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Thread: [Official] Reform requirements - as at 2.3

  1. #121

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    All right, thanks ! I let you know what I find out !

  2. #122

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    The idea behind this scipt is that first Sarmatians need to subject several settled peoples - thence "> wooden_pallisade" which means at least large town and "= sauro_prec" which is the only "factional" governement available to Sarmatians in settled areas (Allied States means alliance, which is different from direct control, Clan Lands means continuation of nomadic tribal societal structure, again something from which one does not "learn" settled ways too much). Only after these conditions are satisfied, will the faction learn how to incorporte their settled subjects more effectively into their realm and gain the settled administation gov level.


  3. #123

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by V.T. Marvin View Post
    The idea behind this scipt is that first Sarmatians need to subject several settled peoples - thence "> wooden_pallisade" which means at least large town and "= sauro_prec" which is the only "factional" governement available to Sarmatians in settled areas (Allied States means alliance, which is different from direct control, Clan Lands means continuation of nomadic tribal societal structure, again something from which one does not "learn" settled ways too much). Only after these conditions are satisfied, will the faction learn how to incorporte their settled subjects more effectively into their realm and gain the settled administation gov level.
    All right, I tested it : it works exactly like that.

    It gives access to a settled governement ("Sarmatian Settled administration", upgrading the occupation and extortion gov) and this governement gives access to settled type buildings. It seems quite standard buildings for "barbarian". No more, no less.

  4. #124

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    I updated the sauromatae with all that, thanks you 2

  5. #125

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Sweboz reforms were tested and confirmed to work properly by Nightshift. OP updated accordingly.

  6. #126
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    No reforms for Kart-Hadast?

  7. #127

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Hummer View Post
    No reforms for Kart-Hadast?
    Not yet. I've added a disclaimer now, y'all can stop asking about the missing reforms. Hopefully.

    Meanwhile, Qvintvs from the .org forum has tested the Numidia reforms, I've updated the OP with much more accurate information on it.

  8. #128
    Antioco III's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Playing Hayasdan it keeps popping up the message "royal authority rises"... i think its the first step of teh reforms. But i cant actually do anything. I also built the royal thing in my capital and 6 satrapies. Ive read that i need a "eastern military colony" to unlock new units. Im actually conquering the world relying only on mercenaries O.o
    Last edited by Antioco III; September 24, 2014 at 08:13 AM.

  9. #129

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Royal authority rises has nothing to do with it afaik.

    What version of EBII are you playing?

  10. #130
    Antioco III's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Im playing 2.01

  11. #131

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Good, that means your reform works. That was not the case in 2.0.

    If you really have built the caucasus tribal kingdom gov as much as you say you have, then you should've had a historic event about the caucasian kingdom (NOT the rising authority thing). Once you got that you should be able to build a new, non-tribal gov type everywhere. if you can't, try destroying and rebuilding. But I can't really help you further than that. I just read the script and say how it should work. If it's not working as it should, then either I'm reading it wrong, or you need tech support. In either case I can't help you haha

  12. #132
    Antioco III's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    I had the caucasian kingdom event but i couldnt build any better govern. But i destroyed the gov in the capital and rebuit it and now i can. Thanks

  13. #133

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    No problem!

  14. #134

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Talking about that, the royal authority message and the colonist message you get for other factions could be made to appear only once or twice....
    Then, as throngs of his enemies bore down upon him and one of his followers said, "They are making at thee, O King," "Who else, pray," said Antigonus, "should be their mark? But Demetrius will come to my aid." This was his hope to the last, and to the last he kept watching eagerly for his son; then a whole cloud of javelins were let fly at him and he fell.

    -Plutarch, life of Demetrius.

    Arche Aiakidae-Epeiros EB2 AAR

  15. #135

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    This may not be the best place to address this though? I mean, I'm not part of the EB team. They might read this, but if you want to make sure to reach them, I imagine you could write down your script suggestion in the tech help forum.

  16. #136

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Taksashila is working correctly, this is my experience

    I took about 160 turns to collect 7 settlements. During this time they never asked for military aid and i was never attacked by another faction so they never needed to send military aid, i kept to my self. Then i refused the Mauryan tribute.

    They would not tolerate this and sent their armies after me. Randomly, a full rebel stack or a half rebel stack would appear on the edge of the map. I had my intelligence ready for them and they assassinated their commanders, they would aimlessly wander around. i don't know if they would of attacked anything if i left their commanders but they seemed lost in the dessert. My armies hunted them down but it was still a tough fight.

    I had only defeated 2 stacks when turn 170 arrived. After this turn you still get a random chance of and army appearing however only the invasion message appears and no army. When this happened 2 more times It triggered the "4 Mauryan armies defeated" condition. I believe the invasion message automatically counts as a defeated army after turn 170 but i also hunted down small rebel aphistamenoi so i can't really tell.

    After the 4th invasion message it was quiet. There is no celebration message or notification i just noticed I was able to build Mauryan Urban Center. I still have Indian Tribal Culture as my main it does not change.

    Another thing is there is now 2 options for the Direct Mauryan Control government its a slight bug they are both same thing and both lead to Mauryan Urban Center.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Mauryan Urban Center

    This does not show in the building browser, so here i believe are the requirements for Mauryan Urban Center

    Military Occupation(sword in ground) >> Direct Mauryan Control(8 spoke wheel) >> Mauryan Urban Center(place holder pic)

    also needed
    35% Indian Tribal Culture
    Stone Wall settlement
    Mid scale farm

  17. #137
    Antioco III's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    @Wulfburk Really? Im actually getting the royal authority message every turn :/ I mean its not a problem, but are you saying its not suppose to happen?

  18. #138

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    No actually, the way it is now it is supposed to appear every turn, i just said i'd prefer if it didnt. (same with the colonist message), but this is for another topic.
    Then, as throngs of his enemies bore down upon him and one of his followers said, "They are making at thee, O King," "Who else, pray," said Antigonus, "should be their mark? But Demetrius will come to my aid." This was his hope to the last, and to the last he kept watching eagerly for his son; then a whole cloud of javelins were let fly at him and he fell.

    -Plutarch, life of Demetrius.

    Arche Aiakidae-Epeiros EB2 AAR

  19. #139

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    @Mantaprey Thanks for testing it! The mauryans are not scripted to ask for help, just to give it to you. Sometimes. And you don't need 7 settlements to declare independance, just to make it official, but hey, you can choose to wait until you have 7 settlements before trying your luck

    The script specifically keeps track of the FM spawned with the armies. For example, when it spawns a fullstack, it flips the "fullstack spawned" switch on, and then keeps track of the FM. If the family member ceases to exist while the flip is on, it will consider that you have defeated that army, and flip the fullstack back to off, AKA it can now spawn again.
    On a side note, the AI for these mauryan armies is also scripted here, and again it passes through the FM. If you kill it, it becomes just another random Eleutheroi army, which you don't particularly need to hunt down, unless you want to get rid of the devastation of course.

    However, I don't understand how you got army-spawning messages past turn 170. The monitor that triggers these events (not to mention spawns the armies) gets turned off entirely at turn 171.

  20. #140

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Simpelicity View Post
    Sweboz reforms were tested and confirmed to work properly by Nightshift. OP updated accordingly.
    So why weren't the reforms working for me or Floren?
    What, exactly, triggers them?

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