A Guide to the CVRIA
This has been your Curial Guide. If you've got anything to add or change, just PM the Consul, the Censors or the acting Consul. Thanks again to The Sundance Kid, Pontifex Maximus and Shyam. Edited by Hotspurand, Soulghast. Redrafted by a Committee consisting of: Major Darling, Empress Meg, Mega Tortas de Bodemloze, Nole4694, Lysimachus. Revised again in October 2011 by Major Darling. Further given revisions by Okmin in January 2012. Given revision and corrections in August 2012 by Major Darling. Given further revisions in September 2014 by Major Darling and Shankbot de Bodemloze. Updated and revised again in 2019 by Hader.