I took 5 settlements and won 8 battles so yeah.
I took 5 settlements and won 8 battles so yeah.
We will either find a way, or make one.
Does terminating monitors make them disappear entirely? Because you terminate the monitor once a certain number of battles are won. Same with settlements. If it makes the counter go away with the monitoring, you're breaking your script. IF.
And the easy fix is to give it the termination other monitors have. Terminate if Baktriakingdom=1.
Other question, for the purposes of the script, what does "withdraw" mean as a battle type?
Another thought on the matter. there's this phrase, "GeneralFoughtFaction f_seleukid". I don't imagine General here refers to actual generals only (as in FMs)? Makes no sense to me, but that's the only other break I could imagine while staring at this script.
You need to look at the loop surrounding the monitor - terminating a specific monitor doesn't kill the whole thing, just that section. For example terminating the monitor that checks whether or not you've met the requirements for BaktrianKingdom after the counter has been set.
The script can only monitor characters; in order to trigger battles_won or the like, your army has to be led by an FM or General (ie a named character).
yours and the enemy's?
Ok. 2 questions then :
@Quintus you didn't exactly answer my first question. If you terminate a monitor, does the counter it was increasing disappear with it? I would imagine not, but just verifying.
@ Jervaj did you win any battles with armies deprived of FMs?
It stops tracking the counter, leaving it at whatever it was set at before the monitor was terminated. Unless something else causes that counter to change, that's how it remains.
For example:
The ThureosReform fires, puts up the historic_event, sets the ecThureosReform event_counter to 1, then closes itself and nevermore is it processed by the script.Code:monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_TurnNumber > 60 ;257 BC historic_event HE_THUREOS_REFORM factions { f_pontos, f_kh, f_makedonia, f_ptolemaioi, f_baktria, f_bosporan, f_epeiros, f_seleukid, f_pergamon, } set_event_counter ecThureosReform 1 terminate_monitor end_monitor
Sorry. As I said I was away from home. I will return this night.
I actually won the last battles without FM as I had to keep governors as the new FM take a lot of turns to arrive, and I wanres to test it fast, so that may have been the problem.
Still there were things to fix in the sceipt of the offer and so. I will keep trying when I instal the new version tomorrow
We will either find a way, or make one.
Just a quick FYI - the Hayasdan reform section still lists Persepolis as a requirement for the Imperial reform, but the 2.03etc change list says that the Persepolis requirement has been replaced by Antiocheia. I haven't gotten far enough in my Hayasdan campaign yet to test this, but I thought it might be worth updating the OP if the script has been altered.
EDIT - Confirmed on my latest playthrough that Antiocheia is required for the Hayasdan imperial reform in 2.03k, rather than Perseopolis.
Last edited by adun12345; July 19, 2015 at 10:47 PM.
Changed it.
Haven't really had time/interest to look into reforms myself much, but I pop in now and then, I can do changes to the OP easily if need be, so do mention it when changes are necessary.
About the Pritanoi reform. Market rank 3 and temple rank 3 are the ones which are possible only at cities right? I'm at turn 81 (tried to roleplay a bit and not blitz) but all my settlements are at best large town level with 4000 households, I never exterminated a settlement. Those who got the Pritanoi reform, at what turn did you get it? It looks like I need at least another 100..
When iron fist government becomes available do I get a notification?
A city is 6000 households. With this and a large market, 'Large Tribal Community'(LVL3) becomes available that allows recruitment of the retainer warriors through settlements instead of mercenaries. The Pritanoi reform allows the proto-kingdom (LVL4) that allows chariots and heavy cavalry recruitment, increased recruitment slots and a small negative to happiness. There is no grand notification yet you will see it in the building options.
I let it happen naturally and i got the proto-kingdom (LVL4) at Turn 270, but according to the description it was very much later in history.
I have a question about Pergamon reform now that Im trying them. How is now the situation regarding the battles need to form the kingdom? I remember you changed something there.
We will either find a way, or make one.
I had the Saba reform triggered when Eastern Tribal States culture got below 30% in the capital (Maryab). I looked the code:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
...and wondered if the capital itself fits the distance condition? It certainly looks like it, but is it intentional? If it is, the opening post could be updated to include the capital.
Thanks Quintus. Would be good to have it updated in the OP when the creator has time
We will either find a way, or make one.
Thank you for the swift update haha
We will either find a way, or make one.
Umm, has someone managed to get the reform since the change?
I had defeated two galatian armies within the conditions and I just defeated a Seleucid full stack and I got a message about my conquers of the barbaraoi and victory over the Seleucids. I thought that was the reform but I dont notice any effects.
Shouldnt I be able to build some new goverment and get new units?
We will either find a way, or make one.