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Thread: SSHIP - General Discussion

  1. #7261
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Regarding the AI that abandons its cities to send everything into battle, @Jurand is working on a garrison script, making garrisons appear every turn in cities with little or no protection. The size of the garrison will of course depend on the size of the city.

  2. #7262

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    Regarding the AI that abandons its cities to send everything into battle, @Jurand is working on a garrison script, making garrisons appear every turn in cities with little or no protection. The size of the garrison will of course depend on the size of the city.
    Well i hope it came with a more rebalanced ai

    Right now the Cuman consist entirely of Bekh Druzhina(dismounted and mounted variant) and Knight and Scutatoi while not as egrogious, still make up half of the full stack enemy army. And they sent this doomstacks every 2-8 turns.

  3. #7263
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by eyelurker View Post
    Well i hope it came with a more rebalanced ai
    Right now the Cuman consist entirely of Bekh Druzhina(dismounted and mounted variant) and Knight and Scutatoi while not as egrogious, still make up half of the full stack enemy army. And they sent this doomstacks every 2-8 turns.
    Yep, rebalancing is definitely needed. However, doomstacks every 2-8 turns cannot be true unless we speak about the beginning of the game. The Bekh Druzhina is available only form upper levels of the Nomad building and this building is very limited in availability.

    ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    GRASSLANDSbuilding grasslands
      convert_to grasslands
      levels grasslands nomad_encampment nomad_headquarters
        grasslands  requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, } and not building_present_min_level hinterland_farms farms4 and hidden_resource tartars or hidden_resource cumans
          convert_to 0
    		trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 
    		population_growth_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
    		happiness_bonus bonus -1 requires not factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
    		income_bonus bonus 400 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
    		income_bonus bonus 200 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter early_era 1
    		income_bonus bonus 100 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter high_era 1
    		income_bonus bonus 200 requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
    		religion_level bonus 2 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
    		religion_level bonus -2 requires factions { northern_european, southern_european, greek, hungary, poland, kievan_rus, russia, } and event_counter is_the_player 1
            cavalry_bonus 1
    		free_upkeep bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
    		recruitment_slots bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 and hidden_resource turks or hidden_resource russia or hidden_resource kievan_rus and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		1	0.07	2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		1	0.07	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter HUNGARY7_CUMANS 1
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	1	0.07	2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.09	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.07	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.05	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY7_CUMANS 1
          material wooden
          construction  6
          cost  1000
          settlement_min village
        nomad_encampment  requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, } and not building_present_min_level hinterland_farms farms3 and hidden_resource tartars or hidden_resource cumans
          convert_to 1
            trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2 
    		population_growth_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, }
            happiness_bonus bonus -3 requires not factions { cumans, mongols, }
    		income_bonus bonus 600 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
    		income_bonus bonus 300 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter early_era 1
    		income_bonus bonus 150 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter high_era 1
    		income_bonus bonus 300 requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
    		religion_level bonus 4 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
    		religion_level bonus -4 requires factions { northern_european, southern_european, greek, hungary, poland, kievan_rus, russia, } and event_counter is_the_player 1
            cavalry_bonus 2
    		free_upkeep bonus 2 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
    		recruitment_slots bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 
    		recruitment_slots bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 and hidden_resource turks or hidden_resource russia or hidden_resource kievan_rus and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		1	0.11	2  0  requires factions { cumans, hungary, }
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	1	0.11	2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Behk Druzhina"				1	0.07	2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Behk Druzhina"				0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Behk Druzhina"				0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"	1	0.07	2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.12	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.10	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.08	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY7_CUMANS 1
          material wooden
          construction  10
          cost  3000
          settlement_min town
        nomad_headquarters  requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, } and not building_present_min_level hinterland_farms farms2 and hidden_resource tartars or hidden_resource cumans
          convert_to 2
            trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3 
    		population_growth_bonus bonus 3 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, }
            happiness_bonus bonus -5 requires not factions { cumans, mongols, }
    		income_bonus bonus 800 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
    		income_bonus bonus 400 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter early_era 1
    		income_bonus bonus 200 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter high_era 1
    		income_bonus bonus 400 requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
    		religion_level bonus 6 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
    		religion_level bonus -6 requires factions { northern_european, southern_european, greek, hungary, poland, kievan_rus, russia, } and event_counter is_the_player 1
            cavalry_bonus 3
    		free_upkeep bonus 3 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
    		recruitment_slots bonus 2 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 
    		recruitment_slots bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 and hidden_resource turks or hidden_resource russia or hidden_resource kievan_rus and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		1	0.14	3  0  requires factions { cumans, hungary, }
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Horse Militia"		0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	1	0.14	3  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Cuman Militia"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Behk Druzhina"				1	0.11	3  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Behk Druzhina"				0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Behk Druzhina"				0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"	1	0.11	3  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"	0	0.02	0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
    		recruit_pool	"Keshikten Bodyguard"  0.75   0.07   2  0  requires factions { mongols, }
    		recruit_pool	"Cuman Bodyguard"  0.75   0.07   2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.15	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.13	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1
    		recruit_pool	"Magyar Cavalry"		1	0.11	2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY7_CUMANS 1
          material wooden
          construction  12
          cost  6000
          settlement_min large_town
    ;================================================================================================================================;- MONGOLS landowners2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; these should also be moved to the Grasslands
    		recruit_pool	"Hoschuchi Lancers"				1	0.04  2  0  requires factions { mongols, } and hidden_resource cumans or hidden_resource turks
    		recruit_pool	"Dismounted Khorchi Archers"	1	0.04  2  0  requires factions { mongols, } and hidden_resource cumans or hidden_resource turks
    ; not units from landowners for CUMANS & SLAVE

  4. #7264

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Yep, rebalancing is definitely needed. However, doomstacks every 2-8 turns cannot be true unless we speak about the beginning of the game. The Bekh Druzhina is available only form upper levels of the Nomad building and this building is very limited in availability.

    ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    GRASSLANDSbuilding grasslands
      convert_to grasslands
      levels grasslands nomad_encampment nomad_headquarters
        grasslands  requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, } and not building_present_min_level hinterland_farms farms4 and hidden_resource tartars or hidden_resource cumans
          convert_to 0
            trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 
            population_growth_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
            happiness_bonus bonus -1 requires not factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
            income_bonus bonus 400 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
            income_bonus bonus 200 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter early_era 1
            income_bonus bonus 100 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter high_era 1
            income_bonus bonus 200 requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
            religion_level bonus 2 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
            religion_level bonus -2 requires factions { northern_european, southern_european, greek, hungary, poland, kievan_rus, russia, } and event_counter is_the_player 1
            cavalry_bonus 1
            free_upkeep bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
            recruitment_slots bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 and hidden_resource turks or hidden_resource russia or hidden_resource kievan_rus and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        1    0.07    2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        1    0.07    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter HUNGARY7_CUMANS 1
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    1    0.07    2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.09    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.07    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.05    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY7_CUMANS 1
          material wooden
          construction  6
          cost  1000
          settlement_min village
        nomad_encampment  requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, } and not building_present_min_level hinterland_farms farms3 and hidden_resource tartars or hidden_resource cumans
          convert_to 1
            trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2 
            population_growth_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, }
            happiness_bonus bonus -3 requires not factions { cumans, mongols, }
            income_bonus bonus 600 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
            income_bonus bonus 300 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter early_era 1
            income_bonus bonus 150 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter high_era 1
            income_bonus bonus 300 requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
            religion_level bonus 4 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
            religion_level bonus -4 requires factions { northern_european, southern_european, greek, hungary, poland, kievan_rus, russia, } and event_counter is_the_player 1
            cavalry_bonus 2
            free_upkeep bonus 2 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
            recruitment_slots bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 
            recruitment_slots bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 and hidden_resource turks or hidden_resource russia or hidden_resource kievan_rus and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        1    0.11    2  0  requires factions { cumans, hungary, }
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    1    0.11    2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Behk Druzhina"                1    0.07    2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Behk Druzhina"                0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Behk Druzhina"                0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"    1    0.07    2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.12    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.10    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.08    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY7_CUMANS 1
          material wooden
          construction  10
          cost  3000
          settlement_min town
        nomad_headquarters  requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, } and not building_present_min_level hinterland_farms farms2 and hidden_resource tartars or hidden_resource cumans
          convert_to 2
            trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3 
            population_growth_bonus bonus 3 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, }
            happiness_bonus bonus -5 requires not factions { cumans, mongols, }
            income_bonus bonus 800 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
            income_bonus bonus 400 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter early_era 1
            income_bonus bonus 200 requires factions { turks, rum, } and event_counter high_era 1
            income_bonus bonus 400 requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
            religion_level bonus 6 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, rum, }
            religion_level bonus -6 requires factions { northern_european, southern_european, greek, hungary, poland, kievan_rus, russia, } and event_counter is_the_player 1
            cavalry_bonus 3
            free_upkeep bonus 3 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
            recruitment_slots bonus 2 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 
            recruitment_slots bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, } and not event_counter freeze_recr_pool 1 and hidden_resource turks or hidden_resource russia or hidden_resource kievan_rus and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        1    0.14    3  0  requires factions { cumans, hungary, }
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Horse Militia"        0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    1    0.14    3  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Cuman Militia"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Behk Druzhina"                1    0.11    3  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Behk Druzhina"                0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Behk Druzhina"                0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"    1    0.11    3  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Bekh Druzhina"    0    0.02    0  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool    "Keshikten Bodyguard"  0.75   0.07   2  0  requires factions { mongols, }
            recruit_pool    "Cuman Bodyguard"  0.75   0.07   2  0  requires factions { cumans, }
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.15    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.13    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1
            recruit_pool    "Magyar Cavalry"        1    0.11    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL 1 and not event_counter HUNGARY7_CUMANS 1
          material wooden
          construction  12
          cost  6000
          settlement_min large_town
    ;================================================================================================================================;- MONGOLS landowners2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; these should also be moved to the Grasslands
            recruit_pool    "Hoschuchi Lancers"                1    0.04  2  0  requires factions { mongols, } and hidden_resource cumans or hidden_resource turks
            recruit_pool    "Dismounted Khorchi Archers"    1    0.04  2  0  requires factions { mongols, } and hidden_resource cumans or hidden_resource turks
    ; not units from landowners for CUMANS & SLAVE
    Sorry i'm talking generally, Cuman themself are a lot slower and less stacked. They only sent one such doomstack once. From other campaign(Georgia) it seems Cuman are pretty slow to get the campaign going but once they do they will sent exclusive Bekh Druzhina, although number varied. Could be full stack or half stack, depend on how they gauge my garrison in border settlement. Nor they were as agressive as say Roman or HRE even at war.

    The 2-8 Turns i'm talking about Roman and HRE. Half of their army will consist of milita and the other half would be the elite(HRE : Mailed and Foot Knight. Roman : Pronoiai and Scutatoi)

    They actually weaker at the start of the game, since the ratio were 75% Milita and 25% Elites instead of 50% each.
    Last edited by eyelurker; December 03, 2024 at 11:45 AM.

  5. #7265
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    The script that lets you collect florins after a victorious battle doesn't work when the player defeats an army besieging his town.
    Wouldn't it be possible to have the same benefits in this case? That would be logical.

  6. #7266

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    if there were to be the late campaign, any chance of Latin empire being a faction in it?
    Wil you play the game? the game of thrones.

  7. #7267

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    what's an easy way to raise piety for orthodox factions? also regarding this, can young familly members get a trait that lowers piety so I can keep them in a settlement for learning without being made governors if I have a low piety governor there?

  8. #7268

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Some thoughts on the family tree :
    1) I struggle to understand how it is working. When the king has no son, heir should be younger brother or nephew, but it is almost always a distant cousin. If I use the "choose the heir script", selecting the closest parent to the king, my new ruler will have the "usurper" trait.
    2) I had several kings unmarried, who stayed it after accessing to the throne. There should be some priority, if it is possible, of marriage proposals for king and heir. I can't imagine a medieval ruler saying "well, I don't have a wife nor a son, but hey, let's marry before the good old Gauthier, my grand grand grand cousin, governor of a remote wooden castle.
    3) due to 2), I sent my diplomats to ask other factions for marriage. But they don't offer any, although they have some princesses available : I see them on my territory, trying to ensnare my generals. Is it normal, or a bug?
    Last edited by Blackader; Yesterday at 07:57 AM.

  9. #7269

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackader View Post
    Some thoughts on the family tree :
    1) I struggle to understand how it is working. When the king has no son, heir should be younger brother or nephew, but it is almost always a distant cousin. If I use the "choose the heir script", selecting the closest parent to the king, my new ruler will have the "usurper" trait.
    2) I had several kings unmarried, who stayed it after accessing to the throne. There should be some priority, if it is possible, of marriage proposals for king and heir. I can't imagine a medieval ruler saying "well, I don't have a wife nor a son, but hey, let's marry before the good old Gauthier, my grand grand grand cousin, governor of a remote wooden castle.
    3) due to 2), I sent my diplomats to ask other factions for marriage. But they don't offer any, although they have some princesses available : I see them on my territory, trying to ensnare my generals. Is it normal, or a bug?
    For No.1, it's not the end of the world if it's not your son but make sure your heir become regent not usurper.

    It can be checked in the Heir trait, as for how to ensure you elect regent it seems based on loyalty. Disloyal heir are Usruper while Loyal heir are Regent. Killing HRE starting heir certainly fixed the civil war issue to name one example.

  10. #7270

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by eyelurker View Post
    For No.1, it's not the end of the world if it's not your son but make sure your heir become regent not usurper.

    It can be checked in the Heir trait, as for how to ensure you elect regent it seems based on loyalty. Disloyal heir are Usruper while Loyal heir are Regent. Killing HRE starting heir certainly fixed the civil war issue to name one example.
    Ok thanks, very usefull. I didn't know it depends on loyalty. A regent can be crowned?

  11. #7271

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I think regent and usurper can be crowned but i'm not sure since i purposefully avoid ebing crowned(20k cost and 5k deduction every turn are a steep cost and i generally not played long enough where i'm comfortable taking the financial burden)

  12. #7272
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Jan 2007
    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    A regent or a usurper cannot be crowned as far as I know. On the other hand, the legitimate son of a regent will be able to obtain it.

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