Hey guys, well i just wanted to let you LOTR fans know that my best friends mod/sub mod for TATW! Im gonna tell you about some of the new skins, units, and ect.

-We have new castle skins for castles such as Minis Tirith,Edoras, Mordor castles, and ect.
-We have 5 new units 1 for Gondor, 1 for Rohan,3 units for both SE, and HE
-A new campaign and Custom battle playing mode
- A new campaign mode where you can select what faction, and then have a chance to pick 8 units for your main castle then it automaticly picks units for your other estates.
- Trolls power lev decreased by 4%, and Rohans Calvry increased by 4%.
- A new Custom where you can play where you get to be either The Old gondor in the last alliance of men and Elves, And you can also play as Elves, and Mordor. And the Graphics are the same as the Normal Unit graphics. And there is about 10-15 units for each old faction! And we've added new abbilities for the Elves, where the 2 handed swordsmen can do a new speacial abbility!

This is not all of it just some of what we've done, and this mod might be done by June so please tell me what you think, and i will right some more details,PEACE!