I'm currently using the following conventions, though I'm obviously not viewing this as the Mosaic law or anything:

  • [1] - An edit. This makes it easy for people to comment on changes without having to quote the entire section, and will also make it easier to differentiate betwee non-substansive changes, and those that would require a Curial amendment.
  • Added text - Any additional text entered by the editor.
  • Deleted text - Anything from the original document that's been deleted.
  • - When the order of two paragraphs has been inverted.
  • [A] - Additional comments on an entire section.

Also, when providing reasons for the changes, I've used the following shorthand:

  • # - Superfluity
  • £ - Consistency
  • sp - Spelling error
  • g - Grammatical error
  • "1 - Ditto point 1
  • Italics - A general policy