Are the requirements for the polybian reform still those in the OP?
Then, as throngs of his enemies bore down upon him and one of his followers said, "They are making at thee, O King," "Who else, pray," said Antigonus, "should be their mark? But Demetrius will come to my aid." This was his hope to the last, and to the last he kept watching eagerly for his son; then a whole cloud of javelins were let fly at him and he fell.
-Plutarch, life of Demetrius.
Arche Aiakidae-Epeiros EB2 AAR
How do you convert camps to towns?
Only certain factions can do this, and only certain camps can be converted. The requirement is usually similar for most factions--in most cases it involves building the advanced farm buildings. The higher tier herds block construction of high level farms and vice versa. You will only be able to have elite herds if you want to go full farming(which you need for most camp conversion). The farms will slowly drop your nomadic culture more and more with each farm building. Once you have dropped to 60% nomadism you can build large scale farms and then a 3 year process to convert from camp to city can be constructed. Then, presto! A permanent settlement is born, with all the benefits of a settled city(like roads ffs, damn roadless camps).
Which faction are you playing as? Each faction can convert different camps.
Saka Rauka, I was asking because of the settled reforms. Didn't want to go about destroying government buildings (or something similarly stupid) trying to figure out how to convert camps![]()
That's odd. You shouldn't be able to have a third level herd building and a mid-scale farming at the same time. You need a large scale farm. You can only build one when Nomadism as a culture is below 60%. Also, you cannot have any herd buildings besides level 1 herds. Finally, you need 2k population to build the large-scale farming. So, wait for 2k population and the wall upgrade. Then, smash your herds. I usually build back the Elite Herds right after, since it only takes 2 turns and they provide a decent population growth bonus. That bonus will last you during all the time you spend building the large-scale farm and the convert-to-city building. The only catch is how to get below 60%.
I've noticed that the KH reform has several stages, there are several questions that I would ask regarding it:
- After capturing 3 metropolis' I established a congress
- An event fired up at turn 127 if Im not mistaken stating the start of the Koinon
- I gathered 4 of my archons in Korinthos and another reform takes place
- Sympotelia revolt event triggers
my question is regarding the last point. What does it (the revolt) signify? I can only build the Greek Founder States only at Pella and Knossos. After destroying the military colony the Sympotelia vanished from the queue, is this intended?
Im still unsure of how the reform would affect KH and why the Sympotelia can't be built anywhere else other than Knossos and Pella (currently I control Skodra, Epidamnos, Ambrakia, Pella, Demetrias, Knossos, Athenai, Korinthos, Sparte, and Rhodos).
You can only build two Founders (kh7), all the rest have to be Members (kh8 - which comes after the end of the revolt, which takes 16 turns), but you should be able to build the Founders anywhere in that list barring Skodra and Epidamnos.
The Sympoliteia has nothing at all to do with military colonies, that looks like a coincidence. Does it repeat?
You have to destroy the "herd" building though. I never know when. I do it when I have developped all my buildings of my large nomad camp. When done, you have access to a new farm bulding. When this farm building is done, you have access to conversion. I never heard of this thing about culture needed to pass from nomad camp to cities, but I can be mistaken.
Anyhow : do you manage to have the imperial reform ? I have the first reform no problem. But the imperial reform I cannot have. The conditions are not as they are noted in the front page of this thread. Here they are for anterior version of the mod (given to me by Quintus. A shame my friend original poster is not here to edit the first post of the thread)
- 40 turns after the first reform
- King with "settled" trait.
- 10 settlements (I don't know if it means "10 settlements in total or 10 cities and that nomad camps don't count in the total)
- Level 3 farm (for settled community I suppose, which is "mid-scale farming". I don't know if you need 10 of those or if 1 is enough)
- You have to have the "settled Saka settled administration". (Again, I don't know if you need 10 of those to trigger the reform or if you need one of those to build the reform)
I cannot have this reform. I passed more than 100 turns and all is respected. If you have the same problem, please let me know, I will contact Quitus to let him know that we are more than one.
For your information for the last reform, you need :
- Faction leader with authority 4+
- if you own 19+ settlements.
You will have a new special building that you can build only once, in only one settlement of your choice. It represent a "new" capital, where all your saka units will be available.
WARNING : this building can be constructed only ONCE. If you remove it from the building queue or if you ignore it or if you destroy it, you will probably not be able to build it again !
All those conditions are compatibles with EB2.0x. The question is : are those compatible with EB2.1x ?
Completed the roma reform on turn 121, it would seem Felsina has to be one of the cis alpine settlements. If the requirements are 3 settlements in cisalpine italy and all 3 in Sicily? I took all the settlements(cisalpine and sicily) except Felsina by 120 so not 100% sure if its delayed as i took felsina a turn later and they fired in.
Last edited by Thuycidides; December 23, 2015 at 07:08 PM.
@Floren d'Asteneuz,
To be clear, the reforms should trigger the first turn (or next subsequent turn) that I have all of the requirements filled?
The current requirements for the Imperial reform:
1) Three settled cities that have both a "Mid-scale farming" (the city version, not the camp version which uses the same name, confusingly) or greater AND a Saka Settled Administration building. So no client governments.
2) 10 or more total settlements (camps OR cities)
3) Must have been settled for more than 40 turns
4) Faction leader authority of 5 or higher
5) Faction leather must have the 'Settled Nature' or 'Settled' trait (and therefore not the 'Lives on the move' nomad traits)
If you have met these, you will get the imperial event and your culture will change to Eastern Imperial.
You didn't mention the authority for the Imperial phase, so maybe your faction leader's authority isn't 5 or more.
There is an additional event you can achieve after you've made this Imperial reform. You can build more than one "Saka Royal Domain" building. You gain points for towards your limit by having:
+1 point for FL authority 4+
+1 point for FL authority 6+
+1 point for FL authority 7+ (so if you had 7, you would get a total of 3 points from this section)
+1 for 10 total settlements (camp or city)
+1 for 13 settlements
+1 for 16 settlements
+1 for 19 settlements
So that's a total of 7 points, so you can build up to seven Saka Royal Domains once you earn all the points. Also if your faction leader dies and gets replaced with one with weaker authority, if you smash a Royal Domain building, you may not qualify to rebuild it. So watch out for that until his replacement has enough authority points again. You should start with at least 2 domain points right when the Imperial reform hits, since you need 5 authority and 10 settlements, so you get one point for each of those.
The requirement isn't "any three" in Cispalpine Gaul but specifically Segesta, Patavium, and Felsina/Bononia. Mediolanum isn't part of the requirement. When QS mentioend "three settlements" in cisapline, he didn't say "ANY three." I can see why youl would read it that way, though, but the list of specific cities was provided in earlier posts (possibly on other threads), and he saved time by not re-typing it out.
Yes. ALL the requirements. That list was incomplete. See above.
Last edited by myarta; December 23, 2015 at 07:54 PM.
I've got the event saying I defeated the Seleukids as Pergamon but the Basilike Patris is not showing up at my capital or anywhere else.
The only thing you cannot do with a bayonet is sit on it. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord,1st Prime Minister of France, Prince of Benevento.