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Thread: [BC AAR] - Memiors of a Negus

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    Default [BC AAR] - Memiors of a Negus

    Hello all,
    This is my second shot at an AAR my first was with SS and it was called Heathens. But here is my second chance and this time I will try my best to follow. This AAR will be centered around Makuria and its Negus's ( or King's). My idea is that every Chapter will come to you from another. Negus or Leader of Makuria and his personal thoughts and feelings of how the kingdom is going. You will only see the battle's the Negus is in (sometimes you will see Battles of very important battles). My main goal is to pass down the Memoirs from one Negus to another until the AAR is complete. I will be updating every week hopefully please enjoy and give me feedback! thank you and enjoy

    Memoir's from a Negus


    (Written in haste) Well this is a fitting way to die on the battle field with my men. Melku if you are reading this I have died in battle fighting to expand your now kingdom please to not be mad at me. I know I have not always been a good father to you but take this book and remember me and what I really thought about you. I have always loved you and will to my dying breath.... Now it is time for you to be the Negus lead out people to victory and expand the kingdom.... With this I am writing my last words in life.... You are now King of Makuria.... Make me proud son. - Negus Menaka , no date added ( Menaka passed before finishing)

    Chapter 1 Negus Melku
    It is 1174 and today I was Crowned Negus and leader of the people of Makuria.

    Though I am Happy I am also sadden to hear of my fathers passing at the hands of Those Ethiopian’s. As the new Negus I fully intend to wage war against the Ethiopians and unite all the people of the lower Nile delta. War has plagued the lands of east Africa for to long. I will Be Negus over all in the lower Nile delta. - Negus Melku May 11th, 1174

    My son David has just married a jewel of Fares named Astea. All my noble friends from around the kingdom were present. This marriage celebration was a great chance for me to council with my nobles about expanding the kingdom. We agreed the attack should be placed on Qasr ibrm a Slum town full of thieves and bandits. They said they would all put some money into the war effort if it is successful. I decided that I would send David to take care of Qasr ibrm. While I with the mass of the army will head South east and take Meroe and the riches that await me there. Oh the party has just got better I must join the Celebration!!- Negus Melku Sept.29 1174

    (Two months after.....)

    It is hot out here and the cover from my tent does not help! Two months after my son's marriage celebration, and one too many drinks. I am outside this arid plain besieging Meroe. I do miss my warm bed- Negus Melku, November 3, 1174

    Messenger came to me that a man named Saladin has killed all out friends to the north in Egypt and now controls it hmmm... maybe he will be our friend only time will tell- Negus Melku (January 15,1175)
    Couple days later...
    Today I received great news. David was able to take Qasr Ibrim (thank God he is alright!) - Negus Melku (January 31, 1175)

    March 3, 1175
    Today we will attack the town and destroy those who oppose us. I pray to god he blesses us with a victory- Negus Melku

    Melku gives a speech to rally the men

    Makurian Ram attacks the gate

    The battle

    Later that night and after the battle March 3, 1175

    Quick Victory!!! As it should be. My soldiers fought like Lions of the Bush. Well time for celebration I cannot let my generals out drink me!!!- Negus Melku

    September 25-1175

    With the expansion of the kingdom the construction of buildings, roads and churches. Occupation of both Meroe and Qasr ibrm. My nobles have presented me with a patronage. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! It is good to be the Negus- Negus Melku September 25-1175

    February 21 1176

    It seems the time of peace has come to an end as two of the neighboring kingdoms have banned together and declared war against us and Egypt. Spies send word that they both build large armies and are preparing to defend there kingdoms.

    One of them is led by an Ethiopian and enemy that killed my father in the battle for Axum. His name which is forbidden in my kingdom is Zacharias. I will gather all my armies to destroy him if it is the last thing I do!!! - Negus Melku

    Jan 2, 1178

    Finally after 2 years I have gathered enough fighting men from the entire kingdom to march on the Axumites and Destroy Zacharias. We set off onto honor my father- Negus Melku
    (In the Deserts marching in Ethiopia searching for Zacharias)

    February 10th, 1179

    I have adopted into my family a general named Sarbamon is loved by all the men and women back home in Dongola. Also if anything were to happen to me or my son he would be a fitting ruler. Almost forgot to write this down I have a grandson. Named Yusap, David's first born I cannot wait to see him- Negus Melku

    (After chasing Zacharias all over Axum, Zacharias was able to gather a bunch of veteran warriors and now stands on the offensive)

    April 2, 1179

    After a year of searching I have found the Dog!!!! No time to write must plan a Strategy- Negus Melku

    The battle lasted 3 hours.... many Makurians and Ethiopians (Axumites) died.

    A stray arrow struck Zacharias in this neck hurling him to the floor dead.

    The Remaining Ethiopians seeing the leader dead fled the field.

    Later that night in the War camp of Negus Melku...

    WHAT A VICTORY!!!!! Only thru God's gracias was I able to lead my men to victory. With Zacharias now dead and food for the vultures. I will take his castle and Axum and make it my own. Well after a little celebration with the men!!!- Negus Melku

    April 10th, 1179 (outside the gates of Axum)
    ...... Wow it has been a week and I still have a hangover from all the celebrating. Well now I have directed my men for the Siege. I wonder what my son’s are doing. Knowing David probably instructing Yusup on the arts of war. And Sarbamon flirting with all the ladies of Dongola- Negus Melku

    February 2nd, 1180

    I hate Siege a castle they take forever to starve people out of them why wont this Axumites Surrender, any way some good news Sarbamon is finally settling down and married a young women named Makda my niece, I wish them the best- Negus Melku

    Only 1 day later....

    February 3rd. 1180
    Alright can’t wait anymore!! Time for battle my council insures me we will be victorious. If I can’t starve these Axumites out of Axum I will cut them out- Negus Melku

    Victory once again! With this castle my kingdom expands but still my task is not done until all the people of the lower Nile call me Negus- Negus Melku

    (With the death of the Ethiopian King Zacharias all his provinces rebel and declare them selves sovereign and start raid attacks on Makurian merchants and travelers)

    March 10 1180
    Spies bring word of a raider settlement which 90% of the raids are coming from east of Axum named Massawa. I will build an army and destroy these raiders. - Negus Melku

    2 years after preparing a new army in Axum....

    March 7 1182
    Time has come for the Ethiopian raiders in Massawa to be punished. We Besiege there Slums! But enough about war good news since my last entry is that I have a new grandson Discorus I cannot wait to see my family it has been almost 4 years since I left the Capital Dongola and the comforts of my palace- Negus Melku

    November 2nd 1182

    Joyous and Serious time for me, the joyous occasion is that while on the war path I have a new born son (good sign that he will be a warrior). His name is Thedosious, A new heir how happy I am. Now the serious business is I have to spill blood today we attack Massawa this afternoon- Negus Melku

    5pm that same day.....

    Victory....With the capture of Massawa, all the people judged and proven guilty of raiding the roads of Makuria were put to death. I did this to make an example of what would happen to those that keep up this form of banditry. We also sacked the city taking all its stolen treasure to give back to the merchants and people that lost it.

    (While garrisoned in Massawa)

    December 2nd, 1182

    A foreign merchant that had been living in Massawa with the raiders as a slave trader. Came to my court today to ask if I would be interested in sending the Massawa raiders into slavery and he said I would be handsomely rewarded for this. He said also if I collected up all the poor and destitute as slaves I would be rewarded as well. When he told me these things I was enraged and told the foreign merchant to leave my kingdom or I would feed him to the lions of the bush. I wonder to other kingdoms practice this type of betrayal to there own people and send there people to work in other kingdoms as slaves? Or do all these foreign countries want to come enslave my people? - Negus Melku

    January 17th, 1182

    I have decided to return home to Dongola and visit my family. While on march back to Dongola I will put up watch towers to protect the roads. Negus Melku

    No date, 1183

    Almost home.... I am getting to old for all this marching and the war Campaigns are too much for my old bones. I think when I get home I will give my son and heir David the control of the army. Oh... almost forgot he has a new son named Zacharias. (Thought it odd that he would name his son the same name as my old enemy)- Negus Melku

    March 20th, 1184

    After almost 6 years campaigning in Ethiopia I return home. A large parade was set up for me on my return by my adopted son Sarbamon (who was a pleasant surprise to see at the palace) and my council nobles. After this show of loyalty from Sarbamon I think I will make him second-in-command behind David of the army. .... It is really cold in this palace-Negus

    1 year later....

    March 1st 1185

    David and Sarbamon now commanders of the armies of Makuria. Joined there two armies in Qasr Ibrim, With David leading the armies they plan on taking the Egyptian break away kingdom of Nubia and take there Castle Aswan. The bad news is Egypt is gathering armies across the Nile to re take Aswan and destroy the Nubian rebels. If my Leul's (meaning princes) are to take Aswan they most move quickly- Negus Melku

    September 1185

    With my two sons David and Sarbamon besieging Aswan and fighting the Nubian rebels in Aswan province. My wife has ordered all children of the royal family must come to our palace to be looked after by her and her stewards. That includes my new son Abebe (he is a thinker) and Sarbamon's new Daughter Adanech. Tell the truth I am feeling like those Nubians in Aswan besieged by children in my own palace. - Negus Melku (A happy Father and Grandfather)

    No date, 1186

    Ok my son is having too many kids he just had another daughter named Desta. Even thought very pretty my palace is full of snot nosed children- Negus Melku (Tired father and grand father)

    June 2nd, 1188

    Victory! For my brave sons David and Sarboman, the Nubian rebels starving from three years of being under siege sallied forth in a desperate attempt to break our makurian army. The battle was fierce but David was able to Snatch victory from the Nubians and sacked the city! Maybe now they can come get all these brats that have torn up my palace. Only good thing has been Sarbomans new baby Asisa.-Negus Melku

    1 year after the great victory at Aswan....

    January 10 1189

    Spies have sent me word that another slum down in Ethiopia has declared war on our great kingdom. The wave the flag of the old Ethiopian king Zacharias the one I destroyed in the Axum campaign a few years back. I have Dispatched David to take half the army from Aswan and Rendezvous with conscripts from our castle in Axum out side the gats of Debarwa and destroy them. If David can some how be victorious I will be Ruler over all people in East Africa. - Negus Melku

    February 11th 1190

    The good news is David lays seige to Debarwa, he had little skirmishes with the Ethiopian rabble but he now is out side there capital's gates. The bad news is I have become very ill and do not think I will see the day when all east Africa is united under one kingdom. I pray that time will not take me before our final victory- Negus Melku

    September 20th 1190

    My son has won again! This Victory is by far the greatest victory that my kingdom has ever had. Now that we control all the Tribes of east Africa. I am now king of all those in the lower Nile delta. Now with a strong Son's, a united east Africa, roads and buildings of all sorts coming up around the country I can now Rest in peace- Negus Melku

    June 8th 1191,

    One of my last task as king is to make an alliance with the Christian kings of Jerusalem and this was managed due to a good friend of mine Balkan De Ibelin. He was able to convince the king of Jerusalem to ally them with us. Only thing I hope that this does not upset Saladin and his regime in Egypt.

    (Negus Melku on his death bed)

    March 21 1192

    Time has come for me. I write these Memoirs not for me anymore but for you my son David. Negus of Makuria, lead out people in peace and in war the same way. When in peace always remember the lowest peasant is equal to the highest noble. Also in war the way you treat a lowly enemy soldier you should try and high ranking enemy. Please remember the words I speak and lead with courage. I will be watching from the heavens. David you are now Negus of Makuria- A proud father Melku

    Two months later....

    Next update David the Conquerer!!!!!

    Saladin Watch your back!

    Conquered Darthmod Empire Total war World Domination

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  2. #2

    Default Re: [BC AAR] - Memiors of a Negus

    I like this AAR. I played as Makuria not too long ago in Broken Crescent, and they were by far one of my favorite factions!

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