Thanks for your prompt reply, and for all the awesome work you have done.
I have now used an online converter to produce a text file from the bin file export_units.txt.strings.bin. It looks like this:
K u r d i s h _ A u x i l i a r i e s K u r d i s h A u x i l i a r i e s K u r d i s h _ A u x i l i a r i e s _ d e s c r K u r d i s h s o l d i e r s m a k e u p a l a r g e n u m b e r o f t h e a u x i l i a r i e s i n T u r k i s h a r m i e s , s o m e t i m e s f i g h t i n g i n m i x e d u n i t s , o t h e r t i m e s i n u n i t s ... etc.
Some other characters show, such as a vertical two headed arrow. No curly brackets display.
Is there a next step?
Will I need to manually edit the resultant eu text file?
- this seems to require removing the many spaces, formatting the file, and removing non-ASCII characters ...
Will the game read the text file if I remove the strings.bin file from the Text folder?
Sorry if I seem obtuse. Though I have played the game since it came out I only unpacked the game files a few months ago. To now all I have done is vary recruitpools in the edb and vary ownership and characteristics of units in the edu with a little editing of the modeldb to avoid silver surfers. I have a very basic knowledge of coding, but can follow instructions. I haven't downloaded any modding tools, including python.
I get all the other stuff involved with importing units.
- I can follow the file paths in the modeldb to place sprite, mesh and texture files in the correct folders
- copy the unit_info.tga and unit.tga into correct folders
- make the recruitpool entries in the edb
- copy the edu entries from target mod to my mod (vanilla M2TW)
- have now imported all 6 new Turk units from Crusades to M2TW main game
- all work and display as they should thanks to also importing the Crusades modeldb and eu.strings.bin files.
Thanks again for all that awesome work you've done with modding and for the help you give to n00bs like myself.