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Thread: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.97 (outdated, use v. 098)

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    Icon4 [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.97 (outdated, use v. 098)

    SSHIP version 0.97 (Oct 18th), patch H (Jan 29th)

    Download links

    SSHIP ver. 0.98 (KCC included)

    Our mod is in the beta state. Play it if you're curious about our current work, want to help us hunt bug or give feedback. Keep in mind that it is still in need of balancing and bug hunting, and might change at times (we still have a working copy with new ideas and fixes). We could also test some features in some builds, that will be incomplete or would disappear in the next build. All in all, the experience should be better than the base SS6.4, and, perhaps, than the Titanium submod.

    For the most recent version, have a look her. We update it at times, trying to do it not more often than every 2 months.

    Note that this version includes KCC submod units. It means there is no need to install KCC after unpacking 0.98. In fact installing KCC on top of SSHIP 0.98 will break the game! The creator of the KCC, kostic, is a member of the team now, and his work goes directly into the mod.

    Read this piece on LAA, and apply it if you think it's ok. You may also watch this one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Belovèse View Post
    to have the game in full screen you have to open the config file (named configuration.cfg in the main folder) and enter your screen resolution.
    look for the section [video], you need to change both the line battle_resolution and the line campaign_resolution to suit you needs. Usually 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 would do.
    Would also be better to change the line just below, tga_width, to your screen width as well.
    A report on November 2022 version:
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Blackfyre View Post
    Near 50 turns into a Byzantine campaign.

    A report on April version:
    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmalk View Post
    Outside of these two cases I don't believe I've had any crashes after 174 turns of play, a huge improvement from .97. The team has done a great job here.

    There's one peculiar source of crashes still present in the mod, if your game keeps on crushing after reloads, you may try this one:
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    Was it the last remaining settlement of another faction? If so then it might be the 'BecomesFactionLeader' bug.

    In that case proceed as follows:
    1. make a copy of export_descr_character _traits
    2. open the original with Notepad
    3. search for trigger
    4. delete everything (including that line) until the end of the file, save
    5. Try the mod again
    6. If it worked then rename the edited file and restore the copy.

    You may also wish to have access to the previous version: SSHIP 0.97H. From our experience we may tell that there are more bugs and it's less stable than the 0.98. If you still prefer this one, the one file under that link includes all: SS6.4, SSHIP 097, patches A-H. Unload to the mod folder. This version is KCC 095 ready : you should first install this version, then you may overwrite it with KCC 095 files.


    With any of those two version, certain players using certain installations or settings may experience long turn times. You need to find your way to deal with it (what is perfectly possible, see here), it's usually a matter of trial and error.
    Soundfixes for non-English version
    For the non-English versions of the game you need the following soundfix:
    French, German, other
    Italian, Spanish
    Install it after SSHIP, no need to delete anything, just overwrite.
    Great Empires

    This mod is supposed to be played as a campaign - and only the 1132 Campaign for now. The customs battles do work but there may be bugs and crashes. We did not bother much with it, they will perhaps be fixed at some point, but this is not our priority.

    In general, crashes are to be experienced at times. They should rather be an annoyance given that they mostly occur between the turns, not during or after battle. In most cases, they are not deadly - you may reload your save and the turn of the events may go in a different direction, producing no crash. However, remember to save your game after each turn to be able to re-load after a crash (you may occassionaly need a save from before more number of turns). It's perfectly possible to play very long games with the SSHIP, it's been reported that 550 turns is possible with ver. 097 patch E, and over 400 with patch H. Or have a look here.

    This one was with SSHIP 098 ver. April 7th 2022:

    Changelog for patches A-E:
    (X) information windows:
    - changes on the thrones (Death of Leader events) and changes of the names of the settlements after a conquest will be notified only to the neighboring factions - as a result the player will get fewer notifications.
    - a warning will be issued when the FL gets senile - to remind the player that he should have some spare money to pay for the funeral if the FL dies, to pay attention to the usurpers, or just to pay attention to the weaknesses as he's a governor or an army leader.
    - explanation of the initial Forced Tribute buildings attached
    (X) recruitment of units:
    - recruitment of the Georgian units fundamentally reviewed and improved. Two new events (Georgian Golden Age, Georgian Revival) introduced as conditions. They are triggered not by time but by the course of the events, even thought there's a fall back - a certain date will trigger the reforms irrespectively.
    - recruitment from SiegeWorks tweaked (more complicated conditions to recruit mangonels and trebuchets - based on historical events).
    - some order for the Cuman Militia recruitment (all levels of city barracks).
    - a few simple tribal units (Bondir, Scottish Skirmishers, Causacus Hillmen, Lithuanian Skirmishers, Berber Javelinmen, African Tribal Warriors) are recruitable from the castle core buildings, with no increase in numbers as the castle gets upgraded (only some experience more). The same units are also recruitable from the barracks in the cities, also with no progression (but no progression even in experience).
    (X) buildings
    - fixes to the recruitment of priests (both churches and theologian guilds).
    - benefits of the Ikoner Studio made more complicated with Byzantine Renaissance mechanics added.
    (X) guilds
    - Hanseatic system fixed: plugins re-introduced into EDB to make the script working, special triggers to ensure that the non-eligible regions won't get the guild).
    - getting any guild will make getting another one of same type in another settlement unlikely soon (other guilds should be offered first).
    (X) map
    - resource Marble changed into Stone, a new map model is included (thanks to Makayane and Zantorian).
    (X) initial situation
    - (further) re-positioning of resources (Spain, Germany, Italy);
    - thresholds for upgrade for cities lifted upwards given the observed effects of changes in parameters and fertility (change from town to large town and from large town to minor city were very easy, even without the need to build everything). The required re-levelling of the settlements done.
    - what follows, some adjustments in the set of buildings in the starting settlements.
    (X) traits and ancillaries
    - some tweaks to the traits (triggers and descriptions), in particular preventing to get Coward from the autoresolved battles; adding the FL initial authority.
    - PTs for Ulm and Hamburg fixed.
    - some pics of ancillaries changed.
    (X) mechanics
    - new events (Georgian Golden Age, Georgian Revival, 2x Byzantine Renaissance 1 Lithuanian) - all with the gameplay implications.
    - "First Scotish Uprising" added to the script to mirror the William Wallace uprising of the late era (that one may happen only after turn 250, while the new one - instantly).
    - marginal fixes to the Mongol Invasion script
    (X) fixes
    - fix to the Quotes bug that prompted very frequent crashes on entering and exiting the SSHIP, and also after battles
    The old, outdated way of installation

    First, download and install a full version of SS6.4 (without bugfix compilation - best taken from here).
    Then download and overwrite the files with the SSHIP ver. 097, then overwrite with patch G (patches A-G are included in this download), and apply patch H (put those two small files into folder \data\text). That last one was issued on January 29th, 2021 and fixes a deadly crash around turn 270. It's save-compatible./

    How to install the SS6.4:

    Important note: For Windows10 users, install the game and mods outside the Program Files folder (especially for Steam users) as administrator and on Windows7 compatibility mod.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    Installing M2TW outside the program files folder avoids virtual store issues. In Steam you should be able to move your installation outside it after installing.
    Once installation is completed set the executable(s) to win7 compatibility and admin rights.
    For Steam users, check the following links for additional information (thanks to Gigantus for providing them):
    - Creating a World - Starting Steam Mods the easy Way
    - Creating a World – Steam Install for SS 6.3 and 6.4
    - The ToolBox - The Universal Mod Launcher v1.204

    zachman1201 has made a video explaining how to install SSHIP:

    Install a clean version of SS6.4. Run SS_Setup.exe (into the /SS6.3 folder). Run the SS6.4 setup and choose Early Era campaign with Savage AI, RR/RC enabled and optionally, permanent arrows.


    Download SSHIP ver. 0.97.
    You should get a 4.4 GB zipped file. I've used 7zip to compress it.
    Just unzip it in a temporary folder and you will get a data folder (total size about 9.4 GB). You just need to merge it with the one located in your Stainless Steel mod folder (usually named SS6.3).

    - you need to have (download and install) the base Stainless Steel 6.4.
    - do NOT install any mini-mods or fixes for that SS6.4 version (including the Meloo Bugfix Compilation).
    - you don't need to have any previous version of the SSHIP, you just download one, new version.
    - if you use Steam, make sure you have the games out NOT in the Program Files folder (what is default for Steam). It's better to have it either on a separate drive, or at least in the root of C: drive. See here as well.

    SSHIP : General Presentation
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project is a large-scale overhaul submod for the Stainless Steel 6.4 mod for Medieval 2 Total War. The ultimate goal is to deliver historically accurate early era campaign experience. In order to achieve this, significant improvements have been made to many aspects of the gameplay:

    • New set of factions.
    • Overhauled campaign map.
    • Historically accurate initial settlement sizes and population numbers.
    • Historically accurate initial factions' relations.
    • Improved AI and diplomacy, with very aggressive campaign AI.
    • Improved campaign scripts.
    • Improved economic system, making use of high population numbers and high units prices.
    • Difficult public order system, requiring use of the governors and extensive building activities.
    • Modified buildings.
    • New units.
    • Modified battle system (both the AI and parameters).
    • Countless bugfixes.

    The more recent (post-092) areas of improvements are:

    • Traits : were extensively modified, mainly by fixing the existing ones.
    • Ancillaries : dozens new were added, many existing were fixed or modified.
    • Provinces : were adjusted historically as far as their fertility, placement of resources, names and names of their capitals are concerned.
    • Buildings : the effects were modified in many cases, also in the case of the "wonders"; many pics were updated.
    • Agents: all have their traits improved and three types (merchants, diplomats, priests) are limited in numbers, while princesses will be numerous.
    • Gameplay mechanisms: a few introduced, many existing ones improved.
    • Units: tweaked prices and stats based on a new typology, many names changed, peasant units mostly removed.
    • Battle system: few changes to the parameters. All in all, the battles should be longer and heavy cavalry less deadly.
    • Economic balance: has been slightly tweaked due to the changes of prices of units and of the parameters.
    • New historical events introduced and they do impact the gameplay.
    • Bugfixes for recently identified types of bugs.
    • Sound and voices are fixed or improved.

    Initial Factions and Provinces

    Initial situation on the map

    Initial diplomatic relations
    1.0: Perfect / 0.8: Outstanding / 0.6: Very Good / 0.4: Good / 0.2: Amiable / 0.0: Reasonable / -0.2: So-so / -0.4: Poor / -0.6: Very Poor / -0.8: Terrible / -1.0: Abyssmal

    Map of Regions and Settlements
    What to expect if you play Very Hard difficulty

    A report from one player:
    Quote Originally Posted by stefdim7 View Post
    Many thanks for your replies. Attached a save from year 1296 when I was practically already doomed attacked on all sides: France, Denmark, Hungary, Venice and of course the instigator of all this, our beloved pope! Interesting detail my faction was destroyed by ca. 1303 and this happened incredibly fast, since 30 years before or so I was the strongest faction on the map! Seriously! Nearly all of the German regions were mine including a foot in Italy (I had already lost the French territories in a previous quarrel with the pope).

    - What is new in the SSHIP 0.97 -
    Overview of changes
    The following aspects of the game have been changed in the ver. 0.97 as compared to versions 096 or 092:

    • Traits:
      • traits for the generals commanding in the battles improved, a few new added.
      • army morale system (somehow limiting the conquest spree) implemented for Very Hard and Hard difficulties.
      • army supply costs system (significant costs for foreign expeditions) implemented for Very Hard difficult.
      • major and minor changes to many other traits of the generals: economic, psychological etc.
      • further improvements to the educational system (properly coded buildings, impact of ancillaries).
      • a lot of 'technical' changes that will make the traits work properly (eg. re-coding triggers with 1% probability, getting rid of AntiTrait-NoGoingBack bug).

    • Ancillaries:
      • crown mechanism introduced in 096 works now for all factions; maps depicting relevant provinces added to the faction info panel.
      • education ancillaries improved; they have now impact on education.
      • knowledge-related ancillaries improved (triggers and effects).
      • a large set of books ancillaries added.
      • a dozen other ancillaries improved.
      • new icons for some existing ancillaries.
      • many 'technical' changes as for the traits (eg. getting rid of 1% probability bug).

    • Agents:
      • noble ladies script fixed and refined (fewer ladies, every has name and charm).
      • merchants, diplomats and priests numbers limited; in some cases their recruitment switched to different buildings.
      • pagan priests recruitment tweaked, as also their traits.
      • some tweaks to the traits of the other agents.

    • Units:
      • a new typology for the units introduced.
      • prices of many units heavily changed, in line with the typology.
      • free upkeep for most urban militia units re-introduced.
      • hundreds of changes to the units stats;
      • some units renamed (esp. Lithuanian and Georgian), but no unit removed or added.
      • some units are again possible to get recruited.
      • a few changes to the icons and info-pictures.
      • mercenaries' availability and prices reviewed and updated for some regions (mainly Northern and Eastern Europe).

    • Buildings:
      • one new building added (Wind Mill).
      • for some buildings effects and conditions reviewed.
      • in few cases building times or prices adjusted.
      • recruitment from the Local Recruitment buildings reviewed.
      • some text descriptions overhauled.
      • wonders significantly overhauled (benefits tweaked, some new pics).
      • guilds: prices increased, triggers reviewed.

    • Economy:
      • additional expenses added (new generals, change on the throne, joining crusade etc.), they are significant for higher difficulties (esp. the army supply script).
      • re-balance of economic parameters to keep the previous balance while various changes happened (eg. availability of the merchants, costs of the units, additional costs).
      • many costs before hidden from the player have been made visible through info windows and traits.
      • a major overhaul of the economic traits results in bigger impact of governors on the income.
      • mercenaries disband warning implemented with disbandment one turn later.

    • Historical adjustments and flavor:
      • a dozen new historical events, their impact on the gameplay introduced (ie. availability of units and buildings).
      • changes mentioned elsewhere (resources, fertility, initial situations, buildings, historical pics.).
      • more settlements (esp. in the Baltics) will have their names changed after being conquered by other factions.
      • names of characters sometime fixed (un-historical deleted, new introduced).

    • Gameplay mechanics:
      • many scripts fixed, improved or added (eg. William Wallace, Bulgarian Uprising, Qara Qitai).
      • a great deal of parameters changed, including those for diplomacy and economy.
      • additional mechanics added (troop morale, army supply costs).

    • Map and resources:
      • a few campaign map fixes/changes.
      • resources: placement in many regions reviewed, several new pics, one resource added (cattle).
      • fertility of the provinces heavily reviewed in the light of the historical knowledge.

    • Initial situation of the factions:
      • in a few cases castles switched into cities and cities into castles.
      • many changes to the initial set of buildings in the settlements.
      • some changes to the traits and ancillaries of the initial characters.

    • Support for the AI:
      • scripted initial sieges for a few factions overhauled.
      • three special AI traits giving bonuses - significantly overhauled.
      • AI is relieved from certain mechanism it is not aware of (eg. army supply cost).
      • special benefits for the AI have been introduced to the buildings (esp. concerning public order).

    • Parameters:
      • hit-melee-ratio lowered to 1.75.
      • many changes in the settlement_mechanics.txt.
      • high-chivalry generals have big impact on the population growth.

    • Sound:
      • background music replaced with more immersive one.
      • voices on the battlefield corrected.

    • Other changes:
      • a number of information windows will pop-out over a few dozens of turns at the beginning of the game to guild the player through various new and old mechanisms of the Medieval 2 / SS6.4 / SSHIP.
      • new pictures for many historical or game events (ca. 40, but effectively 160 per culture).
      • technical (coding) changes (re-organized script.txt, EDA, EDCT files; triggers with 1% switched to another coding etc.).

    You may also want to read the description of the changes in the February 2020 patch to ver. 096.


    From the gameplay perspective, the ancillaries should provide the player with a tool for management of the generals: they should be "swappable", they should provide essential benefits and they should be rare. Acquiring the traits cannot be controlled by the player (this is a major the difference with the later TW games like Attila or Troy). However, the player may swap the ancillaries to make his generals specialized in something or prevented from something (defection, getting killed by an assassin or in a city riot etc.). The SSHIP 097 tries to extend the already exiting SS/SSHIP ancillaries to be indeed meaningful for the gameplay.


    A number of books have been added and many were tweaked to those few existing in the SS6.4. The rule is: your Scholar general should be put into a settlement with a library to find books useful for the ruler and the generals. You will be provided with explanations as pop-out windows, eg.:

    In the SSHIP, skilled generals can acquire books from libraries and conquests. You may then swap these from one general to another to get the optimal situation needed for your faction. The books are available for all factions, even though it is more difficult to get them as a pagan one.
    The main way to get a book is to have a general with the trait "Scholar" govern a settlement with a Library for an extended period of time. The type of book he will get depends on which other buildings are present in the settlement (e.g. if there is a Cathedral, a religious book can be found). More specialized books (on geography, medicine, architecture) require the presence of a University, and sometimes the occurrence of special historical events (eg. the maps are available this way after al Idrisi completes his map in 1154). The Poetry books require the general to have a Chivalry attribute of at least 3, but these may be gained by non-scholars.
    The books are also available for intelligent generals who stay whole turns in settlements which have Great Libraries: military-minded generals can find military treatises, while administrative-minded ones will find civil books. Books can also be acquired upon conquest of certain great cities. E.g. when taking Constantinople or Baghdad, the victorious general is likely to find a few different books, while the conquest of Valencia may provide him the Mio Cid romance (if he is Catholic). Bear in mind that the chances of finding a book are very slim, so your general needs to be patient in his studies. Once a book is found, it may be passed to another noble as a gift. Any noble can have a shelf full of books (up to 8) but he can have only one book of a particular type. Having such a full shelf is not a wise choice though: it is better to specialize in something. Have just one or two books, and leave the space for other ancillaries.

    You may read more here.

    Royal Crowns

    This feature existed before (already in the SS6.4) but now it has been significantly overhauled. There was a long process of historical assessment of the lists of provinces needed to get a crown for each faction, taking into account also the gameplay and the Medieval 2 engine issues. These lists have been updated and scripts to get them fixed for 097. Having a crown received also the gameplay meaning: getting one is needed to expand your faction without serious rebellions (see below in the section "Game mechanics", this part needs to be balanced in the future). A pop-out window and the trait descriptions have been added so that the player can easily get his bearings. A few icons and also a few names of the crowns have been changed to be more historical.

    You may read the details about the Crowns here. If you notice an error or you have a comment - please post it in that thread.

    Ministerial Offices - provide the player with a tool for management of the generals: he will swap the offices them to his "important" generals: those leading the attacking armies or managing the most profitable cities. The offices are as they were in 096 with patch from Feb 2020, with very minor fixes. There are exhaustive descriptions of this element in the game (both as FL trait description and also as a pop-out window), but you may also read the details here. If you have proposals for specific factions' offices, post it there.

    Provincial Titles - they are as they were in 096 (that was a slight overhaul of the SS6.4 sysytem). This means that (almost) all PTs are in the game (Al-Wasit is missing) but only about 1/3 has been overhauled within the system that is foreseen in the end-state of the mod. This actually makes the things easier for those other provinces as they provide more benefits than the will in the future.
    There are exhaustive descriptions of this element of the gameplay in the game (both as trait descriptions and also as a pop-out window), but you may also read the details of the system here. And remember: 1. don't strip your general of a PT once he gets it, 2. one PT per one general is the most efficient way to use them!

    Campaing Map

    * One resource has been added: Cattle (unfortunately, depicted in the city panel as a horse. To be changed in the future. Give us know if you've spotted a pertinent pic in any other mod).
    * Two resources have been changed into other: "Pepper" into "Local Spices" and "Tolls" into "Luxury goods".
    * The descriptions (info when you hover over a resource) of many resources have been edited.
    * A few on-the-map icons of the resources have been changed (courtesy of Zantorian).
    * Most of the map has been reviewed from the point of historicity and gameplay and the resources have been added, moved or deleted on the map based on the following criteria:
    ; Placement of resources - take into account:
    ; (1) historicity:
    ; --- some provinces were famous for exporting certain resources (eg. salt near Krakow, wool in England, wine along Rhein, in Hungary, or in Monemvasia).
    ; --- the overall balance in the income from provinces and their development over centuries (eg. often provinces rich in gold stayed poor nonetheless).
    ; (2) how the trade between provinces is generated by the M2TW engine:
    ; --- a province trades with the neighboring provinces: the more land borders (even over the impassable terrain), the more trade connections.
    ; --- only sea trade for the islands (need to have plenty of resources to be at par with other provinces - but the risk is they'll become the destination of exports from large cities).
    ; --- no trade of the same good: the neighboring provinces do not trade the same resource.
    ; --- the resources signify only EXPORTED resources, the abundance of those utilized/consumed in the province doesn't matter.
    ; (3) merchants' profitability:
    ; --- a resource close to the capital will not be profitable anywhere on the map - so if you have textiles or glass close to capital, your merchants won't trade it in the game
    ; --- stacking of resources make a place more profitable and it should be put in the places famous for resources - where it would be historical to see a merchant at work
    ; (4) visual aspects:
    ; --- don't place a resource just in front of a settlement because it's name tag would cover it
    ; --- many resources will be close to settlements, but try to spread them also to far away corners
    ; --- the pics shown on the map (they play differently with different textures - sometimes they're partially "drowned" into the ground)
    ; (5) prices of resources
    ; --- some resources are more profitable - think of it in balancing the income of a province.
    ; --- mines would provide additional income - so some provinces may get much richer after they're built-up.
    ; (6) gameplay considerations
    ; --- they should be spread across the map to make it (map) relevant in more places; in other words: many areas of the map are never visited so the resources may give a reason to.
    ; --- trade should probably play larger role in overall income so one may place more resources and increase their prices.
    In the Middle Ages Venice had important industries (textiles, glass), was a trading point of luxurious imported stuff and locally excavated and exported salt. Venice made much of its money by fishing and selling fish - it's not shown in the pic, but there's a fish resource on the Istria peninsula that is part of Venice province.

    of all 199 provinces has been reviewed and adjusted according to the following framework:
    0 - unlikely to develop agriculturally in the Middle Ages (very cold climate or very heavy soils or very dense forests or pure steppes or deserts)
    1 - unferitile: cold climate, little arable lands (mostly rocky or marshy); or plenty of semi- and deserts.
    2 - not fertile: dense woods, mostly heavy soils, cold climate; or mostly mountains.
    3 - average: woods, average soils with some water; or hills with moderately pluvial conditions.
    4 - ok: light woods with good soils, rivers, moderate hills.
    5 - fertile: good soils, many rivers, good climate, traditions of good agriculture.
    6 - very fertile: very good soils, very pluvial, good conditions for transport, long tradition of advanced agriculture.
    more - extremely good conditions for farming (eg. the Nile delta, Mesopotamia or Oxus delta); OR a dominant position inducing stable flow of food from the other regions (eg. London, Paris, Kiev, Palermo, Isfahan, Merv).

    Hidden resources
    These are not directly visible to the player but they impact on many aspects of the game. The following changes have been made:
    - 'no_pirates" added to a few provinces to make the pirates not spawning in the lakes.
    - 'capital' fixed in few place (eg. Oslo had it, but not Bergen; deleted from a few) because it's now quite important for the availability of the merchants, diplomats and priests.
    - 'river' added/removed where it was needed (important for building River Ports - it increases the population growth significantly).
    - 'hanse' added where it was lacking (important for the units provided by Hanseatic Guild).
    - 'prussia' added to additional provinces around the very province Prussia - to enable recruitment of units consisting of the emigrating Prussians (otherwise the 4 Prussian units are actually wasted).
    - 'armenia' added where it was lacking (important for Armenian regional units but also for Georgia's factional ones).
    - 'tartars' added to 13 provinces (making the overall number 17). It serves as a proxy of the presence of the steppes were pastoral nomadism was a viable way of living. It enables the building Grasslands for Cumans, Mongols and Turks. It prevents building of paved roads, while the hidden resource "cumans" prevents also dirt roads (in 7 steppe provinces). Any province with hidden resource "cumans" creates huge unrest for factions other than Mongols, Cumans and Turks - thus it'll be extremely hard to control, eg. for the Rus, ERE or Poland (historically the steppes were taken under control as late as 18th century). Each faction draws some benefits from the Grasslands (population growth, trade) but only Cumans and Mongols can recruit their units.

    See how the hidden resources capital and river impact on a Market building:
    market city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and building_present_min_level logging_camp logging_camp {
    agent merchant 0 requires factions { northern_european, } and hidden_resource capital
    agent merchant 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, } and hidden_resource capital
    agent merchant 0 requires factions { eastern_european, } and hidden_resource capital
    agent merchant 0 requires factions { greek, } and hidden_resource capital
    agent merchant 0 requires factions { southern_european, } and hidden_resource capital
    agent_limit merchant 1 requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and hidden_resource capital
    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4
    population_growth_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and hidden_resource river
    population_growth_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and not hidden_resource river
    law_bonus bonus -2

    Provinces and settlements
    * a few changes on the map (eg. the Aqtobe settlement have been moved from the 21th century location to the 12th century location).
    * a few capitals switched: Oslo -> Bergen, Aleppo -> Mosul.
    * in a dozen of cases the English names of provinces have been replaced with local, historical ones (esp. in Rus, Scandinavia, Maghreb, Germany, to accompany the 096 changes in Byzantium and Central Europe).
    * a few names of the settlements slightly modified (esp. in Rus).
    * a script changing names of settlements after a conquest has been added for a few provinces in Central Europe.
    * several switches of the settlement type from city to castle and otherwise (eg. Nurnberg and Ulm, Plock and Wroclaw).

    To be developed. This pic shows the enormous influenece that the governors have on the economy, public order and growth:

    Civil buildings

    • One new building was added (Wind Mill - coded from scratch even if it was present in vanilla?).
    • For some buildings the effects and conditions were tweaked.
    • In particular, the effects of ports and wharfs have been fixed given the new knowledge about what doesn't work in the engine. The ports provide mainly trade fleets (outbound trade), while the wharf line the trade benefits for all trade.
    • In few cases building times or prices were adjusted.
    • Many pics and icons have been updated.
    • Some text descriptions have been overhauled.

    Military buildings

    • Recruitment from the Local Recruitment buildings reviewed. Recruitment of the peasant units from the farms removed altogether. Many other changes to recruitment (see part on the units).
    • In some other (but not all) buildings recruitment of certain units have been tweaked.
    • Some issues have been fixed (eg. number of recruitment slots).


    • the benefits have been tweaked to make a real difference.
    • many wonders provide much health - the goal is to make it possible for huge cities to be huge and to limit the frequency of the plagues.
    • the benefits for the religious-related wonders differ depending on the religion of the owner.
    • some new (or rather old) pics have been added.


    • The changes are actually quite limited: the logic, types and most of benefits were left as before.
    • Their prices have been increased (2, 5 and 10k), while availability of the Master levels has been somehow limited (only in the large cities).
    • The triggers for a guild to be offered have been reviewed but not thoroughly (it seems the guilds are lavishly offered).
    • The Hanseatic Guild has undergone a significant revamp already in 096. Three additional historical events were introduced (ostsiedlung, lubeck-hamburg pact, confederation of Cologne) to determine the moment of the increase in its capabilities. Also the units that this guild make available has changed. All in all, there's a gradual increase of usefulness of this guild. In 097 there're some adjustments in this aspect, and also the triggers giving points were changed. In the patch E a problem of the guild appearing in non-eligible provinces was fixed.

    Princesses - due to the Noble Lady script, their number is significantly higher in the game. The script gives each faction a princess (on average) every 30 turns, starting after turn 60. As a result, it is much easier to meet a potential spouse for your Faction Heir and get a foreign blood (and alliance, and better traits for children of FH/FL) through diplomatic deals. As a last resort you may also marry your FH/FL to the Noble Lady that is given to your faction (they're not relatives; some ladies can have 5-6 charm that will profit in the traits of the husband and his children). This feature existed in the SSHIP 096, but now it has been fixed (no more Princess spawn, and Princess without names or without charm). Note that this mechanism is an alternative to the Royal Ladies of the Court submod available for the SS6.4. The traits of the Princesses are as they were in the SSHIP 092 and should be reviewed in the future.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Merchants - their number is significantly lower in the game while their profitability is much higher. You will have just one or two at the beginning of the game, and only a few during much of the game. Only capitals, cities with the relevant guilds (merchants, explorers) and cities with higher levels of trade buildings will increase this number. Ownership of cities certain regions (Flanders, Northern Italy) will add one, making some faction more merchant-heavy than the others. See the discussion on the reasons for such changes here. The share of income from the merchants in your total income should be higher though, because (1) each merchant (or rather each 1-finance attribute) provides much more income than before, and (2) because there are many double-resource spots on the map. Given that there are more resources on the map, the hostile acquisitions should be rarer. The traits of the merchants are as they were in the SSHIP 092 and may be reviewed in the future.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Difficulty level: VH.

    Priests - their number is lower in the game, although not as low as that of the merchants. The number increases by one with (1) each church in a capital (i.e. the faction initial capital and with any other faction's capital that would be conquered. Note that it doesn't change with the change of capital during the game) starting from the town level; (2) each temple in the minor city or higher (unless it is a capital - in this case no change to the number), (3) any huge cathedral; (3) if the FL has the "strictly_religious" policy (trait), the limit for each church building is increased by 1 (ie. 2 instead of 1, or 3 instead of 2); (4) a Theologians guild building (but only after certain historical events, read the pop-out windows to learn when). Note that the priests are not recruitable from the guilds, only from churches. The AI has access to more priests than the player and thus it is likely to present a challenge (the AI is quite good at sending priest abroad to make the players life difficult). The availability of the pagan priests is the same as it was for the small settlements (basically, one per settlement if a temple is built) but will not increase with the increase of the size of settlements. The traits of the priests had been updated already for the SSHIP 096.

    Diplomats - their number is significantly lower in the game. It increases with every (1) administrative building in a capital (ie. provinces with hidden resource capital: if the faction conquers another faction capital, it will have access to one more diplomat); (2) Explorers or Theologian Guild; (3) University. Their traits had been updated already for the SSHIP 096.

    Spies and assassins - their numbers are as they were in the SSHIP 092 or even SS6.4. It is to be decided in the future how to limit their numbers, perhaps for version 098. Their traits had been updated already for the SSHIP 096.

    Witches, heretics, inquisitors - their numbers are as they were in the SSHIP 092 or even SS6.4. Their traits had been updated already for the SSHIP 096. (to recall: both Heretics and Witches convert to the heretic religion (ie that of the rebel faction), but the Heretics effect directly only priests while the Witches effect only Family members (ie. those staying too close could get some bad traits).
    New gameplay mechanics

    Army supply costs (for Very Hard difficulty)
    The supply system makes you pay for your armies (ie generals) staying in the enemy lands, travelling by boat or besieging an enemy settlement. The amount of money depends on the traits and ancillaries of the relevant general. If he's got no specialized ones (like Logistician or SiegeEngineer), the costs may be very significant.

    In 098 this is also extended to armies led by captains:

    Army morale (for Hard and Very Hard difficulties)

    Each general has a trait describing the current morale of the troops under his command. If they have been resting in their homelands for some time, they are likely to be "Ready for Action". If the general is a Good Commander, they may even be "Eager To Fight". In both cases, they will have good morale in battles. Once the army moves, it will lose morale after a few turns of marching and the troops will became "Weary". This happens faster if the troops are in enemy lands or at sea, or if they are conducting a siege, or they are lead by a Bad Commander. If they campaign for very long time, they will became "Despondent", "Undisciplined" and even "Mutinous". Such traits will result in lower morale on the battlefield and slower movement on the campaign map. The general will also (temporarily) lose Loyalty and Command. In order for troops to recover their morale, the army must return to its homeland. The speed of recovery once at home depends upon: initial state of morale (very low levels improve more quickly), faith of the province population (if faction's own religion is above 50%, then recovery is faster), sitting in a settlement.
    You may read more here.

    Royal Crowns

    In the Middle Ages, the main factor preventing rulers from creating large empires was the disloyalty of their nobles at home, which forced leaders to divide their attention between conquest and the preservation of order. When the rich and powerful found themselves far away from the eyes of their overlord, they would often try to establish their own rule in the provinces. Proximity to their liege lord would generally prove sufficient to suppress these ambitions. In turn, the rulers needed legitimacy, preferably with God's blessing. One method of acquiring this legitimacy was a formal coronation.
    This phenomenon is reflected in the SSHIP gameplay. A faction leader may acquire a crown, thereby giving him increased Authority. The crown gives both direct benefits for the king and also boosts generals' loyalty in an indirect way, as the penalties associated with the distance to your capital are reduced when you have a crowned faction leader. Plotters and usurpers also less likely to appear in a kingdom with a crowned king. As a result, a good mid-game goal for the player is to attain the faction's crown. The provinces required for gaining your faction's crown can be found in the map in the faction panel, while the other requirements are described in the Ruler's relevant trait (you will also receive notifications with this info). There is also an easier way to have your ruler crowned, namely having the trait Strong Legacy from his father. In this case, when the king's heir ascends the throne he may be crowned even if he does not have sufficient personal qualities or rule over all required provinces. Instead, he simply inherits his father's crown (provided he has enough money for the coronation ceremony and to cover the running costs of a court).

    Expanded system of personality traits
    There were many personality traits in the SS6.4, or indeed in the vanilla Med2. However, now they were made much consistent and given to all characters.
    Mind that the characters born-in-family will usually have much better traits that those adopted.

    This feature has been present in the SS6.4, however it was rife with errors (read the analysis here). The system has been tweaked for 092 as a minimod, then included in the 096. For 097 it has been updated: the triggers were reviewed and fixed here and there, and the ancillaries have been added as a way to educate the young generals. The current system is now as folows:
    · the education time is 12 turns (that means a general gets education only as teenager: age 14-19);
    · each type of education has 4 levels;
    · most of the young will start with “Normal Intelligence” and improve over life marginally. This is the central traits for getting administrative education and then getting the economic skills.
    · trait “NaturalMilitarySkill” is the central traits for military and pagan education: it determines the speed these types of education can develop.
    · trait “Scholar" is rare but extremely valuable: it enables learning process of adult generals and is useful if the character stays in cities with libraries (he may provide books for the faction).
    · all benefits and triggers have been rebalanced (see the table below), the descriptions were added or modified, a guide how to get education is shown in-game as a pop-out window.

    You should keep your general at school until he's schooled (it makes little sense to keep him longer). If you've got university, he can attain the second level of education.
    However, if your general has a Tutor ancillary and stays in a settlement with both School and Library, he can get that second level education.

    Limited visibility
    One of the problems of waging war in the Middle Ages was lack of precise information regarding what was going on away from the capital or important cities - both inside and outside of one's country. Every general had to lead his army in ignorance of the whereabouts and composition of enemy forces. In the SSHIP the relative difficulty of gathering information is conveyed through:
    - increased costs of watchtowers and the absence of the initial ones (see the arguments here).
    - reduced sight range for untrained agents (spies, assassins, princesses, merchants, and diplomats - coded in their traits).
    - reduced sight range for inexperienced generals (coded in their traits).
    As a result of these changes, sight range bonuses are very important. Generals may get such bonuses from education, ancillaries, offices, and various traits. Militarily-minded generals usually fare better in this respect.
    The player is also encouraged to refrain from checking the composition of an enemy army before battle, unless you have scouted their force with spies beforehand (due to the limitations of the M2TW engine, it is not possible to disable the preview of enemy forces entirely, but such a house-rule should be followed by those who would like to face a real, and historically accurate, challenge).

    A priest can't see the cities even only two spaces away from him. Only spies and, to a lesser extent, diplomats have larger visibility.

    Unrest in the conquered major cities
    This is not a new mechanism but it has been reviewed for 097, bug-fixed and adjusted.
    Certain major settlements were historically difficult to control. The script give them additional unrest when:
    - the settlement is conquered by the player (strong increase: you a really good governor to prevent a rebellion, so get prepared or just sack and leave this settlement).
    - a weak faction leader ascends to the throne (only for the player: this is a major danger of the change on the throne).
    - the settlement is not in the hands of the historical faction (for the AI: slight increase in probability of such cities to rebel).
    These settlements are usually the former capitals but also some with strong local identity (eg. Prague).

    New taxonomy and stats' changes

    Many units' stats, building times and prices have been revamped based on the table:

    Costs of the units
    They have been re-calculated to fit changes in the mod parameters:
    * urban militias have the same price of both recruitment and upkeep, they also have the free_upkeep attribute. Infantry has 1-turn recruitment time, while cavalry 2-turn.
    * tribal units also have the same prices of recruitment and upkeep, but they don't have free_upkeep (except for the Cumans in the steppes). They all have 1-turn recruitment time.
    * feudal levies recruitment prices are as a rule 2.66 times the upkeep price (that makes them quite expensive to recruit but then the upkeep is comparable to militia). All infantry units have 2-turn recruitment time, while cavalry 3-turn.
    * feudal knights still have a very high upkeep price (even compared to their quality) but they have 0 recruitment price. As the result, they should be recruited in times of a need, and could be disbanded afterwards. They are all recruited in 1 turn. This may lead, however, to the AI factions fielding too many knights (if yes, then it'll be adjusted in the future).
    * the professionals are very expensive but have very good quality. Mounted professionals have their recruitment time 1-turn longer than the foot ones.
    * mercenary units' upkeep costs were adjusted according to the recruitment prices that were implemented in the patch to 096 (it's why many players reported then so many too-cheap mercs). In particular, they have decreased recruitment costs and increased upkeep costs (to prevent them from being the better and cheaper permanent troops).
    * the cost of ships have been recalculated (higher construction price, decreased upkeep), the recruitment times made longer.

    Free upkeep
    This feature has been re-introduced into the SSHIP. However, it's only for urban militia units that could be finances by the rich burghers to keep order in their cities, and nomadic militias that could care for themselves in the steppes. Core buildings (cities and castles) provide 1-4 free upkeep slots (except for the Cumans and the Mongols). The number of theses slots is higher by 1 if the Faction Leader has the "protector" trait. The Cumans and Mongols have free upkeep for their units from the Grazing Lands buildings (previously: Grassland).

    * Recruitment of the peasant units from the farms removed altogether. As a compensation, the low-level barracks provide more other lower-tier units. In some cases, the recruitment of the Peasant units also removed from the factional abilities (this is the work to be concluded in the future with full transformation of all Peasant units into useful fighting units).* Crossbow Militias are available also from the barracks in the cities (the exception are less advanced factions that get the access only after the Mounted Crossbow event).
    * feudal knights that are recruited from the Local Council building chain have high maximum pool numbers (3 and 4 instead of 1 and 2) so that they can be mobilized in time of a need but otherwise are not tapped. Replenishment rates slightly nerfed (usually by 0.01) and are now on average: 14 turns for cav and 11 turns for foot.
    * Prussian units (Axemen, Spearmen, Auxillia, Archers) are recruitable from the castles in 5 provinces with the hidden resource "prussia" for everybody (more if with "lithuania", less with "russia" and "poland").
    * Prussian units can be recruited by Lithuania from it's temples in those 5 provinces (this means: also from the cities).
    * Lithuania can recruit bodyguards also from it's temples (all Perkunas levels plus highest levels of Dievas and Giltine). Dievas Guard available only after appearance of the Teutonic Knights, before this happens one may recruit a weaker unit (Lithuanian Raiders) from this shrine.
    * Chudy tribal unit can be recruited only in the north (hidden resources: russia, denmark, lithuania) (unfortunately, unit available only for Kiev while it should be also for Novgorod or rather be an AoR unit in the north, available for everybody).
    * many changes to the Polish units.
    * some order in the recruitment of the Georgian factional units made (also with the use of event "Shota Rustaveli"); Georgian Msakhereuli Swordsmen (ex-Tazreuli) are no longer recruitable from the cathedrals, but as usual: from the castle barracks; access to Levy Archers removed (it was a silver surfers' unit). Recruitment of the Peasants removed.
    Note that except from the Polish, Georgian, Lithuanian and parts of Hungarian and Rus rosters, the other factions' units' recruitment was left almost as it was in the SSHIP 092.

    New names for existing units
    * a thorough redress of the names of the Georgian units (Kartlian Spearmen -> Metsikhovne Spearmen; Caucasus Hillmen ok; Metiskhovne Spearmen -> Msakhureuli Spearmen; Aznauri Nobles -> Aznauri Cavalry; Tadzreuli Swordsmen -> Msakhureuli Swordsmen; Khevsur Heavy Infantry -> Eristavi Guards; Foot Monaspa lancers -> Foot Monaspa; Svanian Hunters -> Mountain Hunters; Metiskhovne Archers ok; Foot Monaspa Archers ok; Royal Monaspa Guard -> Tadzreuli; Georgian Horse Archers -> Msakhureuli Light Cavalry; Aznauri Lancers ok; Monaspa Horse Archers ok; Eristavi Cavalry -> Eristavi Retainers; Monaspa Lancers ok).
    * changes in the Polish units' names: Piast Nobles -> Możni, Piast Foot Nobles - Spieszeni Możni, Polish Knights -> Rycerze, Dismounted Polish Knights -> Spieszeni Rycerze, Polish Retainers -> Pocztowi, Polish Guard -> Kopijnicy.
    * many changes to the names in the Baltic area (eg. Lithuanian Cavalry -> Lithuanian Raiders (it's what they actually did: raiding the neighbouring regions, including Volynia and Masovia), Lithuanian Skirmishers -> Morass Scouts (to give the feeling for the swampy terrain in Lithuania); Followers of Perkunas -> Pagan Fanatics (this is still a fantasy unit, but name is less ridiculous); Lettish Crossbowmen -> Baltic Crossbowmen (explained elsewhere); Prussian Auxillia -> Northern Horse Javelinmen (this unit is a leftover of the Teutonic Order and was historical in that context); Lithuanian Archers -> Forest Archers (to get rid of the ridiculous legacy of vanilla Med2: the backbone of the Polish army turned out to be called "Lithuanian Archers").
    * in the North and East, the Light Men at Arms are called again Light Swordsmen.
    * in the East the Kazaks are called Steppe Raiders and will be available as mercenaries also on the fringes of the Rus lands.
    * in the Slav lands the Peasant Archers are called Slavic Levy Archers, in the Balkans: Village Archers, while in other parts of oikumene they are simply Levy Archers. They all have 2 missile attack value that makes them useful in certain situations, eg. settlement defense.
    * Transylvania Peasants are now called Transylvanian Saxons and can be recruited only in Transylvania from the mines; numbers increase significantly after the Ostsiedlung event. They also have a free_upkeep - but only in their own province. [note: given that they are un-historically equipped with halberds it should be changed in the future, it's just a quick fix.].
    * Fyrd unit is renamed Saxon Spearmen. It is recruitable only in England (hidden resource england), the numbers dwindle after Thomas Beckett event and then is being finally phased out after the Magna Charta event. The unit has also low morale, albeit a bit higher than the Spear Militia.

    * a few more mercenary pools created (eg. two Scandinavian pools remade into three: Norway, Denmark, Sweden).
    * some (previously overlooked) mercenary prices adjusted to the other mercenary prices (sometimes decreased, sometimes increased).
    * changes in availability for some units in some regions were made, especially in Scandinavia, Rus, Poland and the Baltics.
    * fixes here and there, eg. Mercenary Ribault are available from the event "Cannons" (which still is rather early, but until now it was far worse: a gun unit used at the beginning of 13th century...); removed from a few areas where it was very un-historical (Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia), re-fill rates have been lowered much. Their prices are initially 1k higher, only later go down. (frankly speaking, we've got no opinion on where/when Ribaults should be available...)
    * a warning (pop-out window) on imminent disbandment of mercenaries is included when the faction plunges in debt. Another information window underscores this danger if the faction has less 1000 fl. in the coffers (it doesn't appear each turn, it has a cool-off period scriped).
    * the issue of the Siege Weapons as mercenaries has been discussed, but has not been implemented, and it's not foreseen in the future. See the discussion here.
    ; - Northern Europe, with much of woods, have two specific units: Hunters & Woodsmen
    ; - Russia & Scandinavia have a specific strong axe unit: Axemen
    ; - Mercenary Spearmen are the unit available accross the Christian world, sometimes replaced by the local unit (like Welsh Spearmen).
    ; - Western Europe has two early units: Macemen, Sergeant Swordsmen.
    ; - Mercenary Crossbowmen come only with proper urbanization level and proper technology (mounted_crossbows - the event reflects a broader issue of technological change, not only for horsemen).
    ; - African (black) units are more frequent in the desert regions but occassionaly appear also on the coast.
    ; - no mercenary boats - a faction needs own capabilities to build ships to transport own armies (unless it's a crusade).


    AI support
    Support for the AI

    The AI receives in the SSHIP various tweaks and buffs to the supporting mechanisms from the SS6.4. They scale with the difficulty of the game. Is should be underscored that it is not about giving more money to the AI, it's about increasing various parameters so that at higher difficulties the AI has better generals, less problems with the public order, can grow settlements faster. However, the AI doesn't get smarter with difficulty - at Easy it behaves similar to Very Hard.

    The scripts for the behavious of the AI have been fixed just here and there. The SSHIP uses Germanicu5 ReallyBadAI v5.7 and a modified version of the G5 Faction Economy Script. As a matter of fact, these scripts constitute 50% of the whole script, if measured in terms of the number of lines. Perhaps even more in terms of the turn processing time.

    Three special traits for the AI generals give them additional bonuses across the board - these have been thoroughly analyzed and overhauled. This should be visible in the AI long-term developments and the difficulty in battling strong commanders. They scale with the difficulty of the game.

    AI agents' are buffed up (priests, spies, merchants etc.): they are likely to have higher initial traits and get them improved over their lifes. The player is supposed to level up his own agents to match those buffs. They scale significantly with the difficulty of the game and some also with the length of the play (eg. there are triggers that fire only after 200 turns of play). Eg. if you want to match the AI merchants, build the markets and found the merchants guilds so that your merchants are up to the AI challenge.

    Some buildings give additional benefits for the AI, especially for keeping the public order and health of the cities. The AI is unaware of the bonuses of the traits of the generals, the feature that the player is expected to use widely, so it would be at much inferior position to give the player a challenge.

    Financial support is provided to the AI factions at the higher difficulties. It is rather modes for is something the mod tries to avoid. This support aims at saving the AI from bankruptcy, not adding much money for a spending spree. There are also financial scripts preventing the AI from amassing fortune that can be exploited by the player in the diplomatic deals.

    AI is not bound by the mechanisms it is not aware of, eg. army supply cost, army morale, unrest in the major cities after a conquest / a usurper ascending to the throne, requirements for recruitment of certain agents, etc. In some cases, there're special scripts dealing with that non-awareness (eg. destruction of certain buildings that prevent building another buildings).

    AI faces the turmoil script (additional unrest in the conquered non-core provinces) but to much lesser extent.

    Scripted initial sieges for the AI factions have been thoroughly reviewed for 097, fixed and updated. The smaller factions got additional ones to make them viable in the game (Portugal, Rum, Lithuania), a few bigger got their sieges deleted (HRE in Verona, Seljuks in Ray (this one was actually buggy and a source of crashes since Ray was Seljuk at the beginning), Sicily in Naples), while some got additional to ensure each front would be going (Scandinavia, Ifrikiyya), remote provinces would be conquered (Visby, Bulgar, Al-Ahsa), or there wouldn't be easy expansion for strong factions (eg. Severin by the Cumans). You may see the sieges in the map below - but you may prefer to be surprised in the game and abstain from expanding this spoiler
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Scripted invasions or uprisings have been either fixed (William Wallace, Bulgarian Uprising) or added (Qara Qitai).

    Additional Scripted Generals if there're very few in a AI factions script has been fixed (a small error would make it getting a general every turn what could be experienced eg players playing Poland after conquest of Kernave). Currently, each AI faction can get additional 2 generals every generation (20 years) if there're fewer than 4 named characters in that faction. This should limit the defeat of a faction just because the assassins were on killing spree.

    Faction re-emergence script has been overhauled and fixed against some bugs (not all of them, unfortunatelly). This means that the destroyed factions should re-emerge after some time. The well-known problem for the Medieval 2 modding is that it is not possible to determine where they would emerge. Let's keep the fingers crossed that not in a very strange place.

    Pro memoria: there are also other support mechanisms for the AI (additional initial armies and fleets, additional scripted fleets), but these were left untouched, perhaps as they were in the SS6.4.
    Sound and graphics

    Expanded music
    - removed piano and other unfitting music (in total 11 strat, 7 battle, 2 menu tracks).
    - added 8 new regional music types: slavic_orthodox, oriental_orthodox, lithuania_ee, cuman_steppe, hold_jerusalem, sicily_meltingpot, gaelic_lands, norse_christianized.
    - added 81 new songs/pieces of music.
    - changed or restored 2 new misc menu sounds.

    Voices fix
    - fixed all "unit_select" battlemap voices (but the Mongols, as they are unplayable).
    - on English game version: Georgia's accent set to east_european, Cumans' to Mongolian.
    - partially restored Mongolian accent on stratmap, disabled 80% of Sultan and Allah mentions.

    Graphical fixes
    - quotes in the loading screen fixed.
    - new pics for loading screens (now you'll always see that horse head ;-).
    - new pics for many buildings (Grazing Lands, mills, orthodox churches).
    - new pictures for many historical or game events (ca. 40 types, but used in various situations to make it 160 per culture).
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; August 14, 2023 at 04:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
    Patrician took an arrow to the knee

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    City of Jan Baert
    Blog Entries

    Icon4 [Release] SSHIP v0.9.6 downloadable - 6th of December 2019

    SSHIP v.0.96 (2019) and v. 0.97 (2020)

    2016 Modding Awards
    3rd position

    2018 Modding Awards

    2019 Modding Awards

    DOWNLOAD LINKS SSHIP v0.9.6 (Patch from February 22, 2020 included). The changelog is here.
    Download Link #1 - on Mega
    Download Link #2 - on Moddb

    Patch from Lurker from Codex:
    fixes ctd's due to some broken traits. It can be found here (save game compatible).
    Patch from NaczelnyS: fixes number of recruitment slots. It can be found here.

    SoundFix: Brings back missing voices. For non-english version of the game, mostly the French and German one (these being the only one reported so far). It can be found here (Mega).
    Once downloaded, copy the file in your data folder to replace the existing one. Go to the sounds folder and delete the .dat and .idx files. Launch the mod
    Note that a ctd might happen the 1st time the game is launched on the Steam version. Try a 2nd time if it happens.

    IMPORTANT: Stainless Steel v6.4 required - not save game compatible
    SSHIP v0.9.6
    SSHIP v0.9.6

    • Zengid Emirate has its entries named "zengid" instead "kwarezm"
    • Abbassid Caliphate has its entries named "abbasid" instead "milan"
    • Kingdom of Georgia has its entries named "georgia" instead "timurid"
    • Grand duchy of Serbia has its entries named "serbia" instead "teutonic_order"

    This is more for us and for modding purposes.

    • All capitals should be correct now. Krakow set as Capital for Poland.
      Ani, Trebizond, Bradenburg and Zara are back as independant settlements.
      Some regions' names corrected (Bremen province: Westfalen; Hamburg province: Sachsen; Liubice province: Meklemburg; Coellen province: Niederlothringen; Trier province: Oberlothringen; Frankfurt province: Nordfranken; Speyer province: Südfranken; Basel province: Helvetia; Ulm province: Schwaben; Pamphylia (Konya): Lycaonia; Lycia (Attaleia): Pamphylia; Lycaonia (Kayseri): Southern Cappadocia; Southern Cappadocia (Malatya): Armenia Minor).
      As such, the faction selection screen has been updated accordingly.
      Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

      Note that being an animated gif lower down the resolution and quality. This is just for illustration and the final result should be much better in game
    • Some map adjustments:
      - Bulgaria: there was an important road between Triadica and Adrianoupolis. With the v0.9.5 map configuration in that area, it was impossible to set such road. So, Bulgaria has been reworked as follow:
      Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
      Bulgaria in v0.9.6:

      Without the colours:

      These 2 regions has been renammed respectively Northern Bulgaria and Southern Bulgaria

      - Anatolia: there was an issue reported about the army deployment beside rivers. That was due to the map heights. We also took the opportunity to correct some heights. Note that it might requier further adjustment depending on players' feedback
      Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
      -> North West - in v0.9.5:

      -> North West - in v0.9.6

      The river near Nicaea was climbing the hill (red circle). Not anymore

      -> Central Anatolia - in v0.9.5:

      -> Central Anatolia - in v0.9.6

      The heights near the bridge and in North of the lake have been corrected (red circles).

      -> East Anatolia - in v0.9.5:

      -> East Anatolia - in v0.9.6

    Changes in the other files:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    • strat.txt:

    - Changed "Attack faction" to "Promise to attack faction"

    • descr_win_conditions:

    - Fixed short georgian campaign having more requirements than the long georgian campaign

    • historic_events text & descr_events.txt:

    - In-game information (through historic events mechanism) on a few topics that were in the SSHIP but were not understood and that have been recently introduced. The goal is to make easier for the new players to play the SSHIP, but also to understand the differences with the other mods for the seasoned players. The information concerns in particular: officess, settlement management, crowns, character traits, agents, fog of war.
    - Corrected for style, grammar, english
    - Changed the world is round entry because everyone knew the world was round, it was even in the bible for goodness' sake
    - Gave all countries unique flavour text for their civil war events
    - Made the "leader is dead"/regency events a little less generic for each faction

    • EDCT text:

    - Standardised the way effects are written
    - The royal blood traits for the republics now refer to blood membership in a powerful family
    - Fixed entries broken by switch from Milan->Abbasid
    - Changed grasslands description
    - Significant changes to explanations of officeholding, usurpers, rightful heirs, nearcapital traits
    - Removed a number of typos, also cleaned up the english (no judgement, not like I am fluent in a second language)
    - Changed entries for traits with new or different effects (see EDCT section)

    • EDA text:

    - Generally removed editorialising, in an effort to bring the style of writing in line with vanilla
    - Added entry for manuel anemas ancillary
    - Added entry for ecumenical patriarch
    - Changed entries for Luther and Wycliffe to correspond to new effects
    - Removed a number of typos, also cleaned up the english

    • expanded.txt:

    - Corrected certain entries to remove anachronisms
    - Added level 5 priest entry for certain factions to give ecumenical patriarch strat name
    - Added unique names for various factions to add flavour

    • descr_character:

    - Added additional entries to orthodox countries' priests to permit additional levels for the purposes of identifying the ecumenical patriarch on the campaign map

    • campaign_script:

    - Fixed broken jerusalem reemergence script (settlement being checked was Marrakesh and not jerusalem)
    - Game now knows if a faction is currently engaged in a war they started (aggressor = 1)
    - Added princess spawning script for after turn 60
    - Isaakios komnenos gets sent off map at the beginning of the game
    - Ioannis komnenos gets sent off map at the beginning of the game
    - Ali ibn nizar gets sent off map at the beginning of the game
    - Game now knows when there is a general with Trusted1 in proximity to the capital (trusted_ally = 1)
    - Game now knows when there is a general with Trusted1 (right_hand = 1)
    - Prepared a script that allows us to guarantee that there will always be an heir for the republic factions (it is not active)
    - Orthodox factions get extra patriarchs if they control alexandria, rome, jerusalem or antioch
    - Game now knows when the faction that owns constantinople is having its turn (for ecumenical patriarch)
    - Commented out the heir selection script.. I don't think any of us will miss it
    - Game tracks when military assistance is rendered for the purposes of fixing the broken mil assistance trigger in the factionstanding file
    - Troubadours event now requires jousting lists or better in faction instead of town hall, requires catholic religion, requires turn number greater than 150

    • export_desc_characters_traits & export_vnvs:

    - Education of Generals fix – this is the (first) JoC minimod, with some later fixes included. It fixes the triggers and the effects for the education system that exists in the SSHIP (and also the base SS). See the details here and here
    - Generals’ Traits Common Sense fix – this is a JoC minimod, with some later fixes included. It fixes the triggers and effects for many traits that exist in the SSHIP (and also the base SS). See the details here. It also includes the Fog of War adjustments to the traits (Line Of Sight restrictions for not experienced generals).
    - Usurper and Loyalty fix - parts o the mechanism in the EDCT have been fixed on the VineFynn's proposa.: see details in this thread. It also includes the Loyalty adjustments as partially described here.
    - Priests’ fix: antitrait bug removed (by doubling the number of triggers), definitions and triggers modified to provide balance, the pagan priests fixed (they didn't work before), some information messages fixed.
    - Spies’ fix: antitrait bug removed: the triggers were in fact doubled, the definitions and triggers modified. The Line of Sight shortened for base level, LoSfor other traits added.
    - Other agents’reviewed for bugs (Antitrait etc.) and for logic/completenes in triggers: Witch, Heretic, Inquisitor, Diplomat (no change of LoS).
    - Princess fix - traits were partially fixed for the Anti-trait and NoComingBack bug.
    - Added traits and trait triggers for tracking aggressors
    - Added triggers for giving royal blood to AI's spawned princesses
    - Increased authority gain from Rightful Heir
    - Increased authority gain from Plotter
    - Speaker and BadSpeaker now affect popularity instead of law
    - Nerfed Just trait slightly
    - Last levels of HarshRuler and KindRuler impose small penalty on unrest and taxcollection respectively
    - Physically Flawless now increases troopmorale instead of decreasing command for some reason
    - Ugly levels do not increase command, instead increase troopmorale
    - Lewd no longer decreases bribe resistance but instead reduces piety
    - Changed the flnearcapital system to make it more interesting/interactive:
    - Added Courtier trait
    - Added NearCapitalTrait
    - Modified FLNearCapital trait and triggers
    - Modified NearLoyalty triggers
    - Generals now only gain loyalty from being near the capital when the faction leader or a Trusted1 general is
    - Generals who hang around the capital for prolonged periods of time may gain increased chance of being selected as next heir
    - Once there is a general with trusted1, other generals cannot gain near_loyalty
    - Republics no longer transmit Factionleader 1 by blood, instead those with royal blood gain it by having good traits and lose it by having bad ones (simulate acceptability to the electors)
    - Adoptees in republics gain the republic's corresponding bloodline
    - Nerfed royal_blood and royal_relations for pisa and venice
    - Admirals no longer get randomly wounded
    - Fixed broken triggers for just trait, which meant being chivalrous would reduce it
    - Fixed entries broken by switch from Milan->Abbasid
    - Fixed apparently broken trigger for antipopes
    - Commented out parts of triggers that use the stupid heroandrogue syste
    - Fixed a bunch of broken priest triggers
    - Fixed some broken admiral wounded triggers
    - Fixed broken agent health recovery triggers
    - Fixed broken agent visiting building/guild triggers
    - Fixed some broken spy mission success triggers
    - Made Maritime Interests trait hidden, it had no description written for any of its levels
    - Decreased absolutely insane -5 (1 = 10%) malus to bribe resistance from diplomat education traits (londonedu bolognaedu etc, each level of BribeResistance is 10% increase/decrease)
    - Claims inherited matrilineally are now weaker than normal claims, but are treated as normal claims in the event of becoming faction heir or leader provided the character isn't usurping, in which case it is easier for them to be a stronger usurper
    - Princesses can inherit normal claims from their mothers, and weak claims from their fathers, but not weak claims from their mothers (originally they could not inherit normal claims from their mothers)

    • descr_regions:

    - Changed rebel type in trebizond province to Greek_Rebels

    • export_descr_ancillaries & descr_ancillaries:

    - Provincial titles fix: 32 titles (from Central and Eastern Europe) have been updated: names, pics, effects, descriptions; in some cases also triggers or the very existence - this is JoC submod, details are provided in this thread.
    - Ministerial Offices fix: 8 titles have been fixed: triggers, also existence of a few muslim and greek versions (this is a JoC fix, details are here). The descriptions in the EA provide the player with full picture how to use them.- Harsh judge now affects law 1
    - Tacitius replaced with Manuel Anemas, Effect Command 1 Authority 1
    - Greeks cannot acquire the privyseal anc
    - Ecumenical patriarch worldwide anc will be given to a patriarch of an orthodox owner of constantinople (provided there is no other such ancillary out there)
    - This anc makes the patriarch equivalent to an antipope in terms of stats, and improves relations with other orthodox factions, but it could do with a better graphic
    - Commented out scepter of the high officer anc, this is completely pointless as it is ahistorical, non transferable and guaranteed to appear on any byzantine general with Military_Career_In_Byzantium > 6, also the career trait doesnt need more buffs than it already gives
    - Martin Luther is now only accessible to catholics and decreases piety (so he increases chance of being burnt by inquisitors) but increases a bunch of other stuff to compensate
    - John Wycliffe was changed similarly

    • descr_faction_standing:

    - Replaced entry for reducing standing when at war to one which reduces standing for aggressors as being tracked by new script
    - Ecumenical Patriarch ancillary improves relations with orthodox factions
    - Reputation no longer takes longer to normalise on higher difficulty levels- instead it normalises to a lower level (technically making things harder)
    - Hard and Very Hard difficulties reduce your relations less than before (trying to balance above change)
    - Actions which are obviously only supposed to normalise your reputation in one particular direction now work as intended
    - Player factions now normalise relations with all the same factions as the AI to the same level as the AI but not always as quickly
    - Added the sphere of influence system, wherein taking certain settlements as certain factions hurts reputation and relations less
    - Military assistance now works as intended wrt reputation

    • Descr_Strat:

    - numerous changes for the initial characters for many factions;
    - many changes to the buildings in many settlements;
    - initial Watchtowers removed. It's for the player to develop the infrastructure in the provinces.

    • desc_cultures:

    Watchtower cost increased to 1000.

    • Reported issues fixed:

    Dismounted Vlastela: unit size doubled to match other dismounted units size (48 instead of 24 in EDU).
    Georgian units have quality and type descriptions now
    Only ERE is able to build highways now.
    Muttatawi unit have have quality and type descriptions now
    Text descriptions related to Leon Castille refer to Castilians instead of Leonese now
    Missing texture for Chivalric Footknights for Aragon fixed
    Sea trade routes missing: Distance port to port reduce in the descr_campaign_db file

    All missing voices and sounds should be fixed now, no matter if you use an English version of the game or not

    SSHIP v0.9.7
    SSHIP v0.9.7

    What does this submod changes as compared to the SSHIP 096:

    - traits for the generals commanding in the battles improved, a few new added.
    - army morale system (somehow limiting the conquest spree) implemented for VH and H.
    - army supply costs system (significant costs for foreign expeditions) implemented for VH.
    - major and minor changes to many other traits of the generals: economic, psychological.
    * a lot of 'technical' changes that will make the traits work properly (eg. getting rid of 1% probability bug).
    * comprehensiveness of modding can be discern in the EDCT file size: in SSHIP.092 it had 39k lines of code, in 096 - 50k lines, and now it has 65k lines (and yet, the work consisted mainly of fixing the issues, with only some new mechanisms).

    - crown mechanism introduced in 096 works now for all factions; maps depicting relevant provinces added to the faction info panel.
    - education ancillaries improved; they have now impact on education.
    - knowledge-related ancillaries improved (triggers and effects).
    - a large set of books ancillaries added.
    - new icons for some existing ancillaries.

    - noble ladies script fixed and refined.
    - merchants, diplomats and priests numbers limited; their recruitment moved often to other buildings.
    - pagan priests recruitment tweaked, as also their traits.
    - some tweaks to the traits of the other agents.

    - a new typology for the units introduced and some adjustments made.
    - prices of many units heavily changed, in line with the typology.
    - free upkeep for most urban militia units re-introduced.
    - hundreds of changes to the units stats.
    - some units renamed, but no unit removed or added.
    - some changes to the icons or info-pictures.
    - mercenaries' availability and prices reviewed and upadated for some regions (mainly Northern and Eastern Europe).

    - a few buildings effects and conditions reviewed.
    - one new building added (Wind Mill).
    - in few cases building times or prices adjusted.
    - some text descriptions overhauled.
    - wonders significantly overhauled (benefits tweaked, some new pics).
    - guilds: prices increased, triggers reviewed.

    - additional expenses added, they are significant for higher difficulties.
    - many parameters adjusted to keep the previous economic balance.

    - a few campaign map fixes/changes.
    - resources: placement in many regions reviewed, several new pics, one resource added (cattle).
    - fertility of the provinces heavily reviewed in the light of the historical knowledge.

    - most of the factions were reviewed with the changes:
    -- balancing switches between castles and cities.
    -- changes to the initial set of buildings in the settlements, units in the armies, available agents.
    -- some changes to the traits and ancillaries of the initial characters.

    - a dozen new historical events, their impact on the gameplay introduced (ie. availability of units and buildings).

    - many scripts fixed or improved.
    - a great deal of parameters changed, including those for diplomacy.
    - economic balance kept thanks to many changes going in various directions.
    * script.txt completely re-edited.

    - many pop-out windows at the beginning of the game to introduce the players into various mechanisms.
    - new pictures of the a lot of historical or game events (ca. 40, but effectively 160 per culture).
    - some make it clear what costs are born, what are certain requirements etc.

    - background music replaced with more immersive one.
    - voices on the battlefield corrected.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    General remarks:* the goal of modding this section was to fix or/and make use of the currently existing SSHIP traits. Many of them didn't work as intended due to (1) design flaws, (2) conflicts with other traits, (3) errors in coding: either wrong triggers or engine bugs that were not known before (like AntiTrait-NoComingBack), (4) or were just not utilised for the gameplay (eg. provided only direct benefits, but are not used for in-game mechanisms).
    * modding for this version was very extensive that may be seen from the EDCT file size: in SSHIP.092 it had 39k lines of code, in 096 - 50k lines, and now it has 65k lines. It actually doesn't give the proper impression since most of changes consisted of re-coding, not adding new stuff.
    * the work is not finished yes. Actually, in certain areas it has barely started (eg. the FL traits were not analysed, only fixed here and there). Nevertheles, the quality of the mod in almost all areas should be better, in some - much better.
    * mind that the two systems based on traits: army morale and army supply costs work differently than in other mods (like BGR). Army morale limits the time of expedition-spree by lowering morale of the troops as they're in the field, while army supply makes foreign expeditions more costly if the army is lead by a mediocre general.

    HORIZONTAL CHANGES to traits fixing their flaws. (JoC)
    - all triggers with [ Chance 1 ] were re-made into [ Chance 5 + RandomPercent < 80 ] (or other combination) - hopefully there'll be no more sudden numerous corrupt and coward traits appearing.
    - each general will have quite a number of initial traits that will distinguish him from the others. This should be a boon for the role-playing players.
    - the initial traits on new generals will appear in a more reasonable order in the general's panel (ie. the player will see the more important traits first, then he will have to scroll down for the less important).
    - numerous fixes to triggers & descriptions have been made (AtSea condition for the religion-releted triggers, FitForOffice for education, Loves_Hates father, Coward from battles adjusted, Tartar name changed into Tatar etc. etc.).
    - the three AI-boosting traits reviewed, fixed, and extended. They scale with the difficulty of the game.

    The "ARMY MORALE" system completely re-modded. (JoC)
    * the goal of these changes is to provide some mechanism to prevent an inexperienced player from embarking on very long expeditions and to provide the experienced players some role-playing mechanism.
    * before these changes it was a crude binary mechanism: the general in home lands would get a boost in morale, while a general abroad a de-buff.
    * the mechanism is now operational only at the Hard and Very Hard difficulties (players have a choice: they can play without it at the Normal difficulty).
    * code-wise: the two existing traits were fused into one, the NGB bug removed and the triggers remade from scratch.
    - it signifies the weariness of the troops: they get weary when they're long time campaigning abroad, but they also get tired after full-speed marching for a number of consequtive turns.
    - each general gets information about state of morale of his troops (you can see it usually as "Troops Ready for Action"). This info includes also hints for the player what do to if morale has deteriorated.
    - the basic way to recover morale is to station the general in a settlement or in the wild ("make a camp"). This recovery is faster in the provinces with own religion dominant among population (either home or foreign).
    - to enable the player to see when the army is taking a rest and morale is recovering faster, an additional trait ArmyIsCamping has been added (it adds also some morale and disappears once the army has moved).
    - additionally, the Disciplinarian/BadDisciplinarian trait re-done: benefits, triggers, effects for other traits, descriptions; the main role of this trait is to make the morale loss slower/faster.
    - a pop-up window explaning the system is included as a historic event; the descriptions of the traits also provide exhaustive information on the system.

    The "GREAT GENERAL" system (record of the great deeds of your generals) (JoC)
    * the reason for these changes is to provide the player with the incentive to play the battles personally, to derive in-game benefits for his performance, and also to have more fun from role-playing.
    - the trait counting major victories has been renamed (Vanquisher) the criteria made more numerous, the information in the description re-done to be more precise.
    - the VictorVirtue trait (the quality of victories) has been slightly re-modelled (especially the triggers).
    - VictorVirtue and Vanquisher are included as conditions for many battle related traits, and also for getting certain ancillaries.
    - for the role-playing purposes information on the number of battles the general commanded in his life will be shown as a trait. Since this trait signifies military experience, it impacts on some developments (eg. what happens while a general is under siege: if he doesn't have any prior experience, he's likely to get coward etc.).
    - trait counting the number of tens-of-years spent as a governor of a settlement is included (no gameplay impact yet).

    The FAMILY STATUS: the Bastard / Biological son bug fixed. (JoC)
    - other non-biological sons traits created: Adopted and MarriedIntoFamily (both have direct effects on Authority and Loyalty, but will also enable new triggers).
    - every general will have one of the four statuses (as it was probably planned for Biologica/Bastard, the previous code didn't work due to the order of triggers: a character BiologicalSon was conditioned by not being Bastard, but the trait Bastard could be acquired after that trigger).
    - BastardSon trait will be given at Coming of Age (in the code: at the moment when it should) - and thanks to it a few triggers are now functional.
    - nobles with not-princely wifes can also get bastard sons (previously only the legal ones); the Muslims are exluded: historically they didn't have prejudices in this respect.
    - triggers for getting bastard sons adjusted, condtions related to the features of character of father and mother added.
    - the trait BiologicalSon is invisible to the player (so that the panel is not cluttered with irrelevant information), the other 3 are visible since they have effects and should be taken into account by the player while taking decisions (eg. whether to marry them off),
    - new OldBlood trait added to convey what happens after a Usurper successfuly imposes his rule in the faction (ie. the previous family lost it's importance).

    BODY: physical attractiveness and care of one's body re-modded. (JoC)
    - trait Handsome and Ugly fused into one: it depicts attractiveness of the body. It changes little during the life of a general, but obviously each general has it. This is a feature that the player has a limited impact on but it the trait itself is a hallmark of a general and impacts on getting other traits. All triggers and benefits have been updated and exteded.
    - Arse transformed into WellGroomed - it depicts care of the body, a feature that may impact impact on both attractiveness (slight increase in Handsome possible) and health (risks of falling ill etc.). The extreme levels still have some adverse effects and may impact on other personality traits.

    Some OTHER traits adjusted or fixed. (JoC)
    - triggers for Drink / Soberity have been thoroughly reviewed, NoGoingBack+AntiTrait bug removed. The trait will still be ubiqutous: perhaps most of the generals will get it during life, but usually moderate levels).
    - traits Tourney Knight and Horse Racer have been reviewed and slightly adjusted; information for the TK added into the game.
    - traits reviewed and triggers adjusted: Anger, Just, Corrupt/Embezzler.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    CROWNS & related (JoC, pics by Lifhtrasir)- province lists and maps for all crowns upadated. It means: all crowns are available if the in-game described conditions are met.
    - some crowns previously not present in the game were added. For some other there're 2 alternative sets of provinces to get a crown.
    - technical side re-done: added 28 traits in EDCT, added the required triggers etc. Triggers in EDA were simplified.
    - coronation and crown upkeep costs were introduced, as described in the framework for the crowns.
    - information texts refined - both on the traits and also in the historical info pop-ups.
    - in the faction panels there're maps showing the provinces that are required to get a crown.
    - Victory Conditions: as a result of making the Crown system working, the lists of VC provinces replaced with simple 20/40 provinces requirements with additional 1-3 special cities (this is because the former lists doubled with the (new) crowns' requirements).
    - Provincial Titles: very few further improvements (introduced effects for the Muslims in 67 provinces: it's going to be rare but maybe somebody would use it).
    - Offices: just a few cosmetic changes, nothing special.

    EDUCATION ancillaries (JoC)
    - ancillaries Mentor, Tutor and Academic Advisor modified: their direct effects, triggers to get them, and impact.
    - in particular, these three are now part of the education mechanism: they feature in the triggers to compensate for lack of Intelligence and/or lack of a school building. Ie.if the triggers for education of a general don't fire because the general is not intelligent enough or there's not school, there're additional triggers if he has any of the educational ancillaries. There are also triggers for additional effects so that the anciallaries are useful even for the intelligent generals in cities with universities.
    - the Inspiring Teacher trait fixed as it was actually not working before due to a mistake in coding.

    The BOOK project (Kilo11 & JoC)
    - 35 transferable books for generals are in-game - this number increased from 8 or so; it's 2000 lines of code.
    - triggers have been carefuly crafted so they are to be gained by:
    (1) Scholars in settlements with Libraries plus another building that is related to the topic of the book (eg geographical work in a city with the explorers guild).
    (2) conquerors of a dozen of grand or special cities, sometimes related to the book (Mio Cid gained from Valentia).
    (3) every general from Grand Libraries.
    - different religions usually get diffrent books. Sometimes the same book may be fit for one religion (eg. Matematike Syntaxis of Klaudios Ptolemaios), or different books may be with one religion (eg. Skylitzes for Byzantines, but Igor for the Rus).
    - all in all, for each faction there'll be 9 kinds of books:
    (*) military treaties (+1 Command and some other benefits, also ability to get more Military Education)
    (*) collection of poems and heroic epics (+2 popularity or +1 Chivalry)
    (*) legal charters (+1 Law, ability to get more Administrative Education)
    (*) religious scripts (+2 Piety)
    (*) historic chronicles (+1 Authority and +1 popularity)
    (*) medical treatises (-1 squalor)
    (*) scientific books (+20% Trade)
    (*) geographical works with maps (+2 or more movement points)
    (*) treatises on architecture (10% discount to the building costs)
    - Information windows about the system have been included, also info in the description of the books and traits.

    KNOWLEDGE-RELATED ancillaries overhaul (JoC)
    -- triggers and sometimes benefits reviewed, improved and extended for 12 ancillaries.
    -- chances of getting any of them is usually very low (usually 1%), however, they're given that generals are very likely to be in the situation when the trigger fires (eg. for a governor of a well-built large city a few of them fire every turn) they will appear in the game reasonably often;
    -- all are transferable to make swapping them between generals a part of the game for the player;
    -- they're often mutually exclusive (eg. a general cannot have a doctor and a physician at the same time).
    (A) Ancs increasing settlement growth and/or lowering casualties after battle:
    () Doctor: staying with university or bimaristan (T4)
    () Physician: from the battles with high casualties and healing wounds in-wilde
    () Apothecary: from various educational buildings (T3/T4)
    (B) Ancs with battle & siege benefits
    () Alchemist: staying with alchemist labs (T4)
    () Astrologer: staying with university (T4), pagan sanctuaries (T4); difficult battles won;
    () Siege Engineer: staying with siege buildings (C3, T3) and sieges won
    (C) Ancs increasing income & having other effects
    () Mathematician: staying with university (T4) {+ siege equipment built, + command of technical units}
    () Scribe: staying with town halls (T2) {+ authority}
    () Librarian: staying with libraries (T3) {+ piety}
    (D) lowering costs of buildings
    () Brilliant Inventor: staying with mines (C3,T3), alchemist lab (T4), university (T4), buildings finished (T4), and from patronage (anc Office, Crown)
    () Architect: buildings finished if university exists; big buildings finished
    () Master Mason: staying with masons guilds (C3), building masons guilds, patronage (anc Office)

    OTHER ancillaries (JoC):
    - triggers and sometimes benefits reviewed, improved and extended for:
    --- Armour (Regular, Custom, Ornate) and MasterSmith.
    --- Horses (Black, White) and Stablemaster.
    --- Crusader Knights (4 types).
    --- Harsh/Crooked Judge.
    - some other pics replaced (eg. Marco Polo, mentor, alchemist, bard, master of archers) - making it 51 new pics (or 87 as compared with 096).
    - all triggers with the doubtful randomness of "Chance 1" fixed by replacing it with: "Chance 5" + "RandomPercent > 80").
    - to shorten the processing time between the turns in most of the modified trigges (ie for the above-mentioned ancillaries) the most unlikely one is put at the beginning.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    PRINCESS SPAWN SCRIPT fixed (original by VineFynn, fixed by JoC)* the goal of this script is to provide player with another aspect of the game: royal marriages. Without the script the princesses are very rare after the initial phase of the game. As a result, the player never bothers with marriages. Now the princesses are numerous thus the player should activelly seek to marry-off his FL and FH, or use his own ladies for diplomacy.
    * previously (introduced in 096): there’s a script giving each AI faction a Princess with 0 charm every 14 years, starting after 1162 (each faction gets it in a different turn, so the Cumans get one in 1176 at the earliest) in either of two place for each faction. They were without any trait, with Charm 0, and frequently nameless. No info appears, you need find them.
    - after fixing (097): Noble Ladies start to appear after 1152; for each faction one lady is spawned for every generation (slightly more than 20 years, it's stochastic: may be longer or shorter). There are 6 types of ladies for each faction: each has a different name, different set of traits and the resulting different level of Charm (1-6). Each of them gets an epitaph “the Noble Lady” (you can distinguish them from the born-in-family princesses; it has actually no impact on the game for the AI, while the player should take into account they're not in the family tree). There's an info window popping-out about the ladies spawned with the highest charm (5 or 6) somewhere by an AI faction so that the player can send a diplomat to strike a marriage deal, shall he wish to.
    * a potential future work: make an interactive event for the player to get a noble lady against a payment. Or introduce the Royal Ladies of the Court submod (unlikely).
    * the traits of the princess have not been reviewed yet. There're rather painful anti-trait + NGB bugs so the Ladies may even be better to be married than the normally born princesses.

    * the goal is to limit the increase of time the player deals with the merchants as the faction grows. The fewer merchants but each providing more income will be good for playing experience.
    - availability (ie maximum limit of the number of merchants) limited to a few per faction. They'll be provided by:
    (1) each capital (ie if you take another faction capital, you can recruit an additional merchant)
    (2) guilds: Merchants, Explorers & Hanseatic (only after Ostsiedlung event).
    (3) large cities in North Italy and in the Low Countries (if Warehouse is built).
    (4) all huge coastal cities (if Docklands is built).
    - a pop-out window with the above information has been included.
    * the traits of the merchants have not yet been reviewed after 092, but they seem to work more-or-less ok. They may be in the future.

    * the goal is to limit the processing time of the turns since the AI diplomats sometimes keep on trying to bribe cities and that makes turns longer if they are numerous. Another reason is to decrease the diplomat spam the player makes, keeping a diplomat at each of the enemy faction.
    - every faction should have an access to a diplomat from the very beginning. However, there'll be fewer diplomat in-game overall because: 1. many AI diplomats very often checked the other cities for bribe and this slowed the processing time much, 2. there's a Noble Lady script: each faction gets a princess every ca. 40 turns. To this end the diplomat are available from:
    (1) the administrative buildings in the capitals only (ie. provinces with hidden resource capital: if the player conquers another faction capital, he'd have access to one more diplomat).
    (2) Explorers Guilds, Theologian Guilds.
    (3) Universities.
    - information pop-out window on their impact included.
    - the traits for the diplomats had been reviewed for SSHIP 096, this time just small fixes.

    * the goal is to limit the time the player deals with the priests in a large realm while keeping their importance for the game. The AI is quite effective at using this type of agents.
    - recruitment of pagan priests: max. number of priests grows by +1 for any pagan shrine (ie: also altars). This means each pagan-owned settlement (even low tier) gives one priest, but this number doesn't progress with the increase of the size of settlements.
    - recruitment from lower levels of churches and mosques (town, large town) removed; the number of priests recruited from higher levels of churches significantly limited.
    - availability of the priests effectively limited to a few per faction. There's no hard-limit, but it increases by 1 with:
    (1) each capital (i.e. the initial capital but also any other faction's capital that would be conquered) starting from the town level (Small Church).
    (2) abbey (ie. a temple from the minor city level up; except for the capitals - in this case no difference, still the same 1).
    (3) huge cathedral (ie huge city level).
    (3) if the FL has the "strictly_religious" policy (trait), the limit for each church is increased by +1 (ie. 2 instead of 1, or 3 instead of 2).
    (4) guilds: Theologians (with some historical strings attached).
    - two information pop-out windows included: 1. on their use, 2. on levelling up and availability.
    - occassional fixes to traits, especially for pagan priests.

    Spies, assassins, inquisitors, witches, heretics: improvements were made in SSHIP ver. 096 and, especialy the February patch after 096. In 097 just few fixes. As a result, the spies are still numerous in the mod.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    UNITS' STATS modified (MWY, JoC, with Belovese tool)* the changes follow the RR-RC system modified by MWY (many changes are simply MWY ideas implemented by JoC).
    * balancing the prices of the units will take some time in the future. Similarly, balancing of availability may take place.
    * many changes follow the conceptual framework uploaded to the TWC webpage:
    - typology of units (8 classes in the desciptions: Feudal knights, Feudal levies, Urban militia, Tribal, Free professional, Slave professional, Religious orders, Mercenary).
    - morale: differences between different classes of units are more pronounced.
    - free_upkeep: militia units in castles/cities and for the Cuman cavalries in the Cuman settlements with grasslands.
    - fighting stats: many changes in attack and charge stats, many in defence. In particular, combat bonus of spearmen against cavalry increased for a number of units.
    - heat vulnerability: much higher differences accross the units, those from the north will tire much quicker than the locals accustomed to the deserts.
    - training levels often adjusted to fit the units' characteristics.
    - number of men in the units adjusted: bodyguards increased (8 to 10), foot knights lowered (from 48 to 40), archers units have 48 size, spearmen 60. Changes in the upkeep prices often reflect these very changes.
    - speed: various minor adjustments: knights 0.95 to 0.97, Hobbilars 1.0 to 1.05 etc.

    COSTS OF THE UNITS: re-calculated to fit changes in the mod parameters (MWY, JoC, with Belovese tool)
    - urban militias have the same price of recruitment and upkeep, they also have the free_upkeep attribute. Infantry has 1-turn recruitment time, while cavalry 2-turn.
    - tribal units also have the same prices of recruitment and upkeep, but they don't have free_upkeep (except for the Cumans in the steppes). They all have 1-turn recruitment time.
    - feudal levies recruitment prices are as a rule 2.66 times the upkeep price (that makes them quite expensive to recruit but then the upkeep is comparable to militia). All infantry units have 2-turn recruitment time, while cavalry 3-turn.
    - feudal knights still have a very high upkeep price (even compared to their quality) but they have 0 recruitment price. As the result, they should be recruited in times of a need, and could be disbanded afterwards. They are all recruted in 1 turn. This may lead, however, to the AI factions fielding too many knights (if yes, then it'll be adjusted in the future).
    - the professionals are very expensive but have very good quality.
    - the mounted professionals have their recruitment time 1-turn longer than the foot ones.
    - mercenary units' upkeep costs were adjusted according to the recruitment prices that were implemented in the patch to 096 (it's why many players reported then so many too-cheap mercs). In particular, they have decreased recruitment costs and increased upkeep costs (to prevent them from being the better and cheaper permanent troops).
    - the cost of ships have been recalculated (higher construction price, decreased upkeep), the recruitment times made longer.

    - a thorough redress of the names of the Georgian units (Kartlian Spearmen -> Metsikhovne Spearmen; Caucasus Hillmen ok; Metiskhovne Spearmen -> Msakhureuli Spearmen; Aznauri Nobles -> Aznauri Cavalry; Tadzreuli Swordsmen -> Msakhureuli Swordsmen; Khevsur Heavy Infantry -> Chukhchi; Foot Monaspa lancers -> Foot Monaspa; Svanian Hunters -> Mountain Hunters; Metiskhovne Archers ok; Foot Monaspa Archers ok; Royal Monaspa Guard -> Tadzreuli; Georgian Horse Archers -> Msakhureuli Light Cavalry; Aznauri Lancers ok; Monaspa Horse Archers ok; Eristavi Cavalry -> Eristavi Retainers; Monaspa Lancers ok).
    - changes in the Polish units' names: Piast Nobles -> Możni, Piast Foot Nobles - Spieszeni Możni, Polish Knights -> Rycerze, Dismounted Polish Knights -> Spieszeni Rycerze, Polish Retainers -> Pocztowi, Polish Guard -> Kopijnicy.
    - many changes to the names in the Baltic area (eg. Lithuanian Cavalry -> Lithuanian Raiders (it's what they actually did: raiding the neighbouring regions, including Volynia and Masovia), Lithuanian Skirmishers -> Morass Scouts (to give the feeling for the swampy terrain in Lithuania); Followers of Perkunas -> Pagan Fanatics (this is still a fantasy unit, but name is less ridiculous); Lettish Crossbowmen -> Baltic Crossbowmen (explained elsewhere); Prussian Auxillia -> Northern Horse Javelinmen (this unit is a leftover of the Teutonic Order and was historical in that context); Lithuanian Archers -> Forest Archers (on the last one: it was a ridiculous legacy of the vanilla that the backbone Polish army units were called Lithuanian).
    - in the North and East, the Light Men at Arms are called again Light Swordsmen, in the East the Kazaks are now Steppe Raiders.
    - in the Slav lands the Peasant Archers are called Slavic Levy Archers, in the Balkans: Village Archers, while in other parts of oikumene they are simply Levy Archers. They all have 2 missile attack value that makes them useful in certain situations, eg. settlement defense.
    - Transilvania Peasants are now called Szekely and can be recruited only in Transilvania from the mines; numbers increase significantly after the Ostsiedlung event. They also have a free_upkeep - but only in their own province. [note: it should be changed in the future, it's just a quick fix].
    - Fyrd is renamed Saxon Spearmen. The unit is available only from England (hidden resource england), the numbers dwindle after Thomas Beckett event and is being finally phased out after the Magna Charta event. The unit has also low morale, albeit a bit higher than the Spear Militia.
    - other forgotten changes.

    - recruitment of the peasant units from the farms removed altogether. As a compensation, the low-level barracs provide more other lower-tier units. In some cases, the recruitment of the Peasant units also removed from the factional abilities (this is the work to be concluded in the future with full transformation of all Peasant units into useful fighting units).
    - Crossbow Militias are available also from the barracks in the cities (the exception are less advanced factions that get the access only after the Mounted Crossbow event).
    - feudal knights that are recruited from the Local Council building chain have high maximum pool numbers (3 and 4 instead of 1 and 2) so that they can be mobilized in time of a need but otherwise are not tapped. Replenishment rates slightly nerfed (usually by 0.01) and are now on average: 14 turns for cav and 11 turns for foot.
    - Prussian units (Axemen, Spearmen, Auxillia, Archers) recruitable from the castles in 5 provinces with the hidden resource "prussia" for everybody (more if with "lithuania", less with "russia" and "poland").
    - Prussian units can be recruited by Lithuania from it's temples in those 5 provinces (this means: also from the cities).
    - Lithuania can recruit bodyguards also from it's temples (all Perkunas levels plus highest levels of Dievas and Giltine). Dievas Guard available only after appearance of the Teutonic Knights, before this happens one may recruit a weaker unit (Lithuanian Raiders) from this shrine.
    - Chudy tribal unit can be recruited only in the north (hidden resources: russia, denmark, lithuania) (unfortunately, unit available only for Kiev while it should be also for Novgorod or rather be an AoR unit in the north, available for everybody).
    - many changes to the Polish units (see below).
    - some order in the recruitment of the Georgian factional units made (also with the use of event "Shota Rustaveli"); Georgian Msachereuli Swordsmen (ex-Tadzreuli) are no longer recruitable from the cathedrals, but as usual: from the castle barracks; access to Levy Archers removed (it was a silver surfers' unit). Recruitment of the Peasants removed.
    (note that except from the Polish, Georgian, Lithuanian and parts of Hungarian and Rus rosters, the other factions' units' recruitment was left almost as it was in the SSHIP 092)

    * many adjustments in areas, availability, times, prices, but this is work-in-progress;
    - more pools created (eg. two Scandinavian pools remade into three: Norway, Denmark, Sweden).
    - some (previously overlooked) mercenary prices adjusted to the other mercenary prices (sometimes decreased, sometimes increased).
    - changes in availability for some units in some regions were made, especially in Scandinavia, Rus and the Baltics.
    - eg. Mercenary Ribault are available from the event "Cannons" (which still is rather early, but until now it was far worse: a gun unit used at the beginning of 13th century...); removed from a few areas where it was very un-historical (Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia), re-fill rates have been lowered much. Their prices are intially 1k higher, only later go down.
    - disbandment warning: if the faction plunges in debt a warning window pops-out to warn of the imminent disbandment (MWY). Another information window underscores this danger if the faction has less 1000 fl. in the coffers.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    BASIC BUILDINGS (JoC)- building "Water and Wind Mills" added as the upper level of the "mills" chain. It increases population and adds to trade. It is available after the first wind mill event (around turn 100).
    - slight adjustments to the Jousting Fields (1. available also for the Spanish and Italian factions; 2. more backward catholic factions (ie those from the east and north) can built them only after ca 120 turn (the Ostsiedlung event), 3. the upper level moved up to the large city size (large city / citadel). It also got a new icon and pic.
    - slight adjustments to university and library building lines due to the changes in the traits (having a university is such an important thing for a faction that it will be the priority for the player to built is - more benefits make it overpowered).
    - slight adjustments to several other buildings, including those mentioned elsewhere in this log: availability of the merchants and diplomats, bonuses of the Hanseatic Leaguage.
    - the missing descriptions of the castle libraries fixed.
    - carpenter and stonemason building times slightly longer (before everybody would spare 3 turns to have a discount, now the player has true choices: long waiting as a trade-off for lower costs).
    - roads: fixed the bonuses for the AI, slightly longer times of building, additional trade income if the FL "thinks of his people", additional population growth bonus.
    - not possible to build roads, carpenters and stonemasons in the deep steppes (hidden resource cumans), and also their upper levels in the normal steppes (hidden resource tartars). This is actually a heavy limitation for a build-up of the steppe provinces.
    - if there's a building Grassland in the province, building a road is not possible (Grasslands are for the Cumans in the steppes - no roads in such terrain).
    - recruitment slots in a few places fixed.
    - Georgia can upgrade armour in the relevant armouries (before it was treated as the Timurids).
    - slight adjustments in the benefits of the lines: paper, cathedrals.
    - fixed condition preventing the AI from building mines.
    - gallows: enabled from all settlements (not only capitals), enabled also for the Muslims, trade malus added.
    - Italian Traders: benefits slightly adjusted.
    - markets: benefits slightly adjusted, in particular to take into account the presence of the rivers
    - pics added for a few buildings.
    - local council: now has positive impact on the population growth and law (not health and happiness), Byzantium also can recruit a unit from this building.
    - fixed pagan temples chain (it was possible to build tengir temples in the settlements with any Lithuanian temple, and vice versa), bonuses limited only the the relevant factions (the Lithuanians cannot benefit from the tengir shrines - these were different religions!)
    - names and descriptions of the Town Hall buildings for the Greek culture have been changed according to the Georgios' proposals (to be verified in the future how does it play for Georgia or Serbia).

    - many fixes to the benefits wonders provide, sometimes following the Hador advice.
    - many wonders provide health that make plagues rarer and help the cities to get and stay really big (very important for Constantinople, Baghadad, Palermo or Venice).
    - the wonders' effects on law and happiness are now limited to the relevant factions (mainly on the basis of religion, eg. Kaaba provides law and happiness only for the Muslim factions, while the direct income for all factions).
    - Umayyad Mosque in Damascus is possible to be rebuilt if destroyed after a siege (before the sloppy coding of the hidden resource prevented it).
    - direct income from a few wonders introduced (as a result the other religion rulers can get some profit from the wonders - otherwise they'd be incentivised just to destroy them and get the money from destruction).
    - each wonder provides additional law benefits for the AI factions (so that these cities are less likely to rebel).
    - for some wonders pics have changed.

    GUILDS (JoC)
    - major adjustments both in thresholds and in assignement of points to accomodate the other changes in the mod (eg. limitation of the number of priests, merchants and diplomats; improvements to the princess script etc.). It seems though that the guild are relatively easy to get.
    - prices slightly raised (base 2k, master 5k) - to give another incentive for the player to keep financial reserves.
    - bonuses provided by the Hanseatic Leaguage remodelled (type of unit, population growth etc.).
    - units provided by Hanseatic and Merchant's slightly remodelled for the Baltic area.

    * this feature has been re-introduced back into the SSHIP. It concerns only certain urban militia units that could be finances by the rich burghers to keep order in their cities, or could care for themselves in the steppes (nomadic militias).
    - core buildings (city and castle) have 1-4 free upkeep slots (except from the Cumans and the Mongols). The number of theses slots is higher if the FL has the "protector" trait.
    - Graze Lands buildings provide free upkeep for Cuman and Mongol militias.

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    SCRIPT (JoC, often based on MWY)* the goal of these changes are to provide the player with better experience. The changes were made by MWY and implemented (sometimes with changes) by JoC.
    - significant fixes to the civil war (MWY, JoC) - crashes should be rare now, the average length of a civil war is halved.
    - fixes to the faction emergence script (MWY).
    - loot after the battle script extended a bit (MWY).
    - improvements to the Germanicus G5 battle script (MWY).
    - script limiting the wealth of the AI faction if it goes beyond 100k implemented (similar to the script preventing the AI from bankruptcy; perhaps similar to the script limiting money of the AI in the EBII) - (MWY)
    - the initial scripted AI sieges slightly put off in time; more precisely defined initial sieges of the Mongols: Merv, Urgench (MWY).
    - fixes in the other scripts (eg. wrong settlements names corrected) (JoC).
    - parameter requiring the AI to keep at least 3 units in a settlement added (JoC) - this is instead of the automatic garrisons that were never implemented in the SSHIP except from the tmodelsk submod.
    - scripts mentioned elsewhere in this changelog: settlement names changes, noble ladies spawn.

    Modifications of various PARAMETERS of the game (made by MWY, adapted with modifications by JoC):
    - battle_config.xml and config_ai_battle.xml: adjustment in some parameters; in particular the heavy cavalry has been nerfed significantly, but not mortally (for those who know: the essential parameter lowered from 3.0 to 1.75).
    - descr_walls: changes of the missiles into heavier bolts, and also into "stat_attr area".
    - descr_engines: slight decrease of "health" making them more liable to get destroyed.
    - descr_missions: adjustments to the change of the pope's attitude as payback of the successful missions - should stabilize the attitude of the pope if the players behaves.
    - descr_sm_resources: prices of resources adjusted mostly downwards - this is very historical as the historians still struggle why the regions producing precious metals didn't thrive on this source of income (see Chris Wickham work).
    - descr_campaign_db and descr_campaign_ai_db: many fixes and adjustments and the required changes in the descr_strat.txt (mainly concerning faction_ai_label and types) introduced - the behaviour of the AI should be more reasonable.
    - descr_settlement_mechanics: some fixes, the upgrade levels for both cities and castles is now the same, slight adjustment of the thresholds following the bigger impact of the governors' chivalry on growth.
    - descr_faction_standing: some fixes.
    - descr_diplomacy: slight adjustments in the reputation factors - should make the player losing reputation slower.

    Changes to the ECONOMIC SYSTEM (JoC, MWY):
    * the goal is to keep the overal economic balance given that some parts of the balance change due to the other modifications.
    - various parameters described above have been modified, in particular those contained in the descr_settlement_mechanics.txt. Most of the changes limit the amount of money the factions make.
    - the changes in the traits and ancillaries lead to the overall increase of income if the players pays little attention to the generals who govern the settlements (in other words: settlements with the right governor will get much more money - this means that playing tall (more build-up of settlements, less conqests) is a more viable strategy.
    - the reported rain of money from the merchants at lower difficulties have been nerfed by limiting the number of merchants (this may hurt the bigger factions of the AI).
    - prices of the guilds slightly raised, prices of the other buildings prices left as they were.
    - increase of the kings' purses: the factions have now 2500 florins instead of 1000. This helps small factions to survive (what is not so much: equivalent of upkeep of two cavalry units) while for the larger factions is a small amount.
    - the army supply costs re-done: removed from the Medium and Hard difficulty (before there was 2000 payment for sieges), while for the Very Hard it will depend on the military abilities of the generals (LogisticalSkill, education, ancillaries) and will be born both at the sea and on land. Obviously, this system is only for the player, not the AI.
    - to ease the initial pressure on the campaign costs for the VH difficulty all but the biggest (Byzantium) or richest (Sicily) factions' Faction Leaders received LogisticalSkill 1, while the Faction Heirs get LogisticalSkill 2. This is made to keep the costs of expeditions in the first few decades limited (if the player cares to pick the right general, ofc).
    - small financial costs for a change on the throne and the heir position will be born only by medium-sized factions, ie those with 5 or more settlements (the smaller don't pay anything). The pagans and the Nordic pay less, while big imperial factions pay more: 200/500/1000 for the faction leader, 100/200/300 for the heir. One of the effects of this change should be that the player is discouraged from deliberately killing his underperforming FL (admittedely, this money is still not a big issue). This amount is easy to change in the future.
    - the costs of a marriage and of a new general joining your faction (for Hard and VeryHard: 1k at coming of age, adopted, married) and marriage (1k normal marriage, 2k marriage with a princess) are clearly described in a trait message.
    - the hidden expenses have been made visible to the player: the pop-out windows with the relevant information appear in-game, and the expenses are described also in the traits (eg. traits "New Aristocrat" or "Is Besieging").
    - units upkeep prices of the units are on average lower than they were before. Additionaly, recruitment of the feudal knights and religious units is set to 0 (the upkeep left more-or-less the same). The feudal levies and professionals are, however, very expensive on recruitment (upkeep similar or higher).

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    FERTILITY of all 199 provinces (in 'descr_regions.txt') reviewed adjusted according to the following framework (JoC): 0 - unlikely to develop agriculturally in the Middle Ages (very cold climate or very heavy soils or very dense forests or pure steppes or deserts)
    1 - unferitile: cold climate, little arable lands (mostly rocky or marshy); or plenty of semi- and deserts.
    2 - not feritile: dense woods, mostly heavy soils, cold climate; or mostly mountains.
    3 - average: woods, average soils with some water; or hills with moderately pluvial conditions.
    4 - ok: light woods with good soils, rivers, moderate hills.
    5 - feritile: good soils, many rivers, good climate, traditions of good agriculture.
    6 - very feritile: very good soils, very pluvial, good conditions for transport, long tradition of advanced agriculture.
    more - extremely good conditions for farming (eg. the Nile delta, Mesopotamia or Oxus delta); OR a dominant position inducing stable flow of food from the other regions (eg. London, Paris, Kiev, Palermo, Isfahan, Merv).
    (keep in mind that 1 point is 0.5% population growth)
    (before the fertility levels had rather little relation to the historical geographical conditions of the provinces)

    HIDDEN RESOURCES reviewed (in 'descr_regions.txt') (JoC):
    - 'no_pirates" added to a few provinces to make the pirates not spawning in the lakes.
    - 'capital' fixed in few place (eg. Oslo had it, but not Bergen; deleted from a few) because it's now quite important for the availability of the merchants and diplomats.
    - 'river' added/removed where it was needed (important for building River Ports - it increases the population growth significantly).
    - 'hanse' added where it was lacking (important for Hanseatic Guild).
    - 'prussia' added to additional provinces around the very province Prussia - to enable recruitment of units consisting of the emigrating Prussians (otherwise the 4 Prussian units are actually wasted).
    - 'armenia' added where it was lacking (important for Armenian regional units but also for Georgia's factional ones).
    - 'tartars' added to 13 provinces (making the overall number 17). It serves as a proxy of the presence of the steppes were pastoral nomadism was a viable way of living. It enables the building Grasslands for Cumans, Mongols and Turks. It prevents builing of paved roads, while the hidden resource "cumans" prevents also dirt roads (in 7 steppe provinces). Any province with hidden resource "cumans" creates huge unrest for factions other than Mongols, Cumans and Turks - thus it'll be extremely hard to control, eg. for the Rus, ERE or Poland (historically the steppes were taken under control as late as 18th century). Each faction draws some benefits from the Grasslands (population growth, trade) but only Cumans and Mongols can recruit their units.

    - one additional resource: cattle (unfortunately, depicted in the city panel as a horse. To be changed in the future).
    - changes of names of a few resources: "Pepper" is "Local Spices" (given that resource "Spices" also exists and pepper was one of the most valuable oriental spices, the previous system didn't make sense), tolls are "Luxury goods" (in this case also pic is changed).
    - descriptions (info when you hover over a resource) of many resources have been edited.
    - a few on-the-map icons of the resources changed.
    - prices recalibrated mostly downwards while number of resources present on the map increased - all in all there should be a slight increase of income from trade.
    - lower number of merchants combined with higher number of resources means that there'll fewer take-overs by the AI.
    - with the view of historicity and gameplay, there's been a thorough review and changes made to resources present on the map in the following regions: Scandinavia, the Baltics, Central Europe, British Islands, parts of Italy, parts of Spain, Byzantine Balkans, Byzantine Anatolia, Maghreb, Egypt. As a result, many changes in the placement of resources. Examples:
    --- Bergen gets Luxury goods from the north (Nidaros, Lofoten) and from overseas (tusk from Greenland, fish and wool from Iceland).
    --- amber is available only along a short stretch of the Baltic sea.
    --- metals instead of silver in Severike (to signify the copper and iron rich Dalarna region).
    --- salt added to Halych (the province famous for it), but removed from Gdansk.
    --- silver in Bohemia is now accessible to the merchants, it's been moved to the Kutna Hora location. Bohemia has an additional resource: linen. Moravia got first resources: metals and honey.
    --- all English provinces got wool, the other resources were adjusted as well.
    --- provinces along Rhein and Moselle have wine resources. Many changes in the HRE provinces.
    --- Venice and Pisa provinces resources changed.
    --- Smyrna (ie Anatolian western coast) have many resources, including mastic from Chios and alum from Fokaia.
    --- silk is produced in Greece (Beotia, Corinth), but less in Marmara region; cotton is near Nicaea.
    --- Crete has 4 resource, and Cyprus 3 resources (these are islands, compensation for the lack of overland trade needed).
    --- sugar present not only in Sicily but also in Calabria and Apulia.
    --- numerous changes in Egypt, Maghreb, Spain.
    --- Sijilmasa provides gold and slaves.
    --- many, many, many other changes.

    STRATEGIC MAP (Lifthrasir, JoC):
    - Aqtobe settlement moved from the 21th century location to the 12th century location (ie much closer to the Caspian sea) (Lifthrasir).
    - capitals corrected: Norway: from Oslo to Bergen, Zengid: from Aleppo to Mosul.
    - script changing names of a few settlements in the Baltics after conquests (Turku, Kolyvan, Twangste, Kernave, Gdansk, Lubeck, Brandenburg, Prague and a few more).
    - a few changes in Rus settlements' names according to Alexandro Sanches proposals.
    - names of the Scandinavian provinces changed according to Eldgrimir's proposals.
    - many other province names corrected, especially in Magreb, England, and other parts (eg. Peloponessus to Morea, Sardinia to Sardìgna e Córsica)
    - description of the Romaioi faction rewritten (Giorgios).

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    HISTORICAL EVENTS (JoC, Kilo11, MWY):- new historical events: a few related to Hansa, a few for Poland and Russian factions, one for Hungary, Lithuania, universities, banking.
    - some events got importance in-game (eg. enable availability of certain books or of certain buildings).
    - some events mentioned elsewhere overhauled (eg. first windmill).
    - over 150 pictures for the events added (well, they're often previously used in the other parts of the mod or vanilla).
    - William Wallace and Bulgarian uprisings fixed.
    - Qara Khitai Trade & Invasion script introduced - they may invade the Seljuks around 1140.
    - names - a few Muslim new names for the characters introduced, and also a dozen of Polish.

    - starting sieges tweaked (fixes to the code, swapes to the factions, settlements, timing)
    - High Era Campaign disabled (will not be available until after 1.0).
    - almost all factions' starting armies adjusted, either to balance the budget, or the make things more historical, eg.:
    --- Fatimid army switched to more black soldiers (acquired as part of baqt agreement with Nubia).
    - a lot of changes in the starting buildings and traits/ancillaries for the generals (neccessary to avoid the initial heavy negative growth, public order impossible to control or budget deficit, esp. in regions with huge cities: North Africa, Egypt and Persia). In particular: 1) a few FL got "protector" trait (ie more free upkeep slots); 2) a few huge cities got "food tribute" buildings (ie more growth - to compensate the changes in fertility levels); 3) many settlements start with higher farm levels; 4) many settlements lost a few building.
    - Rus: Volodymyr turned into city, while Turov and Rostov into castles.
    - Lithuania starts with slightly better buildings that provide initial units and enable a quick expansion so that it can survive.
    - Hungary: Zagreb and Varad turned into castles, Gyulafehervar and Szekesfehervar into cities.
    - France: Orleans turned into castle (so that France has at least 1 castle), Gand into city (so that it's possible to exploit the flanders hidden resource later).
    - Georgia: Kutaisi switched into a castle so that Georgia has at least one.
    - Denmark: received a diplomat and a second merchant (now they're working in Prussia and near Oslo).
    - Norway: army moved to be ready to attack Skara, second merchant added (now they're working in Scotland and in Denmark).
    - England: city/castle switches.
    - HRE: Nurnberg turned into city, while Ulm into castle.

    POLAND's historical redress (JoC)
    - a few historical events are introduced (Ostsiedlung (early 13th c.), first tournament, cracow_location (mid-13th c.), synod_of_leczyca (Council of Łęczyca: late 13th c.) to indicate the period of the military transition in the Polish roster. They have been used frequently in the coding.
    - Piast Nobles are available for much longer time (until Łęczyca), Polish Knights come later and also last longer, and Feudal Knights accordingly later. Furthermore, the technological change (Piast Nobles -> Polish Knights -> Feudal Knights) occurs earlier in the castles than in the cities but there's no difference between mountd and dismounted versions in time of disappearance. Piast Nobles are called Możni (and the foot version: Spieszeni Możni); while Polish Knights are Rycerze (and Spieszeni Rycerze).
    - Strzelcy (coded: Polish Shooters) appear after the Mounted Crossbow event (not Heavy Mail). That means they come much later than previously (turn ca. 170 instead of 100).
    - Poland has access (again, as it was the case in the SS6.4) to the ex-Lithuanian Raiders (light horse archers), but only in the castles in Lithuania and Prussia (5 provinces) - thus in very limited numbers (1 every 11 turns per castle in perhaps 2 provinces). It also has access in the castles in those 5 provinces to the Prussian units (effectively 2-3 castles after conqering them).
    - access to the Scouts unit has been added, and in certain regions (Prussia, Plock, Lithuania etc.) also to Northern Javelinmen (ex-Prussian Auxillia) (otherwised the stables would be useless for the first 170 turns).
    - unit "Polish Retainers" has been re-introduced in the game (they were there in SS6.4). Being a feudal unit, they're available from castles starting with the Heavy Mail event (turn ca. 100). The unit is called now "Pocztowi".
    - Poland has access to a few missile units, even though in low numbers. The Slavic Levy Archers (previously called Peasant Archers) and Forest Archers (ex Lithuanian Archers) are complemened with a very limited access to Archers (a generic unit that was also present in the SS6.4. It happens only after Ostsiedlung event, and the numbers are rising with Leczyca Council - at the expense of the Levy Archers). Another unit that has been made available is the Crossbow Militia (in low number, rising after Mounted Crossbow event) - while Mercenary Crossbowmen come much later to the Polish lands (only after Mounted Crossbow). The Hunters are available in wooden Central Europe as mercenaries, as before.
    - removed recruitment of the Peasant unit (but keep in mind that the Peasant Archers are called Slavic Levy Archers and have 2 missile that makes them a viable unit).
    - switched castle vs. town between Plock and Wroclaw; getting rid of roads in Plock (these were dense forests at that time!), a school in Krakow (it was soon to founded, but perhaps not yet), and some other buildings. You need to build up Krakow before you get some ministerial offices.
    - resources completely re-done to be historical and good for the gameplay (trade income, placement of merchants).
    - some traits introduced for the initial characters to create initial loyalty problems (historically it lead to fragmentation from 1138).
    - the merchant and the diplomat start in Hungary that is at war Poland (but historically it was a very short-lived one).
    - all in all, in the hands of a player at VH, Poland is poised to deal with internal challenges: build up of the settlements, grow of population, and preparing for the change on the throne. Expansion is obviously possible (esp. Olomóc or Stettin), but these provinces may become a battleground against Hungary and HRE. Poland is already a medium-sized faction (5 settlements) so it gets no discounts for small factions eg. on the costs of a new leader. It needs a stronger economy for a successful expansion.
    - information windows pop out when Krakow, Wroclaw and Praga are occupied - this gives some historical flavour (text and pics).
    - a few new Medieval names and surnames were introduced, some were removed, and the Polish diacritical characters [ ó, ń, ę, ą, ś, ż ] will feature in the names of the Polish nobles (sadly, no ł ).
    * as for every other faction: Crowns requirements were fixed (and also an icon), Ministerial Offices introduced (with a special Palatinus for Poland).
    * pro memoria: for 096 names of the Polish provices changed and Provincial Titles got revamped (names, benfits, icons).

    INFORMATION WINDOWS with explanations to various elements of the game (JoC, with Kilo11 spell check)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    EXPANDED MUSIC (JLMP)- removed piano and other unfitting music (in total 11 strat, 7 battle, 2 menu tracks)
    - added 8 new regional music types: slavic_orthodox, oriental_orthodox, lithuania_ee, cuman_steppe, hold_jerusalem, sicily_meltingpot, gaelic_lands, norse_christianized
    - added 81 new songs/pieces of music
    - changed or restored 2 new misc menu sounds

    - fixed all "unit_select" battlemap voices (but mongols, as they are unplayable)
    - on english game version: georgia's accent set to east_european, cumans set to mongolian
    - partially restored mongolian accent on stratmap, disabled 80% of Sultan and Allah mentions

    - quotes in the loading screen have been fixed
    - new pics for loading screens
    - new pics for many buildings and for the events

    Changelog for patches A-E:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    (X) information windows:- changes on the thrones (Death of Leader events) and changes of the names of the settlements after a conquest will be notified only to the neighbouring factions - as a result the player will get fewer notifications.
    - a warning will be issued when the FL gets senile - to remind the player that he should have some spare money to pay for the funeral if the FL dies, to pay attention to the usurpers, or just to pay attention to the weaknesses as he's a governor or an army leader.
    - explanation of the initial Forced Tribute buildings attached
    (X) recruitment of units:
    - recruitment of the Georgian units fundamentally reviewed and improved. Two new events (Georgian Golden Age, Georgian Revival) introduced as conditions. They are triggered not by time but by the course of the events, even thought there's a fall back - a certain date will trigger the reforms irrespectively.
    - recruitment from SiegeWorks tweaked (more complicated conditions to recruit mangonels and trebuchets - based on historical events).
    - some order for the Cuman Militia recruitment (all levels of city barracks).
    - a few simple tribal units (Bondir, Scottish Skirmishers, Causacus Hillmen, Lithuanian Skirmishers, Berber Javelinmen, African Tribal Warriors) are recruitable from the castle core buildings, with no increase in numbers as the castle gets upgraded (only some experience more). The same units are also recruitable from the barracks in the cities, also with no progression (but no progression even in experience).
    (X) buildings
    - fixes to the recruitment of priests (both churches and theologian guilds).
    - benefits of the Ikoner Studio made more complicated with Byzantine Renaissance mechanics added.
    (X) guilds
    - Hanseatic system fixed: plugins re-introduced into EDB to make the script working, special triggers to ensure that the non-eligible regions won't get the guild).
    - getting any guild will make getting another one of same type in another settlement unlikely soon (other guilds should be offered first).
    (X) map
    - resource Marble changed into Stone, a new map model is included (thanks to Makayane and Zantorian).
    (X) initial situation
    - (further) re-positioning of resources (Spain, Germany, Italy);
    - thresholds for upgrade for cities lifted upwards given the observed effects of changes in parameters and fertility (change from town to large town and from large town to minor city were very easy, even without the need to build everything). The required re-levelling of the settlements done.
    - what follows, some adjustments in the set of buildings in the starting settlements.
    (X) traits and ancillaries
    - some tweaks to the traits (triggers and descriptions), in particular preventing to get Coward from the autoresolved battles; adding the FL initial authority.
    - PTs for Ulm and Hamburg fixed.
    - some pics of ancillaries changed.
    (X) mechanics
    - new events (Georgian Golden Age, Georgian Revival, 2x Byzantine Renaissance, 1 Lithuanian) - all with the gameplay implications.
    - "First Scotish Uprising" added to the script to mirror the William Wallace uprising of the late era (that one may happen only after turn 250, while the new one - instantly).
    - marginal fixes to the Mongol Invasion script
    (X) fixes
    - fix to the Quotes bug that prompted very frequent crashes on entering and exiting the SSHIP, and also after battles

    The work on version 097 was made by Lifthrasir (maps for the crowns, switch of Aqtobe, silver in Bohemia fix), MWY (fixes to many scripts, parameters, units, and numerous other changes included in his pre-2018 work), Just Let Me Post (new sounds and voices fix, some pics) Kilo11 (corrections/rephrasing of texts in EDCT and historial_events; descriptions and pics for most of the books), and JoC (the rest of the changes), with input from Giorgios (coding and descriptions related to the Romaioi campaign and buildings), j.a. luna (some Provincial Titles coding), Eldgrimir (names of the Norwegian provinces), Alexandro Sanches (names of the Rus provinces), Tripledot, Navajo Joe & Kilo11 (spelling checks), Thorbjorn Jagelund & officialdeo (bugs-finding), Lurker from Codex (fixes for 096 were helpful in finding the bugs), Belovese (fix of the quotes).
    Very helpful were the programs made by Belovese and XXZit.
    Last edited by Gigantus; September 01, 2022 at 11:09 PM. Reason: Fieldset BB Code

  3. #3
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
    Patrician took an arrow to the knee

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    City of Jan Baert
    Blog Entries

    Icon4 [Release] SSHIP v0.9.5 downloadable - 25th of December 2018

    Older versions: SSHIP versions 0.95 (2018) and 0.92 (2016)

    2016 Modding Awards
    3rd position

    2018 Modding Awards

    DOWNLOAD LINKS SSHIP v0.9.5 (published 25.12.2018)
    Download Link 1 - on Mega
    Download Link 2 - on Google Drive

    DOWNLOAD LINKS SSHIP v0.9.2 (published 19.01.2016)
    4 files: 1 .exe and 3 .bin -Patches 1 & 2 included - Total size: 2.63 Go
    Download Link 1 - on Mega

    Download Link 2 - on Google Drive

    : Stainless Steel v6.4 required - not save game compatible

    DOWNLOAD SOUNDFIX - only for
    non-English players

    Click below for...
    Installation Instructions
    Important note: For Windows10 users, install the game and mods outside the Program Files folder (especially for Steam users) as administrator and on Windows7 compatibility mod.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    Installing M2TW outside the program files folder avoids virtual store issues. In Steam you should be able to move your installation outside it after installing.
    Once installation is completed set the executable(s) to win7 compatibility and admin rights.
    For Steam users, check the following links for additional information (thanks to Gigantus for providing them):
    - Creating a World - Starting Steam Mods the easy Way
    - Creating a World – Steam Install for SS 6.3 and 6.4
    The ToolBox - The Universal Mod Launcher v1.204

    by the courtesy of zachman1201

    1. Install a clean version of SS6.4. Run SS_Setup.exe (into the /SS6.3 folder). Run the SS6.4 setup and choose Early Era campaign with Savage AI, RR/RC enabled and optionally, permanent arrows.


    1. Download the SSHIP v0.9.2 (Hotfix 1 & 2 included). You should have the following files:

    Launch the .exe

    2. Check the path for your installation and correct it if necessary.

    You will get the following message:

    Accept. And you can check again the path of your installation before to proceed:

    Finally, you should have the following screen to confirm that SSHIP has been installed:

    Before to proceed to the next step, launch the game once and check if the sounds are ok. If there is any missing voice or wrong accent on the stratmap, proceed as follow:

    3.a) If you have an English version, delete the idx and dat files in the SS6.3/data/sounds/ folder. The game will regenerate them. If you're still have an German accent and you're called "my Kaiser", download and install the 2nd soundfix made by MWY and delete the idx and dat files in the SS6.3/data/sounds/ folder.

    3.b) If you don't have an English version, install the sound fix in the SS6.3/data/ folder and then delete the .idx and .dat files in the SS6.3/data/sounds/ folder.If you're still have an German accent and you're called "my Kaiser", download and install the 2nd soundfix made by MWY and delete the idx and dat files in the SS6.3/data/sounds/ folder.4. Download SSHIP v0.9.5. Unzip it and merged the data folder obtained with the one located in your SSHIP v0.9.2 installation.5. Play the game!

    NOTE: Due to the file's size, 2.63 Go in total, the installation takes a while (about 15 min. depending on your machine).

    General Presentation
    The Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project is an ambitious, large-scale submod for the great Stainless Steel 6.4, with the ultimate goal of delivering the historically accurate early era campaign this game can offer. In order to achieve this, significant improvements have been made to many aspects of the gameplay, with new features including but not limited to:

    • New factions
    • Overhauled campaign map
    • Historically accurate settlement sizes and population numbers
    • Historically accurate faction relations
    • Improved AI an diplomacy
    • Improved campaign script
    • Improved economic system
    • New units
    • Countless bugfixes

    Campaign Map

    Factions & Leader/Heir Titles
    To be updated

    Factions Relations

    • 1.0: Perfect
    • 0.8: Outstanding
    • 0.6: Very Good
    • 0.4: Good
    • 0.2: Amiable
    • 0.0: Reasonable
    • -0.2: So-so
    • -0.4: Poor
    • -0.6: Very Poor
    • -0.8: Terrible
    • -1.0: Abyssimal

    Infos about the mod
    SSHIP v0.9.5 (2018-December-25)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    • Some map adjustments:

    • Selecting the heir mod implemented (thanks to Gigantus)
    • CUF files to display special characters upgraded and implemented (thanks to Gigantus for the original idea and submod)
    • Some crowns implemented (for Serbia, Anatolia, Syria and Persia).
    • Several bugs corrected.
      • Crusader Dismounted Knights have their discipline set to impetuous now (like their mounted counter part)
      • Dismounted Feudal Knights have the command attribute now (like their mounted counter part)
      • Formation for all Georgian foot units set like other foot units (they don't appear in loose formation anymore)
      • Georgian and Serbian navies corrected. Both able to recruit dromon, carrack and lanternas now.
      • Slav Levies, Slav Mercenaries, Mutatawwi Warriors, EE Spear Militia and Bashtinik Infantry have their class changed to spearmen.
      • Abna Heavy Axeman have their class changed to heavy
      • Great Jama can't be built anymore in Ray (as it is a castle)
      • Unit pic for knights of Santiago (for Aragon) added
      • Khevsur Heavy Swordsman have their charge bonus lowered from 13 to 4 (like other units of the same type) and have the class changed to heavy (instead of light).
      • Many typos and text mistakes corrected (f.e. "free upkeep" removed from all units descriptions)

    SSHIP v0.9.2 (2016-January-19)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    • Overhauled Sky Textures for Battle Maps
    • Overhauled Flora For Battle Maps
    • Trees and Flora as well as several terrain textures overhauled for the strat map
    • Landscapes adjusted according to historical data (Italy, Tunesia, Egypt, Irak, Iran, etc.)
    • Several new wonders
    • Finally pictures for almost all buildings
    • Almost every unit info picture adjusted to the actual unit on the battle map.
    • Byzantine Roster Textures adjusted, most of the models adjusted. Should look more realistic/better now. Latinikon and Alamanoi use sandy’s models now.
    • Western Units Overhaul 4.0 fully integrated. New skins for aragon/pisa/Serbia specifically.
    • Custom-made cultural differences in faces/skins introduced to Western Units Overhaul 4.0. Lighter faces for northern units, darker ones for southern ones. Different faces, beards, etc.
    • Roster for Serbia adjusted. It’s by far not perfect, but it’s playable now. Early game peasantish units, midgame byzantine-influenced units (or some byzantine units), lategame western units. TO-Textures for existing units removed and adjusted for Serbia.
    • Textures of Lithuanian units adjusted. Should look way better now, with mail-texture by sandy’s units and altered faces.
    • Textures of Polish units adjusted. New mid-game units to better represent the polish development.
    • Some New Units, some unit’s use extended according to history.
    • Extended the Hungarian roster. Added mailed knights, changed the models of Hungarian nobles.
    • Changed skincolors and textures of most steppe mercenaries. Now you’ll actually see a difference between the different tribes and cultures there are!
    • Added the bowstring animation to most units.
    • Added a new axe animation to most units.
    • Added some of Raaka Norse units models/textures to the norse factions.
    • Bring back Barabans late unit skins to all western lategame units.
    • Different adjustments for the factions rosters, more logical transitions, adjusted recruitment replenish rate of most units, also trying to create more diverse recruitment possibilities (f.e. through the “grasslands” building for cumans/mongols).
    • Adjusted settlement mechanics a slight bit. Settlements in general should be harder to keep quiet now, but capitals should be easier to control. Bigger Empires should also be easier to achieve than before.
    • Adjusted armor values, bow/crossbow range and damage, and a lot of other values of almost all units, therefore also adjusted costs of those units.
    • Adjusted Siege Weapons Stats, Wall and Buildings Stats so Siege Weapons are now pretty scary and more worth it than before (also more realistic I hope).
    • Adjusted Events and Mercenary availability according to history.
    • Implement a Fatimid-ayyubid-mamluk influenced unit transition to the Zengids and the Abbassids.
    • Adjusted the Mongol invasion. It really is SCARY now! (and more historically accurate with more historical characters.)
    • Adjusted Civil War Script. When it breaks out, You’ll now instantly lose up to 3 regions to rebels, but the cities that stay with you will face less unrest than before.
    • Characters on the map should be now 100% historically accurate. Even traits are mostly adjusted to it.
    • Added some watchtowers to the map.
    • Most cities which were historically held by different factions now change names according to the factions language when ownership changes hands.
    • Added A “Mercenaries Disband” Event. Basically, If you cant pay, you wont keep your mercenaries.
    • Bulgarian uprising is not static anymore, but dynamic. It now can happen at any time, several times, and independent to the faction controlling the regions.
    • Adjusted and Improved AI behavior (as always ), AI relationships between each other, etc.
    • Added a High-Era Campaign. Not yet finished though.
    • Reworked the Initial Menu of SSHIP to look a bit more modern.
    • A lot of things changed in the Traits and Ancillaries Area. Ancillaries adjusted to all different cultures rather than the western cultures only. Change of getting most ancillaries drastically reduced.
    • Increased Siege Upkeep, Being in Enemy/Friendly land now in- or decreases a units morale.
    • Added several traits for characters like spies, assassins, merchants, diplomats and princesses which they get when being around famous or important places on the map. F.E. if an assassin stays in the region around Damascus, he gets the “trained by the Syrian Hashashim” trait.
    • Probably countless other things I forgot because it’s been a long time since the last release.
    • Fixed Bugs as always.

    SSHIP v0.8.3 (2014-December-03)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    + New AI:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    New defending behaviour, AI should be able to distribute it's forces pretty well even on multiple borders
    new invading behaviour, Invasions should happen with large forces. Naval invasions should also be used pretty well.
    Alliances are pretty rare now. There won't be those huge blocks of alliances anymore.
    Diplomacy will be resetted from time to time for small factions to simulate a change of political power due to unsuccessfull rulers and to stop the game from getting stable.
    Much more dynamic, unpredictable behaviour by the AI. Examples: France taking dublin from the english, the HRE taking Kalmar, the moors invading palermu, etc...
    + New Global Reputation System:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Your global reputation will consistently rise over time.
    Taking settlements will give the greatest hit to the global reputation, attacking armies, initiating wars, breaking alliances, spying, sabotaging, etc. will lower your reputation aswell.
    Once your reputation drops below a certain level, you will really feel the hate of the other factions towards you.
    High reputation reduces the risk of being attacked by another faction, also enables stuff like order recruitment.
    + New units for spain, portugal, egypt, the almoravids and the abbassids:New regional berber units, new professional units, more diversity for the roster in general. Thanks broken crescent for most of the units!
    • New units:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Amir's Guard
    Armenian Azat Archers
    Armenian Nakharar Cavalry
    Armenian Nakharar Infantry
    Armenian Aspet Cavalry
    Armenian Aspet Infantry
    Abtal Cavalry
    Jaridah Cavalry
    Tawashi Light Cavalry
    Black Guard
    Qaws Ferengi Infantry
    Abna Heavy Spearmen
    Abna Heavy Axemen
    Mutatawwi Warriors
    Dismounted Fari Archers
    African Spearmen
    African Javelinmen
    African Archers
    African Tribal Warriors
    Caballeros Villanos
    Caballeros Hidalgos

    • New Skins (mostly there are various armor versions):

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    templar knights
    dismounted hospitaller knight
    dismounted knights of jerusalem
    crusader sergeants
    dismounted templars
    dismounted templar knights
    knights of jerusalem
    Me bodyguard
    Christian Guard
    Dismounted Christian Guard
    several mounts
    Dismounted Fari Archers
    african spearmen
    african archers
    african javelinmen
    african tribal warriors
    + Other stuff:
    • Added Ship Support Script for factions (increases use of naval invasions without leading the factions to spam ships).
    • Added a transition in rosters from fatimids to ayyubids to mamluks, dynamically triggered via events.
    • Adjusted the lighting on the strategic map to look better.
    • Adjusted some faction colors to be more fitting on the map.
    • some new resource models.
    • some new settlements.
    • Updated unit costs and recruitment times according to an adjusted formula.
    • Absentminded trait overhauled, should happen much less now, more diversity in other traits.
    • Adjusted several cities to be more historically accurate.
    • Toned done the reemergence script quite a bit for the AI factions. So rebellions will happen, but not that often anymore.
    • Updated the faction_standing system.
    • New Temperate Fertile Tiles textures made by Melooo182 (many thanks for that)

    SSHIP v0.8.2 (2014-April-21)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    + Issues reported here have been fixed.
    + Overhauled cumans (recruitment system, settlements)
    + New strat map settlements and variants (hre, hungary, serbia)
    + New resource models (glass, timber)
    + Overhauled sea texture
    + Dynamic order recruitment
    + Adjusted AI
    + Overhauled and working civil war and family tree mechanics
    + Overhauled faction traits
    + Overhauled mongols (mongol money script, mongol AI)
    + Fort/watchtower cost adjusted
    + Traits like chivalry, loyalty, etc. are harder to get
    + Artillery cost overhaul (since it costed way too much to be worth it; now it has high construction costs but low upkeep)
    + Unit recruitment time overhaul (the more professional the unit, the longer it takes to recruit. mostly.)
    + Some unit costs adjusted
    + Peasants are now recruitable from farms
    + Slave factions get more recruitable units
    + Implemented Sandy's Western Unit Overhaul 2.3 (only infantry and cavalry units for now ; the others will follow once the Banzaï animations are implemented)
    SSHIP v0.8.1 Hotfix
    + Reduce the unrest rate, making the game more "playable".
    Nordom's Text Improvement
    + Makes some changes to (currently just) traits' and ancillaries' text:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Makes various English grammatical corrections for the mod-added traits/ancillaries, including spelling, punctuation, structure, and usage errors. Text was generally attempted to keep as close to its original form as possible, but blatant sentence structure errors were revised as necessary.
    2. Standardized the language of mod-added traits/ancillaries to British English, as per the language used in the original game. Words like "organized" and "honor" have become "organised" and "honour", like they were written in the original game.
    3. Standarized stat names. No more inexact "Slightly increased loyalty" or "True to the crown" nonsense in the effects parameters - only exact language like "+1 Piety" and "+1 Loyalty" is used. Any "incorrect" labels for stats, like "+1 Morale for soldiers", instead of the normal "+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield", were corrected.
    4. When appropriate, amended some of the effects text to the main description.
    5. When inconsistencies between what the text stated a trait/ancillary to do and what it actually does in-game were noticed, the text was corrected to reflect reality. So if now a trait/ancillary is stated to do something different from what you remember, that would be because it didn't do what it used to state to begin with.
    6. Reorganized in what order stats appear. This order was determined by studying how the stats were organized in the vanilla traits/ancillaries. Said order almost always holds true for the vanilla traits/ancillaries, but there were sometimes a few outliers that I have corrected when I saw them. The exact order is stated at the beginning of both text files, and is as follows: "Text for Stats Guide: Arranged strictly by the order they should appear on a trait, but also loosely (and coincidentally) by category. Previous category stats always appear before subsequent category stats. Almost entirely determined by the way vanilla Medieval 2 had them organized, but using slightly revised stat text names for Stainless Steel as determined by gracul. When adding/editing traits, please keep this order in mind. Main Stats: +/-(x) Chivalry, +/-(x) Dread, +/-(x) Piety, +/-(x) Command, +/-(x) Loyalty, +/-(x) Authority Military Stats: +/-(x) Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +/-(x) to/from movement points (increases/decreases movement range), +/-(x) to/from sight range, +/-(x) Command when, +/-(x) siege equipment build points Security Stats: +/-(x) to/from personal security (improves/decreases the chances of foiling assassination attempts), +/-(x) public security (improves/decreases the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents) Economic Stats: (x)% bonus/penalty on all trade income, (x)% bonus/penalty on tax income, (x)% increase/decrease in [...] cost[s], +/-(x) to farming output, (x)% bonus/penalty on mining income Public Order Stats: +/-(x) to/from popularity (improves/reduces public order), +/-(x) to/from squalor (decreases population growth and public order/increases public order and population growth), +/-(x) to/from unrest (improves/reduces public order), +/-(x) to/from law (improves/reduces public order) Health Stats: improves/decreases the chances of having children, +/-(x) to/from general's hitpoints, increased battlefield casualties recovery chances"
    SSHIP v0.8.1 features:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    + New sea texture (made by MWY)
    + Several spelling and/or typo errors fixed
    + Textures_trans corrected for battle banners (made by Lifthrasir):- for the Republic of Pisa
    - for the Grand Principilty of Serbia
    - for the Kingdom of Georgia
    - for the Rûm Sultanate
    - for the Zengid Emirate
    - for the Abbasid Caliphate
    - for the Great Seljuk Empire
    - for the Mongols
    + Missing Bodyguard and Cavalry Militia textures fixed
    + Missing text strings in the Building browser fixed and some other texts corrected
    + Teutonic Order even appears much later now
    + Pic for the Abbasid Caliphate faction is the one for Muslim factions now instead the one for Catholic factions
    + Incomes slightly adjusted
    SSHIP v0.8.0 features (2014-Feb-01):
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    + Abbasid Caliphate added (replacing The Republic of Genoa)
    + Zengid Emirate added (replacing Kwarezmia Empire)
    + Great Seljuk Empire starting position revised
    + HRE starting position revised
    + Hrodna (Bielorussia) replaces Kurkana
    + Niemen River (South of Lithuania) corrected to be more realistic
    + Al-Wasit (Wasit) replaces Medina
    + EDU updated: less bonus charge, unit movement speed updated, missile range updated, hit frequency increased
    + Family Trees, Starting Armies, Size, Locations adjusted historically accurate for: Venice, Pisa, Sicily, England, Scotland, France, HRE+ Native Population Resistance after being conquered:- Capital Regions: 14
    - Rebel Capitals: 12
    - Lesser Rebel Capitals: 8
    - Core Regions: 9
    - Border Regions: 4
    + New Aerial Map Bases for settlements
    + config_ai_battle adjusted
    + Pope shouldn't be attacked by catholics
    + Peace missions working now
    + Remove Moorish Naval Invasion
    + Easier establishment of protectorates
    + Adjusted crusade targets
    + Alliance system overhauled: not always England+HRE vs France, Poland & Pisa
    + Adjusted Bodyguards for Denmark/Norway / Royal Hirdsmen
    + AI defends against strongest neighbour when at war
    + AI wants to have one enemy (neighbour)
    + Invade Decisions Overhaul
    + Pirates spawn reduced
    + Starting Agent Amount adjusted to empire size and faction
    + Slave AI fixed
    + descr_win_conditions changed
    + Relocated Resources to be fitting on the map
    + Rum bug -> Sultan of Rum is dead -> Faction destroyed bug fixed
    + Building prices & building times adjusted
    + More Requirements for buildings
    + New Buildings:- Slave Market
    - Food Support
    + Faction_standing: big, huge, crushed, (AI)
    + Local Triggers (Settlement Captures)
    + Balance of Kings purse
    + Allow capital revolts to actually cause rebellions for AI
    + Region growth, public order, taxes revised
    + Starting money for each faction individualized
    + Starting Armies adjusted
    + Scripted AI Invasions (To create a more stable early and midgame):
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Turn 4: Serbia(Skadar), Spain(Badajoz)
    - Turn 5: Denmark(Ribe), Pisa(Cagliari), Lithuania(Riga)
    - Turn 6: Sicily(Naples)
    - Turn 7: Venice(Ancona), France(Clermont), Abassids(Al-Hasa), England(Poitiers)

    + Introduce the is_peasant attribute: Basically, those are the starting units of a faction. The Is_peasant attribute cuts the garrison bonus of units in a city by 50%. So, with more professional units you can keep the population peaceful more easily:- Pisan and Geonese Sailors
    - Syrian Auxillaries
    - Baltic Spearmen
    - Urban Spear Militia
    - Kasogi
    - EE Spear Militia
    - Junior Militia
    - Spear Militia
    - Contaratoi
    - ME Spear Militia
    - Georgian light spearmen
    - Kashtim thralls
    - Lithuanian Axemen
    - Javelinmen
    - Archer Militia
    - Chude Militia
    - ME Crossbow Militia
    - Dismounted Cuman Militia
    - aor trasc javelin
    - Sibiryaki Junior Militia
    - Toxotae
    - Peasants
    - Bondir
    - Peasants
    - Scots Skirmisher
    - Southern Peasants
    - Acontistae
    - EE Peasants
    - ME Peasants
    - Syrian Auxilliaries
    SSHIP v0.7 Features (2012-Dec-01):
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    + Patch 0.7c
    • Fixed radar map error in the campaign_script
    • Fixed Arles typo in descr_strat
    • Added Skadar ancillary
    • Some graphical attention to Turkomans! They have nicer armor upgrades and shields, now.
    • Muslim Princesses speech fix
    • Further revised unit stats
    • Various minor bugfixes causing errors in system.log & possible CTDs

    + Patch 0.7b
    • Fixed sinking models, unit balance, missing ui
    • Replaced Kaunas with Kernave
    • Removed Lubeck from HRE
    • Added Byzantine unit cards by Arthalion

    + Massive units overhaul by MagicCuboid & Lifthrasir:

    +Map adjustments by Dominick. Vilnius removed and Skadar added, and various border touchups.
    +Fair Prince's reduced squalor fix and balancing starting positions.
    +Revision of trade resources and world religious makeup by Ichon.
    SSMAP v0.6 Features:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    SSMAP v0.6b Features:
    + New Economy Changes: Hard and Very Hard Difficulty should be harder.
    + The Hereditary system have be improved. The Heir will be selected correctly.
    + If It not a leader's son, the heir will be a Regent
    + If its Dread it is bad enough it will reveal himself as an Usurper and your country will suffer a Civil war.
    + Disloyal generals will be more eager to revolt against you.
    + Custom Battles
    + Short campaign load problem solved
    + Updated Ichon's resources location
    + Marble has mines now
    + Serbia sound problem solved
    + Bremen gives a title now
    + Rum and Portugal got improved merchants and buildings
    + Rum got an improved Imam

    SSMAP v0.6a Features (2012-June-30):
    + Major economy changes:- Now the you gain more money from trade but your expenses will be even higher.
    - The army cost has been deeply revised by Ichon and Lifthrasir. Now getting a good army won't be so easy. You would have to sort it out with you can allow yourself.
    - New resources, thanks to Ichon.
    - Corruption is increased by 50%. Now managing law is on demand in order to keep the money flowing
    - War devastation will now destroy a region's economy.
    + A lot of changes at recruitment by Ichon. A few units will be accesible in lesser buildings.
    + Unrest from distance to capital is doubled in cities: you will have to invest in law and happiness
    + Family members can now be bribed.
    + Disloyal generals will be more eager to revolt against you.
    + 1 new unit for Hungary.
    + AI help bonuses removed. The battle is more evenly-matched, however It will be hard enough!
    + Fixed some minor bugs
    SSMAP v0.5 Features:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    SSMAP v0.5d Features:
    + New resources added by Ichon
    + Resources revised by Ichon
    + General settlement corrections by Fair Prince
    + Georgian Army's armor upgraded fixed
    + Custom battle fixed
    + Some minor fixes
    + Cuman army increased
    + Venice city improved.

    SSMAP v0.5c Features:
    + The muslim factions have princesses now
    + Now Princesses can make a general adopt her religion if she has charm enough and his piety is not too high.
    + A converted general has severe penalties in loyalty and piety, has less command vs his own religion and less ressistance to bribery
    + If parents has a different religion (to faction's religion) their children are likely going to adopt it
    + If a converted genereal becomes leader, other generals will be eager to revolt.
    + Princesss with low Charm are going to adopt his husband's religion gaining popularity
    + Custom Battles Fixed

    SSMAP v0.5b Features:
    + The Republic of Venice label now has the final 'e'
    + Added unit cards for Venetian Crossbow Militia
    + Serbian EE Late Bodyguards horses now have a texture
    + Bodouin Cavalry officer has now a texture
    + Fixed the Marksman Range building's label
    + Fixed the Duchy of Bohemia title
    + Now Serbia can recruit Slavic Javelinman from castles
    + Some EDU fixes
    + Some EDB fixes
    + Serbia has big banners now
    + A few battle flags from the new factions fixed
    + Updated the DFS file.
    + Many faction stances changed: now everybody is angrier with you (but you still has friends)!
    - Genoa and Pisa are in abysmal relations.
    - HRE is hated almost by everyone, specially the northern italy factions which want HRE out of Italy.
    - Sicily and Hungary hates Byzantium, and Georgia is angrier with them.
    - Denmark and Norway are not in good mood now.
    - Poland is angrier with Lithuania... and Lithuania is angrier with Kievan Rus.
    + Added alot of new Crusades and Jihads targets:
    - If your are excomulgated your capital may be target of a crusade: You don't want the Pope to be mad at you.
    - Muslim can declare Jihad on their main capitals in order to recover them from infidels.

    SSMAP v0.5a Features (2012-May-18):
    + NEW FACTION: The Serbian Grand Principality (Orthodox) replace The Teutonic Order (Catholic). Thanks to RollingWave for sharing his work.
    + 8 news units for Serbia
    + 1 new AOR Armenian unit
    + 1 new unit for Hungary (to replace the Bosnian Archers)
    + 1 new for Georgia that will replace the Georgian Horse Archers when Mongols emerge.
    + Serbian Knights recovered to serve as Serbian Feudal Knights (a free upkeep unit)
    + Bosnian Archers are now only recruitable by Serbia in balkans
    + Georgia initial army increased
    + Georgia recruitable system revised:
    - Now, the Kartjlian Spearmean has a free upkeep, which will help the economy.
    - Aznauri Nobles and Eristavi Cavalry have a free upkeep now. Both are recruitable from the core castle building
    + Strategic city banners problem corrected. Installation is now in the SS6.3 folder
    + Lithuania is now in worse relations with its neighbors
    + Hungary and Byzantium are in worse relations
    + Near Eastern ground types and regions revised
    + Egypt ground types and regions revised
    + Nile river redrew
    + Regions changes:
    - Benghazi/Cyrenaica --> Vrhbosna/Bosnia
    - Skhoder/Dukjdla --> Nis/Western_Bulgaria
    - Gaza --> Ascalon
    - Position of Ras corrected
    - Some balkans rivers revised
    SSMAP 0.4 Features:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    SSMAP 0.4b Features:
    + Fixed a bug that caused CTDs with some georgian units
    + Georgian roster revised by Ichon
    + General game labels revised by Fair Prince
    + Fixed a few georgian labels by Fair Prince
    + Added some missing georgian boats pics

    SSMAP v0.4a Features (2012-April-14):
    + NEW FACTION: The Kingdom of Georgia (Orthodox) replace Timurids (Muslim)
    + 17 new units for Rebels and Georgia from Broken Crescent 2.3, thanks alot to BC Team!
    + 2TPY implemented
    + Starting date: 1132
    + Rum and Selguq colours swithed
    + Rum, Pisa and Seljuqs banners and COAs revised.
    + Caucasus region revised
    + Kievan king has a king texture now
    + A few lesser bugs fixed
    SSMAP v0.3a Features (2012-March-08):
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - The Sultanate of Rum (Muslim). Capital: Konya
    - The Republic of Pisa (Catholic). Capital: Pisa
    + Low countries region revised:- Antwerp/Brabant --> Arras/Artois
    - Bruges/Western Flanders --> Leuven/Brabant
    - Groningen --> Utrecht
    + Anatolian boundaries revised.
    + A few map fixes (ground and resources)
    + A few campaign script fixes
    + New faction selection maps
    + IA Changes:
    - PISA --> Sailor smith
    - GENOA --> Sailor napoleon
    - EGYPT --> Religuos caesar
    - CUMANS --> Balanced Genghis
    - MONGOLS --> Fortified Genghis
    - RUM --> Fortified Napoleon
    - SELJUQ EMPIRE --> Religiuos Stalin
    - France --> craftsman napoleon
    - HRE --> Balanced Caesar
    - ENGLAND --> Fortified Smith
    - BYZANTIUM --> Comfortable caesar
    - ALMORAVIDS --> Religious mao
    - CASTILE & LEON --> Fortified Caesar
    - KIEVAN RUS --> bureaucrat stalin
    - TEUTONIC ORDER --> Fortified Henry
    - Crusarder statets --> fortified caesar
    - Kwarezm --> craftsman henry
    SSMAP v0.2 Features:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    SSMAP v0.2d Features:
    + Rivers, boundaries and city position revised in Iberia (quite accurate now)
    + Rheims is a town now
    + Badajoz is moorish now

    SSMAP v0.2c Features:
    + Low countries fixed
    + Iberian boundaries revised
    + Tarabulus is now egyptian
    + Turku is now a town
    + SSHCP files added
    + Sheldt river added
    + Various resources fixed
    + Scottish mountains revised
    + Hungary is now hostile with HRE
    + Hungary's army strenghtened
    + Kiev and Novgorod are now in bad relations

    SSMAP v0.2b Features (2012-Feb-18):
    + New strat map textures added:- TATW 3.0 terrain textures (A lot of thanks for their awesome work!)
    - Desert impassable, tundra and mediterranean plains from Ravenant
    + Ground Types map revised
    + Climate map revised
    + Rebel Factions cleaned and revised
    + Resources revised
    + Africa and Balkans boundaries revised
    + Region and city changes:
    - Herat --> Mecca/Mecca (Egypt)
    - Sidon --> Tripolitania/Tarabulus (Rebels)
    - Ochrida --> Duklja/Shkoder (Rebels)
    - Augsburg --> Bavaria/Ratisbon (HRE)
    SSMAP v0.1 (2012-Feb-04):
    + Regions' names implementation.
    Please rep these nice fellows if you appreciate their efforts!

    Lead Advisor
    Fair Prince
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    After Fair Prince officially told us he's no longer the SSHIP Project Leader and that he will be stepping down (hopefully temporarily), this Honorary position has been given to him, for the services and guidance he gave to the SSHIP team over the years

    Lead Developers

    Lead Researcher

    Project Leader

    TWC Twitter Representative
    Dan the Man

    Researchers & Contributors
    Caesar Clivus
    el Cid
    Hungarian Hussar
    Marius Marich

    Special Thanks
    Agart, for his city/castle strat map models
    Alpha Delta, for the Broken Crescent Georgia units
    AnthoniusII & the CBUR team, for the Roman strat map models and textures
    Arthalion, for his Byzantine unit cards
    Baraban, for his Late Knight Texture submod
    Broken Crescent team, for their wonderful models and textures
    Caudillo87 & RuishiMarka team, for their excellent modelling and texturing of the Roman and Persian rosters
    GeMiNi][SaNDy, for his Western Unit Overhaul submod
    Gigantus & dannyX, for their help on modding topics
    King Kong, for the Third Age: Total War campaign map textures
    Kjertesvein and Ringek for their historical help on medieval Norway and Denmark
    Lord Hamilton, for his Fyrd Spearmen, Archer Militia and Norman Knight models and textures
    Melooo182, for his 'Viva la Rebellion!' submod and new Temperate Fertile Tiles texture
    Polycarpe & the CHIP team for their excellent Norse, Scottish and Armenian models
    Raaka for his wonderful Norse models

    Web Sources
    Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
    Other sources from here
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; November 21, 2020 at 03:42 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Well, the v0.8.0 installer has been detected as a virus by Chrome... is this normal?

  5. #5

    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    No idea about Chrome, I only use that on mobile.

    If you downloaded from link by Lifthrasir it should be no problem- just pay attention to what you click as some other sites on mediafire etc have ads that might link to viruses but the actual download posted is clean.
    Last edited by Ichon; June 16, 2014 at 02:06 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    If SSHIP gets bigger you might want to put an alternate download link, mediafire is so slow and I have fast internet speed.

  7. #7
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    The problem is to find one allowing big files. Any suggestion?
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  8. #8
    MatVego's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    The problem is to find one allowing big files. Any suggestion? ?
    "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."
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  9. #9
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Many thanks bieluxd. I've created an account on that site and have added a new link in the 1st post.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  10. #10

    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Is the animated archers bug fixed in the v0.8 Beta? I mean the archer models originally from Deus lo Vult that were really buged in this mod with their bowstrings acting all wierd

  11. #11
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Unfortunately, not yet. I'm almost done with the new factions entries in the different files. Then, I have to make the new banners for Fatimids and Rûm as the present one aren't accurate. Then, I'll be able to work on the animations. Borrowing a famous sentence, I would say: "My kingdom for more free time!!!" to mod faster.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  12. #12

    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    Unfortunately, not yet. I'm almost done with the new factions entries in the different files. Then, I have to make the new banners for Fatimids and Rûm as the present one aren't accurate. Then, I'll be able to work on the animations. Borrowing a famous sentence, I would say: "My kingdom for more free time!!!" to mod faster.
    Okey thanks for the info mate . I will be playing some Rome II DeI untill your new version is out (Rome on legendary diff is a damn pain hehe )

  13. #13

    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    this mod looks really, really good. I am looking forward to trying it. Much appreciation to the team developing it.

  14. #14
    Katakouzina's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    I have recently downloaded the SS 6.4 mod and i was very excited to realize that there is a newer HIP than 7.0 which i had months ago. Unfortunately im not very familiar with installations etc. and is quite duffucult for me to achieve a succesful installation.
    Anyway ,i have a clear ss 6.4 version now and i downloaded v080 and v082 (full install). Firstly i ran the setup (early campaign, savage, RR.RC).I also ran the v080 into the ''classic'' mods/SS63 folder, (where SS_setup, SS_launcher ,data etc. are located) but literally nothing happened. Thereafter ,I tried to unzip the v082 rar. but it couldn't extract its files, because it stopped around 97%. I'm really desperate and i would need some kind of guidance here. Im using windows8.

  15. #15
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    That's strange because I've tested the zip file from the "full install" to be sure it was ok and I didn't find anything.

    In that case, you've got 2 options:

    - option 1: try to download again the full install zip file and see if you can extract it.
    - option 2: download the v0.8.0, V0.8.1 and v0.8.2 and install each of them. As the v0.8.0 installer doesn't work properly sometimes, I recommend that you run it into a separate folder. Then you can merge v0.8.1 and V0.8.2 with it. Finally, merge the obtained "data" folder with the one located in your SS6.3 folder.

    Let me know if you still have troubles to install it.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  16. #16
    Katakouzina's Avatar Laetus
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    Icon14 Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    That's strange because I've tested the zip file from the "full install" to be sure it was ok and I didn't find anything.

    In that case, you've got 2 options:

    - option 1: try to download again the full install zip file and see if you can extract it.
    - option 2: download the v0.8.0, V0.8.1 and v0.8.2 and install each of them. As the v0.8.0 installer doesn't work properly sometimes, I recommend that you run it into a separate folder. Then you can merge v0.8.1 and V0.8.2 with it. Finally, merge the obtained "data" folder with the one located in your SS6.3 folder.

    Let me know if you still have troubles to install it.
    ok, it was my fault. The isntallment procedures is easier to be made into an external folder. I cut- pasted the data in my mods/SS6.3 data folder and im experiencing the "unspeciefic error" problem now, while entering the new SSHIP.I'll try to solve it on my own because i've probably made a mistake in one step. Thanks for your responses.
    For similar questions should we use an other thread or they have to be made here?

  17. #17
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Regarding installation issue, you can post here. For other issues, you can post in the relevant post named "SSHIP - Bug reports & Technical help".
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  18. #18
    Katakouzina's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Finally ! problem solved ! After merging the data, i had to "right click > run as administrator" the SS_Launcher, otherwise, in every other attempt the
    "unspeciefic error" came out in the loadscreen . I had to post this detail for anyother windows 8 user, who might has the same problem in installation.
    As an ERE player i'm really impressed by the details and the upgrade of Constantinople as a fully developed settlement of the period. Next time Hippodromos might be added as a special buiding ! So ,im ready to pay my enemies with gold and silk ,so that they wont attack me

  19. #19

    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Everything seemed to go perfectly.... I click "Launch"...

    "Unable to locate Kingdoms.exe.
    Is Kingdoms.exe located in your MTW2 folder?"

    Has anyone encountered this or know how to get around it?

  20. #20
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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: [Release] SSHIP - Beta v0.8.2 downloadable - 21st of April 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Provencal View Post
    Everything seemed to go perfectly.... I click "Launch"...

    "Unable to locate Kingdoms.exe.
    Is Kingdoms.exe located in your MTW2 folder?"

    Has anyone encountered this or know how to get around it?
    You're using Steam, correct?

    If so, copy the medieval2.exe, and rename the copy to Kingdoms.

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