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Thread: [Official] Reform requirements - as at 2.3

  1. #141

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by saxnot View Post
    So why weren't the reforms working for me or Floren?
    What, exactly, triggers them?
    Time and time only. You should get it on the given turns in the OP. Note that only the first reform was tested by Nightshift.

    The reform is silent (no event notifies you it has happened) and has little effect, it is possible you have simply missed it. Check your units, as I understand it, 3 of them should have changed to "Late germanic..." as opposed to "Early", with slightly better stats. At least that's for the first reform.

  2. #142

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Dear simpelicity

    I had to wait till around turn 185 for the messages to stop. After that i could build Mauryan Urban Center.

  3. #143

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Still don't know why the messages would continue. That being said, the script doesn't automatically count the army as defeated, weirdly enough. Once the FM is dead, it has a small chance every turn of counting as a defeated army. It's quite possible you had to wait until 185 because your fourth victory didn't count until then.

  4. #144
    Antioco III's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    The thing is getting weird now guys. Still playing Hayasdan, but im pretty disappointed. Im the #1 power in this campaign, but im still forced to fight with non-faction units. Its like 180 BC and my empire runs from sardis to persia, so isnt that at least strange that i cannot recruit any decent factional unit? Im stuck with the sparabara-type spearmen, archers, "lesser noble" cavalry and hillbillies with axes. I only use mercenaries or non-faction units i can recruit in allied democracies or olygarchies. And i cant figure out why

  5. #145

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    mods in a beta stage, thats why:-)

  6. #146
    Antioco III's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Well, maybe ur right. They have my support anyway

  7. #147

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Corrected the Pahlava reform requirements. You need farms rank 4, not 3.
    On a side note, Pahlava's reform has been tested and it seems to work properly.

  8. #148

  9. #149

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    That's me. I put it in both places because some people only go to one.

  10. #150

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Hey Guys,

    I'm currently 100 turns into my Numidian Campaign and I have converted three camps into cities. I then demolished the herds in the three cities and began building the farms.... Can I assume that I will be getting my reform after that? If so, what types of troops will I get after the reform?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Chuck Norris can make a paraplegic run for his life.

  11. #151

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    You get to convert the things by building max farms, so if you've converted 3 already, in theory you don't need to be building farms anymore. Also in theory, if you really did convert them, then your reform already happened, although it seems it hasn't for you.

    What do you call "converting into cities"? It seems you didn't do it the proper way, and I'm wondering if you did it at all.

  12. #152

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    I am past turn 208 and have apparently not gotten the second reform for Sweboz, the first worked well though!

  13. #153

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Hmm, indeed, the counter is set to increase, but now that you mention it, I can't find an effect to it.

    Out of curiosity, can you still recruit "late germanic" versions of your units?

  14. #154

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Yes I can but the heavy infantry still sau next armor upgrade second reform its all very odd.

  15. #155

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    If you are playing with those trouser-wearing, mischief-making brutes: make a custom battle and see if you can apply armour upgrades to some of your units, bronze represents the first reform, silver the second. The look on the battle map also changes quite a bit, e.g. Solduras without any upgrade only have a couple of mailed units, with a silver upgrade they have different helmets and all of them are wearing mail.

  16. #156

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by malibu.stacey View Post
    If you are playing with those trouser-wearing, mischief-making brutes: make a custom battle and see if you can apply armour upgrades to some of your units, bronze represents the first reform, silver the second. The look on the battle map also changes quite a bit, e.g. Solduras without any upgrade only have a couple of mailed units, with a silver upgrade they have different helmets and all of them are wearing mail.
    Oh, that's cool, I had totally forgotten the game had that feature.

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  17. #157

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Did someone manage to get the Baktrian reforms? After a few battles, now at every new turn, the message pops up that the Seleukids would forgive me, which I decline of course. But it just pops up again next turn. And I'm sure I've got 9 land battles won against them already :/ Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?

    Or is there any way to see the counter of the script?

    Edit: Checking the map with toggle_fow the Seleukids are actually close to be exterminated - will the Baktrian Reform trigger if the Seleukids go down?
    Last edited by Kyren; October 14, 2014 at 05:26 AM.

  18. #158

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    AFAIK the script doesn't have a fallback if Seleucids die, but that's just from memory.
    Did you capture settlements from them?

  19. #159

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Simpelicity View Post
    AFAIK the script doesn't have a fallback if Seleucids die, but that's just from memory.
    Did you capture settlements from them?
    Yes, as of now I've captured around 4, I'd have to check to get the total number. Is the script for getting forgiveness supposed to run every turn now, though?

  20. #160

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Why not?

    You've captured them directly from seleukids, right? They hadn't rebelled, or been taken by someone else?

    Otherwise, either you haven't won the 9 battles you thought you did, or the script is somehow broken for you. Other people did manage to get the reform.

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