Around 209BC for the Polybian and 107BC for the Marian reforms.
Around 209BC for the Polybian and 107BC for the Marian reforms.
As Bosporos, I didn't get access to any new units in my cities after the Hellenistic reform, except for Thureopherontes Hippotoxotai. Do you need the Military Settlers building to get units like Thureophoroi?
Which buildings do you have there - polis or colony? The polis doesn't change much in the region until the later reform - it's a backwater at the end of the day. This is the polis_two:
The colony on the other hand always has "modern" units.Code:;;; SKYTHIA 9 * 0.04 recruit_pool "hellenistic cavalry xystophoroi" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and not event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic cavalry aspidiotai hippeis" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic cavalry hippakontistai" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and not event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic cavalry thureopherontes hippeis" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry peltastai logades" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and hidden_resource hr_g and not event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 ; Olbia/Khersonesos/Pantikapaion recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry bosporan logades" 1 0.08 2 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and not hidden_resource dacia and not hidden_resource horde_target and event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 ; Pantikapaion/Khersonesos recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry hoplitai" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry hoplitai haploi" 1 0.08 2 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and not event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry hoplitai haploi" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry hemithorakitai" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and not event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry thureophoroi" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry akontistai" 1 0.08 2 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and not event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry akontistai" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian and event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry euzonoi" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 and hidden_resource skythian and hidden_resource horde_target or hidden_resource dacia ; Olbia/Mikra Skythia/Skythia recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry toxotai" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian recruit_pool "hellenistic infantry sphendonitai" 1 0.04 1 0 requires factions { cul_1, cul_3, f_pontos, } and hidden_resource skythian
Last edited by QuintusSertorius; October 13, 2018 at 05:16 AM.
I only have poleis, and only in the two cities in Crimea. One minor and one medium.
I'm not too familiar with the scripting language but it does look like the requirenents for Thureopherontes Hippotoxotai and the Thureophoroi are the same...
Edit: And also, telling from the script, it looks as though I should not be able to recruit hemithorakitai after the reform, which I still can.
Last edited by Paltmull; October 13, 2018 at 08:58 AM.
Hemithorakitai don't disappear until the later reform - note the not event_counter ecThorakitaiReform 1 - at which point they are replaced by Thureophoroi.
That's from the current dev build (which is why the Bosporan Logades are there, and Peltastai Logades are more restricted in availability), but it's broadly similar to what's in 2.3.
Did you add fallback triggers for the Carthaginian reforms in 2.35?
Asking because I am down to one Barcid and two Anti-Barcids. The rest aren't taking a side - damn moderates!
Can someone tell me how I can get more Barcid characters without using the console?
That one Barcid guy I have left isn't even eligible for Rab mahnet - and I want my late Lybian troops dammit![]()
Use the console. We're looking at ways to improve this, but it won't be save-game compatible anyway.
Edit: Team member SamueleD identifies the problem as follows. Both Hannonid and Barcid are traits that (at the moment) can only be acquired at birth (based on the father's alignment). But they can also get a 3rd, unaligned trait, and over time that means both Barcid and Hannonid will go extinct. So it is a real problem, and we're discussing the best to fix it right now.
Last edited by Kull; December 19, 2018 at 09:32 AM.
EBII Council
Nah, I'm not game for console edits.
I'll keep playing the campaign and let you folks know if anything else shows up.
Thanks for working on it... I'll probably play another half a dozen Carthage campaigns before I am done, might as well see them at their best![]()
Folks... the first reform happened at turn 256, without my last Barcid guy being elected rab mahnet. Somebody needs to check what the current reform triggers actually are.
They're quite fun - main opposition to Rome, good economy, overseas holdings, lots and lots and lots of units for recruitment, nice office system etc.
Playing as the KH, and it seems there's a problem with the reforms.
First stage fired automatically at 242, so I went straight to building the four Symmachikon Koinon. Once they were built, I acquired four archons.
However, the next stage of the reforms does not seem to be triggering.
As I said, I have the four Symmachikon Koinon and archons (each for a different city), and I own Korinthos, as specified in the playing guide. All my other cities still have the option to build Symmachikon Koinons, so does this mean I have to build more than four? Does it have something to do with the fact that the first stage was triggered automatically?
I don't know if it is the right place to post,but i am really amazed with the evocata colony concept!!i disbanded by accident my roman legions in a city and received the message of the veteran colony!!!was this also and in previous versions??
I remember it was mentioned in the last version - didn't check for myself, though.
It was in 2.3; don't remember if it was earlier than that, even.
I'm confused: for the Roman Polybian requirements, does "at least 4 large battles (enemy has over 12 units) in Cisalpine Gaul" mean only field battles or can it also be sieges? I believe I have fought just four field battles on the battle map, thankfully, but I automated a potential fifth one, so now I'm getting paranoid.
If worse comes to worse it will come after turn 150 anyway, since I'll have all of northern Italy and Sicily anyway.
Last edited by Roma_Victrix; January 07, 2019 at 04:11 PM.