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Thread: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books) ROUND 12

  1. #1

    Icon7 ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books) ROUND 12

    I saw this game over at imdb and think it is quite funny.

    The rules: -you kill the poster above you like in the books (or the show)
    -no double posts (you can post later on, just don't kill youself)
    -repetition is ok but do not mass the same cause of death (not more than once every page)
    -best death of the round will be honoured in the Hall of Fame (great suggestion SeruGiran)
    (I'll end the rounds as soon as enough submissions have accumulated. Everyone may vote 2 deaths, but not their own comments. The one with the most votes wins)

    please vote with the post number, so i can manage it properly (example post #999)

    example: *pours molten gold on OP's head*
    *shoots (enter name) in the groin with a crossbow*

    Winner Round 1: SeruGiran (#90)
    Hother Umber is named Whoresbane becouse he disemboweled a whore that tried to steal from him in Oldtown, That whore was a man, that man was Turin
    Winner Round 2: Captain Zoran (#164)
    Túrin was out in the field one day. His shiny hair, flowing in the wind, playing in the field of crops. Playfully did he entice with his games on the ground, gazing on his little toes. Little notice took he to the clouds, and a shame was that, 'cuz suddenly up he went, into the dragons mouth! Now nothing but scorched bones remain, to his father's great surprise!
    Winner Round 3: Túrin_Turambar (#200)
    The last things Captain Zoran ever heard: Is there gold hidden in the village? STAB! Silver, gems? STAB! Is there more food? STAB! Where is Lord Beric Dondarrion? STAB! Which of the village folk aided him? STAB! When he rode off, where did he go? STAB! How many men were with them? STAB! How many knights, how many bowmen, how many men-at-arms? STAB! How were they armed? STAB! How many were horsed? STAB! How many were wounded? STAB! How many? STAB! How many? STAB! How many? STAB! Was there gold hidden in the village?

    Winner Round 4: Captain Zoran (#216)
    Túrin *cough* cou- *cough* coughed himse-*AAACOUGH*-lf to an *cough* somewhat overly *coughcough* ripe gra-*cough*-ve.
    Winner Round 5: gggtotalwarrior (#255)

    Captain Zoran was hanged by one of the many Stannis Baratheons that seem to just pop up on this forum at random.

    Winner Round 6: Túrin_Turambar (#292)

    "I never win anything," Dolorous Edd complained. "The gods always smiled on ggggtotalwarrior, though. When the wildlings knocked him off the Bridge of Skulls, somehow he landed in a nice deep pool of water. How lucky was that, missing all those rocks?"
    "Was it a long fall?" Grenn wanted to know. "Did landing in the pool of water save his life?"
    "No," said Dolorous Edd. "He was dead already, from that axe in his head. Still, it was pretty lucky, missing the rocks."

    Winner Round 7: Stannis Baratheon & his loyal subject Martin616 (#356 & #357)
    "Then i smashed her ing head in. Like this."
    As he drew back his huge fist, the blood on his gauntlet seemed to smoke in the cold dawn air. There was a sickening crunch.

    "He said it would be s-s-simple. The lance is a knight's weapon, he said, and B-Bronn was no true knight. Stannis Baratheon said he would unhorse him and finish him as he lay st-st-stunned."
    Bronn was no true knight that was true. Bronn was a battle-hardened killer. Your cretin of a husband wrote his own death warrent. "A splendid plan. Dare I ask how it went awry?
    "B-Bronn drove his lance through the chest of Stannis Baratheon poor h-h-h-horse. Stannis Baratheon, he . . . his legs were crushed when the beast fell. He screamed so piteously . . .
    Winner Round 8: achudnow (#407)
    They found ggggtotalwarrior where they'd left him, under the oak. "I yield," he called out at once when he saw them. He'd flung away his own spear and raised his hands, splotchy green with old dye. "I yield. Please."
    The man with the torch searched around under the trees. "Are you the last? Baker boy said there was a girl."
    "She ran off when she heard you coming," ggggtotalwarrior said. "You made a lot of noise." And Arya thought, Run, Weasel, run as far as you can, run and hide and never come back.
    "Tell me where we can find that whoreson Dondarrion, and there'll be a hot meal in it for you."
    "Who?" said ggggtotalwarrior blankly.
    "I told you, this lot don't know no more than those in the village. Waste o' bloody time."
    One of the spearmen drifted over to ggggtotalwarrior. "Something wrong with your leg, boy?"
    "It got hurt."
    "Can you walk?" he sounded concerned.
    "No," said ggggtotalwarrior, "you'll have to carry me."
    "Think so?" The man lifted his spear casually and drove the point through the boy's soft throat. ggggtotalwarrior never even had time to yield again. He jerked once, and that was all. When the man pulled his spear loose, blood sprayed out in a dark fountain. "Carry him, he says," he muttered, chuckling.

    Winner Round 9: Mr. Lannister (#423)
    "This was foul work" For once Roose Bolton's voice was loud enough to carry. "Where was the body found?"

    "Under that ruined keep, my lord," replied LordRenly. "The one with the old gargoyles." The boy's gloves were caked with Turin's blood. "I told him not to go out alone. but he said he had to find a man who owed him silver"

    "What man?" achudnow demanded. "Give me his name. Point him out to me, boy, and i will make you a cloak of his skin"

    "He never said, my lord. Only that he won the coin at dice" LordRenly hesitated. "It was some White Harbour men who taught dice. I couldn't say wich ones, but it was them."

    "My lord," boomed Mount Suribachi. "We know the an who did this. Killed this boy and all the rest. Not by his own hand, no. He is too fat and craven to do his own killing. But by his word." He turned to Mr.Lannister. "Do you deny it?"

    The Lord of White Harbour bit a sausage in half. "I confess. . ." He wiped the grease from his lips with his sleeves. ". . .I confess that i know little of this poor boy. achudnow's squire, was he not? How old was the lad?"

    "Nine, on his last nameday."

    "So young." said Mr.Lannister. "Though mayhaps this was a blessing. Had he lived, he would have grown up to be a Frey."

    Winner Round 10: Feanaro Curufinwe (#464)
    Instead ggggtotalwarrior went after Arrow2daknee. The players int the gallery had finally gotten both king and queen down to their name-day suits. With scarcely a moment's respite, they began to play a very different sort of song. No one sang the words, but ggggtotalwarrior knew ''The Rains of Castamere" when he heard them. Arrow2daknee was hurrying towards a door. He hurried faster, driven by the music. Six quick strides and he caught him. And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?
    He grabbed Arrow2daknee by the arm to turn him and went cold all over when he felt the iron rings beneath his silken sleeve. ggggtotalwarrior slapped him so hard he broke his lip. Gallus, he thought, and Captain Zoran,achudnow, all absent. And Pinkie Pie wept...

    Arrow2daknee shoved him aside. The music drowned all other sound, echoing off the walls as if the stones themselves were playing. Trot gave Arrow2daknee an angry look and moved to block his way... and staggered suddenly as a quarrel sprouted from his side, just beneath the shoulder. If he screamed then, the sound was swallowed by the pipes and horns and fiddles. ggggtotalwarrior saw a second bolt pierce his leg, saw him fall. Up in the gallery, half the musicians had crossbows in their hands instead of drums or lutes.

    He ran towards Trot, until something punched in the small of the back and the hard stone floor came up to slap him. ''Trot!" he screamed. He saw Mount Suribachi wrestle a table off its trestles. Crossbow bolts thudded into the wood, one two three, as he flung it down on top of his king. Hermod was ringed by Freys, their daggers rising and falling. Rafsanjohnny rose ponderously to his feet, holding a leg of lamb. A quarrel went in his open mouth and came out the back of his neck. Rafsajohnny crashed forward, knocking the table off its trestles and sending cups, flagons, trenchers, platters, turnips, beets and wine bouncing, spilling, and sliding across the floor.

    ggggtotalwarrior's back was on fire. I have to reach him. Mount Suribachi bludgeoned Dearg Doom across the face with a leg of mutton. But when he reached for his swordbelt a crossbow bolt drove him to his knees. In a coat of gold or coat of red, a lion still has claws. He saw donions cut down by Chris Perry. One of the Stannis Baratheons was hamstrung by jacb547 as he was wrestling with luke1608. And mine are long and sharp, my lord as long and sharp as yours.

    The crossbows took Prophet1331,warrior6 and half a dozen more. Young Thiril seized Fallen Angel Ezekiel by the arm, but ggggtotalwarrior saw him grab up a flagon of wine with his other hand, smash it full in his face, and run for the door. It flew open before he reached it. Blatta Optima Maxima pushed into the hall, clad in steel from helm to heel. A dozen Frey men-at-arms packed the door behind him. They were armed with heavy longaxes. ''Mercy!" ggggtotalwarrior cried, but horns and drums and the clash of steel smothered his plea. Blatta Optima Maxima buried the head of his axe in Fallen Angel Ezekiel's stomach.

    By then men were pouring in the other doors as, mailed men is shaggy fur cloaks with steel in their hands. Northmen! He took them for rescue for half a heartbeat, till one of them struck Mount Suribachi's head off with two huge blows of his axe. Hope blew out like a candle in a storm. In the midst of slaughter, Turin_Turambar sat on his carved oaken throne, watching greedily. There was a dagger on the floor a few feet away, Perhaps it had skittered there when Mount Suribachi knocked the table off its trestles, or perhaps it had fallen off a dying man. ggggtotalwarrior crawled towards it. His limbs were leaden, and the taste of blood was in his mouth. I will kill Turin_Turambar, he told himself. Sgt Noob was closer to the knife, hiding under a table, but he only cringed away as he snatched up the blade. I will kill Turin, I can do that much at least.

    Then the tabletop that Trot was under shifted, and Trot struggled to his knees. He had an arrow in his side, a second in his leg, a third through his chest. Turin raised a hand, and the music stopped, all but one drum. ggggtotalwarrior heard the crash of a distant battle, and closer the wild howling of a wolf. Grey Wind,he rememberedtoo late. ''Heh"Turin cackled at Trot, ''the King in the North arises. Seems we killed some of your men, Your Grace. Oh, but I'll make you an apology, that will mend them all again heh"

    ggggtotalwarrior grabbed a handful of Sgt. Noob's long grey hair and dragged him out of his hiding place. ''Turin!" he shouted. ''TURIN!" The drum beat slow and sonorous, doom doom doom. ''Enough" said ggggtotalwarrior ''Enough I say. You have repaid betrayal with betrayal, let it end." The drum went boom doom boom doom boom doom. Turin_Turambar peered at him in mistrust. ''Only a fool would believe such blather. Do you take me for a fool?"

    ''Keep me as a hostage. But let Trot go."
    Trot's voice was whisper faint. ''ggggtotalwarrior, no"

    ''Yes, get up and go."

    Turin_Turambar snorted. ''And why would i let him do that?" He pressed his blade deeper into Sgt. Noob's throat. He rolled his eyes at him in mute appeal. A foul stench assailed his throat but he paid it no more mind than he did the sullen pounding of that drum.
    Blatta Optima Maxima and jacb547 were circling round his back, but ggggtotalwarrior did not care.

    A man in dark armour and a pale pink cloak spotted with blood stepped up to Trot. ''Mr. Lannister sends his regards." He thrust the longsword through Trot's heart and twisted. Trot had broken his word but ggggtotalwarrior had kept his. He tugged hard on Sgt. Noob's hair and sawed at his neck until the blade grated on bone. Blood ran hot over his fingers. Sgt. Noob's little bells were ringing,ringing,ringing, and the drum went boom doom boom.

    Finally someone took the knife away from him. ''Mad" someone said, ''he's lost his wits." and someone else said ''Make an end" and a hand grabbed him from his scalp just as he had done to Sgt. Noob. Then the steel was at his throat and it's bite was red and cold.
    Winner Round 11:gaius1700 & ggggtotalwarrior (#491 & #492)
    jacb547 was a puppy born in Astapor.

    gaius1700 was Talysa Maegyr;s unborn child.

    let the game begin

    Round 1 starts now
    Last edited by Túrin_Turambar; August 13, 2013 at 09:21 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    i've just threw you out of the moondoor

  3. #3

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    I've just pushed you into the river

    Commanding House Baratheon of Dragonstone in War of the Throne

  4. #4
    Prophet1331's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Feb 2011

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    See you at your wedding, keep an eye on the singers and their instruments
    Last edited by Prophet1331; April 13, 2012 at 03:17 PM.
    Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens. Tywin Lannister

  5. #5

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Prophet1331 disappeared on the road, but atleast there is cake

  6. #6

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Beheaded for admitting to treason......

  7. #7
    Blatta Optima Maxima's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Free Democratic People's Republic of Latvia

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Crossbow in the toilet.

  8. #8
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Maxima has taken a dagger through the eye.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  9. #9
    Prophet1331's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Feb 2011

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    martin616 had a bad encounter with a wild boar
    Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens. Tywin Lannister

  10. #10

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Prophet1331 was just burnt at the stake.

    Commanding House Baratheon of Dragonstone in War of the Throne

  11. #11

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Chris Perry just died giving birth...
    Last edited by donions; April 13, 2012 at 04:34 PM.

  12. #12

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    donions has just been sacrificed in the sea in the name of the Drowned God

  13. #13
    Thiril's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Dearg Doom died of a minor, infected cut
    Gentlemen please, let's have a civilised discussion
    We can draw swords and pistols afterwards

  14. #14

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thiril View Post
    Dearg Doom died of a minor, infected cut
    thiril has been cooked in his armor trying to tame a dragon

  15. #15
    jacb547's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Thiril was given to R`hollor
    Last edited by jacb547; April 14, 2012 at 06:21 AM.
    "We all know whatmy brother would do. Robert would gallop up to the gates of Winterfell alone, break them with his warhammer, and ride through the rubble to slay Roose Bolton with his left hand and the Bastard with his right. I am not Robert. But we will march, and we will free Winterfell … or die in the attempt."

  16. #16

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    poor Thiril was killed twice but his murderers Warrior6 and jacb547 faced each other in a trial by combat. jacb457s head was smashed in by Warrior6s iron fist and Warrior6 died soon after because of the poisened spear in his chest

  17. #17
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Turin was killed by his "loyal" guard.
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; April 13, 2012 at 05:07 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  18. #18

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Quote Originally Posted by Túrin_Turambar View Post
    poor Thiril was killed twice but his murderers Warrior6 and jacb547 faced each other in a trial by combat. jacb457s head was smashed in by Warrior6s iron fist and Warrior6 died soon after because of the poisened spear in his chest

    *comes back as sir warrior strong*

    Quote Originally Posted by martin616 View Post
    Turin was killed by his "loyal" guard.

    martin has traded heads with his dog

  19. #19
    Prophet1331's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    warrior6 fell off a bridge
    Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens. Tywin Lannister

  20. #20

    Default Re: ASOIAF killing Game (SPOILERS for all books)

    Quote Originally Posted by Prophet1331 View Post
    warrior6 fell off a bridge
    Prophet1331 has had an unfortunate encounter with a Faceless man

    The King of River and Hills submod group weeps.

    Lead Writer on:
    The War of the Usurper Submod
    King of Rivers and Hills Submod

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