Hello everyone,

Since I have been hired to keep an eye on this section, I will from now on be your friendly in neighborhood moderator/"sheriff" of the STW/MTW-section (local moderator) and I thought that I should introduce myself so that you guys that hang out here got a chance to know me a little better.

Well, I started my TW-career back in 2000 with STW, when MTW was released in 2002 I got hooked on that as well. I have played these two games way more than what is healthy for me and also I played all the other and later TW-games to various extents, including ETW. STW is my personal all time favorite TW-game in general, while I mod MTW.

I have been modding MTW since about 2004-2005 and have released a major mod for MTW, MTW-redux which was first released to the public in the summer of 2008. Finally, I have been a member of the TWC since September 2008.

If you need some help, have requests or anything like that concerning this section, just send me a PM and I’ll see what I can do for you. In the mean time I’ll be busy hunting badguys and cleaning up this section - meaning polishing up the pillars and chasing away the rats of this place for you guys….

- Cheers