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Thread: Português (Portuguese)

  1. #2421
    Macunaíma's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Interessante. Obrigado pela ajuda, mais uma vez.

    De fato, eu tinha uma espécie de receio infundado de que Coimbra seria chato por ser antiga e de grande reputação por aqui (não consigo imaginar outro lugar para meus colegas pedantes escolherem), mas com certeza estava viajando. Uma cidade universitária não tem como ser chata. O problema é que só posso escolher uma e, se não conseguir, já era, e acho que Coimbra terá grande procura. Meu desempenho acadêmico não é ruim mas com certeza é superado por muitos. Mas que seja, acho que vou seguir teu conselho mesmo.

    Eu estava dividido, na verdade, entre Portugal, Espanha e Colômbia. Mas, já que a minha área requer um certo refinamento linguístico que não possuo no espanhol, escolhi o país lusófono. E também porque haverão poucas chances pra eu ir à Europa sendo bancado por terceiros . A Colômbia pode esperar, eu imagino (nosso sistema primitivo de transporte viário requer muitos caminhões rodando por aí, o que significa também muitas caronas), e a Espanha é de fácil acesso por aí, pelo que tu disse. Só espero que eu consiga a tal bolsa afinal.

  2. #2422

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Bem trago aqui algumas noticias e acontecimentos para animar a malta (pelo bem ou pelo mal) com o que parece vir aí:

    O ministro grego da Defesa já reagiu à notícia avançada pelo Financial Times de que Atenas se prepara para um 'default'. [...] "O Financial Times já tinha dito que íamos à falência em Fevereiro, que íamos à falência depois das eleições, que íamos à falência a 9 de Abril, e que vamos à falência a 25 de Abril; eles já fabricaram cinco cenários de falência. Mas eu digo-lhe: nós não vamos falir a 25 de Abril", garantiu o ministro da Defesa.
    O facto de ser o Ministro Grego da Defesa a ter que dizer isto fala por si, junto isto ao dia 25 de abril.. é muita coincidência junta.



    Entretanto Durão Barroso questiona-se porque os Gregos não tentam seguir o exemplo de sucesso que aconteceu em Portugal..

    O antigo líder da Comissão Europeia deixou várias críticas a Alexis Tsipras por ter prometido "coisas irrealistas ao seu povo". E questionou porque é que a "Grécia não segue o caminho de Portugal", que implementou "com sucesso" o programa de ajustamento.
    E um gajo destes é tratado como um "Grande Académico"..

    Durão Barroso liderou a Comissão Europeia durante dez anos (2004-2014) e está agora a dar aulas na Universidade Católica Portuguesa, na universidade norte-americana de Princeton e na universidade suíça de Genebra.
    Bom podem dizer o que quiserem, mas estou a perceber de onde a crítica de ele ser um "cherne" vem.

    O que vocês, Lusitanos ou Luso-Descendentes aqui do Thema Devia Português, acham disto?

    Quote Originally Posted by Julius Isidrus View Post
    O futuro de Portugal e dos portugueses passa por Odivelas.
    Poderias elaborar um pouco por favor? Legitamamente Curioso.
    Last edited by fkizz; April 14, 2015 at 10:07 AM.

  3. #2423
    Ludicus's Avatar Comes Limitis

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    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Quote Originally Posted by Julius Isidrus View Post
    O futuro de Portugal e dos portugueses passa por Odivelas.
    Julius, por onde tens andado, faz já um ano! conta coisas!
    Macunaíma, das faculdades de Filosofia não sei nada, mas em Lisboa tens mais calor, mais luz,do que nas muito chatas cidades do Norte...
    Entretanto Durão Barroso...
    Já não consigo ouvi-lo -nem a ele, nem ao Passos mais o seu governo.
    Ouvi dizer hoje- mas não li nem ouvi - que se tiveres (é um exemplo) lá por casa um recibo de um restaurante onde tenhas feito despesa, arriscas-te a ser notificado pels finanças com co-responsável pelas eventuais dívidas desse restaurante. Será verdade que há pessoas a ser notificadas por causa disso? custa muito a acreditar, não acredito, é kafkaniano.

    Edito: Pesquisei, é mesmo verdade!!!!

    Clientes notificados para penhora de dívidas

    O referido diário sustenta que alguns contribuintes têm sido “chamados pelas Finanças para pagarem dívidas fiscais de estabelecimentos comerciais, nomeadamente de restaurantes, onde fizeram consumos e pediram factura com número de identificação fiscal”.
    Agora a parte pior (se possível), porque é completamente indigno

    É feita uma notificação de penhora de créditos, sem que esta se verifique de facto...
    Passos, em vez de dizer que quer reduzir salários, diz que quer reduzir os custos de trabalho para as empresas. O Pai do actual Secretário de Estado da Energia foi contratado em 2013 como consultor da EDP (deixou o cargo anterior por "razões de saúde"). Se bem se lembram, o anterior Secretário de Estado (Henrique Gomes) foi demitido para aí uma semana depois de ter sido impedido de fazer uma intervenção no ISEG sobre o caso das rendas excessivas que tem como principal protagonista a EDP.
    Last edited by Ludicus; April 18, 2015 at 12:53 PM.
    Il y a quelque chose de pire que d'avoir une âme perverse. C’est d'avoir une âme habituée
    Charles Péguy

    Every human society must justify its inequalities: reasons must be found because, without them, the whole political and social edifice is in danger of collapsing”.
    Thomas Piketty

  4. #2424

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludicus View Post

    Já não consigo ouvi-lo -nem a ele, nem ao Passos mais o seu governo.
    Ouvi dizer hoje- mas não li nem ouvi - que se tiveres (é um exemplo) lá por casa um recibo de um restaurante onde tenhas feito despesa, arriscas-te a ser notificado pels finanças com co-responsável pelas eventuais dívidas desse restaurante. Será verdade que há pessoas a ser notificadas por causa disso? custa muito a acreditar, não acredito, é kafkaniano.

    Edito: Pesquisei, é mesmo verdade!!!!

    Clientes notificados para penhora de dívidas
    Sinceramente não me surpreende muito, não por o actual governo, mas por já á vários anos achar que o Kafka tem mais de realista que as pessoas pensam.

    Acho que entrámos num terreno que não é se o actual governo é bom ou mau, mas sim se "ouvem muitas vozes" na cabeça ou não, se me faço entender.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ludicus View Post
    Passos, em vez de dizer que quer reduzir salários, diz que quer reduzir os custos de trabalho para as empresas. O Pai do actual Secretário de Estado da Energia foi contratado em 2013 como consultor da EDP (deixou o cargo anterior por "razões de saúde"). Se bem se lembram, o anterior Secretário de Estado (Henrique Gomes) foi demitido para aí uma semana depois de ter sido impedido de fazer uma intervenção no ISEG sobre o caso das rendas excessivas que tem como principal protagonista a EDP.
    Por acaso não sabia nem lembrava, mas agora sei, e fico-te agradecido por várias razões.

    Não só o rent-seeking fica mais fácil de perceber para explicar em exames, como explica a razão recorrente de custos de energia elevados.
    Last edited by fkizz; April 18, 2015 at 04:06 PM.

  5. #2425
    Julius Isidrus's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludicus View Post
    Julius, por onde tens andado, faz já um ano! conta coisas!
    Achei por bem sair do falso conforto em que me encontrava e conhecer novos mundos e novas realidades e por isso passei um ano em activa meditação numa viagem ao fundo de mim mesmo. Foi muito proveitoso, é também por isso que hoje sei que o futuro de Portugal e dos portugueses passa por Odivelas, indo pelo IC17 e fazendo depois a rotunda do Sr. Roubado.

    Tenho muitas coisas novas e extraordinárias para contar, mas vou deixar para outra altura.

    Thema Devia - Português (Portuguese)

    Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto

  6. #2426

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Quote Originally Posted by Julius Isidrus View Post
    é também por isso que hoje sei que o futuro de Portugal e dos portugueses passa por Odivelas,
    O Isaltino Morais será o próximo salvador da Pátria?

  7. #2427
    Vítor Gaspar's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludicus View Post
    Julius, por onde tens andado, faz já um ano! conta coisas!
    Macunaíma, das faculdades de Filosofia não sei nada, mas em Lisboa tens mais calor, mais luz,do que nas muito chatas cidades do Norte...

    Já não consigo ouvi-lo -nem a ele, nem ao Passos mais o seu governo.
    Ouvi dizer hoje- mas não li nem ouvi - que se tiveres (é um exemplo) lá por casa um recibo de um restaurante onde tenhas feito despesa, arriscas-te a ser notificado pels finanças com co-responsável pelas eventuais dívidas desse restaurante. Será verdade que há pessoas a ser notificadas por causa disso? custa muito a acreditar, não acredito, é kafkaniano.

    Edito: Pesquisei, é mesmo verdade!!!!

    Clientes notificados para penhora de dívidas

    Agora a parte pior (se possível), porque é completamente indigno

    Passos, em vez de dizer que quer reduzir salários, diz que quer reduzir os custos de trabalho para as empresas. O Pai do actual Secretário de Estado da Energia foi contratado em 2013 como consultor da EDP (deixou o cargo anterior por "razões de saúde"). Se bem se lembram, o anterior Secretário de Estado (Henrique Gomes) foi demitido para aí uma semana depois de ter sido impedido de fazer uma intervenção no ISEG sobre o caso das rendas excessivas que tem como principal protagonista a EDP.
    A situação é absurda mas a Comunicação Social está a distorcer a realidade. Não são as "dívidas fiscais" dos restaurantes que esses contribuintes estão ser chamados a pagar... eles estão, sim, a ser chamados a pagar o que "devem" aos restaurantes.

    Basicamente, é o cenário kafkaniano do século XXI. Os donos dos restaurantes emitiram faturas dos almoços e jantares - mas nunca chegaram a depositar, na conta do restaurante, o dinheiro que receberam dos clientes. Para o sistema informático, é como se os clientes nunca tivessem pago - o restaurante tem um crédito (mentira, mas vocês entendem) sobre os clientes e, como as finanças estão a executar o restaurante, as finanças, por sua vez, fazem a penhora de créditos (que repito, não existem) dos clientes.

    Tudo se deve ao sistema informático, no fundo. É uma máquina, já não são pessoas lá atrás... nada que com uma oposição à penhora não se afaste. Nem é preciso advogado.

  8. #2428

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Mas eu pensava que as finanças era mais bolos.

    Para os mais distraídos....
    O Fisco penhorou quatro bolos a um restaurante no passado mês de Fevereiro no valor de 30 cêntimos, de acordo com a notificação de penhora a que o Diário Económico teve acesso. Esta não foi, segundo o advogado da empresa que não quis ser identificado, a única penhora feita para tentar garantir o pagamento de uma dívida de quase 92 mil euros: foi também penhorada uma conta bancária e... mais quatro bolos. Os fiscalistas ouvidos pelo Diário Económico consideram que a penhora de bens perecíveis é inútil e que serve como meio de coacção para que os contribuintes paguem a dívida.

    Last edited by Knight of Heaven; April 19, 2015 at 11:04 PM.

  9. #2429
    Ludicus's Avatar Comes Limitis

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    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Obrigado Vitor, e obrigado Knight of Heaven
    Já agora, deixo aqui- especialmente dedicado ao Passos Coelho - o "Apesar de Você" do Chico Buarque, proibido durante a ditadura militar. Sabem do que falo,do muito triste episódio do "elogio" fúnebre do Passos ao Mariano Gago. ("Apesar de")

    Quote Originally Posted by Julius Isidrus View Post
    ...Tenho muitas coisas novas...para contar, mas vou deixar para outra altura.
    Presumo que música continua a ser uma parte importante da tua vida?...
    Last edited by Ludicus; April 20, 2015 at 08:16 AM.
    Il y a quelque chose de pire que d'avoir une âme perverse. C’est d'avoir une âme habituée
    Charles Péguy

    Every human society must justify its inequalities: reasons must be found because, without them, the whole political and social edifice is in danger of collapsing”.
    Thomas Piketty

  10. #2430

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    30 anos antes....

  11. #2431

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Moodys corta rating da Grécia para oitavo nível de lixo..

    Sinceramente não me perguntem o que isto quer dizer, já faz lembrar os "Vários níveis do inferno" do Dante, ou o semi esoterismo das várias dimensões (7ª, 8ª) da fisica quantica

    Após os falhanços recurrentes do Financial Times em prever a data do default da Grécia, já não é de se dar grande importância a estes supostos "gurus", penbso eu.

    PS - parece que agora a União Europeia quer autorização das Nações Unidas para literalmente usar Força Militar para destruir barcos de imigrantes, de forma a lutar contra o referido problema da imigração:

    Bem eu acho que usar força militar contra imigrantes parece controverso, mas se desconcordar ainda sou considerado racista ou fascista por apresentar cepticismo perante a União Europeia.. Mesmo que seja opinião a favor dos imigrantes!

    Mesmo assim não deixo de fazer um tópico:
    Last edited by fkizz; June 26, 2015 at 10:15 PM.

  12. #2432
    Lord Consul's Avatar Armchair intellectual
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    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Depois de tempos conturbados, em que viajei mundo afora, retorno hoje ao fórum. Como estão todos? Como está Portugal dado o caos de Atenas? Estive faz pouco na Grécia e a situação é impressionante - ainda pior do que me recordo da Argentina, em 2001.
    Proud Client of Obi Wan Asterix

  13. #2433

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Consul View Post
    Depois de tempos conturbados, em que viajei mundo afora, retorno hoje ao fórum. Como estão todos? Como está Portugal dado o caos de Atenas? Estive faz pouco na Grécia e a situação é impressionante - ainda pior do que me recordo da Argentina, em 2001.
    Basicamente, a Grécia está falida, mas admitir tal poderia questionar a viabilidade do Euro e competência dos líderes Europeus, portanto está a ser forçada a engolir empréstimos que não quer, e a entrar orgulhosamente em default, e a receber novos empréstimos, que os países do Norte já não querem fazer, mas o ESM obriga a tal coisa.

    Estão a fazer os possíveis para esconder o falhanço das políticas na Grécia criando dívida infinita para o país.

    Até já o próprio FMI admite que a dívida Grega é insustentável. Apenas as instituições Europeias da troika (ECB e Comissão Europeia) recusam tal coisa.

    Lider do ECB suspeito de ser antigo colaborador a esconder a contabilidade Grega. Actual líder da Comissão Europeia já foi apanhado em fraudes fiscais. E são estes quem querem dar uma lição de "moral" ao Sul da Europa sobre "Ética".
    Last edited by fkizz; July 16, 2015 at 08:04 AM.

  14. #2434

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

  15. #2435

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    1619 Battle Lellopitiya ,Ceylon ( Sri Lanka )

    The Portuguese Constantino de Sa e Noronha ( the God of the island of
    Ceylon ) returned to Malvana like a moon encircled with stars

    There our great lord Constantino de Sa seated in the midst of his brave
    army like Sakraya in his glory ,on a throne shaded with a sesath

    smiled upon his men and darting the light of his eyes upon them ,like bees
    on the full-bloom flowers ,he brandished his dazzling blade and addressed
    them thus :
    let the prince Madune and Barreto in their ignorance of our might ,disturb
    the lands from the Wanni side ,for I shall crush them with a heavy hand ,
    with my victorious blade in my hand I plunge into the midst of war to make
    the field of battle as a red sea ..

    an endless stream of stately warriors crowded in front and rear ,mounted
    on their horses and elephants ,with their swords and their bows and their

    our lord Constantino de Sa started from Malvana with his ministers ,like
    an ocean wave

    there on the bank of the great river he stood with his martial train and gazed
    in delight like Sakraya on the margent of heaven ,and the sun sank in splendour
    in the West ,our lord Constantino de Sa arose and entered the royal house

    and as at early dawn the sun arose in the East ,Constantino de Sa and his
    host awoke ,thus he advanced glorious and halted at Nivitigala

    he reached Madawalagama where he rested for the night ,
    and as the light of dawn scattered the darkness of the night ,our lord
    Constantino de Sa awoke

    next morning our troops went forth to meet the foe ,returning victorious
    with many heads and on the second day our lord started again ,
    reaching beautiful Sanwana in the evening

    for with the roar of a thousand cannon and the deafening blast of music
    our lord advanced on Meddegama Nuwara with his victorious host
    and the city was set on fire

    and now the enemy in their terror scatter in flight like timid deer
    before the host of tigers

    Constantino de Sa started his journey home and the army marched leisurely
    on account of the sick and some who remained on the way were beheaded
    by the enemy who came harassing the rearguard ,to avoid great danger ,
    Constantino de Sa ordered Luis teixeira to go ahead with 100 portuguese
    and 1 000 lascarins and lie in ambush at a narrow pass of the forest at

    and changing the vanguard and rearguard by turns ,Constantino de Sa
    pretended great haste in order to bait the enemy ,the cannon bursting on
    them in thunder amidst the terrific peals of music ,our host sprang on them
    from the ambush shouting their war cries ,thereupon they were charged by
    Constantino de Sa with such impetuosity that more than 8 000 heads were
    cut off

    and piling up their heads like cocoanuts ,slicing off their arms and legs ,
    noses and ears ,each striking down 5 and 10

    with all the might of Rama in the Ravenna war ,they seized and punished
    the foe

    unnumbered heads lay scattered through the field

    yea ,those teeth of the wicked Barreto ,rebel against God and his king of
    Portugal were there dashed out ,thirty-two in all and well were his cheeks

    a defeat so great that of the Modeliars alone 40 were killed

    then like Sakraya returning victorious from the Asura war ,our lord
    Constantino de Sa set out in triumph for Malvana

    May the lord Jesus Christ protect all men
    and his mother full of love
    may they cherish Constantino de Sa in all prosperity

  16. #2436

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    The Leopard’s Eating Place :
    The Battle of Kotikapola ,12 April 1655

    Facing a dire situation
    the Portuguese Captain-General of Ceylon
    replaced the incompetent Captain-Major of the 4 and 7 Korales
    with the proven Gaspar Figueira de Serpe ('the Axe') .
    Gaspar Figueira with the Portuguese of the Colombo garrison and the
    few loyal Sinhalese lascarins ,
    Figueira defeated the Kandyans at Malwana
    and again at Kananapella ,
    then destroyed Moorish vessels in the ocidenatl western ports of
    Kalpitiya and Puttalam .

    After further reinforcements arrived from Mannar (30 Jan),
    Figueira led his men into the interior and,
    having surprised them in their encampment at Arambepola ,
    defeated the Kandyans yet again (Feb) .
    The Kandyans fled to the hills above Balane pass,
    and the Portuguese camped at Arandara .

    Enraged by the Figueira's successes against his subordinates ,
    Raja Sinha asks the Dutch to besiege the Portuguese at Kalutara,
    the key to Colombo (19 Mar)
    then advanced into the lowlands with 40,000 men (21 Mar) .
    The Kandyan army made leisurely progress via the Kandy-Puttalam road .
    This road passed through the Galagedara pass and across the
    Kospatu Oya river at Kotiapola,
    and 2 advanced guards
    were sent forward to secure the route ;
    8,000 men under the dissava of Uva
    6,000 under the dissava of Matale .
    Uva emcamped at Kotikapola and
    Matale a mile further on at Pilessakanda .

    When the Dutch besieged Kalutara from 3 sides (3 Apr)
    the Portuguese Captain-General of Ceylon ordered Figueira back
    to the coast to defend the Capital .
    Figueira, however, had other ideas .
    He had quickly heard of the advancing Kandyan horde,
    and although he declined to tell his men so as not to discourage them,
    he believed it better to face this threat than to succor Colombo .
    To deceive the enemy he made it be know that he was heading for the
    coast, but instead remained at Arandura.

    On the night of 10 April
    Figueira ordered that the camp fires be kept burning and that the camp
    followers make merry,
    then with 300 Portuguese soldados and 1,700 lascarins ,
    he left headed east to Mottapuliya (11 Apr) .
    The Portuguese breakfasted at 3 am,
    and by day break (6 am)
    were marching north (12 Apr).
    Around 7 am they encountered a Kandyan scouting party, and drove them off.
    from prisoners that Raja Sinha was camped at Kotikapola ,
    Figueira divided his force in 2 :
    Joaõ Coelho de Castro, dissiva of the 7 Korales, took 150 Portuguese
    and 700 lascarin
    to attack the dissiva of Matale at Pilessakanda .
    The remainder of the force headed for the dissiva of Uva's emcampment
    at Kotikapola .
    Both forces
    would have had to advance single file through the thick jungle;
    it would seem the lascarins typically headed Portuguese columns.

    Joaõ Coelho surprised and killed the dissiva of Matale and drove off his men .
    Figueira didn't have it quite so easy.
    Warned of the approaching Portuguese by fugitives from the earlier
    skirmish at Mottapuliya,
    the dissiva of Uva sent out 1,100 men
    to harass Figueira as he advanced (12 noon).
    Figueira ignored this threat to his flanks and pushed on.
    After another 2 miles (at 1 pm) the lascarins at the head of Figueira's column
    with Kandyans blocking the way.
    Figueira and 20 Portuguese reformados rushed to the front and a
    fierce fighting ensued.
    When the remainder of the Portuguese managed to make their way to the
    front of column (still being attacked from the flanks),
    a volley drove off the Kandyans.
    Figueira pursued vigorously killing any fugitives encountered;
    within half an hour he had captured the dissiva of Uvas camp.
    At this point fugitives from the camp of the dissiva of Matale arrived,
    only to be driven into the jungle by Figueira.

    Deciding that Raja Sinha would not come because
    his subordiinates had been defeated,
    settled down to camp for the night .
    The King, however, wasn't aware what had happened
    and by 4 pm
    Figueira was getting reports of a large force of Kandyans approaching
    from the east.
    Manoel Gil led 30 Portuguese and 650 lascarins off to disperse what was
    believed to be survivors from earlier fights.
    Figueira, however, hearing continuous firing from the jungle into
    which Gil had disappeared,
    sent Joaõ Coelho to investigate with another 180 Portuguese and 300 lascarin.
    It turns out that 500 of Gil's lascarins had immediately deserted to join the
    Kings forces,
    leaving Gil's 180 remaining men to face the 10,000 of the dissiva of Tumpane.
    Coelho's arrival saved Gil's tiny force,
    and after a hard struggle the Portuguese put the Kandyans to flight.
    Raja Sinha attempted to stem the rout on the eastern side of Kospatu Oya,
    but eventually fled himself.
    Only the King's Dutch bodyguard stood their ground and covered the flight
    of the Kandyans.
    Coelho did not pursue and rejoined Figueira by nightfall (6 pm).
    Depending on the source your read the Kandyans lost between 300 and 16,000
    killed and captured.
    The Portuguese had 4 soldados wounded, 4 lascarins killed and 20 wounded.
    The portuguese and lascarins cut off 11 000 heads ,1 600 prisoners ,captured
    700 muskets .

    The last and most successful of the Portuguese victories against the native Sinhalese

    Order of Battle
    On 12 April 1655 Gaspar Figueira de Serpe had :

    • 8 companies of 30 Portuguese Soldados
    • 1 company of 37 topazes (mixed Portuguese-Sinhalese blood) and 20 reformados (Portuguese captains currently without a command)
    • At least 500 lascarins from the recently recovered Seven Korales
    • At least 150 lascarins from the Alukuru Korale near Dutch held Negombo.
    • The remainder of the 1,700 (or 4,000) lascarin were from the Four Korales.
    • A few Caffirs (Negros from Mozambique)

    On 12 April 1655 Raja Sinha had 40,000 (or 19,000 or 20,000) men including :

    • 3,000 with gingal
    • 9,000 with muskets
    • 13,000 with bows
    • 15,000 with spears
    • 30 Elephants
    • 30-32 Dutchmen with Snaphaans

    The Kandyan army was divided amongst the dissivas of Kandy, Uva, and Matale .
    The men of Uva were considered the best fighters.
    Last edited by portvcale 1200; November 25, 2023 at 04:56 PM.

  17. #2437

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    The Portuguese in Thailand and Burma ( Myanmar)
    ( Os Portugueses na Tailandia e Birmania ( Myanmar)

    1515 Battle of Me Wang
    in 1515 in Thailand ,the king of Siam Ramathibodi II and the portuguese and many
    muskets defeated the forces of Chiang Mai ,a fierce battle was fought on the banks
    of the Me Wang River ,the Chiang Mai were defeated ( Chiang Mai “Kingdom
    of a Million Rice Fields )

    1564 Battle of the Menam Valley
    Bra Mahein prince of Siam and the portuguese are defeated ,the Thai and the
    portuguese ( Kala Brin-gyi ) killed many Burmese cavalry ,the Burmese were
    saved by Maha Upayaza and by the king of Toungoo ,and the Thai and the
    portugueses were defeated ( The Siamese ,aided by a few Portuguese free-lances ,
    made 2 attempts to stay the progress of the immense Burmese army )

    1542 Battle of northern Prom
    The king of Burma and Shan chiefs march to relieve Prome but Bureng Naung ,
    aided by Portuguese guns and gunners ,defeats them ,Bureng Naung marched
    to meet the Shan army ,and utterly defeated it a few miles to the north of Prome ,
    Tabinshwehti meet a powerful counter-attack launched against Prome by the Shan
    ruler of Ava in league with the sawbwas of six of the Shan states ,with the help of
    his Portuguese gunners he won a decisive victory ( The King at Ava, however ,sent
    down an army ,Bureng Naung marched first to meet the Shan army from Ava ,and
    utterly defeated it ,the Portuguese gunners ,whom he had brought with him ,helping
    very materially in bringing about this victory

    1542 Battle of Padaung Pass
    Bayinnaung and the portuguese defeated the Arakanese army ,the Arakanese
    army were routed by Toungoo muskets and artillery ( in the rout of the Shan
    and Arakanese auxiliary armies ,the guns brought into the field by Tabinshweti ,
    and served by Portuguese gunners ,played a chief part )

    1539 Battle of Naungyo
    Hanthawaddy army forces consisted of 80 000 men ,800 horses and 200 elephants ,
    Toungoo army was led by Bayinnaung ,their total strength was 10 000 men ,500
    horses and 50 elephants ,Hanthawaddy army included portuguese and Indian
    mercenaries with guns

    1544 Battle of Prome
    In 1544 the ruler of Ava ,Hkonmaing ,and the sawbwas of six states ,Mohnyin ,
    Momeik ,Hsenwi ,Bhamo ,Yawnghwe and Monk ,united in a counter-attack to
    recover Prome ,their flotilla of war-boats was easily dispersed by Tabinshwehti’s
    Portuguese gunners and a decisive victory resulted

    1550 Battle of Pegu
    Xemindo ( Smin Htaw ) with 200 000 men ,85 portuguese and 5 000 elephants
    marched to the city of Pegu and defeated 800 000 men led by Zemin ,Zemin was
    killed by the portuguese Gonzalo Neto

    1550 Battle of Pegu
    Bayinnaung with Burmans ,Mons and 39 portuguese defeated Xemindo
    ( Smin Htaw ) outside of Pegu ,Xemindo lost 400 000 men

    1593 Battle of Nong Sarai
    the king of Siam Naresuen ( Bra Narit ) and his brother Ekatotsarot and the
    portuguese and the Japanese defeated the Burmese

    1538 Chiang Krai
    An army from Ayutthaya drove a Burmese occupation force from Chiang Krai ,an
    Ayutthayan vassal ,the Ayutthayan’s were assisted by Portuguese mercenaries

    1548 Siege of Ayutthaya
    King Tabinshwehti attacked Siam in 1548 ,but was defeated ,Tabinshwehti
    moved in great state surrounded by the choicest elephants ,richly attired lords ,
    and 400 portuguese guards whose helmets and muskets were inlaid with gold
    for they provided a bodyguard as well as artillery ,the Siamese possessed cannon
    and the weakest part of the wall was defended by 50 portuguese ,Tabinshwehti tried
    to bribe them ,after a month the Burmese withdrew ( both sides had portuguese )

    1766 Battle of Bangauk River
    the Siamese with 1510 ships with big guns manned by portuguese
    ( Kala Panthes ) and 60 000 men led by Bala Dewa ,Paya Kuratit ,
    Paya Barabat and Paya Ramaya were defeated by the Burmese ,the
    Siamese lost 810 ships and 2 000 men

    1541 Martaban
    Tabinshwehti attacked Martaban ,for the attack he recruited Mon levies
    and a force of portuguese mercenaries armed with muskets and light
    artillery ,Martaban also was defended by a company of portuguese ,
    Tabinshwehti carried the city by storm ,Martaban fell in 1541

    1614 Tenasserim
    The Burmese under Anaukpetlun were repulsed at Tenasserim by Thai and
    Portuguese forces

    In the reign of King Chai Racha, ( 1534-1547 ) the Portuguese were
    conscripted to take part in the battle between Ayutthaya and northern
    towns ,from king Chairacha to king Narai 1534-1688 portuguese soldiers
    officially worked as the kings bodyguard

    Portuguese served regularly in the Burmese army ,generally in the bodyguard
    Last edited by portvcale 1200; August 06, 2015 at 08:14 AM.

  18. #2438

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    53 Lugares queimados na Galiza no Ano de 1641 :

    1641 Fezes de Cima
    1641 Fezes de Baixo
    1641 Mandim
    1641 Vila Frade
    1641 Lama Darcos
    1641 Cambedo
    1641 Rastoal
    1641 Tamaguelos
    1641 São Cibrão
    1641 Uimbra
    1641 O Rosal
    1641 Mouraços
    1641 Tamagos
    1641 Serzeda
    1641 Bediferre
    1641 Espeuho
    1641 Bezeus
    1641 As Châus
    1641 Casas dos Montes
    1641 Amadelina
    1641 S. Cristovão
    1641 Vila de Mideiros
    1641 Vila Maior Gironda
    1641 S. Milhão
    1641 Freires
    1641 Lucença
    1641 Busesis
    1641 A Granja
    1641 A Pedrosa
    1641 Sotto Dias
    1641 Vilaredo de Cotta
    1641 Vilar de Rey
    1641 Enxames
    1641 Arsadegos
    1641 Palheiros
    1641 Torroxo
    1641 Vilar de Servos
    1641 Alviga
    1641 S. Romão
    1641 A Bemposta
    1641 O Tonho
    1641 Tres Igrejas
    1641 A Devesa
    1641 Igreja
    1641 Butelo
    1641 A Muimenta
    1641 Dona Elvira
    1641 Vilar da Voz
    1641 Lamas Deite
    1641 Mansalejos
    1641 Cagados
    1641 Castro Mil de Castela
    1641 Castro Mil de Galiza

    Francisco de Távora toma 110 lugares em Espanha em 1667 :

    1667 Tamaguelos
    1667 Mourazos
    1667 Rosal
    1667 Feris de Cima
    1667 Vila Maior de Gironda
    1667 São Milhão
    1667 Medeiros
    1667 San Cristóbal
    1667 Santa Vaia
    1667 Mandim
    1667 Baltar
    1667 Niño de Aguia
    1667 Vila Maior da Boutosa
    1667 São Paio da Badis
    1667 S. Lourenço de Tozende
    1667 Santiago
    1667 Rubias
    1667 São João
    1667 Rendim
    1667 Santiago de Baixo
    1667 Requiais
    1667 Vilar de Voz
    1667 Pedrosa
    1667 Bouço
    1667 Gravelos
    1667 Tijoes
    1667 Gumares
    1667 Eixames
    1667 Godim
    1667 Tamágos
    1667 Maos
    1667 Tourem
    1667 Uimbra
    1667 Bouzeis
    1667 Moinhos
    1667 Salhariz
    1667 Nugueira
    1667 Prado
    1667 Gomar
    1667 São Fernando
    1667 Prado Novo
    1667 Fustras
    1667 Larohá
    1667 Pijeirós
    1667 Pereiro
    1667 Sabuzedo
    1667 Parada
    1667 Conclos
    1667 Moreiros
    1667 Vilela
    1667 Mosteiro
    1667 Vilar de Lebres
    1667 Moimenta
    1667 Lobos
    1667 Tres Mires
    1667 Coaledo
    1667 Vilaça
    1667 Atais
    1667 Pinados
    1667 Nuzelos
    1667 Vilar de Servos
    1667 Freiris
    1667 A Madanela
    1667 Sendim
    1667 São Martinho
    1667 Lusença
    1667 A Sezedo
    1667 Larcohá
    1667 Vilar de Rey
    1667 Soutelo
    1667 Santo Antonio
    1667 Santo Antoninho
    1667 Alvarelhos
    1667 A Babidis
    1667 Pinheiro
    1667 Infesta
    1667 Santa Valhadalimia
    1667 Rebordachá
    1667 Somis
    1667 Salharis
    1667 Lodozelo
    1667 Freixo
    1667 Fambre
    1667 Nuzedo de Pena
    1667 Escarnabois
    1667 Coais
    1667 Souto Chão
    1667 Berrande
    1667 Arsohá
    1667 Crastelos de Baixo
    1667 S. Vicente
    1667 Dona Ilvira
    1667 Verguinha
    1667 Riós
    1667 Vilarinho da Toussa
    1667 A Barreira
    1667 Vilar de Flor
    1667 Tameirão
    1667 Crastelos de Monte Rey
    1667 Passos
    1667 Guiçaes
    1667 Covas
    1667 Fiaes
    1667 Arsadegos
    1667 Salhariz
    1667 São Salvador
    1667 Barsia
    1667 Couto

  19. #2439

    Default Re: Português (Portuguese)

    Battles in Sri Lanka
    Portuguese at war in Ceylon ( Sri Lanka )

    ( Some Battles – Most are Portuguese Victories )
    ( 87 Battles )


    1518 Battle Santa Barbara Fort
    In 1518 the Sinhalese and Muslims jointly attacked the fort in Columbo
    ,the Portuguese led by Dom Joao silveira one night with a small bando of
    picked men ,he fell upon the besieged camp with such resolution that taken
    unawares they took to flight leaving arms and many their lives ,Silveira

    ordered a padram to be erected with this inscription : on this spot 40
    Portuguese obtained the Victory over 3 000 Moors

    1521 Battle Columbo
    Vijaya Bahu besieged Columbo on 7 of may ,for a period of 5 months ,
    in october Lopo de brito leave the fortress and destroy the enemy trenches ,
    Proytela Rala with 2 000 men and 150 wadakkara horses and 25 elephants
    offered to retake the trenches ,the elephants were hit by bullets and ran
    over their own men ,and the portuguese with loud shouts attacked them
    with spears and killed many in their reach

    1525 Battle Columbo
    15 february ,Nuno freire de andrada with 20 portuguese and Salapuri
    Arache with 600 men dawned in Columbo ,and attacked the Malabares
    on land ,and defeated them and killed many ,the battle was bloodthirsty ,
    the Malabares fled and some went into the woods and others threw
    themselves into the sea ,the enemy líder Baleacem fled in shame

    1525 Battle Columbo
    3 months later ,the Malabares returned again on 3 may ,and went to Columbo
    where there were only 8 portuguese ,Nuno freire de andrada and Vira
    poli arachi ( Wirappuli arache ) with 600 Sinhalese they gave battle to the
    Malabares who were already camped on land ,the Malabares were defeated

    witth many deaths and some fled to the boats and others to Ceitavaca

    1538 Battle Beadalá
    Martim afonso de sousa with 400 portugueses defeated Pate Marcar
    ( Pate Marakkar ) that had 4 000 men in Beadalá ( Veladai ) we
    captured 1 500 muskets

    1539 Battle Negombo
    Miguel ferreira defeated the Mappillas ( Malabares ) in Negombo in 1539 ,
    the Malabares were in open field close to ships ,many died and others
    escaped ,the portuguese captured boats and weapons ,the victorious
    portuguese army withdraws to Cota ( the ruin of the Malabar army )

    1539 Battle Gurubevila
    Miguel ferreira with 300 portuguese and the king of Cota Bhunaveka Bahu VII
    with 7 000 lascarins and Tribule with 11 000 Chingalas marched to

    Gurubevila ,and there they were attacked by a considerable force of
    Men ,elephants and artillery ,the portuguese defeated the Ceitavaca army
    ( the portuguese in 1539 defeated Mayadunne and their moorish allies )
    the march was opposed by a considerable force of men and elephants
    assisted by artillery

    1550 Battle Navagamuva
    Madune was in Ceitavaca when the portuguese took the stockades ,
    D. Jorge de castro marched to Ceitavaca ,which is 2 leagues away ,
    the portuguese went out into the open ,where Madune waited for us
    with all his strenght ,a cruel battle took place ,Madune was defeated
    in Navagamuva ( Nawagamuwa ) ,Madune fled to the mountains of

    1551 Battle Cota
    Madune with his army was a league from the city of Cota and
    approaching her ,set up his army in her sight ,Tribuli Pandar seeing
    that audacity ,gathered the people who could and with him some
    portuguese ,and coming out againts Madune fought a fierce battle ,
    where the portuguese at the vanguard made wonders and defeated
    the enemies and plucked them from the field

    1551 Battle Ceitavaca
    D. Afonso de Noronha with 3 000 portuguese and Tribuli pandar
    with 4 000 Sinhalese they were against Madune ,Madune fortified
    3 stockades with a lot of people and he stayed out with 3 000 men ,
    Our men took the 3 stockades by force ,and marching to Ceitavaca ,
    Those in the vanguarda had some encouters with Madune ,in which
    they defeated him completely and Madune fled to the mountains
    called Deraniyagala ( Madune was defeated in a battle in sight of
    Ceitavaca - Sitawaka )

    1555 Battle Kalu Ganga
    Tibirinpola bandara and Tikiri bandara with 300 portuguese marched
    towards Pelenda to attack Vidiye bandara ,after crossing the limpid waters
    of the Pelen Ganga the allied forces were met and attacked by Vidiye bandara
    who after a hard-fought battle was forced to flee to Tanavaré

    1555 Battle Puwack Welley Totta
    Vidiye bandara ( Tribuli pandar ) fled from Pelenda and to make himself
    Lord of the 7 corlas killed the prince Rajah edirimanna from Urunguré ,
    The Cota army and the portuguese led by Dharma Pawla Rajah went to
    the 7 Corlas and they put themselves in Puwack Welley Totta ,
    Wicrama Sinha came against the portuguese and advanced to Puwack
    Welley Totta ,here the battle began ,both sides had casualties
    ( battle Elletota )

    1560 Battle Mulleriyawa
    The portuguese marched out with a large army and halted
    at Héwágama ,Wikramasinha mudali advanved to give battle
    and met the portuguese in the village of Mulleriyáwa ,where
    the fight commenced ,in this battle thousands of Wikramasinha
    mudali´s army fell ,Wikramasinha mudali himself was wounded
    and being defeated retreated to Héwágama ,the portuguese having
    made much slaughter and obtained Victory rested at Mulleriyáwa

    1560 Battle Mulleriyawa
    ( second battle Mulleriyawa ) Dom Jorge withdraws because the soldiers no longer had ammunition ,
    Rajasinha attaked us with such force that it defeated
    us ,many portuguese died who fought valiantly ,
    the portuguese were surrounded ,Dom Jorge with some portuguese escaped

    1560 Battle Rio Don Constantino
    Luis de melo da silva with 400 portuguese and a Sinhalese called Urulinga
    with 1 500 lascarins chase the king of Jaffna and reached a river that divides
    the land of Jaffna from Tricomalee state and discovered the king of Jaffna
    across the river with reinforcements that sent the Vaneá of Tricomalee ,next
    day they attacked us and the king of Jaffna was defeated ( the river that divides
    Jaffna from Tricomalee is the Salt Lake or River Don Constantino )

    1562 Battle Mullereiyawa
    in1562 Ekanayake’s forces, composed of 4,000 Singhalese and 4 elephants,
    raid the lands of Kotte. Balthazar Guedes de Sousa with 250 Portuguese and
    800 Lascars defeats them in Mulleriyawa and Pelonaua. Ekanayake’s banner captured.

    1576 Battle Weragoda
    Diogo de melo Coutinho knew that Vurupu modeliar had arrived at Betal
    with 2 500 men and 4 elephants ,Diogo de melo was against him ,25 july
    of 1576 Diogo de melo with 450 portuguese and 700 lascarins met the
    enemy in Varagore ( Weragoda ) the battle lasted 4 hours ,the elephants
    killed 13 of our lascarins ,and although the enemy received reinforcements
    they were defeated by the portuguese ,Pedro gonçalves killed the Vurupu

    1582 Battle Balana
    In 1582 Karaliyadde Bandara with 60 000 men and 150 portuguese
    Was defeated by Rajasinha that had 30 000 men ,in Balana a great battle
    was fought ,thousands died in this battle

    1584 Battle Beligâo
    In 1584 Pedro homem and Ambrosio leitão went to Beligâo ( Weligama ) ,
    the portuguese disembark in front of the town and the lascarins on the
    left bank of the river ,a large body of people came to defend the landing ,
    with which our people had a risky battle ,the lascarins in the portuguese
    army attacked the Sinhalese from Beligâo from behind and defeated them

    1586 Battle Verastodta
    3-may 1586 ,advanced Paliconde arache with 2 000 men untill the field of
    Mapane doing all the damage possible ,and when he tried to withdraw ,
    Francisco gomes leitão with 300 portuguese and the modeliar Pedro afonso
    with 700 lascarins they founde Paliconde arache in the river Verastodta
    ( Werastota ) Paliconde arache was defeated ,and the portuguese cut off his
    head and 50 of them died

    1587 Naval Battle Columbo
    4-october ,Tomé de sousa de Arronches with 12 boats defeated the Sinhalese
    fleet of more than 28 boats ,the Sinhalese lost 4 boats ,and had more than 300
    dead and captives ,Rajasinha was so angry with the bad success that he had

    2 of the main chiefs beheadded

    1588 Battle Matacoré
    Visacom modeliar withdraw from Columbo ,1 600 portuguese and 700
    Lascarins shase them ,Visacom modeliar arriving at the Matacoré bridge ,
    stopped on the bridge in the other side ,in which the portuguese had a great
    battle with him ,Visacom modeliar won the bridge ,Joao pereira came to the
    rescue and attacking the Sinhalese he won the bridge again with great mortality

    ,and followed the enemy who was in disarray until the Calane river

    1591 Battle Diago
    Francisco da silva with 150 portuguese and 400 lascarins marched along
    unexplored paths and in Diago encoutered a large enemy force constitued
    by foreigners and 3 elephants ,the portuguese defeated them and they fled

    1591 Battle Rio Cardiva
    Expedition of Andre de furtado de Mendonça to Jaffna ,Andre furtado
    de Mendonça in the Cardiva river defeated the fleet of Cutimuza of 22

    1592 Battle Baia Talimanar
    The portuguese fleet of 8 boats defeated 12 boats ( Tones ) from Tanjor
    ,more than 400 Badagas and Moors and Malabares were killed and 200
    were made prisoners

    1593 Battle Orutota
    The Perumal ( Mannamperuma ) with 3 000 men went to reinforce the
    pass of Orutota ,the captain of Columbo ordered to Wikramasinha
    ( Bicarna Singa ) and D. Diogo da silva that with 1 000 lascarins and
    50 portuguese was in demand of Perumal ,25-april these forces appeared
    in Orutota ,Diogo da silva was wounded and the portuguese were defeated ,
    and the head of Diogo da silva carried in triumph to Ceitavaca

    1594 Battle Halloluwa
    Ambush in Halloluwa ,during the looting to Halloluwa the portuguese lost
    time to looting the village ,7 000 Kandyans set up an ambush and attacked
    the portuguese ,the portuguese were defeated ,Alvaro de souza and few lascarins escaped

    1594 Battle Danture
    368 portuguese and few lascarins are defeated by 10 000 or 20 000
    Sinhalese ,october

    1595 Battle Galgudeze
    Jerónimo de Azevedo and D. João perea pandar ( Dharmapala ) fought
    with Edirille Rala ( Domingos correa ) on the plain of Galgudeze
    ( Agalagodera ) ,Edirille Rala attacked our vanguard and rearguard
    with a large force and 12 elephants ,Lucas de mesquita was killed in the
    vanguard ,in this battle 134 portuguese were killed and 118 were wounded

    ,the 102 portuguese attacked the enemy and defeated them with many deads
    and they withdrew ,Edirille Rala was wounded

    1595 Battle Horana
    The portuguese arrived at Horana where the enemy was waiting for us
    with all his strength ,the battle took place ,the enemy attacked the portuguese ,
    almost all portuguese were injured ,when appeared our friend D. Diogo samarakon
    with 500 Christians Tupazes and attacked the enemy with such

    fury that Iddagoda Naide ( João Fernandes ) was killed and the head raised
    on a spear and the enemy was defeated

    1596 Battle Uduwara
    D. Fernando Modeliar with some portuguese camped at Uruvêre
    ( Uduware ) came agaisnt us Edirille Rala ( Domingos Corrêa )
    supported by the king of Candy Wimala Dharma with 10 000 men ,
    Edirille Rala advanced with 5 000 men ,leaving the king at a distance ,
    because he wanted the Victory for himself ,Dom Fernando attacked and
    forced Edirille Rala to withdraw ,and our men were in pursuit killing
    more than 1 000 ,and 300 were made prisoners

    1596 Battle Elláwala
    Wimala Dharma sent 2 000 Sinhalese against Salvador pereira da silva
    which was in a trench ,Jeronimo de Azevedo sent 150 soldiers and 500
    lascarins to the portuguese ,the portuguese defeated the Sinhalese at
    Elláwala ,the enemy leader was killed called the Modeliar Vezi Singa
    ( Victory of Elláwala or Elawala or Elavela )

    1597 Battle Corvite
    Dom Joao king of Kandy with 4 000 men from Uva and Dinavaca marched
    to the fort of Corvite ( Kuruvita ) in the fort was Salvador pereira da silva ,
    Salvador pereira left the fort one night with the soldiers and attacked the
    Sinhalese with fury ,and the Sinhalese were defeated ,Salvador pereira

    shase them and killed 1 000 Sinhalese and took 2 elephants ( Victory of
    Corvite or Kuruwita ) this Victory was so famous that the Sinhalese gave
    a nickname to Salvador pereira da silva : captain Corvite

    1597 Battle Runa
    Navaratna Bandara ( Simão Corrêa ) fortified himself in Runa near
    Katuwana with 1 000 rifles and left ambushed in the bush 2 000
    Sinhalese to attack us from behind ,Simão pinhão and D. Fernando
    Samarakon with 150 portuguese and 2 000 lascarins attacked the enemy
    fort ,the 2 000 Sinhalese from the ambush attacked us from behind and
    we left the fort and we attacked the 2 000 Sinhalese and defeated them
    on 25-september

    1597 Battle Runa
    In Runa near Katuwana another battle took place ,the potugueses defeated
    the Sinhalese ,we did such damage and destrution to them ,the flower of the
    people of Kandy died here ,566 heads were piled at Runa

    1598 Battle Seven Corlas
    The tyrant D. Joao of Candy sent a army of 3 000 men to fortify himself
    in Seven Corlas ,Salvador pereira and Simao pinhao attacked the army
    of the Seven Corlas ,and found resistance ,in this the rebel Simao correa
    that was at the top of the mountain attacked the portuguese from behind ,
    but the portuguese fought with them with astonishing fury ,and after the
    battle lasted a long time ,the Sinhalese were defeated

    1599 Battle Panaliya
    Salvador pereira da silva with 200 portuguese and 2 000 lascarins
    marched along the Maha Oya river ,next day passed the river in
    Etgaletota ,when the portuguese cleared the bush in Etgaletota in
    the village of Panaliya ,the enemy attacked from many sides ,the
    Portuguese resisted valiantly ,and after a terrible battle ,the enemy
    was defeated with death and captivity of many

    1599 Battle Sofregâo
    Simão pinhão with a company of soldiers and 800 lascarins found
    the enemy in the place of Sofregâo ,and after having a fierce battle
    with them took them from the field ,killing many of them

    1599 Battle Kiriwallapitiya
    22-april ,1599 , Simão pinhão marched to attack Kiriwallapitiya
    ( Kirivallapitiya ) the garrison made an exit at the same time as
    others enemies descended from the mountains ,Afonso moro died
    in the fight ,and the Sinhales retreated to the fort ,our men chase
    them ,and we enterd the fort ,while those of the mountains
    withdraw ,we captured Kiriwallapitiya

    1599 Battle Balitote
    The tyrant of Kandy blamed the king of Uva for the bad successes
    and removed from the post of field general ,and gave it to a prince
    ,this prince with all the people went against the fort of Balitote ,the ´
    Prince attacked the fort with skirmish of musket ,Salvador pereira
    went out with the troops and attacked them with such fury that defeated

    1600 Battle Seven Corlas
    Jeronimo de Azevedo sent to do in that place of Catu Cambala a
    fort of wood ,a new enemy force appeared in the Seven Corlas ,
    there was a fierce fight there ,where the enemy attacked our rearguard
    with great fury ,but they found such resistance in our men ,that with the
    death of many they were defeated and fled ( winter of 1600 )

    1603 Battle Balana
    One night being Jeronimo de Azevedo in Balana ,the lascarins in the
    Portuguese army deserted under the command of Kangara Arachi ,
    Jereonimo de Azevedo decides withdraw at dawn ,before the sun rose
    our field was surrounded by many Sinhalese playing drums and giving
    loud war cries ,Jeronimo de Azevedo withdraw from Balane always
    fighting with the enemy

    1603 Battle Alauwa
    The Sinhalese watching the rout of the portuguese ,they persecuted us
    in such a way that they did not gave an hour of rest ,the portuguese
    ambushed the Sinhalese in Alauwa and killed many of his men ,the
    portuguese also ambushed the Sinhalese in Bocalagáma ( Bokalagama )
    and Vaderua ( Wadurawa ) killing many of them

    1611 Battle Mahaweli Ganga
    Dom Jeronimo de Azevedo with 5 000 lascarins and 700 portuguese
    arrived on the river of Kandy ,which was very fortified ,because on the
    other side was all the power of the king of Kandy ,the king of Kandy
    fortified in the Mahaweli Ganga river bank with 10 000 men was
    defeated by the portugueses with many deaths and great damage

    1612 Battle Seven Corlas
    The emperor of Kandy sent 5 000 men to avenge the massacre of
    Cottiar ,Simao correia and the portuguese who began to withdraw
    were persecuted ,until the portuguese met the enemy at the borders
    of Seven Corlas ,the portuguese were defeated ,23 were killed

    1615 Battle Matarata
    Manuel Mascarenhas homem crossing the kingdom of Kandy to the
    Uva ,in the Matarata mountains ,the enemy fought with our rearguard ,
    without effect of consideration

    1616 Battle Matale
    Manuel cesar ,Filipe de oliveira ,Antonio da mota and Luis gomes pinto
    with 10 companies made an assault in the kingdom of Kandy ,and destroyed
    and burned everything ,and had a battle with the enemy in Matale ,where
    we cut off 35 heads and the portuguese captured some Araches and
    Modeliares ( april -1616 )

    1616 Battle Gandola
    18-december ,Manuel cesar with 220 portuguese and 1 000 lascarins
    defeated Nicapete (Nikapitiya Bandara) that had 4 000 men in Gandola
    ( Gandolaha ) Nicapete fled to the Seven Corlas ,in this battle half of the
    Lascarins in the portuguese army deserted

    1616 Battle Quilela
    Manuel cesar defeated again the amy of Nicapete composed of 24 000
    men ,the 2 armies faced each other in Quilela (Kal Eliya ) in the battle
    1 000 men were killed ,Nicapete fled to Dambadeniya ( Victory of Queilela )

    1617 Battle Beligal Corla
    The portuguese went to Diomede ( Dewamedda ) and crossing all
    the Urupala ( Walpola ) went to settle in Atalispava ( Hatalispauwa )
    and one night the portuguese went to Beligal Corla ,where they found
    the enemy that attacked our rearguard ,the portuguese repelled the enemy ,
    and finally we went to Galbaragama

    1617 Battle Anorajapure
    Luis gome pinto advanced against Nicapete ,and reached Nicapete in the
    deserts of Anorajapure (Anuradha Pura) and defeated him ,Nicapete fled

    1619 Battle Lellopitiya
    Constantino de sá e Noronha with 600 portuguese and 1 500 lascarins
    burned Meddegama ,and retreating to Sofragâo the enemy came
    attacking our rear ,Constantino de sá e Noronha sent Luis teixeira with
    100 portugueses and 1 000 lascarins to make an ambush in Lellopitiya ,
    the Sinhalese arrived at Sofregâo and was attacked by Luis Teixeira ,also
    attacked Constantino de sá e Noronha ,the Sinhalese were defeated ,we

    beheaded 8 000 Sinhalese ,Madune and Barreto fled , Kangara Arache
    had the head cut off

    1619 Battle Talampitiya
    Constantino de Sa e Noronha and Francisco de brito and the captain
    of the field Constantino de sa de miranda with the rest of the portuguese
    went to meet the enemy that was in Talapiti ( Talampitiya ) and coming
    to across our vanguard Madune was defeated ,with the loss of some men
    ,Madune retreated to the hills of Muratena ( Moratenna )

    1619 Battle Vannarponnai
    Felipe de oliveira with 130 portuguese and Luis cabral de faria with
    3 000 lascarins defeated Chingali Comara II (Cankili Kumaran II) in
    the fields of Vannarponnai ( Banarepane )

    1620 Battle Jaffna
    Migapulle Arachi ( Arache Dom Luiz ) with 30 000 men came to expel the
    portuguese from Jaffna ,Felipe de oliveira was rescued by Luis Teixeira

    with 1 600 men ,both went out on the field and after a severe battle ,the
    enemy was defeated with great slaughter

    1620 Battle Putur
    The prince of Ramacor ( Rameswaram ) came to help the defeated ,the prince
    of Rameswaram landed with about 600 or 700 men and marched towards Putur
    some distance away from Nallur ,he was defeated and captured

    1620 Battle Nallur
    Bornagolate king of Carcas ( Careás ) and Chem Naik with 2 000 Badagás
    came against the portuguese ,Felipe de oliveira in november found the enemy
    ,and a furious battle ensued ,Felipe de oliveira was wounded in the mouth ,
    the Badagás were defeated and retreated to the trenches ( book : Fidalgos
    in the kingdom of jafanapatam ) december

    1621 Battle Nallur
    Felipe de oliveira receiving reinforcements of 1 000 men on january 14
    of 1621 attacked the enemy and defeated them with great slaughter ,the
    field was strewn with headless bodies and the heads placed in the trees
    of Putur ( 14 january 1621 de Oliveira attacked the enemy encampments
    at Nalllur )

    1621 Battle Atchuvely
    The Naike of Tanjore gathered more Badagás and came agaisnt the
    Portuguese , Luis oliveira met with them on 11 february of 1621 ,the
    Naike of Tanjore was again defeated ,the portuguese brought 1 000
    heads on the point of the spear

    1629 Battle Ambatenna
    The Sinhalese defeated the portuguese ,both sides claim victory ,the
    Portuguese also defeated the Sinhalese ,the 2 armies met in Ambatenna ,
    the battle lasted from dawn until noon ,the portuguese forced the
    Sinhalese forces to retire across the river

    1629 Battle Pachelapali
    Domingos carvalho cão and Luis teixeira de maçedo with 200 portuguese
    and 7 000 lascarins come to the rescue of Jaffna ,and found the Sinhalese
    from Kandy on the other side of the river on the plain of Pachelapali ,Luis
    Teixeira crossed the river with 3 000 lascarins and Domingos carvalho
    forded the river inland ,and attacked and defeated the Sinhalese ,the
    portuguese beheaded 5 000 Sinhalese and the enemy leader called Modeliar
    Attapatu was beheaded ( book : the portuguese in ceylon 1617-1638, pag 210 )

    1630 Battle Randeniwela
    20 000 Sinhalese defeated 580 portuguese and 120 topazes and casados
    and 4 500 lascarins in Randeniwela (Rat Daneiyey Wela) near Wellawaya
    ,the lascarins in the portuguese army deserted the portuguese ,Constantino
    de sá e Noronha was killed and the enemy cut off his head ,Jeronimo rajapakse ,
    Dom Cosmo ,Dom Aleixeio ,Theodosio and Dom Barthazar deserted the portuguese

    1630 Battle Nacolegâo
    In october reinforcements arrive to the portuguese ,11 november
    In the Pass of Nacolegâo the portuguese reached a Victory over the
    Sinhalese ,causing losses to the enemy who fled leaving many weapons
    ( Victory in Nagalagama ,11 november ) near Columbo

    1631 Battle Panaturé
    The king of Kandy retired ,leaving the prince Mha Astana in the defense
    of the low lands and guarding the borders ,there was a battle in Panaturé
    ( Panadura ) where many heads were cut off

    1632 Battle Kaduwala
    When the portuguese arrived within sight of Kaduwala they found the
    passage occupied by a Sinhalese force ,and many of them were slaughter ,
    the general Dom Jorge de almeida gave 3 or 4 pistols for each enemy
    head that was brought to him ,the fort of Tranqueira Grande ( Kaduwala )
    was taken

    1632 Battle Daladagamwela
    The 2 princes Maha Astana and Vijayapala were defeated by the
    portuguese in Daladagamwela

    1632 Battle Methiangane
    The 2 princes Maha Astana and Vijayapala were defeated by the
    portuguese in Methiangane ( the portuguese in ceylon 1617-1638,
    pag 280 )

    1638 Battle Gannoruva
    Diogo de melo de castro invades Kandy with 700 portuguese ,
    300 black people ,200 Indianos and 500 lascarins and a regiment
    of Topazes ,the 2 kings Vijayapala and the king Rajasinha II with
    15 000 Sinhalese and 1 000 men from Madura defeated the portuguese
    in Gannoruva ,Diogo de melo de castro is killed ,the lascarins in the
    portuguese army deserted the portuguese

    1638 Battle Embalawa
    The portuguese went to the Seven Corlas ,where Siyane Korale Bandara
    and Dom pedrinho were occupying the mountain of Embalawa ( Ambalua )
    ,in janyary 1638 the portuguese arrived to the hill and attacked the enemy
    ,who resisted until noon ,when D. Pedrinho sallied out wih his men ,he was
    killed and the enemy withdrew and the portuguese were in pursuit and
    caused great slaughter in them ,and the portuguese only stopped killing in

    1640 Battle Caimel
    The Dutch landed in a village called Caimel ( Kammala ) with
    3 500 men in 3 squads ,Francisco de Mendonça attacked the Dutch
    but he was defeated and the portuguese fled to Columbo

    1643 Battle Curaça
    Battle in Curaça (Akuressa) where 400 Dutch and great number of
    Sinhalese were defeated by the portuguese commanded by Antonio
    da mota galvao ,the battle lasted 5 hours ,100 Dutch were killed ,50
    were made prisoners ,the portuguese had 25 killed and 67 wounded

    1644 Battle Negombo
    The Dutch formed 7 battalions each one of 600 men ,D. Antonio mascarenhas
    and Antonio da mota galvao attacked them ,but the portuguese were defeated ,
    D. Antonio mascarenhas and Antonio da mota galvao were killed

    1652 Battle Thiara
    The king of Kandy sent one Dissava called Comdume to attack the Dissava
    of the Four Corlas Joaô botado de seixas that was in the village of Thiara
    with 40 soldiers and 1 500 lascarins ,Comdume brought 3 000 Sinhalese
    and with all confidence attaked the portuguese ,and a fierce battle ensued
    that lasted 2 hours ,Joao botado de seixas killed the Dissava Comdume and
    defeated the Sinhalese ,the Sinhalese had more than 600 men killed

    1653 Battle Vedava
    The Sinhalese raised a trench in a strong place in the mountain of Vedava
    ( Vedávola ) the brave Gaspar figueira de serpe marched and attacked the
    trench but the Sinhalese were many and the portuguese were repulsed ,
    animated the Sinhalese jumped out of the trench ,but the portuguese
    attacked so fiercely that not only defeated those o left the trench as
    climbed the trench and killed more than 100 enemies

    1654 Naval Battle Columbo
    5 portuguese boats defeated 3 Dutch boats

    1654 Naval Battle Columbo
    11 Dutch boats defeated 3 portuguese boats

    1654 Battle Tebuna
    Battle in the village of Tebuna ,Antonio mendes aranha with 570
    Portuguese in the palce of Tebuna met the Dutch that had 700 men
    and 1 000 Sinhalese and Bandanezes ,the portuguese were attacked ,
    the battle lasted 2 hours and the Dutch were defeated

    1654 Battle Caloámodra
    The portuguese after defeating the first Dutch squadron ,attacked the
    second with sword and spear ,and the portuguese attacked the third
    squadron that was ambushed and the portuguese made a way through
    them with sword and spear ,with fierce determination ,the portuguese
    repelled the enemy and they didn´t dare to follow us

    1655 Battle Arambepola
    Panique ( Panikki Mudiyanse ) with other Dissava of the Seven Corlas
    and with 8 000 men fortified himself in the hill of Arandepola ( Arambepola )
    ,the brave Gaspar figueira de serpe after receiving reinforcements led his
    men and surprised the Sinhalese in their encampment at Arambepola
    and defeated the Kandyans yet again ,the Kandyans fled to the hills above
    Balane pass, and the Portuguese camped at Arandara

    1655 Battle Kotikapola
    The brave Gaspar figueira de serpe defeated the Dissava of Uva
    who was camped at Kotikapola ( Cuticapale ) with 8 000 men
    ( Book : Conquista temporal e espiritual de Ceilão, pag 927 )

    1655 Battle Pilessakanda
    João coelho de castro Dissava of the Seven Corlas with 150 portuguese
    and 700 lascarins attacked the Dissava of Matale in Pilessakanda that
    had 6 000 men ,Joâo coelho surprised and killed the Dissava of Matale
    and dispersed his men

    1655 Battle Kotikapola
    The brave Gaspar figueira de serpe with 8 companies of 30 portuguese ,
    1 company of 37 Topazes and 20 reformados ,500 lascarins of the
    Seven Korales and 150 lascarins from Alukuru Korale and 1 700 or 4 000
    lascains of the Four Korales and a few caffirs defeated the king of Kandy
    that had 20 000 or 40 000 men : 3 000 with gingal ,9 000 with muskets ,
    13 000 with bows ,15 000 with Spears ,30 elephants and 30-32 Dutchmen
    with snaphaans ( this is the biggest Victory of the portuguese in Ceilâo )
    ( The last and most successful of the Portuguese victories against the native Sinhalese )

    1655 Battle Kehelpanella
    The brave Gaspar figueira de serpe gave battle to a Dissava in Kehelpanella
    ,Gaspar figueira de serpe defeated one Dissava that was in Quelpanala
    ( Kehelpannala ) with 1 000 men and killed 30 Sinhalese ( Book Conquista
    temporal e espiritual de Ceilão ,pag 932 )

    1655 Battle Batugedera
    The brave Gaspar figueira de serpe advanced to Sabaragamuva defeating
    the Dissava of the king in Batugedera ( Batuguedra ) that had 1 000 men ,
    and 15 heads were cut off ( Book Conquista temporal e espiritual de Ceilão
    ,pag 932 )

    1655 Battle praia do Moroto
    Battle against the Dutch in Moroto beach ,the Dutch had 6 400 men and
    Sinhalese ,the portuguese were defeated ,we lost 520 men

    - january 9 ,Victory against 12 000 lascarins ,Dom Francisco de menexes roxo
    with 700 men ( 300 portuguese and 400 Cingalese ) defeated 12 000 Lascarins with many
    armed elephants ,book : Fastos políticos e militares da antígua e nova Lusitânia ,pag 119 and 120

    - march 22 ,General of Portuguese Ceylon, Francisco Roxo, with 300 Portuguese
    and 4,000 Lascars, defeats a force of 12,000 men led by the King of Kandy, who had
    many armed elephants in his army ,book :
    Anno histórico diário português noticia abreviada
    de pessoas grandes e coisas
    notáveis de Portugal ,Tomo I - pag 490 and 491

    - Dom Francisco de meneses made second entry into Kandy ,
    The king came up and found our men divided ,being all attacked
    ,at the same time by the king´s army ,they battled for 6 hours ,with
    valour ,they united at night and together they charged the enemy
    and drove him away ,the king returned by midnight with 12 elephants
    and all his army ,but he was so well repelled ,that they put him to flight ,
    8 days later they marched to Matale ,and for 7 days they were fighting
    with great valour ,and when they were on the top of a hill about to descend
    into the Seven Corlas the portuguese were set upon by the enemies ,at
    the foot of the hill they again attacked the portuguese ,but Domingos
    carvalho cao turning upon them with the rearguard ,obtained a notable
    Victory at the end of february 1610

    Last edited by portvcale 1200; March 18, 2024 at 05:32 AM. Reason: ATTLE

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