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Thread: Plastic Needle in a Haystack in the Void

  1. #1
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Scotland, Angus

    Default Plastic Needle in a Haystack in the Void

    Tybolt sat alone on the bridge of Repulse, surrounded by flashing monitors which told him they were out of the system. He glanced at the screen which told him of the whereabouts of the crew. They were all far away.

    Satisfied that no-one else would hear or see what his instructions were, Tybolt slammed his thumb down on the scanner, expecting a needle to prick his skin and extract blood. All that happened was a laser scanned his print.
    Last edited by Iron Aquilifer; May 22, 2014 at 08:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Jokern's Avatar Mowbray of Nottingham
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    May 2011
    14th Century England

    Default Re: Plastic Needle in a Haystack in the Void

    The pad turned on with flashing lights. The first thing that popped up was a symbol depicting the Hook, which quickly changed into a text message.

    Operation Highlord

    The Zealot Lords have always strived for more power and converts so that they may one day be the most prominent political faction in the empire. This is trying to be achieved with the use of sending missionaries to other solar systems and appealing to the Assembly for religious acceptance and seats upon the Assembly, desperately trying to wipe out their own warlike past. Such developments are endangering the safety, peace, unity and prosperity of the whole galaxy.

    Ever since the Astrist Wars, the border regions between the Northern Passage and the Hook have always had high tension, rumors of small raids and skirmishes between supposed "raiders" and "pirates", although most people suspect small wars between the Slavers and the Zealots.

    You, Tybolt Daemon, must disguise yourself as an Astrist from the Thrax System, representing Lord Vaiken. Get in contact with the pirate causing trouble around Nu Scorpii and offer him 10,000 credits for his services, with an additional 10,000 to be paid once his objective is achieved. He shall raid the Slaver Systems near the Porteno System and exterminate everything with links to the Promethean Creed. Afterwards, he shall raid Zealot Systems in "Slaver retaliation". If caught, the pirate should only know that Lord Vaiken of Thrax employed him.

    Motivations are not defined by these instructions.

    These instructions will be erased in 2 minutes.

  3. #3
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Scotland, Angus

    Default Re: Plastic Needle in a Haystack in the Void

    ​Tybolt tried to get comfortable, but his new attire refused to allow him to do so. He was nervous, he was sweating. He always got that way when he was annoyed. When he was angry.

    Across what felt like half of the galaxy, Tybolt followed breadcrumbs in pursuit of his prize. He was tired now, and just wanted everything to be over.

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