So ive been thinking about immitation legionaries; armenian, numidian, pontic, seleucid, etc,and it would really be nice that some factions like pontus for example which really lacks good meele infantry could recruit legionarie style infantry.
Of course these immitations would be less effective than roman legionaries or armoured legionaries. They would be level 3 (quality) barracks troops, but could be recruited only through lvl 4 barracks(late game)..
Because some factions like sparta, athens, pontus lack quality sword infantry it would be really nice addition to barbarian and roman opposition, and essential in empire building..

Im willing to help give ideas and work on these units ( fe; Hellenic legionaries, Eastern Legionaries etc) but i lack modding knowladge, and abillity
Please bear in mind that this is just idea and has alot or space for improvments.