@Malibu sounds like non Steam, which means there are 3 differences with my setup. I'm using Steam, I'm not using the positive trait mod, and I didn't play around with Baktria. One of these is making a difference.
@Malibu sounds like non Steam, which means there are 3 differences with my setup. I'm using Steam, I'm not using the positive trait mod, and I didn't play around with Baktria. One of these is making a difference.
Has anyone been able to complete the Polybian reform yet?
I have tried myself, but it haven't gotten it yet.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Wanted for:
Breaking and gluing back together and trying to pass off as never being broken in the first place.
Assault with a weapon that couldn't have possibly been deadly, but unfortunately was
"You know what they say: give a man a fish, and he'll stink up the whole town. Give a man a fishing rod -- see where I'm going here? Give him a fishing rod and he'll poke your eye out."
Rep goes both ways, just leave your name
Did you get all the battles you need?
Assuming you did, I would to my "disclaimer" and say that there is some confusion about whether they mean turns or years. No one has bothered to clear that one up for sure yet. So it's possible it only happens past turn 400, although that feels wrong - or really really late.
I'm pretty sure that I had them by now, but the battles against Carthage have taken place in both Sicily and Italy. But by the script it shouldn't be a problem.
In Cisalpine Gaul I have fought a lot against vast Arverni armies for the control, so it should also have been completed.
But if it's 400 turn, then it will come much later then EB1. But I fight on to see if something happens.![]()
Wanted for:
Breaking and gluing back together and trying to pass off as never being broken in the first place.
Assault with a weapon that couldn't have possibly been deadly, but unfortunately was
"You know what they say: give a man a fish, and he'll stink up the whole town. Give a man a fishing rod -- see where I'm going here? Give him a fishing rod and he'll poke your eye out."
Rep goes both ways, just leave your name
Saba reform is working correctly. A character of mine spent a turn in Timna when it had less than 30% Eastern Tribal culture, and the reform triggered, now Eastern Imperial Culture is my main culture, and now at the building browser another level of the Sabaean Administration buildings has appeared: Mahrab Malkan (Royal Court, the one you have in Maryab at the start). Now just have to wait until the Imperial culture reaches 60% to build it.
Small tips to do the reform: Always build the temples of Almagah, for it raises Imperial culture. (and also increases law which is good for Saba). At Timna and the city east of it, you should build at once the Sabaean administration buildings (something like regional pacification) and then the next building on that tree. Happiness shoudnt be a problem once you have the shrine of Almagah.
For Qarnawu, you cant build the regional pacification at first because it doesnt has the walls IIRC. What i did was i built the allied government and then built the Allied Oligarchic Government, and completely developed the city. Many turns later i deleted that building and build the regional pacification and now i got the Royal Governor building in it. Imperial culture is rising steadily in the region.
What the reform does military wise: Once you build the Royal Court building you will be able to recruit all the units you can recruit in your capital, Maryab. Most importantly, the Khamis. (i imagine once the roster is complete you'll get much more units available at other regions)
If anyone managed to complete other reforms too might as well post it here so people can see how it works, what you have to do, and what changes the reform does, in game wise.
Oh and uh, the turns mentioned in the scripts are really turns. Someone mentioned in .Org that he did the Sweboz reform after 128 turns. Though like i said it in there, it probably should be relooked at... The player should need to do something, either develop his faction like the Pritanoi reform, either have to fight a certain enemy like the polybian reform, or etc, than just waiting a X number of turns.
Last edited by Wulfburk; September 11, 2014 at 12:52 PM.
Then, as throngs of his enemies bore down upon him and one of his followers said, "They are making at thee, O King," "Who else, pray," said Antigonus, "should be their mark? But Demetrius will come to my aid." This was his hope to the last, and to the last he kept watching eagerly for his son; then a whole cloud of javelins were let fly at him and he fell.
-Plutarch, life of Demetrius.
Arche Aiakidae-Epeiros EB2 AAR
If anyone managed to complete other reforms too might as well post it here so people can see how it works, what you have to do, and what changes the reform does, in game wise.
If you complete the Baktrian Indepence, youŽll have the option to built the Basilike Patris (Royal Homeland) in Baktra (or any other Metropolis, for that matter). This unlocks Hetairoi and Oxybeles, but, more importantly, you can built higher level gov buildings in other provinces, too. This gives access to Hypaspistai, Baktroi Hippeis and provides an additional law bonus, if I remember correctly.
By the way, are there any reforms for the Kimmerios Bosperos? Or is the Royal Satrapy building their highest gov building?
I remember the EBI Sweboz reform used to be tied to population, among other factors I think. It was kinda hard to get, at least in a timely fashion.
I think I'll add your tips for getting the saba reform, if only because it's not exactly intuitive that you need the eastern imperial culture to build your new government. Thx for that.
If anyone else has tips or observations, please feel free to share.
Bosporos doesn't seem to have a reform yet. I get the feeling that is due to their roster being quite incomplete.
I finally got the Hayasadan reforms to work:
I did change the script set counter to "1" as suggested in this thread: http://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showth...-reforms/page2
The script did not fire until I had taken Karkathiokerta and built a Hayasadan administration building in it.
I already had Aramvir and 6 other adjacent provinces but Trapezous did not have a Hayasadan administration building as it cannot have one until it is 12000+ size.
This still left me (prior to taking Karkathokerta) with 7 provinces and 6 Hayasadan Administration buildings...
Anyway, it works and I can build my Royal Satrap and then my Cataphracts.
I looked into it, and I think I figured it out. It counts the gov buildings as "number completed", meaning you probably have to have built it yourself, meaning Armavir's starting kingdom would not count. Unless you rebuild it maybe?
OP updated with the Hayasdan script fix btw. Or rather, a link to it.
"and then my Cataphracts"... or not as the case may be:
The reforms work but only it seems to allow new buildings:
As noted above. I did change script set counter to "1" as above.
The script did not fire until I had taken Karkathikerta and built a Caucasian Tribal Kingdom (CTK) Hayasadan administration building in it.
I already had Aramvir and 6 other adjacent provinces but Trapezous did not have a Hayasadan administration (other than military administration) building as the building browser shows it cannot have one until it is 12000+ size - whereupon it is eligible for the Royal Kingdom of Hayasadan (RKH), Hayasadan administration. I would note that the RKH building also shows in the Aramvir building browser as being available on reaching 12K pop.
This still left me (prior to taking Karkathiokerta) with 7 provinces and 6 Hayasadan administration (with CTKs) buildings however so the reforms should have triggered earlier (however see Simpelicity's comment above).
Anyway, Pan Caucasian reforms did trigger and this gave me the option of building either a Royal Satrapy or a Satrapy in Aramvir and a Satrapy in the other provinces.
I built the Royal Satrapy in Aramvir and this enabled me to build the RKH in Aramvir. Checking the building browser fro Aramvir it showed the Hayasadan administration building progressions as military administration>>CTK>>Satrapy>>Some other strange Hellenic satrapy>>Royal Satrapy>>RKH.
After building the Royal Satrapy I built a few other buildings and then the RKH which replaced the Royal Satrapy building.
In my other provinces I built the ordinary Satrapy building. No other admin buildings were then available (even in Trapezous which had earlier shown the possibility of building RKH). In Karkathiokerta however, the RKH building did appear in the building browser but could not be built.)
The text for the Satrapy/Royal Satrapy referred to building levels of military colonies to obtain your best troops but the only colony types available - Indigenous Military Colonies (IMC) - do not in fact lead to new troop types, nor do any other Satrapal buildings. I built the IMCs to L3 to check.
Although I got the message regarding taking over a Satrapy by Royal control every turn, it was not possible to build a Royal Satrapy in any other province but Aramvir.
Hope this is useful.![]()
would anyone care to please elaborate on how to remove these dubious reforms and turn the faction into an 'ordinary' but playable one?
I do not mind the first reform and am grateful to Foot for implementing it. but the second Persian reform is an improbable couterfactual assumption that shouldnt have been there in the first place, imho, as was discussed at some length here. perhaps the second reform could have been added as optional (if at all possible). otherwise I find its inclusion (and 'straightjacketing' concequences thereof) impossible to defend.
great thread, needs to be stickied
@ Porphy I don't remember seeing a EB team member comment on the broken Hai script. I imagine it's possible that it was meant this way. They could've written the script expecting more hai units to make it into the release, then realised those units wouldn't be ready in time and so disabled the script (easier than removing it entirely and bringing it back later). They could've just put it in notes instead of breaking the script though, so then again, maybe not.
@ Sarkiss Can't help you there. Sounds like a job for modders though. Maybe try the unofficial modding section?
For me the Polybian Reforms appeared at about 210 B.C. after I finally attacked Carthago and had a few battles with them. A window popped up, informed me about the reforms and a few turns after that I could recruit the Polybian troops in Rome.
Well, maybe they happened because I had the correspondent turn number, but anyway, they appeared.
So far a very stable mod, not a single ccd even after hours of play![]()
thanks for highlighting this, Kull. does that mean that Armenia's 2nd reform that turns it into a 'Persian empire' is also now fully integrated in its EB1 form?
Simpelicity, thanks for your answer. Hayastan without cataphracts is like an Indian faction without elephants or successors with no phalangites. it isnt playable for me![]()
I really don't know if the text of the third reforms is talking SPECIFICALLY about a resurrection of the Achaemenids, but if so, I'm probably closer to your feelings on the subject. A bit too deterministic and with a questionable basis. On the other hand, there is an "Eastern Imperial" religion which many factions can convert to, and the third Armenian Reform is based on that. That does NOT mean "Persian" per se (or it least it probably shouldn't), but rather a "Persian-Empire-like" autocratic style of government, suitable for large Eastern Empires.
Armenia and Pontos both get the Khuveshavagan, which is a very powerful Heavy Cav. Not cataphracts, but usable in much the same way. If you must have actual cataphracts, the only ones in game belong to Parthia, so it should be possible for somebody to create a sub-mod extending Cat availability to more factions (Saka and Sauromatae need them even more than Armenia, IMO). As for when the next group of new-unit-cats will be become available? Probably not for quite some while.Simpelicity, thanks for your answer. Hayastan without cataphracts is like an Indian faction without elephants or successors with no phalangites. it isnt playable for me![]()
EBII Council