Welcome to the Scriptorium's Editorial for April! This month's issue will be quite shorter than last month's, as we are still working out the complete format for the editorial. There's much to look forward to in terms of articles though, April saw a hefty amount of new submissions.


Recent Articles
Below is a list of all articles added to the Scriptorium catalogs since the beginning of April 2011.

Recently Added Articles
April 2011
Creating Land Mass Added 06/4/11
Poetry Entries of Scriptorium Writing Competition 2011 Added 07/4/2011
Betrayal at Utsunomiya Added 07/4/2011
The origins of Japanese emperors Added 07/4/2011
Tea Ceremony Added 07/4/2011
The Red Robed General Added 07/4/2011
Diary of a Samourai Added 07/4/2011
Maiko Added 07/4/2011
A Samurai's Young Lesson Added 07/4/2011
... Just a Samurai Added 07/4/2011
Gregory VII and Henry IV and the Battle over Investiture Added 07/4/2011
Animation Tutorial Added 09/4/2011
Hamilcar Barca Added 09/4/2011
Campaign Mapping With Gimp Added 10/4/2011
Tool - NTW Data Checker Added 11/4/2011
How to Make a Panorama Added 11/4/2011
STW: Shimazu's Story Added 11/4/2011
Poem: The Hollow Home Added 17/04/2011
Poem: The Line Added 17/04/2011
Poem: Symbol of power Added 19/04/2011
Expanding The Campaign Map Added 19/04/2011
Famous Conquistadors of the Early-Mid 16th Century Added 24/04/2011
The Irrepressibles - Mirror Mirror (2010) Added 27/04/2011
Navigateable Rivers Added 28/04/2011
The Army of Carthage during Hannibal's time Added 29/04/2011

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Top News

The Scriptorium has seen a relatively peaceful and steady going month, with nothing out of the ordinary article submissions taking place. The team will soon begin work on the next writing competition though, planned to start sometime this July (hopefully on the 1st of July). Keep your eyes peeled!

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Other News

The Scriptorium is looking for one additional librarian to bolster their ranks. If anyone is interested, please PM Hader to express your interest. Include a brief statement of why you would like to be a librarian, and make sure you are ready to be active enough if you get the position. Becoming a librarian has no requirement beyond willingness to work, so don't let anything discourage you!

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Article Reviews

The Scriptorium will continue, and expand upon, its article reviews that you may have seen surface from time to time. April has one article review for now.

This review was written by Banned.
Osama's Dead Body

Scriptorium Article: Maiko
Author: Captain Jin

This exceedingly beautiful work of fiction is written by Captain Jin, who has been known for writing eloquent works in the past that have been valued for their depth and exquisiteness. The quality of the work here is so picturesque that even a live theatre performance would pale in comparison. The flow of the text is so smooth and genuine that it appears parallel to a rivulet of young dreams. And the precision of every description is so thoughtful that it’s barely just a reading experience.

But sometimes beauty can be coupled with tragedy. A perpetual bliss may be formed in the presence of the most vividly attractive object in the world, but the passage that leads to it may not be an easy one. The idea behind it is simple but the profundity it represents is complex. The story that propagates it is that of the experiences of a young Samurai who loves a maiko or an apprentice geisha in medieval Japan. His love is pure but not something undemanding. He is a warrior whose path is full of barriers. She is an entertainer who has to follow certain regulations. We have heard and seen in the past that love rewards those who are passionate enough to endure the compelling circumstances that can inflict damage upon it, but will these two lovers be able to put aside their liabilities and experience their shared passion for love? There’s only one way to find out.


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Closing Remarks

Apologies for the slightly shorter read this time around, not always as fun without a writing competition to talk about! The coming months for the Script should be interesting though, so don't lose too much faith in it just yet!

If you have any questions or comments, do feel free to PM Hader, or any other librarian.


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