Thread: SSHIP - General Discussion

  1. #2001
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Stratmap models will be included in the next patch. Then, I think that most of the issues (at least the major one) will be fixed and we should be able to resume SSHIP development
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  2. #2002
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    Stratmap models will be included in the next patch. Then, I think that most of the issues (at least the major one) will be fixed and we should be able to resume SSHIP development
    Excellent! Looking forward to it. Is it looking like it will be save-game compatible? Not the end of the world if not, I've got my next campaign lined up already but put on hold just in case it isn't.

  3. #2003

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Alright, I'm done with the captain/generals/heir/leader stratmapmodels I think. All of the models are from rusichi with small adjustments made by me.

    @Jaluna: Patriach would be possible I guess. I don't see a point implementing a "great imam" when there was non historically (atleast I don't think so).

    @Boogie Knight: It should most likely be savegame compatible I think.

    @Jurcek: Ideas noted.


    Georgia (Changed quite a bit):

    Lithuania (small changes):

    Cumans (smaller changes):

    Mongols (no changes:

    Kiev (some changes):

    Novgorod (small changes):

    Byzantium (some changes):
    Last edited by MWY; February 17, 2016 at 10:48 AM.

  4. #2004

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    they looking very good thought.

  5. #2005

    Default Unable to Recruit Hospitallers?

    It's 1178 in my campaign and I still haven't been able to recruit Hospitallers even after building a major chapter house in one of my settlements. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

  6. #2006
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Unable to Recruit Hospitallers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Basileus of Byzantium View Post
    It's 1178 in my campaign and I still haven't been able to recruit Hospitallers even after building a major chapter house in one of my settlements. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
    You can't recruit order units if you're excommunicated or if your global reputation isn't high enough.

  7. #2007

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Great models!!!but i see that in cumans,georgians and byzantines have almost same faction leader and heir, is possible change a bit this for more difference in campaign map or it is more correct?
    And for other agents as merchants, you have some ideas for new models?

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  8. #2008

    Default Re: Unable to Recruit Hospitallers?

    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post
    You can't recruit order units if you're excommunicated or if your global reputation isn't high enough.
    Damn that sucks. I've had a habit of getting excommunicated a lot as France. So what exactly constitutes "global reputation"?
    Last edited by Basileus of Byzantium; February 17, 2016 at 01:27 PM.

  9. #2009
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Unable to Recruit Hospitallers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Basileus of Byzantium View Post
    Damn that sucks. I've had a habit of getting excommunicated a lot as France. So what exactly constitutes "global reputation"?
    Your faction reputation (shown on diplomacy screen). If I'm reading the game files right, it must not go below dubious for you to be able to recruit order units. Here is the list:

    Very trustworthy
    Very Reliable
    Very Untrustworthy

    I'll buy a beer to anyone who manages to get immaculate in SSHIP

  10. #2010
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: Unable to Recruit Hospitallers?

    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post
    Your faction reputation (shown on diplomacy screen). If I'm reading the game files right, it must not go below dubious for you to be able to recruit order units. Here is the list:

    Very trustworthy
    Very Reliable
    Very Untrustworthy

    I'll buy a beer to anyone who manages to get immaculate in SSHIP
    Does this count for the Crusader States as well? It flaming well better had not, but I worry that it does as I've only seen sergeants and crossbowmen from the Templars so far, and I've got major chapter houses built for each order. Historically, most of Christendom seemingly had nothing but contempt for Outremer so their reputation IRL would've been "deceitful" at best. Not to mention the fact that in order to hold anything you have to exterminate every city you conquer and execute all prisoners if you want a chance of staying alive.

  11. #2011
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Yes it does I'm afraid. Perhaps CS should be an exception to this?

  12. #2012
    tmodelsk's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Crusade restrictions to Iberia Factions & local 'crusade' benerits to them


    As I known from my (little) knowledge about Crusades - the Iberian factions were FORBIDDEN by the Pope to go on crusades to Holy Land.
    Their duty given by the Pope's was to fight Moors in Iberia - and they did it with great success.

    Can we somehow simulate it ?
    Forbid 'iberians' to crusade for ex. 50-100 first turns, but give them some benefits to their reqonquista in Iberia.
    As far as I read the idea of 'crusades' in european consciousness was born thanks to situation in Iberia and wars with Moors.
    As I remember the iberians received some military help from european knights that were joining the reqonquista (franks ?)

  13. #2013

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Yes,iberian factions received support other factions as franks,germans,italians...and also support with templars and hospitalers...but i think that they should have the three iberian orders as benefit: santiago, calatrava and montesa orders with a kavipannu reskin for this important orders
    And also repeat that portugal could remove for make other faction...the important iberian factions were castilla y leon and aragón...

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  14. #2014
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post
    Yes it does I'm afraid. Perhaps CS should be an exception to this?
    Most definitely. I know I've never been very good at TW games, but I'm playing on H/H as Outremer and I'm barely hanging on by my fingernails. I have no choice but to exterminate everything and execute everyone. Not to sound like a modern-day Jihadist, but the crusaders were not exactly saints IRL. That's not a judgement, that's just the times in which they lived. You don't achieve what they did without being a bit of a dick, and the Knightly Orders, from what I understand, never kicked up a huge fuss over the moral dilemmas faced by the kings of Jerusalem. So while the Templars and Hospitallers might avoid a rogue European state for various reasons, I really don't see them refusing to serve in the Holy Land over the issue of a few brutalised Saracens.

    @tmodelsk and jaluna: Agree entirely. I'd especially like to see the Iberian orders shown some love. I can't help thinking it'd be a shame to lose Portugal, but I don't really known enough about the subject to make a judgement. I know they fought on the side of the English during the Hundred Years' War but that's about all I know of their involvement with factions beyond their own borders.

  15. #2015

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Those Models look excellent. As a new player to SSHIP, but a long term fan off SS6.4, I must say the new version is awesome. Like a whole new game. Really looking forward to the next patch and love the new 0.9 so far.
    When is the update due, as I am having a CTD now and then, and I'm not sure what is causing it.

  16. #2016

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    MWY furthemore of my previous post about portugal and iberian orders...don you think give new strats models for merchants,priest,patriarch,spies...and also for muslims factions? do you need some tips or historical support for your work?

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  17. #2017
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    It's not planned to remove Portugal for now. That's not the 1st time you mentioned that and I still answer the same
    However, it's true that Portugal didn't play a huge role outside of its borders.

    Regarding the Iberian Orders, it won't be implemented in the next patch but we will think of it
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  18. #2018
    Boogie Knight's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    It's not planned to remove Portugal for now. That's not the 1st time you mentioned that and I still answer the same
    However, it's true that Portugal didn't play a huge role outside of its borders.

    Regarding the Iberian Orders, it won't be implemented in the next patch but we will think of it
    How about removing the reputation check for the Crusader States to recruit from among the crusading orders? Next patch, or...?

  19. #2019
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I let MWY to answer
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  20. #2020

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    How well have the muslim factions been researched? As far as I can tell, the Abbasids has the strongest unit roster because of the Abna axemen, Mamluks and Tabardiryya (Tabardiryya is the best infantry I have seen; hacking through every other infantry, and even able to defeat heavy mounted knights if being in the correct formation and counter-charging correctly). However, the other muslim factions are weak, I think, in the late period, with only Janissary heavy infantry as the only other competent heavy infantry. Every other unit gets defeated easily by heavily armoured dismounted knights, and mounted knights just ride them down. Even the heavy spearmen are no match against mounted knights.
    The European factions get pikemen and halberdiers to counter cavalry in the late era, but didn't the muslim factions also develop effective anti-cavalry techniques?
    And shouldn't the Ottomans (Rum?) be the strongest late period muslim faction? After all, the Ottomans were a major power from late 1400s (they conquered Constantinople and managed to expand almost to Vienna). Surely, they must have had a an effective way of dealing with cavalry, or was it the Janissaries that were the key against both dismounted and mounted knights?

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