between the young vicomte and distinguished military officer was planned. How we should react?
    Description (Rus): Дуэли практиковались в Европе раннего Нового времени, с предысторией восходящей к средневековому рыцарскому кодексу. Поединок был основан на кодекс чести. Целью дуэли было не столько убить противника, сколько получить сатисфакцию, то есть восстановить свою честь, демонстрируя готовность рискнуть за нее своей жизнью. Традиция дуэли первоначально была закреплена лишь за дворянством. С начала XVII в. многие государства пытались поставить дуэли вне закона. В настоящее время нашему правительству стало известно, что была запланирована дуэль между молодым виконтом и прославленным офицером нашей армии. Как мы должны отреагировать?
    Action choice A: Arrest both and declare this practice illegal / Арестовать обоих и объявить эту практику незаконной +20 management points, -2 to the loyalty of the upper class
    Action choice B: Let them kill each other / Пусть убивают друг друга -40 management points, +2 to the loyalty of the upper class

    6. Event name: Gold from Brazil / Бразильское золото
    Vanilla event pic id: fleet1.tga
    Special requirements: only for Portugal
    Description (Eng): In the 18th century Brazil was a pearl of the Portuguese colonial empire and impressive source of gold and gems. The gold and diamonds were found in Brazil in 1693 in the area of Minas Gerais. In 1697, the Portuguese used enslaved African labour to start building the Estrada Real, the "royal road," that would connect the ports of cities of Rio de Janeiro and Paraty to the mineral-rich regions of Ouro Preto, Serro, and, at the northernmost point, Diamantina. Through the Brazilian ports the gold was then dispatched to Portugal, which made this country in the 18th century fabulously rich despite all its economic troubles. Our treasure fleet has just arrived to Lisboan.
    Description (Rus): В XVIII в. Бразилия была жемчужиной португальской колониальной империи и впечатляющим источником золота и драгоценных камней. Золото и алмазы были обнаружены в Бразилии в 1693 году в области Минас-Жерайс. В 1697 году, португальцы использовали африканских рабов для строительства Эстрада Реал, "Королевской дороги", соединившей портовые города Рио-де-Жанейро и Парати с богатыми полезными ископаемыми регионами Ору-Прету, Серро и Диамантиной. Через бразильские порты золото отправлялось в Португалию, что сделало эту страну в XVIII в. сказочно богатой, не смотря на все ее экономические проблемы. Наши груженые золотом корабли только что прибыл в Лиссабон.
    Action choice A: Put it to the treasure / Отправить в казну -20 management points, +5000 money, +2% inflation
    Action choice B: Reinvest to infrastructure development / Инвестировать в развитие инфраструктуры +40 management points, +4% base tax

    7. Event name: Trade with Japan / Торговля с Японией
    Vanilla event pic id: shipyard.tga
    Special requirements: only for the Netherlands
    Description (Eng): Since the early 17th century the Tokugawa Shogunate closed their country for all foreigners. Thanks to their restrained but versatile policies the Dutch alone succeeded in being exempted from expulsion, but they were forced to stay only in Dejima – small artificial island built in the bay of Nagasaki. From 1641 on the Dutch ships were allowed to come to the port Nagasaki only. Despite the financial burden of maintaining the isolated outpost on Dejima, the monopolistic trade with Japan was very profitable for the Dutch, initially yielding profits of 50% or more. Two ships of the Dutch East-Indian Company from Japan have just arrived to Amsterdam.
    Description (Rus): С начала XVII в. сёгунат Токугава закрыл свою страну для всех иностранцев. Лишь голландцы, благодаря своей сдержанной, но последовательной политике, смогли избежать этой участи, и получили право остаться на Дэдзиме – крошечном искусственном острове, построенном в бухте Нагасаки. С 1641 г. голландским кораблям было разрешено посещать этот японский порт. Несмотря на финансовое бремя содержания изолированной фактории на Дэдзиме, монопольная торговля с Японией была очень выгодной для голландцев, изначально принося прибыль в 50 и более процентов. Два корабля голландской Ост-Индской компании только что прибыли в Амстердам из Японии.
    Action choice A: Put the profits to the treasure / Отправить прибыль в казну -10 management points, +2000 money, +1% inflation
    Action choice B: Reinvest to infrastructure development / Инвестировать в развитие инфраструктуры +20 management points, +4% base tax

    8. Event name: The Manila Galleons / Манильские галеоны
    Vanilla event pic id: fleet1.tga
    Special requirements: only for Spain
    Description (Eng): The Manila Galleons were Spanish trading ships that made round-trip sailing voyages once or twice per year across the Pacific Ocean from the port of Acapulco in New Spain to Manila in the Spanish East Indies (Philippines). Trade with Ming China via Manila served a major source of revenue for the Spanish Empire and as a fundamental source of income for Spanish colonists in the Philippine Islands. Silver from New Spain encouraged the trade, and large Spanish coin of 8 reales became a standard for trade in the Far East. The galleon trade was nourished by merchants largely from port areas of Fujian who travelled to Manila to sell Spaniards spices, porcelain, ivory, lacquerware, processed silk cloth and other valuable commodities. Later the cargoes arrived in Acapulco and were transported by land across Mexico to the port of Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico, where they were loaded onto the Spanish treasure fleet bound for Spain. The Manila cargoes with our fleet have just arrived to Cadiz.
    Description (Rus): Манильские галеоны - испанские торговые суда, совершавшие морские плавания один или два раза в год через Тихий океан из порта Акапулько в Новой Испании в Манилу в Испанской Ост-Индии (Филиппины), и обратно. Торговля с Китаем через Манилу служила весомым источником дохода для испанской империи и для испанских колонистов на Филиппинских островах. Серебро из Новой Испании способствовало развитию торговли, а большая испанская монета в 8 реалов стала валютным стандартом для торговли на Дальнем Востоке. Эта торговля подпитывалась активными китайскими купцами из порта Фуцзянь, которые ездили в Манилу продавать испанцам специи, фарфор, слоновую кость, эмалированные изделия, шелка и другие ценные товары. Позже грузы перевозились морем обратно в Акапулько и доставлялись по суше через Мексику в порт Веракрус в Мексиканском заливе, где они грузились на испанский «золотой флот», направляющийся в метрополию. Манильские товары с нашим флотом только что прибыл в Кадис.
    Action choice A: Put the profits to the treasure / Отправить прибыль в казну -10 management points, +3000 money, +1% inflation
    Action choice B: Reinvest to infrastructure development / Инвестировать в развитие инфраструктуры +20 management points, +4% base tax

    9. Event name: Russian settlement of Siberia / Освоение Сибири
    Vanilla event pic id: industry_european.tga
    Special requirements: only for Russia
    Description (Eng): In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Russian people that migrated into Siberia were hunters, and those who had escaped from Central Russia. The new settlements of Russian people and the existing local peoples required defence from nomads, for which forts were founded, such as Tomsk and Berdsk. In the beginning of the 18th century the threat of the nomads' attacks weakened; thus the region became more and more populated; normal civic life was established in the cities. In the 1730, the first large industrial project – the metallurgical production found by Demidov family – gave birth to the city of Barnaul. Should we invest more to explore and settle Siberia?
    Description (Rus): В XVII-XVIII вв. русские люди, которые мигрировали в Сибирь, были в основном охотниками, и теми, кто из разных причин бежал в поисках лучшей жизни из Центральной России. Новые русские поселения, а также селения местных народов требовали защиты от набегов кочевников. Для этого были основаны новые форты, благодаря чему появились такие города как Томск и Бердск. В начале XVIII в. угроза нападений кочевников ослабла, и регион стал более привлекательным для поселения и развития городов. В 1730 г. был осуществлен первый крупный промышленный проект – металлургический завод, основанный семьей Демидовых. Благодаря этому родился город Барнаул. Стоит ли нам расширить финансирование освоения сибирских просторов?
    Action choice A: This is our priority / Это наш приоритет +20 management points, -4000 money, +4% base tax
    Action choice B: Not now / Не сейчас -40 management points

    10. Event name: Danish settlement of Greenland / Освоение Гренландии
    Vanilla event pic id: shipyard.tga
    Special requirements: only for Denmark and Norway
    Description (Eng): After the Norse settlements died off, Greenland came under the de facto control of various Inuit groups, but the Danish government never forgot or relinquished the claims to Greenland that it had inherited from the Norwegians; and when contact with Greenland was re-established in the early 18th century, Denmark asserted its sovereignty over the island. In 1721, a joint mercantile and clerical expedition led by Danish-Norwegian missionary Hans Egede was sent to Greenland. After 15 years in Greenland, Hans Egede left his son Paul Egede in charge of the mission in Greenland and returned to Denmark where he established a Greenland Seminary. This new colony was centred at Godthab on the southwest coast. Gradually, Greenland was opened up to Danish merchants, and closed to those from other countries. The Danish merchant Jacob Severin was granted authority over the colony from 1734 to 1749. He was succeeded by the General Trade Company that founded a lot of Danish settlements in Greenland. Should we invest more to explore and settle Greenland?
    Description (Rus): После того, как поселения викингов вымерли, территория Гренландии перешла под контроль разных племен инуитов. Однако Датская корона никогда не отказывалась от своих унаследованных от норвежцев претензий на Гренландию. Когда ​​в начале XVIII в. контакт с островом был восстановлен, Дания установила свой суверенитет над ним. В 1721 г. совместная торговая и миссионерская экспедиция во главе с датско-норвежским священником Хансом Эгеде была отправлена в Гренландию. Новая датская колония сосредоточилась на юго-западном побережье у поселения Готхоб. Вскоре Гренландия стала важной коммерческой зоной для датских купцов; одновременно правительство закрыло ее для иностранцев. Богатый датский купец Якоб Северин получил торговую монополию над островом с 1734 по 1749 г. Позже его монополию сменила Главная торговая компания, которая основала ряд новых датских поселений в Гренландии. Стоит ли нам расширить финансирование освоения холодного острова?
    Action choice A: This is our priority / Это наш приоритет -2000 money, +4% base tax
    Action choice B: Not now / Не сейчас -20 management points
    Last edited by Herr Doctor; April 06, 2016 at 01:17 PM.

  4. #84
    Alex1987's Avatar Tiro
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Russia, Krasnodar region

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Herr, its amazing events! )
    Candidate of sociological sciences. RUSSIAN LIBERAL OPPOSITIONIST AND ACTIVIST.

  5. #85
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    VDM updated:
    - Coinage 1000 per turn (2% inflation each turn)
    - If 3 turns in the treasury more than 10000 coins (3% inflation per turn)
    - Generals limit for player in proportion to the amount of units (1/10)
    - Increased reward for looting settlement
    - Changed the mechanism of raising revolts by saboteurs (if success the order reduces by 5, and then the effect reduces by 1 each turn. The more successful attempts, the more likely the rebellion)

  6. #86
    Herr Doctor's Avatar Biarchus
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Great update!

    Especially this part:
    Quote Originally Posted by VadAntS View Post
    - Changed the mechanism of raising revolts by saboteurs (if success the order reduces by 5, and then the effect reduces by 1 each turn. The more successful attempts, the more likely the rebellion)
    Now will defiantly use this option again.

  7. #87
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

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    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    VDM updated:
    - fixed mistake in scripting.lua

  8. #88

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project



    In last week, I had lots of work and wasn't able to test the true/false with the scripts the amount of times that I wanted but , I'm definitely sure that the problem wasn't with VDM (at least with the diplomatic script).
    In my case, I use Win 7, was a problem with the game and VDM load not being evenly distributed by my PC cores (after solving this problem and with the 'assassin rebellion script' turned off, the game runs like Usain Bolt).

    Some questions, if you don't mind:

    - Can I continue my campaign with the new update?
    - The generals limit is a nice addition, I was to suggest to Lordsith a similar limit but in my case it was 3 generals for the Capital region +1 for every additional region. But this way I think its very interesting.
    - I liked the lower amount of coinage ( 500 <-> +1% Inflation ) this was a fair trade-off, and Factions with not gold/silver mines could reduce Inflation to 1%. Now they will probably be stuck at 2% ( lower limit), and a faction with a gold mine can reduce inflation to ( 0.2 % or 0.4%), Doesn't look so fair but I need to play first.

    - Also, I have mix feeling about this but would like to know other opinions. Could you add an diplomatic script mechanic that makes the AI offer peace if there are no battles between The Player and the AI factions for more than 4-5 years ( 16-20 turns)!? To summarize, with Genoa, I was bloocking the British ports for 7 or 8 years. Forced them into bankrupcy, and London Wealth Reduced from 13000 to 9000.
    During this time we didn't fought one single battle ( land or sea) and they don't seem willing to accept or offer peace . this doesn't make much sense for me!


  9. #89
    Herr Doctor's Avatar Biarchus
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    Jul 2006

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Quote Originally Posted by PMPG View Post
    - Also, I have mix feeling about this but would like to know other opinions. Could you add an diplomatic script mechanic that makes the AI offer peace if there are no battles between The Player and the AI factions for more than 4-5 years ( 16-20 turns)!? To summarize, with Genoa, I was bloocking the British ports for 7 or 8 years. Forced them into bankrupcy, and London Wealth Reduced from 13000 to 9000.
    During this time we didn't fought one single battle ( land or sea) and they don't seem willing to accept or offer peace . this doesn't make much sense for me!
    I like the idea, but it would be better if this applies to AI vs. AI wars as well.

  10. #90

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Quote Originally Posted by Herr Doctor View Post
    I like the idea, but it would be better if this applies to AI vs. AI wars as well.

    The AI vs AI wars don't bother me that much, and they behave different from the Ai vs player wars. It could be wise to had them as well and maybe its more easy to do it!
    Usually the AI presents better peace solutions against other AI nations, but could solve some peace problems between large coallitions wars (when wars have huge amounts of nations on both sides).

    Thanks for the reply,

  11. #91

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Quote Originally Posted by spacesausage3 View Post
    I am also having ctd's at the during ai turn. after turning of dipscript and agent rebellions, as well as reinstalling everything I was able to get through 9 turn with out a ctd, but it now occasionally I can get a turn in but often have to restart several times. is this a common problem? any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated as I love the mod, and it is virtually unplayable at this point. I will as a copy of the crash report if that helps.
    I have got the exact same problem. Tried a fresh complete re-install, butt I keep getting it...

  12. #92
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

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    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    VDM updated:
    - fixed bug with not showing units on army panel

  13. #93
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

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    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Quote Originally Posted by PMPG View Post
    - Can I continue my campaign with the new update?

    - Also, I have mix feeling about this but would like to know other opinions. Could you add an diplomatic script mechanic that makes the AI offer peace if there are no battles between The Player and the AI factions for more than 4-5 years ( 16-20 turns)!? To summarize, with Genoa, I was bloocking the British ports for 7 or 8 years. Forced them into bankrupcy, and London Wealth Reduced from 13000 to 9000.
    During this time we didn't fought one single battle ( land or sea) and they don't seem willing to accept or offer peace . this doesn't make much sense for me!
    - i think you have to start new campaign.
    - current diplomacy script is maximum possible and other actions are impossible.

  14. #94
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

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    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    VDM updated:
    -fixed problem with camera

  15. #95

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Hi Vadants i play ETW on Mac and got Imperial Destroyer to work on my version. However, i would love to be able to play your sub mod as it looks absolutely amazing. Ive put all of the .pack, .esf, and .lua files in the right places but as for the .luac files i wasnt sure where to place those so I put them in the data folder. Is this right? Also, when i did this i played the game and noticed some differences but nothing huge. Can you tell me of some changes i should be seeing early on in the campaign? Lastly, do I need WALI to play?

  16. #96
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

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    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Quote Originally Posted by NICKP98 View Post
    so I put them in the data folder. Is this right?
    Yes, you are right.
    Quote Originally Posted by NICKP98 View Post
    Also, when i did this i played the game and noticed some differences but nothing huge. Can you tell me of some changes i should be seeing early on in the campaign? Lastly, do I need WALI to play?
    In government panel you should see army limit and admin points.
    WALI is necessary thing.

  17. #97

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project


    Just downloaded the latest update (16/04) and I can't see the units on the army panel,


  18. #98
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

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    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Quote Originally Posted by PMPG View Post
    Just downloaded the latest update (16/04) and I can't see the units on the army panel,
    Sorry for this, redownload again.

  19. #99

    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project



    Just want to report a possible problem in a script.
    I have started a Courland campaign ( the goal, reconquer my historical colony in Trinidade and Tobago).
    The problem ( using the latest update of VDM), every time I pressed 'End Turn' the game CTD, this made me try to progress in campaigns with several other nations and the result was the same, the game always CTD on turn: 1, or at best on turn: 2 (This happened with Courland, Bavaria, Portugal , and other german state that I don't remember).

    -After setting [ =false] the 'Gentleman training' script and the 'saboteur rebellion' script, this CTD doesn't occur any more, so it is probable that there is some mistake in one of them.

    - Another thing, Shouldn't 'Negative administration points' have some negative effects like lowering overall happiness or something!?

    I don't know if ths is a VDM problem but since I set the scripts to [ =false] the CTD has stopped, (tha's the reason I'm making this report)


  20. #100
    VadAntS's Avatar Miles

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    Default Re: VDM 1.9 for IMPERIAL DESTROYER project

    Quote Originally Posted by PMPG View Post
    Just want to report a possible problem in a script.
    In last update i didn't change this scripts. I try a Courland campaign and don't have CTD in 3 turns.

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