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Thread: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

  1. #1
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Icon4 Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    This thread is purely dedicated to report any bug/issue and for technical help

    Note 1: For Windows10 users, install the game and mods outside the Program Files folder as administrator and on Windows7 compatibility mod.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    Installing M2TW outside the program files folder avoids virtual store issues. In Steam you should be able to move your installation outside it after installing.
    Once installation is completed set the executable(s) to win7 compatibility and admin rights.

    For Steam users, check the following links that should help you to avoid issues (thanks to Gigantus):
    - Creating a World - Starting Steam Mods the easy Way
    - Creating a World – Steam Install for SS 6.3 and 6.4
    The ToolBox - The Universal Mod Launcher v1.204

    Note 2: !!!No other submod is compatible so far with SSHIP!!!

    Before posting, please read carefully how to report a bug or technical issue

    Please browse and search the forum before you post a new bug in a new topic.

    If the search didn't provide a solution or reveal a topic already dealing with the same problem please make sure that your new topic includes as much information as possible.

    Before to install SSHIP, be sure you have correctly installed Stainless Steel 6.4. For more details you can check this post.

    1. Try to write a meaningful title at the start of your post and to answer the following questions:
    - What is your operation system? (WinXP, Vista, Windows 7). If using Vista or 7, did you deactive the User Account Control while installing?
    - Do you use a Steam version of the game?
    - What sub-submod have you installed with SSHIP (for now, only with or without "Nordom One Settlement Type")?

    2. Describe your problem.

    2.1 If your issue is a CTD (crash to desktop) or unexpected error open your SS.System.log file in \Medieval II Total War\logs\ with notepad and include the last 10 lines. Be sure to use a spoiler tag enclosing the log (use [ spoiler ] contents of system.log [ /spoiler ] without the spaces).
    In case you are posting more then 10 lines, please "zip" your log file and attach it to your post. This is to avoid endless post.
    I recommend to read this post before posting your log.

    2.2 If your game freezes or crashes on an AI turn tell us the last faction active (as indicated by the highlighted shield/heraldry at the top of your screen) before the crash. Use "follow ai movement" and the reveal map cheat "toggle_fow" to identify the last action of the AI before the crash. Often campaigns can be saved by simply preventing that action.

    2.3 If you notice a graphic issue, f.e. missing texture (silver surfer unit) or an animation issue, try to attach a picture of the problem to your post. Specify if possible the name of the unit and which faction is the owner. You can use Fraps or the "printscreen" function for screenshots.

    Current known issues (and possible issues):
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    - Archers' bug: Sandy archers acting weird when dying, creating big black zebras on screen.

    - From Alavaria feedback: the Lithuanian special "religious order" unit, the "Followers of Perkunas" are a hilarious opposite version, being very cheap, very available (show up in Large Towns) and despite having no armor or shield, they do have a high armor piercing and bonus-vs-cavalry attack. And supermorale. So that would make for a fun bit of spam, as it were.

    - Hand gunners having floating shields, especially while climbing ladders (see here).

    - Some prices of recruitment cost for mercenaries are very expensive, for example Alanis and Armenian Nakarar cavalry cost aprox 7000...maybe is not balanced...

    - Georgian peasant unit dont have pic...

    - Italian trade headquarters dont have pic( in Constantinople f.e. ) and they could provides of marinae units and urban crossbow units( representing the italians units).
    Same case for italian ports (Pisa, Venice, Rome and Sicily) you should recruit marinae in this ports.

    - Make more variety of mercenaries in different regions if is possible, for example make slavic spearmen or eastern spearmen for oriental factions as poland, hungary, rus...
    Same case for muslims but with swords units( for balanced due to muslims have many spearmen units in their unit roster) make sword medium units as mercenaries in muslims lands...( This is for balanced the game)

    - Exist 2 types of buildings that almost never is used and also dont have pictures in their descriptions, maybe you can obtain two slots more for new common buildings as jewish neighborhoods( represent jewish in middle ages) or other buildings that you look necessary. This two buildings are Stewards house( absolute monarchy) and independent court of law( constitutional monarchy) i never seen this in game...

    - Grasslands for cumans and mongols dont have pictures and also this could be improve in the game with better transitions and explain better in the description what happen if you build this( your city dont grow)

    - Check AI units when a settlement rebellion happens. most of the time, only 1 type.

    - The early ME Bodyguard unit uses maces as a secondary weapon, but have stats for swords as sidearms.

    - The Mason's Guild occasionally builds churches as "thanks" even when the player faction isn't Christian.

    - ctd when Venice faction destroyed (see here)

    - Mine lvl2 disapearing from the building queue during AI turn.

    - Missing voices for Denmark.

    - Name of the Niderlothringen is mixed up: it was to replace name of the province, not of the settlement (it should be Coeln or similar).

    - Sounds and especially voices need to be reviewed. Some are still mississing.

    - Check french general Thibault de Blois (obviously in Troyes) unable to move.

    - Check replenish rate of Christian Guards and Black Guards for Almoravids. - Not sure that it's necessary
    - Slavic javelinmen recruitment to be reviewed. - Not sure that it's necessary
    - Rebel General BG pic missing in Caucasia. - can't find the guy
    - Missing texture for Hungarian spear militia (possibly a double and unnecessary entry - see here) - can't find the issue. All look fine
    - Check replenish rate of Christian Guards and Black Guards for Almoravids. - Not sure that it's necessary
    - Slavic javelinmen recruitment to be reviewed. - Not sure that it's necessary
    - Rebel General BG pic missing in Caucasia. - can't find the guy
    - Missing texture for Hungarian spear militia (possibly a double and unnecessary entry - see here) - can't find the issue. All look fine
    - Wrong model for Dismounted Portugese Knights (see here). - Mix between Sandy's and Baraban's models, depending on the upgrade. Not really an issue.
    - Jinetes and Javelinmen weapon texture missing for Aragon. - can't find the issue. All look fine
    - Dismounted Vlastela possible low unit count (see here) - Unit size doubled (from 24 to 48) to match other dismounted units.
    - Check map heights in Turquey, along the river near Malatya/Melitene, (South is Edessa, North is Sivas, West is Sis). - Adjusted
    - All georgian units dont have the quality and type descriptions, for example georgian horse archers should be quality: average, type: local... - Fixed
    - Roads highways should be for eastern roman empire and rome, georgian faction have this type of roads... - Only ERE can build them now.
    - Muttatawi unit(muslims factions) dont have the quality and type description - Fixed
    - Castille and Leon faction should be called "castilians" instead of "leoneses", castilians is the generic term for spanish people in all middle ages and onwards... - Fixed
    - Andalusian archers and mercenary crossbowmen have 0 shield and when they fight with little swords they use their shields, should have some point of shield. - No, like most of the common archers/Xbow. No need to change it for now.
    - Check model for Pisan Bodyguard (seems to have a Muslim model instead of a SE one). - Fixed by Gigantus for next release
    - Many of the new units(Black Guard/Amir's Guard/Ahdath Militia/Monaspa Archers and Lancers/etc.) don't have entries in the export_descr_sounds_units_voice and thus don't say anything when selected in battle. - Hopefully fixed for next release (can't test it myself).
    - Missing texture for Aragon Chivalric Foot Knights (see here) - Fixed
    - Sea trade routes "missing" (see here) - Distance port to port reduce in the descr_campaign_db file

    Info about NVDIA card:
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    Nvidia's GeForce application actually has a setting for M2TW that gets adjusted as per the capability of the Nvidia graphic card you use. Other then that adjusting graphic settings like unit details and grass details will already greatly help.
    On the other hand there is the bottle neck of only one core being used - which means if the core speed is low (2.8 or lower) then you can expect delays.

    Using the 'affinity' switch in the mod's BAT file helps in that regard as it prioritizes CPU use for the mod, underneath the present BAT file for Bare Geomod and other mods I made installers for recently (MOS, RotK etc):
    @echo off
    title Gig's Universal Batch file
    cd ..\..
    IF EXIST kingdoms.exe (start /affinity 1 /high kingdoms.exe @%0\..\Configuration.cfg) ELSE (
    IF EXIST medieval2.exe (start /affinity 1 /high medieval2.exe @%0\..\Configuration.cfg) ELSE (
        echo ERROR: Cannot find the M2TW or Kingdoms executable.
        echo You probably installed Bare Geomod into the wrong folder.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 23, 2022 at 06:03 AM. Reason: Known issues list updated
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  2. #2
    MatVego's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    1. I don't have banners in battle. It is possible to turn it on? In my "medieval2.preference.cfg" I have "show_banners = 1".
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    2. Can I on Permanent Watchtowers in this mod?

    Edit: In vanilla SS6.4 i had banneres.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by MatVego; June 05, 2014 at 09:07 AM. Reason: add file

  3. #3
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I'll check for the banners but I don't think it's due to SSHIP. I'll revert to you ASAP.
    Regarding the Permanent Watchtowers, that option doesn't work with SSHIP as we have changed numerous regions from the original SS6.4

    Edit: bieluxd, can you post your "medieval2.preference.cfg" file? You can zip it or copy its content in a post as a spoiler.
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; June 05, 2014 at 08:30 AM.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  4. #4

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I also noticed a peculiar non-building in Tunis which I'll post a photo of later when I'm playing.

    This isn't necessarily a problem or anything, I'm just curious why glass isn't a big trade earner? Wasn't it absurdly rare and expensive back then?

  5. #5

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    just wanted to ask, is bugfix compilation for ss6.4 (by melooo i think) is compactible with sship. and u r saying rr/rc enabled, rr ok, i understand, but rc - real combat? i don't see anywhere to enable or disable it. plus if i get unspecified error when i enter combat and press start, i guess it's installation problem?

  6. #6

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help


    There was a scripted population boost for citadels in original SS. This is removed in SSHIP though. Perhaps you can send me your savegame or something? So I can check the tracelog or ingamestuff.

    @Bieluxd: Watchtowers are already permanent? What mod exactly do you mean?

  7. #7
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I guess that Bieluxd refers to the Permanent Watchtowers option in the SS setup. That feature doesnt work anymore with SSHIP for several versions now.
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; June 06, 2014 at 08:51 AM.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  8. #8
    MatVego's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    @MWY: Yes, I meant that the option from SS_setup

    @Lifthrasir: What about my bug in the battle map - no banners?

  9. #9
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I can't see anything wrong with the file you sent me.
    Can you post a pic of a battle from your game? What faction are you using?
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  10. #10
    MatVego's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    In campaign I'm playing Hungary

    Kingdoms Teutonic:
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    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    As you can see in SSHIP I only have tiny banners, just above the heads of the soldiers.

    In vanilla SS6.4 i had the same banners as the Teutonic Kingdoms.

    Edit: Why Steppe Alans are so expensive?
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Last edited by MatVego; June 07, 2014 at 04:35 AM.

  11. #11
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by bieluxd View Post
    Edit: Why Steppe Alans are so expensive?
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Please keep that kind of topic for the "SSHIP - General discussion" thread. The reason why they are expensive is because they're a mercenary unit. As such, they're supposed to be trained and experienced and to be equipped with their own equipment. So, all these factors justify their price.

    Regarding your banner problem, I think I know where it comes from. To confirm what I'm suspecting, can you try a custom battle or restart a campaign but by using an Orthodox or Muslim faction? Then, tell me if you're able to get the banners in that case.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  12. #12
    MatVego's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Yes, Muslim and Orthodox have banners, so now tell me what i should to do, to bring back banners to Catholics factions?

  13. #13

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Huh, never seen a picture with only the small banners before... it looks so much better! The huge floating banners seem so out of place after seeing the smaller ones. I might have to try removing the larger banners when SSHIP gets to a final version.

  14. #14
    MatVego's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    @Ichon don't do that, biger banners allow better figure out location of units on the battlefield and assist in the attack on the individual branches of the enemy.

  15. #15

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by bieluxd View Post
    @Ichon don't do that, biger banners allow better figure out location of units on the battlefield and assist in the attack on the individual branches of the enemy.
    My own personal version I mean. I wouldn't do that with the main mod. In Shogun 2 you can remove the floating banners in the options menu but not quite the same and I hadn't seen it before without banners in MTW2.

  16. #16

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    No visible trade traffic ;(

    I have Windows 7 - 64 bit and i have turned off UAC.
    I have non-steam version of the game with all updates and kingdoms and SS 6.4 and latest SSHIP version installed.

    I have not "Nordom One Settlement Type" sub-mod installed.

    I have graphical problem.

    In my game i don't see any trade traffic (sea and land). I attach picture so you could see there is non traffic on roads or trade lanes.

    Please help me

  17. #17
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    @ bieluxd, that confirms what I suspected. That's related to the GeMiNy][SaNDy units. I'll see if there's a quick way to fix it But that's not guaranteed.

    @ jefrey91, I've never seen that before. Can you post your log?
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  18. #18
    MatVego's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    @ bieluxd, that confirms what I suspected. That's related to the GeMiNy][SaNDy units. I'll see if there's a quick way to fix it But that's not guaranteed.

    I'm concerned only about the compatibility with my save, except that i can do everything what will be needed with SHIP.

    @ jefrey91 Do you tried to reinstall SSHIP, in SS6.4 had you a similar issue?
    Last edited by MatVego; June 08, 2014 at 02:28 PM.
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  19. #19

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I will try to reinstall SSHIP.

    But tell me how can i do that ?
    I have to delete whole SS 6.3 folder and then start over or what ?

  20. #20

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I have de-installed both SSHIP and SS 6.4 and the no traffic ;/

    i dont know what's happening.

    in my log there is no error or something like that.

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