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Thread: Playable Factions and Custom Battle (Updated 20.11.2014) - Patch 16 DLC

  1. #1361

    Default Re: Playable Factions and Custom Battle (Updated 20.11.2014) - Patch 16 DLC

    Like many others here, when i try to start a campaign it crashes. However in custom battles it works fine and i am still very happy at that. Thanks

    † Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat

  2. #1362

    Default Re: Playable Factions and Custom Battle (Updated 20.11.2014) - Patch 16 DLC

    Hello i have recently tride make my own changes to your all factions unlocked and changed the garamanents custom traits mainly the to be more from attila trait i have got the trait working but as soon as strart the game and chosen factions the I notice And now for some unknown resean the Punic Colonies, Celtic Tribes, African Kingdoms, Arabian Kingdoms and Etruria in game all say unlocaliased text. I never changed any do with the faction groups of any but the garamantes. these are the only ones changed. rom_faction_trait_knossos_minoan_tradeculture,




  3. #1363

    Default Re: Playable Factions and Custom Battle (Updated 20.11.2014) - Patch 16 DLC

    Witam gdzie znajdę pliki do pobrania żeby odblokować wszystkie frakcje Romę 2 total war?

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