You're welcome

Enjoy your empire! Build Native Colony buildings to help raise your Eastern Imperial culture and get useful units.
Except in towns that have a Hellenic Polis or Hellenic Metropolis. In those, you can't build the native colonies. It seems the best combination is a Minor Hellenic Polis, since it qualifies you for the Philhellenic Satrapy without disqualifying you from building Native Colonies. Unfortunately unless you blitz early, many neighboring buildings will already be past the Minor Hellenic Polis stage.
I personally hate 'traps' like that where the only way to 'solve' a problem is to rely on the AI. e.g. if you're not a settling faction, sometimes you can just wait for the AI to settle camps before you take them, since otherwise you're stuck with them staying as camps.
In this case, you have to use spies to carefully monitor when Ptolemaoi and AS build Minor Hellenic Polises, and swoop in before they can upgrade them to full Polises. I wish you could still build Native Colony if you're not a faction that can make use of the Hellenic Polis chain, since the benefit of higher Hellenic Polis levels is colony points to build Hellenic Colonies, but your faction can't do that, so you're SOL.