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Thread: Viking Conquest DLC

  1. #61
    sabaku_no_gaara's Avatar Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    Quote Originally Posted by Kjertesvein View Post
    I had a quest to defend a fort for a month. We had 200 strong army holding a bridge, while the enemy sent 1000 men on the 3rd day. Another army of 200, then 300, 200 and finally a force of 1000 more men, but we brave 200 manage to hold the fort for 30 days. It was epic. <3 franks, old captain, svear, veterans, my medic, etc. <3 Each frankish horseman killed about 50 of theirs.,fYWdgpy,LDL...xRSRYA,TV2pa55
    Where did you get that awesome bridge defence?

  2. #62
    Kjertesvein's Avatar Remember to smile
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    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    I can't remember the exact name of the fort, but if I remember correctly it's located in the south-western part of Wales, part of the
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Saxon quest line.

    Thorolf was thus armed. Then Thorolf became so furious that he cast his shield on his back, and, grasping his halberd with both hands, bounded forward dealing cut and thrust on either side. Men sprang away from him both ways, but he slew many. Thus he cleared the way forward to earl Hring's standard, and then nothing could stop him. He slew the man who bore the earl's standard, and cut down the standard-pole. After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. There on the weapon the earl breathed out his life in sight of all, both friends and foes. [...] 53, Egil's Saga
    I must tell you here of some amusing tricks the Comte d'Eu played on us. I had made a sort of house for myself in which my knights and I used to eat, sitting so as to get the light from the door, which, as it happened, faced the Comte d'Eu's quarters. The count, who was a very ingenious fellow, had rigged up a miniature ballistic machine with which he could throw stones into my tent. He would watch us as we were having our meal, adjust his machine to suit the length of our table, and then let fly at us, breaking our pots and glasses.
    - The pranks played on the knight Jean de Joinville, 1249, 7th crusade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finn View Post
    This is the only forum I visit with any sort of frequency and I'm glad it has provided a home for RTR since its own forum went down in 2007. Hopefully my donation along with others from TWC users will help get the site back to its speedy heyday, which will certainly aid us in our endeavor to produce a full conversion mod Rome2.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    Next update revealed. More info to be released in the coming days and weeks.,332049.0.html

  4. #64

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    Just got this a few days ago and I am well impressed.

  5. #65
    Kjertesvein's Avatar Remember to smile
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    I think it says a lot when the Brythenwalda/taleworlds work their ass off to fix the first release, which felt like a scam at the time to be honest, for free. They added a lot of stuff as well. No extra cost for any add-on, unit pack or any of the stuff CA pulls out. Highly recommend.

    Thorolf was thus armed. Then Thorolf became so furious that he cast his shield on his back, and, grasping his halberd with both hands, bounded forward dealing cut and thrust on either side. Men sprang away from him both ways, but he slew many. Thus he cleared the way forward to earl Hring's standard, and then nothing could stop him. He slew the man who bore the earl's standard, and cut down the standard-pole. After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. There on the weapon the earl breathed out his life in sight of all, both friends and foes. [...] 53, Egil's Saga
    I must tell you here of some amusing tricks the Comte d'Eu played on us. I had made a sort of house for myself in which my knights and I used to eat, sitting so as to get the light from the door, which, as it happened, faced the Comte d'Eu's quarters. The count, who was a very ingenious fellow, had rigged up a miniature ballistic machine with which he could throw stones into my tent. He would watch us as we were having our meal, adjust his machine to suit the length of our table, and then let fly at us, breaking our pots and glasses.
    - The pranks played on the knight Jean de Joinville, 1249, 7th crusade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finn View Post
    This is the only forum I visit with any sort of frequency and I'm glad it has provided a home for RTR since its own forum went down in 2007. Hopefully my donation along with others from TWC users will help get the site back to its speedy heyday, which will certainly aid us in our endeavor to produce a full conversion mod Rome2.

  6. #66
    Inhuman One's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    I bought it two days ago, its a lot of fun so far! I like how improved faces and hair look and would hope they would update such things for Warband as well. Also nice how some helmets dont hide the hair.
    Using ships is pretty fun, but there are too few places to buy arms, armor and horses. Maybe there are nice armors, but I have not seen them yet. Also wondering if there are armors with a surcoat that shows your heraldry, and if its positioned correctly and not centered on the crotch like in Warband.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    It's the Viking Age. Heraldry and Surcoats weren't really a thing back then. Painted shields, sure, but that's more or less it.

  8. #68
    Lord Oda Nobunaga's Avatar 大信皇帝

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    I'm very pleased with the map and campaign mechanics, huge improvement over all other Mount & Blade campaign mechanics. For example setting up a palisade around a city, sending out foragers, fortifying the camp and taking other actions when on campaign. Also enjoy the RPG campaign scenarios. Still would love to have better unit control in battles. I married a chick and apparently I have a kid now, will this kid ever grow up? Can't seem to figure out how I can lead more ships since my Sea King level seems to be limited.
    Would also love to have the option to switch territories with a vassal and negotiate with offers for their fiefs.
    Last edited by Lord Oda Nobunaga; February 20, 2016 at 12:33 AM.

    "Famous general without peer in any age, most superior in valor and inspired by the Way of Heaven; since the provinces are now subject to your will it is certain that you will increasingly mount in victory." - Ōgimachi-tennō

  9. #69

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    This game rocks! but the bleeding damage and stamina are stupid. I'm turning them off.

  10. #70
    Lord Oda Nobunaga's Avatar 大信皇帝

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    Campaigns are great. It's so real I can feel it. So basically I am playing as a Danish warlord and I grab a bunch of heavy infantry from Denmark and Norway (like over 150) and sail to Wales and Ireland just raiding and stuff. I end up in a conflict against like 2 or 3 Irish factions and they have a whopping 700 men. By now I have taken the time to recruit local Irish and captured a few forts. Their 700 men meet my about 200 in the field and as their army is quite large I'm thinking I will lose lots of troops. NOPE! The majority of their army is light infantry skirmishers (slingers, archers, javelinmen) and the have like 10 light cavalry and whatever is left is medium to heavy infantry. So their cav charges my position where I am looking down on a slope, make shield wall easily destroy them with my archers and heavy inf. The enemy makes the slowest advance that I have ever seen and their whole front line is made up of a massive block of light infantry. They advance over a small hill in front of me and as soon as the first guys heads peer over the top they get pelted by my archers. I then order my spears to take a wedge formation (boar's snout) and charge up the hill while I take my swordsmen around the hill and into their flank cutting down their light infantry like butter. I then order my whole army to defend this newly captured hill while defending the enemy skirmishers that are still left at the bottom of the hill as their main infantry are still advancing. I then order a square formation and charge down he hill with literally everything cutting down the rest of the light infantry beneath me while I see on the left "Irish serf has been killed, Irish serf has been killed, Irish serf has been killed" over and over. I'm just running in there on a pony with a spear just killing a serf every second. But we continue charging until we reach their heavy infantry and completely overwhelm them, these poor Irish bastards are completely surrounded on three sides and almost none of them escape. I capture 2 lords and then proceed to increase my ranks to like 300 men by easily overrunning all of their fortresses as most of their lords had just been defeated or trying to siege one of my forts in a far off corner of Ireland. I then besiege their capital which has some 300 troops, the majority light infantry and I just siege them out until they start making desperate sortees to break the siege (since I was doing this in the harvest season I didn't have too worry too much about resupply). After like two weeks of siege we charge into the city and easily rip them apart.
    Moral of the story is always invade Ireland first.

    "Famous general without peer in any age, most superior in valor and inspired by the Way of Heaven; since the provinces are now subject to your will it is certain that you will increasingly mount in victory." - Ōgimachi-tennō

  11. #71

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    I turned off complex formations because the controls (using the F keys) suck so much. I tried changing controls but it will not save in any Mount and Blade game. When I play Napoleon, I have to reset the controls every time. I'm not willing to do that for the more complex Viking Conquest. This, to me, is Mount and Blade's biggest fault because none of the mods csn change it.

    Viking Conquest itself is wonderful though. I normally can't get in to RPGs but the story in this game is told so well and it feels like there are consequences to your actions.

  12. #72
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    Played and modded quite a lot Brythenwalda (Warband mod) in the past way before VC DLC was out, which is, as probably everyone knows, the pre-cursor mod for the the VC DLC.

    Is the DLC now actually stable? Steam commenters say, all crashes are solved ... true?
    I can't stand ctd's in any game anymore, which happen due to code bugs and aren't PC issues etc..

    Will buy and install probably soon, in the moment i get some proper free time to play that extreme addiction game-jewel again ... waiting "patiently" for Bannerlord.


    How was that ... what are the real differences between Brythenwalda mod and VC DLC, only the map expansion and ship battles?
    Does somebody have some real facts of the differences?
    Last edited by DaVinci; March 08, 2016 at 04:49 PM.
    #Anthropocene #not just Global Warming but Global Disaster, NASA #Deforestation #Plastic Emission #The Blob #Uninhabitable Earth #Savest Place On Earth #AMOC #ICAN #MIT study "Falsehoods Win" #Engineers of Chaos
    #"there can be no doubt about it: the enemy stands on the Right!" 1922, by Joseph Wirth.
    Rightwingers, like in the past the epitome of incompetence, except for evilness where they own the mastership.
    Iirc., already 2013 i spoke of "Renaissance of Fascism", it was accurate.
    #"Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in universe." Buckminster Fuller
    Any chance for this exam? Very low, the established Anthropocentrism destroys the basis of existence.
    #My Modding #The Witcher 3: Lore Friendly Tweaks (LFT)
    #End, A diary of the Third World War (A.-A. Guha, 1983) - now, it started on 24th February 2022.

  13. #73

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    I have had a couple of crashes but only once where I had to recover a save file to continue playing.

    I didn't play Brytenwalda but I can tell you that this the best mod I've seen, along with Anno Domini 1257. AD 1257 didn't have a great story mode to go with it though, and a lot of problems with the base game are exacerbated by having a more complex world.

  14. #74
    Ciciro's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    The biggest problem I have is that you are hard pressed to beat the campaign if you do not cheat a lot.

  15. #75

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    Mybe you have to cheat if you turn on fatigue and all of that. It says that it affects everyone but there's no way that's true. You'll be tired the whole time and it's boring trying to get your army to do things for you.

    Still this game is so good. I've gotten to the part in the story mode where you invade England. I play a Saxon so I wasn't really expecting to be in that position, but the game sets it up perfectly. There is a point at which you decide who you will serve and it's so much more dramatic than regular Mount and Blade.

    now if only the people who made 1257 did such a good job with a story mode

  16. #76

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    First impression of this DLC on me was great but after playing several hours you realize that it's not that different from Warband.

    If you love Viking era, you probably love this as well. If you're not that interested in britannia/vikings etc. that much, I can clearly say that you can skip this.

    Tbh, if Taleworlds would have choose Crusaders Way to Expiation instead brytenwalda they would sell far far more, IMHO.

  17. #77
    Akhenaton's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    Quote Originally Posted by Grey Falcon View Post
    First impression of this DLC on me was great but after playing several hours you realize that it's not that different from Warband.

    If you love Viking era, you probably love this as well. If you're not that interested in britannia/vikings etc. that much, I can clearly say that you can skip this.

    Tbh, if Taleworlds would have choose Crusaders Way to Expiation instead brytenwalda they would sell far far more, IMHO.
    I did not know of Crusaders Way, just looked it up on ModdB, it has some really nice models, shame though that there couldn´t be a consisten team for it´s full release.
    I think the Brytenwalda-team fully earned their chance to make a publisher-backed game. And they made a good job.
    I hope they have plans for Bannerlord, having a historic fantasy main game and different realistic historic scenarios would be great!

  18. #78

    Default Re: Viking Conquest DLC

    If I have to be honest, there isn't any mod which has models equal to Crusaders Way to Expiation. They are simply the best IMHO. I don't know if Brytenwalda team did something to improve game-play so Taleworlds picked them instead others. But if we speak over item models, like I just said those guys were totally pros.

  19. #79
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    The Brytenwalda mod expanded quite a lot of the core gameplay, not only that it sets up a historical framework of dark age British Isles, a kinda total conversion of vanilla - i played that mod for quite a time, the only Warband "total conversion" i ever touched (i made a realism deepened submod together with another one, organised in Taleworlds Brytenwalda subforum - we stopped that undertaking just before Brytenwalda was announced as official DLC, but first rumours spread).

    That Taleworlds decided to make it an official DLC was primary related to the background of favourite mods or most downloaded/played Warband mod
    And possibly also to the fact, that the coming standalone expansion Bannerlord sets up a similar period (while just the original fantasy world of Warband, so to speak the pre-story).

    I must admit, so far i still haven't purchased the Brytenwalda/Viking Conquest DLC.

    Personally, i set more on Bannerlord - as for M&B Warband, i actually like the semi-fantasy approach more than a historical framework game or mod.
    Last edited by DaVinci; April 01, 2016 at 06:17 PM.
    #Anthropocene #not just Global Warming but Global Disaster, NASA #Deforestation #Plastic Emission #The Blob #Uninhabitable Earth #Savest Place On Earth #AMOC #ICAN #MIT study "Falsehoods Win" #Engineers of Chaos
    #"there can be no doubt about it: the enemy stands on the Right!" 1922, by Joseph Wirth.
    Rightwingers, like in the past the epitome of incompetence, except for evilness where they own the mastership.
    Iirc., already 2013 i spoke of "Renaissance of Fascism", it was accurate.
    #"Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in universe." Buckminster Fuller
    Any chance for this exam? Very low, the established Anthropocentrism destroys the basis of existence.
    #My Modding #The Witcher 3: Lore Friendly Tweaks (LFT)
    #End, A diary of the Third World War (A.-A. Guha, 1983) - now, it started on 24th February 2022.

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