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Thread: [Official] Reform requirements - as at 2.3

  1. #161

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Simpelicity View Post
    Why not?

    You've captured them directly from seleukids, right? They hadn't rebelled, or been taken by someone else?

    Otherwise, either you haven't won the 9 battles you thought you did, or the script is somehow broken for you. Other people did manage to get the reform.
    Hmm, strange. Yes, I captured all of them from the Seleukids. I'll keep track now on how many battles I fight and if siege/land and then report back here if the script fires or not!

  2. #162

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    I didn't get the reforms anymore - after fighting another couple of land battles I agreed to the offer for forgiveness, left the fighting for one turn, and then next winter started to not pay my tribute again until war broke out. First thing after the war broke out was that the "Basileus offers forgiveness" script started again, and I declined, and it repeated again every turn. Still, I took another couple of cities from the Seleukids until Antiocheia and fought more than 10 land battles. I suppose this script "Basileus offers forgiveness" is somehow broken for me, it should show up just once and then not repeat again, no? I'm using b0Gias Submod Compilation too, but I guess this shouldn't affect the Baktria script. Thank you for your help though Simpelicity!

    I'll try reinstalling everything and starting a new campaign, but I'd be glad for any tips for checking the scriptss progress!

  3. #163

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    So, I read that the Koinon reforms are not only complicated, but don't work?

    I started a KH campaign. Me and Epeiros teamed up and destroyed Macedon. Took my attention to Crete, captured it. I need the second level of Polis to be able to recruit Cretan units. However, I can't seem to find the administration building required for it. I am guessing that building can't be built, thus preventing me to expand the polis and recruiting the Cretans, right?

    I can circumvent it by installing an allied kingdom, where I can recruit some Cretans, so it's not a big deal atm...

  4. #164

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Rad View Post
    So, I read that the Koinon reforms are not only complicated, but don't work?

    I started a KH campaign. Me and Epeiros teamed up and destroyed Macedon. Took my attention to Crete, captured it. I need the second level of Polis to be able to recruit Cretan units. However, I can't seem to find the administration building required for it. I am guessing that building can't be built, thus preventing me to expand the polis and recruiting the Cretans, right?

    I can circumvent it by installing an allied kingdom, where I can recruit some Cretans, so it's not a big deal atm...
    Are you sure you can recruit cretans without the allied gov?

    In any case, I assume you're talking about the government forms? And you somehow cannot build the second tier of your own gov? That has nothing to do with reforms, AFAIK there is a gov-form for every phase of it, including before it begins. Something else is blocking it, if you really can't build it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyren View Post
    I didn't get the reforms anymore - after fighting another couple of land battles I agreed to the offer for forgiveness, left the fighting for one turn, and then next winter started to not pay my tribute again until war broke out. First thing after the war broke out was that the "Basileus offers forgiveness" script started again, and I declined, and it repeated again every turn. Still, I took another couple of cities from the Seleukids until Antiocheia and fought more than 10 land battles. I suppose this script "Basileus offers forgiveness" is somehow broken for me, it should show up just once and then not repeat again, no? I'm using b0Gias Submod Compilation too, but I guess this shouldn't affect the Baktria script. Thank you for your help though Simpelicity!

    I'll try reinstalling everything and starting a new campaign, but I'd be glad for any tips for checking the scriptss progress!
    Why would you want it to trigger only once? It's supposed to trigger every turn. It'd be silly to get only 1 chance at forgiveness. They'd still be willing to forgive you...
    Any unofficial stuff can affect these scripts, one way or the other. However, I have a hard time imagining how it could break the independance event and not the forgiveness one, unless it went and played directly with these reform scripts.

  5. #165

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    @ Simple
    I am pretty sure, although I haven't had the chance to test it, because Crete is not a big enough city atm. From my two previous conquests, I see that I have only two options that steem from Military occupation, and none of them has a higher level.
    Nor are they the ones listed in the requirements for the level 2 Polis.

    I will play when I get the chance and let you know. If someone did manage to get them, tell us.

  6. #166

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Huh that's strange. It doesn't look to me like polis_2 is allowed for KH period. It gives them some stuff if they get it built, but there is the condition that a certain level or gov be present for every hellenistic faction. Except KH is not mentioned as far as I can tell. Unless I'm missing something, they simply can't build it. I haven't tried though, maybe I'm wrong.

  7. #167
    Dago Red's Avatar Primicerius
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    "Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war" ~John Adams

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Simpelicity View Post
    Huh that's strange. It doesn't look to me like polis_2 is allowed for KH period. It gives them some stuff if they get it built, but there is the condition that a certain level or gov be present for every hellenistic faction. Except KH is not mentioned as far as I can tell. Unless I'm missing something, they simply can't build it. I haven't tried though, maybe I'm wrong.
    If it's the same as Makedon, then it goes something like this (purely from a cursory experience with one campaign, don't take this for exact).

    Top tier faction administration (allowing machairaphoroi and Cretan units, etc) pre-reqs are:

    Largest Hellenistic polis -- which needs population, etc
    Enfranchised military settlers -- this is 2nd to last in the list, so you need all others and all the prerequisites therein before "building' this.
    Royal Supervisors (or was it Royal Advisors... something like this, and who knew that this is in the AGRICULTURE/FARMING building chain. Really unintuitive title/naming system that was hard to find.

    You may also need a forum or better in the trade building chain, although oddly I found that I did not need this in Corinth, but I needed it in Pella and Demetrias.

  8. #168

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    It does, yes. Taken directly from export_descr_buildings :

    polis_two requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, } and building_present_min_level market market_two and not building_present_min_level colony_eastern eastcol_two and region_religion rel_h 49 and building_present_min_level govmakedonia makedonia5 or building_present_min_level govepeiros epeiros5 or building_present_min_level govseleukid seleukid3 or building_present_min_level govptolemaioi ptolemaioi5 or building_present_min_level govbaktria baktria3 or building_present_min_level govpergamon pergamon5 or building_present_min_level govbospor bospparadyn
    Polis 2 requires a hellenistic faction, a market of minimally level 2, the absence of an eastern colony, a particular culture (greek..?) and a minimal level of government. Note how KH is not mentionned at any point for that last criteria. Unless I misunderstand how this works, that means KH can't have polis 2.

  9. #169

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Which means no Cretans for the faction that should have them the most. Allied democracy it is, then.

  10. #170
    Dago Red's Avatar Primicerius
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    "Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war" ~John Adams

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Simpelicity View Post
    It does, yes. Taken directly from export_descr_buildings :
    Polis 2 requires a hellenistic faction, a market of minimally level 2, the absence of an eastern colony, a particular culture (greek..?) and a minimal level of government. Note how KH is not mentionned at any point for that last criteria. Unless I misunderstand how this works, that means KH can't have polis 2.
    This might be a super easy fix then, if all the other parts are in place... it may simply be that they need to be added here. Have you tried adding "building_present_min_level govxx xx" where xx xx is whatever the correct phrasing is for Koinen Hellenon?

  11. #171

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    It is an easy fix, yes. I'm not messing with the scripting though, I'm just reading it.

    Keep in mind that I do not have the latest version of the mod. I cannot upgrade due to having an ongoing Let's play (nor mess with it even if I wanted to, for that matter). I haven't seen anything relating to this issue in the patch notes though.

  12. #172

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    An omission on my part indeed.
    Thanks for reporting this bug to be fixed by the next release. Keep up the good work in this thread!


  13. #173

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Well I've never had much to contribute to this project this whole time it's been developping. I try

  14. #174
    Dirty Chai's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Apologies for the thread necromancy.

    My querie has to do with the Nabatean reforms.
    How exactly are you supposed to construct "walls of a higher rank than 'wooden palisade'" in Rekem (Petra)?
    In general, can you even construct walls in Camps? It doesn't seem like you can.

    I did think of trying to destroy the "society" buildings to try and convert it to a settlement, but this doesn't seem possible as they are indestructible.
    Likewise, I then considered that perhaps the "society" buildings are the "walls" (which seems to be the case), but both only seem to equate to "wooden palisade" and that there is no higher rank.

    Do Camps at some point convert to settlements? How do you do this? Is there a point where camps allow you to build walls? When/how?

    So, essentially, what I'm getting here is that the Nabatean reforms are currently impossible;
    Am I correct?

    Less importantly, are there actually any post-Reform units for the Nabatians in the mod yet?
    If so, what are they like? If not, are there plans for any?
    (The basic unit list for the Nabateans is pretty "light")

    - BF
    Last edited by Dirty Chai; December 28, 2014 at 02:39 AM.

  15. #175
    b0Gia de Bodemloze's Avatar Europa Barbarorum Dev
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    Makedonia, Greece

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyren View Post
    I didn't get the reforms anymore - after fighting another couple of land battles I agreed to the offer for forgiveness, left the fighting for one turn, and then next winter started to not pay my tribute again until war broke out. First thing after the war broke out was that the "Basileus offers forgiveness" script started again, and I declined, and it repeated again every turn. Still, I took another couple of cities from the Seleukids until Antiocheia and fought more than 10 land battles. I suppose this script "Basileus offers forgiveness" is somehow broken for me, it should show up just once and then not repeat again, no? I'm using b0Gias Submod Compilation too, but I guess this shouldn't affect the Baktria script. Thank you for your help though Simpelicity!

    I'll try reinstalling everything and starting a new campaign, but I'd be glad for any tips for checking the scriptss progress!
    Get this to fix it:
    Under the Patronage of Veteraan.
    Proud member of Europa Barbarorum 2 team, developer of EBNOM, developer of EB 1.21, developer of Diadochi Total War, developer of Hegemonia City States and creator of one modpack for Megas Alexandros.

  16. #176
    b0Gia de Bodemloze's Avatar Europa Barbarorum Dev
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    Makedonia, Greece

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Bastard Feudalism View Post
    Apologies for the thread necromancy.

    My querie has to do with the Nabatean reforms.
    How exactly are you supposed to construct "walls of a higher rank than 'wooden palisade'" in Rekem (Petra)?
    In general, can you even construct walls in Camps? It doesn't seem like you can.

    I did think of trying to destroy the "society" buildings to try and convert it to a settlement, but this doesn't seem possible as they are indestructible.
    Likewise, I then considered that perhaps the "society" buildings are the "walls" (which seems to be the case), but both only seem to equate to "wooden palisade" and that there is no higher rank.

    Do Camps at some point convert to settlements? How do you do this? Is there a point where camps allow you to build walls? When/how?

    So, essentially, what I'm getting here is that the Nabatean reforms are currently impossible;
    Am I correct?

    Less importantly, are there actually any post-Reform units for the Nabatians in the mod yet?
    If so, what are they like? If not, are there plans for any?
    (The basic unit list for the Nabateans is pretty "light")

    - BF
    This might help:
    PHP Code:
    ;;  Nabatu Reforms
    set_event_counter ecNabatu_Settled 0
        set_event_counter ecNabatu_Imperial 0
        declare_counter nabatu_tribal_allies
        declare_counter petra_settled
        declare_counter nabatu_settled_period
        declare_counter nabatu_hel_poleis
        declare_counter nabatu_trade_centers
    monitor_event PreFactionTurnStart FactionType f_nabatu
    if     I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Settled 0
                set_counter nabatu_tribal_allies 0
    if     I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Settled 1
    and    I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Imperial 0
                inc_counter nabatu_settled_period 1
                set_counter nabatu_hel_poleis 0
                set_counter nabatu_trade_centers 0
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart SettlementName sett_189    ;;;    Rekem Nabatu starting capital has to convert to city
    and I_SettlementOwner sett_189 f_nabatu
    and SettlementBuildingExists wooden_pallisade
            inc_counter petra_settled 1
        monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType f_nabatu    
    ;;;    Count the extent of Nabatean tribal confederacy
    and I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Imperial 0
    and I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Settled 0
    and SettlementBuildingExists wooden_pallisade
    and SettlementBuildingExists nabatu_confed
            inc_counter nabatu_tribal_allies 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType f_nabatu    ;;;    Count Hellenistic poleis administered by Nabatu
    and I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Settled 1
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= polis_one
    and SettlementBuildingExists nabatu_admin
            inc_counter nabatu_hel_poleis 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType f_nabatu    ;;;    Count large cities with fully developed markets controlled by Nabatu
    and I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Settled 1
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= market_four
            inc_counter nabatu_trade_centers 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType f_nabatu
    and I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Settled 0
    and I_CompareCounter petra_settled 1
    and I_CompareCounter nabatu_tribal_allies 2
    and I_NumberOfSettlements f_nabatu 4
            set_event_counter ecNabatu_Settled 1
            set_religion f_nabatu rel_d
            historic_event HE_NABATU_SETTLED factions 
    f_nabatu, }
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType f_nabatu
    and I_EventCounter ecNabatu_Settled 1
    and I_CompareCounter nabatu_settled_period 40
    and I_CompareCounter nabatu_hel_poleis 2
    and I_CompareCounter nabatu_trade_centers 2
    and I_NumberOfSettlements f_nabatu 9
            set_event_counter ecNabatu_Settled 0
            set_event_counter ecNabatu_Imperial 1
            set_religion f_nabatu rel_c
            historic_event HE_NABATU_IMPERIAL factions 
    f_nabatu, }

    Under the Patronage of Veteraan.
    Proud member of Europa Barbarorum 2 team, developer of EBNOM, developer of EB 1.21, developer of Diadochi Total War, developer of Hegemonia City States and creator of one modpack for Megas Alexandros.

  17. #177
    Dirty Chai's Avatar Dux Limitis
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Thank you, b0Gia.

    So, I guess my next question is, how do you convert a Camp to a City?

  18. #178
    b0Gia de Bodemloze's Avatar Europa Barbarorum Dev
    Join Date
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    Makedonia, Greece

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Bastard Feudalism View Post
    Thank you, b0Gia.

    So, I guess my next question is, how do you convert a Camp to a City?
    Taxation rates are not controllable in "camps". We used M2TW castles for this settlement class, and they don't allow manual change to taxation rates. Conversion to "city-style" settlements is eventually possible, so live with it until then
    Under the Patronage of Veteraan.
    Proud member of Europa Barbarorum 2 team, developer of EBNOM, developer of EB 1.21, developer of Diadochi Total War, developer of Hegemonia City States and creator of one modpack for Megas Alexandros.

  19. #179

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    I doubt this necromancy is a problem, this thread was made to answer those questions

    Updated OP with that info, but it would be great to have a few more details on how to make a city out of a settlement. Never done it myself.

  20. #180
    Dirty Chai's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Dec 2009

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by b0Gia View Post
    Taxation rates are not controllable in "camps". We used M2TW castles for this settlement class, and they don't allow manual change to taxation rates. Conversion to "city-style" settlements is eventually possible, so live with it until then
    To clarify, you're saying that to convert a camp (castle) to a city/town-style settlement is not yet possible in the mod?
    Or are you saying that it just happens over time in-game?

    If not, I do have a suggestion: M2TW vanilla allows you to simply convert the castles to towns by building a "Convert to _" building.
    I believe if the settlement was a advanced enough, though, you couldn't (like a fortress or large city), and you had to destroy the walls or castle down to a lower rank to convert it.
    Last edited by Dirty Chai; December 28, 2014 at 05:05 PM.

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