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Thread: [Official] Reform requirements - as at 2.3

  1. #261

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Sint View Post
    Ah ok ,btw is it normal that I could build a colonie in Pella,Demetrias and Korinthos despite it saying no colonie were a polis is?
    Absolutely normal; you have to be able to build a colony where a polis is in order to get a makedonia7 government. One of the requirements is having both colony and polis.

  2. #262

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Now that KH reform works I have a doubt in the second part of the reform.
    Could you clarify if the 4 archon should be in Kortinthos or where you have built the congress?
    I got my 4 archons in Korinthos for a while without any success

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  3. #263

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Jervaj View Post
    Now that KH reform works I have a doubt in the second part of the reform.
    Could you clarify if the 4 archon should be in Kortinthos or where you have built the congress?
    I got my 4 archons in Korinthos for a while without any success
    They have to be in Korinthos continuously for 4 turns.

    I haven't changed it since I tested that the whole thing worked from start to finish.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; July 03, 2015 at 07:10 PM.

  4. #264

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    ok. The explanation of the first topic is a bit confusing as it says where you built the congress one time and korinthos the other. I will move them back to Korinthos and keep them there to see if it triggers.

    Edit: I moved them bakc ended turn and inmediatly reform triggered
    Last edited by Jervaj; July 04, 2015 at 06:28 AM.

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  5. #265
    delra's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Regarding KH, it's still possible for one family member to gain multiple archon titles in 2.03f.

  6. #266

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by delra View Post
    Regarding KH, it's still possible for one family member to gain multiple archon titles in 2.03f.
    Traits stuff is way beyond my coding abilities and hideously complicated. That'll be fixed in the summer release, rather than in these patches.

  7. #267
    delra's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: Reform requirements

    If you're playing Pergamon, conquered Galatia/Ankyra and didn't get the reform but instead gotten stuck, you can get out of it the following way (using cheaty cheater's cheats):

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    1. Cheat toggle_fow
    2. Find a rebel general somewhere in the world with a large enough army (full flag preferably).
    3. Cheat "show_cursorstat" while hovering over a map tile near Ankyra. It will give you coordinates there (for example 234,158).
    4. Cheat: move_character "Captain Rebelgeneral" 234,158
    where Captain Rebelgeneral is dude's name as shown in the tooltip when you hover your cursor over him on the map.

    Defeat the guy with your army, then find another, teleport him and defeat him too. Voila, you've gotten your two rebel battles in Galatia trigger fixed and can go on playing as reformed Pergamon.

  8. #268

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Im currently testing the Baktrian reform/independance event and there seems to be some mismatches with the info provided here, and also some bugs. I dont know exactly what is intended so some things Im not sure if are correct or not. Im just gonna describe it and we see what the teams has to say.

    First of all this sentence "Note that an event will fire after 6 battles won and 2 settlements taken, where Baktria can be forgiven and become a satrapy again, allied with Arche Seleukia (and paying tributes again, I would assume)." its parttially incorrect.
    This event fires too if you are missing one battle, not just a settlement. For example I had 4 settlements taken and 5 battles won when it fired for me.

    Second, theres clearly a bug in the offer. The text and the icons of accept/decline match but the results do not. If you click accept you get a strong relations boost with Seleucids but the rest of effects are like if you had declined (still at war and no changes).
    On the other hand if you click decline you get the message of reconciliation and war ends (without improvement in relations) so it mainly works as f you have accepted.
    This does still trigger the reform. You become a kingdom, unlock the goverment buildings and get to build factional goverments in more places. This actually seems intended because it makes sense with the bassileus offer text as it says its gonna recognize your power and give you land and so.
    The thing is that it seems something is missing because you dont become neither an ally or a vassal of the seleucids again. But I did lost my alliance with the Parthians (at war with the AS too).
    Also you dont seem to get any colonist bonus this way. Again dont know if on purpose but I would like to see it implemented in this option too to make both options attractive and viable long-term.

    I hadnt enough time to end my tests. I will try between today and tomorrow to confirm letting a few turns pass that you dont get any relation with seleucids or colonist when you accept (IG decline) their offer.
    Also I have to test achieving the independence through war to see if that part works properly.

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  9. #269

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    This is the bit of the script with the colonists in it - the concluding part:

    if I_EventCounter ecBaktriaRebellion = 1
                and I_CompareCounter baktria_battlewon > 5
                and I_CompareCounter baktria_regionstaken > 2
                historic_event HE_BAKTRIA_KINGDOM factions { f_baktria, }
                console_command diplomatic_stance f_seleukid f_baktria neutral
                set_faction_standing f_baktria f_seleukid 0.0
                set_faction_standing f_seleukid f_baktria 0.0
                set_event_counter ecBaktriaKingdom 1
                set_event_counter ecBaktriaRebellion 0
    			inc_counter BaktriaColonyPoints 3
    It should trigger after you get the announcement that you're a Kingdom. I don't know if it needs to be somewhere else instead (such as in the colonist script) to work.

  10. #270

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    I havent tested that part yet. It may work properly. I will report as soon as possible.

    What I said is that you dont get the colonists if you accept the basileus offer despite still getting the reform.

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  11. #271

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Jervaj View Post
    I havent tested that part yet. It may work properly. I will report as soon as possible.

    What I said is that you dont get the colonists if you accept the basileus offer despite still getting the reform.
    Ah, I see. By design, you only get colonists if you become fully independent from the Seleukids.

  12. #272

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    And it is planned to be keep it like that? I would like to have it in both options mainly for giving some interest to the offer. Even if I will most times still decline it I dont like having present an option that is such an huge drawback as it doesnt let you start the conversion until much later.

    The problem with the accept/decline options themselves its gonna be fixed too?

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  13. #273

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Jervaj View Post
    And it is planned to be keep it like that? I would like to have it in both options mainly for giving some interest to the offer. Even if I will most times still decline it I dont like having present an option that is such an huge drawback as it doesnt let you start the conversion until much later.

    The problem with the accept/decline options themselves its gonna be fixed too?
    The reform script is being re-worked as we speak. Apparently that bonus part won't be attached to independence, but expelling the Saka. So it will be something else entirely that will allow it.

  14. #274

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Umm, interesting. I will stay tuned for news. I find this faction pretty exciting, probably my favourite right now. So if theres anything to test, you can count on me.

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  15. #275

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Jervaj View Post
    Umm, interesting. I will stay tuned for news. I find this faction pretty exciting, probably my favourite right now. So if theres anything to test, you can count on me.
    Did you get elephants after independence? They're predicated on that to become available in Baktra.

  16. #276

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Umm, I dont know. I havent had time to build up the best buildings but they dont appear in te highest goverment list in the browser. Neither do heitaroi.

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  17. #277

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Jervaj View Post
    Umm, I dont know. I havent had time to build up the best buildings but they dont appear in te highest goverment list in the browser. Neither do heitaroi.
    The starting government in Baktra allows them too, but only on independence.

    Baktria don't get Hetairoi, they have Baktrioi Hippeis instead.

  18. #278

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    That actually makes more sense as that would be like elite units occupying the same niche. But I had read it somewhere. Sorry for the confussion

    I havent had time and wont have today but I hope tomorrow I will be able to fully test the total idnependence and report the results I get

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  19. #279

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Ok, something is definetely wrong here.

    I picked the other path today. The one that makes the war continue (despite you theorically accept the offer) and after 3 more victories and one mroe settlement taken nothings has happened. Im not getting the reform.

    We will either find a way, or make one.

  20. #280

    Default Re: Reform requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Jervaj View Post
    Ok, something is definetely wrong here.

    I picked the other path today. The one that makes the war continue (despite you theorically accept the offer) and after 3 more victories and one mroe settlement taken nothings has happened. Im not getting the reform.
    You have to have won a total of at least 6 battles and taken at least 3 settlements from the Seleukids to trigger independence. Have you already passed both those hurdles?

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