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Thread: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

  1. #61
    demagogos nicator's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Thanks for sharing, units looks amazing

  2. #62
    NikeBG's Avatar Sampsis
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Your guy there certainly took quite some beating!

    Btw, didn't we already change those bright-red caps of the BG peasants? I remember it was one of my main whines a year or two ago.

  3. #63

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    I like high defensive values and prolonged battles. Casualties seems far to high - it will be more historicaly accurate with more taken prisoners than casualties (relativy low morale).

  4. #64
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    most casualities result after routing. they somehow didn´t count as prisoners. i for myself routed 4-6 enemy units and most casuaöties were inflicted there. the first quarter of my army routed after first intensive fighting (after 5 minutes) then the mid-tier units melted step by step. my cav was able to cause the same to the ai, but in the end they won the day.
    Last edited by _Tartaros_; April 21, 2015 at 11:28 AM.

  5. #65

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    It seems really strange... I'm waiting for video with whole battle, cause system seems interesting.

  6. #66
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    i´ve just recorded a battle between the eastern roman empire and the norman duchies and will upload later. about 4.000 soldiers with a fair mix of mainly infantry with all qualities and some superheavy cav on both side. the battle starts after 4 min and last about 20 minutes. you will see the low tier units rout , regroup and reattack, also the enemy try to attack my flanks and units from the back, hide reserves and attack weak spots. i´ve couldn´t use my cavalry as i wanted to and had to fix a unit of his best troops early on.

    difficulty - medium
    men deployed:
    ere 2053 - lost 1060 - remaining 963 - killed 983 (282)
    norman 1911 - lost 1281 - remaining 630 - killed 1137 (111)

    so about 50% of the enemy army could escape the battlefield or is catched up when fleeing. the normans killed(!) more soldiers than i was able to kill, but my recovery was fixing my numbers/losses.

    Last edited by _Tartaros_; April 22, 2015 at 02:18 AM.

  7. #67
    BarnicleBill1's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Well that was pretty cool, I like the length on the battles.

  8. #68

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    I like the units stats system, perfect lenght of battle. And units realy look awesome.

  9. #69
    NikeBG's Avatar Sampsis
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    I just love the BSG music. If we're using non-authentic one, remind me to post some more recommendations in the music thread (gotta go to work now).

  10. #70
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    yeah, i´m a big fan of bsg

    one thing that need more attention is the cavalry charge. it´s not that powerfull as it should be.
    atm it don´t push as deep as a full running horse should do. i´m experiment with the masseffect. i also like mods where horses interrupt any formations with there presence, if they ride through.

    looking at the video, only high tier units didn´t rout at all seems ok to me. the enemy general died early on, but his army keep fighting strong. most time units didn´t had much knowledge what happened in battle. regarding the routing/killing: if an army has no cav, the opponent could retreat quit alot of troops and fight back later. most units get all classes of interaction.
    Last edited by _Tartaros_; April 22, 2015 at 02:29 AM.

  11. #71

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Hi, thanks for detailed video
    I also like lenght of battles, but there are some things that I don't understand:
    - unit without any armour have 6 armour value, unit with chainmail (armour resistant to sword, spear and most of arrows) - 9 !?
    - varangian guard shield bonus counts also when using secondary weapon (2-handed axe) - so when using secondary weapon they seem to be overpowered (larger attack + shield bonus) comparing to shield + sword/spear infantry
    - mounted and dismounted units have same defence statistics - despite unarmoured horses were much more vulnerable to attack

    Prisoners: casualties ratio is still ubelievable but maybe this is cause of lack of light cavalry suitable for pursuing.

    In my moddification I use high mass of horses (descr_mount file) - 300 kg hobby/mongolian horse has mass 15(!), reinessance barded horse - 32. Thanks to such huge values charging horses can overthrow infantry but not necessairly kill all of them - there is fine animation of rising men Unfortunately there is also animation that I really hate - sometimes men are thrown up into the air (I hope It is possible to remove It).
    Last edited by Wareg; April 22, 2015 at 04:19 PM.

  12. #72
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    thanks for the feedback,

    regarding the mass of horses - i will try this and see how this work.

    @the stats, i used the battle_config.xml and leave the vanilla tgc stats as it was. so i couldn´t say much about this stats you see in the video - but i see your point i can´t say for sure, but tgc will use unitupgrades alot. so if the first tier unit seems to have no amour, this could change after the upgrades. in the end you have an amoured unit.

  13. #73
    Marvzilla's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Great videos, thanks for sharing. The cavalry charge is definetely too weak at the moment, at times it looks like they get stuck on enemy infantry and they do a full stop before crashing into the ranks of the enemy. The units are all beautiful.

  14. #74

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    So stats I've seen in video aren't real stats?

  15. #75
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Quote Originally Posted by Wareg View Post
    So stats I've seen in video aren't real stats?
    TGC will be unique in almost all feature including unit stats!
    Absinthia, Matthaeus and finally Koultouras searched deaply in stats creations and came along with a spesialised logic of unit stats.
    Now Tartaros discovered more stats options and we will add those discoveries in to our mod.
    No unit will be the "same" in anyone else in game when the mod will be released.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  16. #76

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Quote Originally Posted by AnthoniusII View Post
    TGC will be unique in almost all feature including unit stats!
    Absinthia, Matthaeus and finally Koultouras searched deaply in stats creations and came along with a spesialised logic of unit stats.
    Now Tartaros discovered more stats options and we will add those discoveries in to our mod.
    No unit will be the "same" in anyone else in game when the mod will be released.
    what do u mean by stats? atack,def,armor?

  17. #77
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Quote Originally Posted by thekingsmen View Post
    what do u mean by stats? atack,def,armor?
    Melee, range, fatique, armor, spesial abillities all...
    I want to remind you our Lombard archers example:
    They will have a realy leathal bow in long range (the best archers in the west).
    But they will have a small knife and no armor at all! archers they will be superb!
    As melee fighters though they will be the easiest targets in game!
    So...every player must have deep knowlege of his roster...inorder to use each of his/her units properly!
    Continuing that example, Lombards have a lot of heavy infantry. So..keeping your Lombard archers safe from enemy infantry and cavalry will allow you use their extra bow power!
    Forget to protect them and you will loose tham for sure even from the most humble infantry unit in game!
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  18. #78

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Quote Originally Posted by AnthoniusII View Post
    Melee, range, fatique, armor, spesial abillities all...
    I want to remind you our Lombard archers example:
    They will have a realy leathal bow in long range (the best archers in the west).
    But they will have a small knife and no armor at all! archers they will be superb!
    As melee fighters though they will be the easiest targets in game!
    So...every player must have deep knowlege of his roster...inorder to use each of his/her units properly!
    Continuing that example, Lombards have a lot of heavy infantry. So..keeping your Lombard archers safe from enemy infantry and cavalry will allow you use their extra bow power!
    Forget to protect them and you will loose tham for sure even from the most humble infantry unit in game!
    wow,promising,cant wait to se oe it feels ingame

  19. #79

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    I think you misundarstood me, AnthoniusII - I know that units will have unique statistics.
    Tartaros wrote: "... so i couldn´t say much about this stats you see in the video" - hence my question, I simply don't understand why stats I've seen in unit description from Tartaros' video aren't true statistics of units (?!). If I'm still unclear, probably due to language barrier, I will try to explain It again, in another words

  20. #80

    Default Re: The Great Conflicts: Videos [Magyars promo video released].

    Quote Originally Posted by Wareg View Post
    hence my question, I simply don't understand why stats I've seen in unit description from Tartaros' video aren't true statistics of units (?!).
    because the EDU, which contain the various unit stats, has not been completely balanced as the rosters are not finished.
    EDU entries has been set to the correct weapons and such, but armor, mass, cost, morale etc. are yet to be fixed. for now entries has been copied from units with similar functions, so an unarmored unit might have stats for cataphracts and vice versa.
    Hr. Alf han hugg til han var mod, Han sto i femten Ridderes Blod; Så tog han alle de Kogger ni Og sejlede dermed til Norge fri. Og der kom tidende til Rostock ind, Der blegned saa mangen Rosenkind. Der græd Enker og der græd Børn, Dem hadde gjort fattig den skadelige Ørn.
    Anders Sørensen Vedel

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