While modifying the TLK EDU and EDB according to RR/RC principles, I noticed some inconsistencies with unit recruitment and upkeep costs. Now I am working on converting the BC EDU and EDB, and the unit costs in that mod are as out of whack as the rest of the stats. I decided to further develop the pricing system I had begun to think about for TLK, and now I can present it to you for ideas and criticism.
Standardized Unit Pricing System (SUPS)
late professionals *
missile - 54 - 135 on huge
infantry - 54 - 135 on huge
spearmen - 70 - 175 on huge
cavalry - 28 - 70 on huge
missile - 40 - 100 on huge
infantry - 40 - 100 on huge
spearmen - 48 (originally 44) - 120 on huge
cavalry - 20 - 50 on huge
early professionals
missile - 48 - 120 on huge
infantry - 48 - 120 on huge
spearmen - 60 - 150 on huge
cavalry - 24 - 60 on huge
missile - 48/60 - 120/150 on huge
infantry - 48/60 - 120/150 on huge
spearmen - 60/70 - 150/175 on huge
cavalry - 24/28 - 60/70 on huge
* These numbers are intended for use in BC, which, unlike SS, does not take place over many centuries and therefore does not need to depict technological advances. In SS it makes sense to have larger battalions for Late Professionals, especially in the Renaissance period, but during the timeframe of BC, I prefer the reduced numbers above (also in order to not give factions with lots of LPs an overly big advantage). Also, due to the more limited temporal scope of BC, things like partial and Gothic plate are not mentioned in the section below.
nobles cost 0 (100 due to carl script) since they provided their own equipment
religious orders cost 0 (100 due to carl script) since they provided their own equipment
militia, levies and late professionals - 1 florin per man per turn of training + cost of equipment
early professionals, locals and mercenaries - no equipment cost, but 6 florins per man to sign up if exceptional or elite quality, 5 florins if superior or average quality, 4 florins if militia or peasant militia quality
late professional training times
average - 3 turns
superior - 4 turns
elite - 6 turns
exceptional - 7 turns
Equipment Purchase Costs:
leather, gambeson - 1
leather lamellar - 2
light mail, light lamellar/scale - 3
heavy mail, lamellar/scale - 4
heavy lamellar/scale - 5
axe, spear, lance - 1
2h axe - 1.25
mace - 1.5
sword - 3
2h sword - 3.25
short bow - 0.5
war bow - 0.75
longbow - 1
composite bow - 2
arrows - 0.25
buckler, small round, small kite - 1
large round, medium kite, kite - 2
+1 superior armour -> +0.25
+2 superior armour -> +0.5
+1 superior non-sword weapons -> +0.25
+1 superior swords -> +0.5
pony - 2.5
eastern horse - 3
archer horse - 4
combat horse - 5
horse barding - 2
horse mail - 4
horse scale, half cataphract - 4
horse cataphract - 5
horse armour - 6
Feudal units have free_upkeep_unit, since they resided at their estates when not called to arms. Order and Militia units also have free_upkeep_unit.
levy, militia - 2 florins per man
local, early professional - 2 florins per man
late professional, feudal - 3 florins per man
mercenary - 2 florins or 2.5 per man?
order - 0 florins per man, only eq upkeep costs, arrows, lances and half horse upkeep
peasant militia, militia - x 0.5
average, superior - x 0.75
elite, exceptional - x 1
pony - 1
eastern horse - 1.5
heavy horse - 2.5
all armoured horses - 3
lances - x 0.25 - cavalry broke their lances in battle and needed new ones
arrows - x 0.25 - missile units used up their arrows in battle and needed new ones
Equipment Maintenance, Repair & Replacement - 0.05 florins per turn per Equipment Class per soldier. This represents the wear and tear on gear, as well as the resources needed to keep all gear serviceable.
Equipment Classes
soldier equipment = 0.05 (+)
soldier armour = 0.05 (+)
horse equipment = 0.05 (+)
horse armour = 0.05
unarmoured infantry equipment maintenance, repair and replacement - 0.05 x unit size
armoured infantry equipment maintenance, repair and replacement - 0.1 x unit size
unarmoured soldier unarmoured horse cavalry equipment maintenance, repair and replacement - 0.1 x unit size
armoured soldier unarmoured horse equipment maintenance, repair and replacement - 0.15 x unit size
armoured soldier armoured horse cavalry equipment maintenance, repair and replacement - 0.2 x unit size
Here are same sample calculations of the recruitment and upkeep costs of different types and qualities of units:
UNIT POOL REPLENISHMENT RATES - this is the part that needs the most input from medieval experts, hence the question marks
base rate - 8 turns to replenish
cavalry - 8 (7 for kypchaks, mongols and seljuks)
infantry - 7 (8 for kypchaks, mongols and seljuks?)
order, feudal +2
ep +1 ?
lp +0
local -1
militia -2
average, superior -1?
Special (spatharioi guard, pelekyphoroi, varangians, dismounted caliph's guard, emir's ghulam warriors) -> +5
These are high-quality guard units of the ruler who receive +2 to armour quality since they had access to the absolute best armour and weaponry available, but, due to their low numbers and high requirements for enrollment, take 5 turns longer to replenish than a comparable unit.
Real Feudalism
Historically, nobles weren't recruited from barracks. They were granted fiefs whose revenues they used to equip and support themselves so they could devote themselves to warfare. So I am thinking about a new line of buildings that allow you to better simulate this arrangement:
The building line can be called Feudalism (perhaps the graphic could be a castle that gets bigger at each tier).
Level 1 Feudalism building -> Grant Manors -> 1 florin, 1 turn to build -> -15% trade, tax, mining and farming income -> allows Low Nobility
Level 2 Feudalism building -> Grant Fiefs -> 1 florin, 1 turn to build -> -40% trade, tax, mining and farming income -> allows Middle Nobility
Level 3 Feudalism building -> Grant Estates -> 1 florin, 1 turn to build -> -70% trade, tax, mining and farming income -> allows High Nobility
Of course, the money penalty would be made to only apply to the player.
Grant Manors requires Communal Farming, Dirt Roads, Market
Grant Fiefs requires Crop Rotation, Dirt Roads, Fairground
Grant Estates requires Irrigation, Paved Roads, Great Market
Instead of having different units, such as Mailed Knights, Feudal Knights, Imperial Knights, Chivalric Knights, Noble Knights, Gothic Knights and so on, we can have only three kinds of knights, whose equipment changes as time goes by.
High Nobility (HN) has better equipment than Middle Nobility (MN), which has better equipment than Low Nobility (LN).
When HN is using Coat Of Plates, MN is using Heavy Mail and LN is using Light Mail. As armour becomes more widespread, HN goes on to Partial Plate, MN adopts Coat Of Plates, and LN finally can afford Heavy Mail. When HN upgrades to Full Plate, MN receives Partial Plate, and LN at long last can get its hands on Coat Of Plates. Then HN gets Gothic, MN gets Full and LN gets Partial.
These equipment changes require only three slots in the EDU - one for each Nobility tier. The armour (and horse) improvements can be shown by having several EDUs each with a different models_db entry for each Nobility tier. By switching EDUs at 100 year intervals - in 1200, in 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, we can upgrade the armour, horses and, very importantly, weapons of our aristocracy as technology progresses (more axes, maces, war hammers and poleaxes, damn it!). For increased historical accuracy, EDUs can be swapped 10 or 20 years after a new technological advance. For example, the Coat Of Plates event occurs in 1240. In 1250, the player receives a notification to switch EDUs. The highest nobility available at that time now is wearing Coat Of Plates, while the nobility one tier below receives what the highest nobility was previously using.
The armour upgrades occur in 1240, 1310, 1380, 1450, 1530, and I think there's a Heavy Mail Event sometime too. This would require five EDU switches, if one were to play all the way to 1540 (10 years after the event), which I don't believe is too onerous a requirement.
Is it possible to have all factions share the three Nobility tiers, and yet have each tier use different equipment in-game depending on the owning faction through manipulation of models_db and texture and meshes? For example, a HN unit has Partial Plate, sword, kite shield and barded horse for the French but Heavy Lamellar, mace, small round shield and Eastern Armoured horse for the Khwarezmians?
I also propose to reduce the amount of turns a city can remain under siege and introduce a new line of buildings called Nourishment Storage.
Level 1: Food Reserves -> +2 turns under siege
Level 2: Victuals Depot -> +4 turns under siege (maybe 5)
Level 3: Provisions Stockpile +6/8 turns under siege
Food Reserves requires Market, Communal Farming
Victuals Depot requires Fairground, Crop Rotation
Provisions Stockpile requires Great Market, Irrigation
Perhaps these buildings could also give a bonus to happiness or population growth.