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Thread: Story AAR-Rise of the Hamadan Seljuks

  1. #1

    Icon1 Story AAR-Rise of the Hamadan Seljuks

    The great Seljuks had broken apart and scattered to various small Sultanates, one of them where the Seljuks of Hamadan.
    Anno 1174 ruled by a dreaded and fierce man called Sultan Arslan-Shah.
    He had great ambitions of reconquering what was once the empire of his legendary forefathers.
    Although it would take more than his granted lifetime to achieve such, the Sultan was ready to sacrifice his all to lay the foundation of a new great Turkish empire.

    As of the year 1175 the Sultan had finished preparations to start his campaign that would go deep into the lands of the Iranian plataue where fiercely independent Persian rebels held some of the most important cities of his time.
    Arslan knew what he was capable of but the nobles of Hamadan had few trust in their lord.
    After months of debate between the Sultan and the nobles, they signed a contract which said that they would fund Arslans campaign and provide him with Askari noble troops under two conditions.
    The first being to take the nearby city of Rayy and the second, that the Sultan had to bring Kutlugh Inanj's head the rebel Bey of Rayy who, for almost a decade now, had been raiding the nobles propertys on the outerscirts of Hamadan.

    The leaves started to fall off the trees in the harsh landscapes of Persia, as Arslan and his 600 men marched upon the weakly defended city of Rayy.
    He knew he had to take this city if he wanted to succeed in his ambitions.
    His small but effective force of heavy armored horsearchers and spearmen where Vetarans and his Siege engineers expierenced and built Arslan massive Trebuchets to reduce Rayys walls to nothing but dust underneath his Ghulams horses

    After 2 weeks of marching through mountainious terrain finally the Seljuks stood infront of the city.
    Inanj and his men did not know which cruel fate was to slowly creep upon them until the first Trebuchet shots came out of the heavy fog that surrounded the landscape.
    Shot after shot, all day long burning material hit the citiys gateway, and whilst the rebels gathered infront of the great mosque of Rayy to say their Duas, the Seljuk Ghulams prepared for assault on behalf of their Sultan to whom they always had been loyal beyond death.
    As a young man, barley 20 years old, came to the Sultans tent he kneeled before Arslan and said ''My lord the gates have fallen''.
    Arslan waisted no time and blew the attacking horn as hundreds of Turkish Ghulam Archers poured through Rayys gates and unleashed a monsoon rain of arrows that drained the dry earth beneath their horses hooves with fresh blood.
    As thousands of arrows pierced the rebels skulls, even Arslan himself charged into the Rebels ranks eventually lifting Inanj himself out of his sattle scattering his bones to fragements in the shadow of the grand mosques Minaretts

    To be continued... (sorry for bad english grammar)

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