Medieval Total War random map generator.

Interface description:
left side:
- map height and width
- number of provinces and factions. to specify set of factions press button with "...".
- select map generation template. there are: common, island in centre, sea in centre, west coast, east coast. (standard climate settings are better for common random map or west coast).
- number of provinces for each faction. if it`s possible, provinces of each faction will be of the same climate and closer to each other.
- native climate for factions. it`s set in file(sea more below). faction`s capital will prefer to be placed in region with this climates. if there are no such provinces it will be placed in random province.
- change climate. there will be dialog with climate settings on press this button. . upwards - cyclones power (left side - cyclones from west, right side - ones from east). there are 7 values (0 - 255) - initital for cyclones from each sector of map`s left or right side.
beneath there are 2 values - temperature in top and bottom sides of map(up to 255). 10 is about 1`C.
- new names - if checked, all characters will have new randomly generated names, else - standard names from m2tw.
- money. start money for factions.(rebels receive 10 times more).
right side:
- sea level. ratio between sea and land, in percents. boundary values aren`t recommended.
- erosion. during height map generation all points(they have values >1 at the moment) are raised to the power of this value. the larger is the value more flat will be plains. else - there will be more highland.
- smoothing radius. during map generation all point are set random height. than they receive average values of all points in this radius. (if island template is selected, i recommend decrease this radius to make map more beautiful).
- rivers. how many rivers will be tryed to place. some placing attempt will fail so real number of rivers is lower than this value.
- name of initial directory(must be in same directory as program exe)
- name of mod, generated by this program.
- 2 buttons. pressing left you can choose height map from tga file; right button creates random map.
there are some maps you can sea after generaton:
- height map.
- ground type map.
- climate map.
- regions map.
- rivers map.
- factions map. it`s not used by game, but is convenient to sea factions` start positions. to sea factions colors press button with "...".
- populations map. it`s not used by game. shows population and fertility of provinces.
3)Files in Rnd_M2TW_files (you can rename this directory. it`s initial directory for program)
- all files and directories having "~" as first symbol will be copied to "data" directory of created mod
- letters.txt contains letters used in name generation.
- geography_inf.txt contains 5 strings (uncommented//).
1 и 2 - native climates for factions.
3 probability of settlements generation for each climate.
4 probability of forest generation for each climate.
5 population of provinces for each climate.

How to use:
1)generate map
2)move it to you medieval folder mods/
3)run game using .bat file in mod folder(generated by program)